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View Full Version : Tips for Upcoming Campaign?

Zach J.
2014-01-30, 09:14 AM
So I sometimes game with a group of guys on Saturday nights. I've taken a bit of a hiatus from them for the last couple of months because of work and the fact that I don't enjoy their games very much. There's one guy who usually runs games and he's recently started a first edition Jadeclaw game, but he's been saying he'd like to play for a while now.

I decided I could run a short Pathfinder campaign. In it the players will play an adventuring group of dragons living in a world where their kind live in fear of an extremely powerful, well-armed group of dragon slayers. These adventurers make their home in a pocket plane. The PCs have been chosen because they represent an oddity among dragonkind: rather than be content with terrorizing their immediate territory and amassing as much of a horde as possible, they would rather wander the world looking for powerful magic items, challenging fights, etc.

There are five players at the moment. Each will play one type of young adult chromatic dragon. I'm allowing only one archetype for their chosen class. I'm worried about power disparities so if I should adjust class levels let me know.

The Party so far...
LE Young Adult Black Dragon Druid or Ranger 5
LE Young Adult Blue Dragon Qinggong Monk 3
LE Young Adult Green Dragon Unknown Class 4
CE Young Adult Red Dragon Barbarian or Fighter 2
CE Young Adult White Dragon Unknown Class 6

I've told spellcasters they'll be far behind their non-dragon counterparts...

Not sure how I'll stat out the dragon slayers yet. I'd like them to be a classic five person party: a dwarf fighter, a halfling rogue, a human cleric, an elf wizard and a gnome bard. One may be a demi-god (mythic).

I'm slated to run the first session in two weeks. I imagine the first session will be almost entirely role-play as the dragons meet at a draconmoot (big gathering of dragonkind). I'd like to throw a couple combat sessions in too: one more easy so the players can appreciate how powerful they already are and one a little more challenging.

Oko and Qailee
2014-01-30, 09:32 AM
Do the players know about the 5 man party already?

Some thing that I think would make a good start is to have a decently large number of low level humans break into the dracomoot to slay dragons. Some dragons flee, but obviously the PC's decide to show those uppity humanoids what a human is to a dragon. It also serves for decent foreshadowing that people will hunt and try to slay them.

Zach J.
2014-01-30, 09:41 AM
I came up with the idea in a bs session with one of the players. He knows about the party, but I'm not going to announce their existence in the game. They're more of a legend, like a boogie-man. However, most dragons have realized that some of the oldest wyrms have gone missing. It's assumed they've been killed, but it's possible that the adventurers have one or more of the orbs of dragonkind. I like your idea concerning the attack on the moot.

Zach J.
2014-01-30, 01:43 PM
Does anyone have ideas for an appropriate challenge for 5 young adult dragons?

Oh, and it hasn't come up yet, but do sorcerer levels stack with a dragon's natural spellcasting ability?