View Full Version : Changling Rogue/ninja/cleric help

2014-01-29, 11:52 PM
Hi all,

so im about to join a game starting at lvl 1 (no idea how long it will run).

the dm says hell mostly use fayrun settings and deities but has okayed changeling as a race and has said if i can work it as a traveller from another land i could use an ebberon deity or a fayrun one.

most of the other players are going to be new so i was figuring on aiming at something that's more of a party face / spy backed up with a good chunk of cleric casting so that i can buff them before fights and heal them after.

was also intending to use guidance of the avatar to auto pass disable device/ open lock and craft alchemy/poison.

so the vague build i had in mind was 1 changeling rouge/1 ninja/18 cloistered cleric and take feats like intuitive attack, craven, sacred outlaw and dalkstalker to keep the sneaky intact.

also 2 flaws are available.

any advice on build/deities

2014-01-30, 02:25 AM
I guess you are not taking the changeling rogue substitution levels that give 10+Int x 4 Skill points as that would lose the necessary sneak attack?

I think Spellthief 1 could be better than ninja 1 and gives actual sneak attack, not sudden strike.

Arcane Trickster can progress divine casting and taking the spell domain for Anyspell and Greater Anyspell technically qualifies, but I would ask the DM before taking that just in case the unusual flavor discourages him/her.

2014-01-30, 02:33 AM
Ninja is clearly here for the Wis to AC.

2014-01-30, 03:23 AM
I guess you are not taking the changeling rogue substitution levels that give 10+Int x 4 Skill points as that would lose the necessary sneak attack?

I will be taking the racial substiution as you retain sneak attack. you lose trapfinding and gain social intuition and the skill points :p

I think Spellthief 1 could be better than ninja 1 and gives actual sneak attack, not sudden strike.

i got my dm to house rule it as actual sneak attack as it sorta makes the build viable at all while probably not being game breaking strong

Arcane Trickster can progress divine casting and taking the spell domain for Anyspell and Greater Anyspell technically qualifies, but I would ask the DM before taking that just in case the unusual flavor discourages him/her.
not for this game but i have a diffrent game thats all cheese all the time and i will probably use this THANK YOU Rebel7284 :D (that game gets quite silly)

Ninja is clearly here for the Wis to AC.
ding ding ding. i was considering taking another level at 6 ish cause invisable for 1 round as a swift action 1 + wis mod times a day sounds fun and will let me do batman exits from social situations :p

oh i should probably add that sacred outlaw makes rogue and cleric levels stack for sneak attack so 3 rouge/2 cleric gets 3 d6 sneak attack. but you need 2d6 sneak attack to qualify.

2014-01-30, 07:08 AM
You could look at Spellwarp Sniper (Complete Scoundrel p64).

Finding Cleric spells you can actually Warp is hard, but the class gives you a few skills, 5/5 casting, +2d6 sneak (though only with Rays) and Precise Shot.

Maybe you should consider Beguiler ? It has all of the social skills and spells. You can add in some cleric flavour with Arcane Disciple or even Divine Oracle.
If you really want to cover the healbot role you could pick up Spontaneous Healer (assuming you have already grabbed Arcane Disciple(Healing)) or even aim for Combat Medic (Heroes of Battle, p99).

2014-01-30, 08:00 AM
Shadowbane Stalker from Complete Adventurer could help. It's good for Rogue/Cleric combo characters. It supports divine casting (8/10 progression, but you can forget the last two levels if you want to get 7/8), gives some more sneak attack and other small bonuses for sneaky character. 6+int skillpoints per level also help to remain sneaky and all that.

2014-01-30, 09:49 AM
If you go by the "cabal" adaptation of Shadowcraft Mage, it pay also be a reasonable choice. Cloak of Shadow is very flavorful (and powerful!) for a rogue and the ability to greatly expand your spell list by spontaneously casting wizard spells is amazing. Requires some specific domains to get silent image. Only a 3 level investment too!

Of course, as with most cleric characters, making your buffs last all day with Divine Metamagic [Persistent Spell] is great.