View Full Version : 3.5: A "nature" wizard?

2014-01-30, 06:12 AM
Wondering if there's an option for this sort of wizard in 3.5. A nature-based wizard with some druid flavor, similar to the Wood Elementalist that PF has.

The character in question would be going green, worshiping a nature god (either Ehlonna or Obad-Hai, haven't picked yet), and would almost seem like a druid in attitude. Only going wizard because I like their spells better. xD

Originally thought of the Arcane Hierophant, but that's a theurge class. I'm looking for pure arcane casting.

Figured there'd be some stuff that can be done with this. Any thoughts?

2014-01-30, 06:31 AM
Nothing prevents a wizard from worshipping a nature deity. If you want your spells to look more druid-like, you could use Spell Thematics (PGtF) to make your spells look like vines. You'd have Dark Vines instead of Black Tentacles, etc. You could also pick up the ACF from UA that gives you an animal companion instead of a familiar.

2014-01-30, 06:58 AM
There's the Wilderness Companion (UA, p 58) ACF, available for both Wizards and Sorcerers, which gives you an Animal Companion.

Also there are the Domain Granted power (CC, p 53) and Domain Wizard (UA, p 57) Wizard ACFs, or the similar Domain Access (CC, p 52) Sorcerer ACF, which allow you to grab a domain. The Arcane Disciple feat is another option. Just pick suitable nature domains (Animal, Plant, Weather, etc.)

After this it's just a case of spell selection.

2014-01-30, 07:26 AM
I'ma just toss this out there, but how about druid? Druids, as a rule, have been known to be rather like druids.

2014-01-30, 08:46 AM
Wu Jen from Complete Arcane fits I think.

Alternatively, you could look at the Archivist from Heroes of Horror (especially with the Archivist of Nature feat). The Archivist may be divine but they are a very int-based class with a very wide range of spells.