View Full Version : [3.5]Ardent Gish Build Help

2014-01-30, 01:55 PM
I'm trying to put a build together for a Shapechanging ardent. Currently the mantles I'm looking at are Freedom(dominate), Physical Power, Energy, and Time. With the substitute powers afc my relevant powers are

Physical Power
1: claws of the beast
1: Expansion
4: metamorphos
7: fission
8: fusion
9: greater metamorphois

1: Dimesion Hop
2: psionic lion's charge
2: Hustle
5: Freedom of Movement
5: teleport
8: Greater Teleport

3: time hop
5: anticipatory strike
6: Tempral Acceleration

2: Energy Missle
9: Tornado Blast

Euradite 1: Vigor, Inertal Armor
Ardent 1: Dimesion Hop, claws of the beast
Ardent 2: Hustle
Ardent 3: Energy Missle
Ardent 4: Psionic lion's charge
Ardent 5: Expansion
Ardent 6: Metamorphos
Ardent 7: Time Hop
Ardent 8: Freedom of Movement
Ardent 9: Teleport
Ardent 10: Tempral Acceleration
Warshaper 1
Anarchic Initiate 1: fission
Warshaper 2
Anarchic Initiate 2: Greater Teleport
Anarchic Initiate 3: Anticipatory strike
Anarchic Initiate 4: greater metamorphois
Warshaper 3
Anarchic Initiate 5: fusion
Anarchic Initiate 6: Tornado Blast

I still need a few more feats, we get them at every odd level, but so far I have
1 Overchannel
Euradite 1 Psicrystal Affinity(Nimble), Hidden Talent(Metaphysical Claw)
3 Practiced Manifester
5 Linked Power
7 Metamorphic Transfer

Still looking for a race to use was leaning toward synad since they have the quicken power once per day but not sure yet. Any suggestions for feats for this build or any other must have powers that I missed?

2014-01-30, 03:03 PM
Synad seems fine. If you're going for Synad, especially with your generous feat setup, are you thinking of grabbing Rapidstrike?

2014-01-30, 03:29 PM
You can Psychic Reformation out Overchannel once you have Wild Surge from Anarchic Initiate, as from then on it will meet its own prerequisite for you.

Multiattack and Improved Multiattack would be useful if you plan to use forms with a lot of natural weapons. Otherwise Power Attack and possibly Leap Attack would be good if you plan to use humanoid forms like Bladerager Troll (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20070705b&page=3) and War Troll.

2014-01-30, 04:27 PM
Synad seems fine. If you're going for Synad, especially with your generous feat setup, are you thinking of grabbing Rapidstrike?

Rapidstrike(claw) seems pretty nice getting one extra attack, to bad with the current build I couldn't get to improved rapidstrike. Also to keep using rapid strike while morphed I need to keep the right type for the pre reqs right?

You can Psychic Reformation out Overchannel once you have Wild Surge from Anarchic Initiate, as from then on it will meet its own prerequisite for you.

Multiattack and Improved Multiattack would be useful if you plan to use forms with a lot of natural weapons. Otherwise Power Attack and possibly Leap Attack would be good if you plan to use humanoid forms like Bladerager Troll (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20070705b&page=3) and War Troll.

That's pretty cool would open up another feat a bit later in the build. Multi attack and improved would be a better route I think, the humanoid forms are nice but I like the number of attacks and how they interact with lion's charge. I was thinking out asking if my DM would let me enchant an amulet of the mighty fists with weapon properties instead of an enchantment bonus.

2014-01-30, 04:47 PM
That's pretty cool would open up another feat a bit later in the build. Multi attack and improved would be a better route I think, the humanoid forms are nice but I like the number of attacks and how they interact with lion's charge. I was thinking out asking if my DM would let me enchant an amulet of the mighty fists with weapon properties instead of an enchantment bonus.

Necklace of Natural Attacks (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20060707a) (bottom of the page)
Polymorph Handbook (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=519.0) while you're at it.

Note that Hydra forms get to make all their bites on a charge without pounce, and can even make all their bites on every AoO. It may be worth going for Robilar's Gambit (PH2) just for this.

2014-01-30, 04:51 PM
Rapidstrike(claw) seems pretty nice getting one extra attack, to bad with the current build I couldn't get to improved rapidstrike. Also to keep using rapid strike while morphed I need to keep the right type for the pre reqs right?

That is one limitation, yes.

2014-03-07, 07:49 PM
Looks like the game where I can play this is starting at level 10 instead of 5 so I was looking to rework a few of the powers, not sure I need claws of the beast anymore since I can start with metamorphos. So I might swap claws out for Metaphysical Claw and use hidden talent to learn astral construct.

Also thinking more on it is ardent the best base class? Would I get more out of egoist or erudite? Note: spell to power is not allowed but we do use unique powers per level per day.