View Full Version : [PF]Homebrew Template, what CR+?

2014-01-29, 02:07 PM
Ok, for a campaign I'm running I've been bouncing around some ideas for homebrew encounters. This one is intended to be applied to an evil cleric (and boss), but possibly also to other NPCs, so I was wondering about how high of a CR adjustment this custom template is. And also if anything seems overpowered, broken, or exploitable.Dark Soul

CR: ?
Alignment: Any evil.
Type: The creature's type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.
Senses: A Dark Soul gains the see in darkness ability.
Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. As undead, Dark Souls use their Charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution).
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Cha +4, Dex +4, Wis +4. As an undead creature, a Dark Soul has no Constitution score.

Defensive Abilities: A Dark Soul retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities, in addition to those granted by the undead type. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.
Shadow Form (Ex):
-A Dark Soul can shift into a mass of dark energy at will, gaining the incorporeal type, though it cannot cast spells or make physical attacks while in this state. Resuming or cancelling this ability is a swift action.
Cloak of Shadows (Su):
-The Dark Soul gains a deflection bonus to Armor Class equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +1), even when not it it's Shadow Form.
Reflexive Fade (Ex):
-When attacked, a Dark Soul can choose to shift into its Shadow Form as an immediate action. Doing so staggers it for 1 round unless it makes a successful Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + the damage taken from the initial attack.
Dark Resilience (Ex):
-A Dark Soul's spirit is especially tenacious, giving it a profane bonus to all saving throws equal to it's Charisma bonus (minimum of +1).
Channel Resistance (Ex):
-A Dark Soul has Channel resistance +4.

Special Attacks: A Dark Soul gains several special attacks. Save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 Dark Souls HD + Dark Soul's Charisma modifier unless otherwise noted.
Shadow Lash (Su):
-While in it's Shadow Form, a Dark Soul can strike out with shadowy tendrils at a foe within 15 feet as a standard action, inflicting 1d6 negative energy and 1 point of bleed damage for every 2 HD the Dark Soul possesses. This is a ranged touch attack that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the bleed.
Darkblade (Su):
-As a move action, a Dark Soul can create a weapon it is proficient with out of shadowy energy. This weapon has an +1 Enhancement bonus for every 2 HD (maximum +10) of the Dark Soul. These bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: called, frost, icy burst, keen, unholy, grayflame, speed, or wounding. If separated from the Dark Soul for more than 3 rounds, this weapon vanishes.
Consume (Su): Much like it's Daemonic progenitors, a Dark Soul can feed upon the life essence of living souls. As a standard action, it can attempt to draw out the life force of a dying creature within 30 feet. If successful, the target is slain and the Dark Soul gains 1d8 temporary hitpoints per HD of the creature slain, up to a maximum total of twice the Dark Soul's hit dice. This is a death effect. Will negates.

2014-01-29, 06:14 PM
I'm not used to PF templating, but I'd guess around +4 CR, as it has an awfully awesome package of things.

Shadow Form should be modified so a Dark soul can't start its turn incorporeal, turn real as a free action, attack, then turn back incorporeal as a free action. Thus being always incorporeal outside of its own turn.

2014-01-29, 07:06 PM
I'm not used to PF templating, but I'd guess around +4 CR, as it has an awfully awesome package of things.
Yah. It's meant for a BBEG that will stand up to some heavy hitting PCs, possibly with NPC backup. I expect it to be fairly strong, I was just trying to get a general opinion on it's overall power and also any flaws it has. I've found it's best to use CR as more a rough guideline than a hard rule.

This party's punching a fair bit above their weight, and can take a little more heat than I've been throwing at em, so far. A well optimized Magus for damage, a god wizard (Conjuration) who is being downright twisted with spell creativity, and a tanky paladin to round off the party capabilities. They're at the level where they can afford a rez, now. So I can afford to toss some nasties at them. Especially since this is going to be a major boss they'll fight well down the line. Sorting algorithm of evil... they must kill ze flunkies first.

Shadow Form should be modified so a Dark soul can't start its turn incorporeal, turn real as a free action, attack, then turn back incorporeal as a free action. Thus being always incorporeal outside of its own turn.

Good point, that. I intended for that form to be either "screw walls, I go through them" or "Ow! Ok, defensive mode time!" I'll change it to a swift action. That also prevents it from cycling off the form the turn after using it's Fade (which I put in there so it can shrug off some of a heavy hit, yet still be punished for it).

*EDIT* Also lowered the overall stat boosts it gets but made the Darkblade a move action, rather than a standard.