View Full Version : Friendly Advice Request to aid in creating rules for a birthday!

Morbis Meh
2014-01-30, 06:47 PM
Good day to you fine people,

This saturday happens to be a good friend's birthday and i am the one planning it. As for as activities go we will be having lunch, going to the harry potter exhibit, playing a game or two of bowling, eating dinner and finally having a LAN gaming session. Now there is a theme to all of this: There will be a set of rules in place that the birthday boy must abide by or he earns himself a shot of alcohol. Now I realize in most of these locations there will be no drinking allowed so we will create a tally and when we reach a place that he is able to clear the slate he will do so, oh I did I mention while in transit he will be blindfolded? So what I request is aid in designing rules something that won't happen too often to have him end up with alcohol poisoning or not often enough resulting in sobriety. I would like to a have a general list of rules and site specific rules for each activity.

For example:
General List:
Not allowed to say birthday
Not allowed to curse at us
Not allowed to insult us (call us aholes for making him do this and so on)
Not allowed to point at us
Not allowed to ask where are we/What are we doing
etc, etc (please add some more)

Site specific:
Harry Potter:
Unable to say Dumbledore
If he misses getting a quaffle into a ring
2 shots for being apart of house slytheren, 1 for Hufflepuff, -1 for gryfendor, -2 for Ravenclaw
Need more rules for this one

To make it interesting there will be a mechanism where he can take away drinks by having to follow a specific rule for a set part of time: Eg Must refer to himself in the third person, Has to sing Bohemian Rhapsody in public, Has to talk to a stuffed animal instead of people, you get the picture.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, I want my friend to have a great day but not end up in the hospital :smallwink: Thank you!

2014-01-30, 11:13 PM
Good day to you fine people,

This saturday happens to be a good friend's birthday and i am the one planning it. As for as activities go we will be having lunch, going to the harry potter exhibit, playing a game or two of bowling, eating dinner and finally having a LAN gaming session. Now there is a theme to all of this: There will be a set of rules in place that the birthday boy must abide by or he earns himself a shot of alcohol. Now I realize in most of these locations there will be no drinking allowed so we will create a tally and when we reach a place that he is able to clear the slate he will do so, oh I did I mention while in transit he will be blindfolded? So what I request is aid in designing rules something that won't happen too often to have him end up with alcohol poisoning or not often enough resulting in sobriety. I would like to a have a general list of rules and site specific rules for each activity.

For example:
General List:
Not allowed to say birthday
Not allowed to curse at us
Not allowed to insult us (call us aholes for making him do this and so on)
Not allowed to point at us
Not allowed to ask where are we/What are we doing
etc, etc (please add some more)

Site specific:
Harry Potter:
Unable to say Dumbledore
If he misses getting a quaffle into a ring
2 shots for being apart of house slytheren, 1 for Hufflepuff, -1 for gryfendor, -2 for Ravenclaw
Need more rules for this one

To make it interesting there will be a mechanism where he can take away drinks by having to follow a specific rule for a set part of time: Eg Must refer to himself in the third person, Has to sing Bohemian Rhapsody in public, Has to talk to a stuffed animal instead of people, you get the picture.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, I want my friend to have a great day but not end up in the hospital :smallwink: Thank you!
[Potter]Hat and scarf must always be worn. If at any time either item not worn, the person will be assumed to be resorted into new house. Roll D4 to determine which house, per item not currently worn. Naturally, this means people will be trying to knock his hat off or steal his scarf.
Pants are still non-optional.
[Potter]English slang must be shouted out loud every time one enters a new room. Failure is a drink. Once a slang word/phrase is used it can't be repeated. Repeating a slang word/phrase is 2 drinks. IE-"Blimey" "Bollocks" "Crikey" "Evenin' Gov'na" "Lift" "Lorry" "Queue (or references to queuing up for something)" "Loo" etc.
[Bowling]Take a swig of beer for each gutter ball he throws. If both balls end up in the gutter, take 3 swigs. However, if he chooses instead to dance, he does not have to drink. The dance must be a full 10 seconds of twerking, and people must be permitted to pull out cameras/phones if they demand video evidence of the crime.
[Bowling]A spare or strike allows him to designate a victim. Victim can either take a swig now, or take a future penalty that you would normally take instead. A person can not be double-victimed, nor can they be designated future victim by more than one person. The penalty can either be the swigs of beer, or half full cups of water (get a pitcher and cups), or having to dance. Naturally, designated drivers can only be water victims (so they have to go pee really really badly, constantly).

LAN place is kind of tricky. Most don't allow booze, or very limited amounts of it. And it's sort of game dependant.
[LAN]Must recite the 10 gaming commandments (http://www.google.ca/imgres?hl=en&biw=1435&bih=650&tbm=isch&tbnid=-zSrTXpiW9xwxM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mindbrowsing.com%2Fgame s%2Fthe-10-commandments-of-gaming%2F&docid=Ls-Y6UKFwUM04M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mindbrowsing.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2010%2F12%2FF46SJ9YM.jpg&w=495&h=765&ei=SSLrUpbNGqLbyQGFzIGwCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=860&page=1&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=0CFkQrQMwAg) upon entering the premises. If said commandments are not posted on the wall, a copy of this most holy of scripture will be provided.

That's all I got for now.

2014-01-31, 07:04 AM
Ideas for stuff you could do:

Lace the alcohol with heroin and/or amphetemines, to make it even more of a drug.
Lace the alcohol with cyanide and/or ricin, to make it even more poisonous.
Lace the alcohol with ghost chilis and/or denatonium benzoate to make it even more horrid-tasting.
While he's deep asleep the following night, sneak up and blast a foghorn into each of his ears: Not only are you waking him up uncomfortably early,
he probably has a hangover!
You know those conical hats people wear on some birthdays? Write the word "DUNCE" on his, then staple it to his head. No other clothing allowed for him.
Since he's not wearing any clothes (aside from the hat), that's the perfect chance to kick him with steel-toed boots! Where should you kick him? The balls.

...The idea was to ruin his birthday and/or life, right?

EDIT: Oh, you don't want him hospitalized? If that's the case, maybe you could try being nice, instead. Just a thought.:smallwink:

EDIT2: Despite appearances, I'm not really against alcohol. I am against forcing people to do anything against their will, whether it involves poisonous drugs or not.

Manga Shoggoth
2014-01-31, 07:58 AM
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, I want my friend to have a great day but not end up in the hospital :smallwink: Thank you!

While I don't want to do a simillar post, I have to agree with enderlord99's comments.

I had someone try the "drop alcohol on Manga Shoggoth" route when I was an apprentice, and the only reason that is didn't end badly was because they limited themselves to one drink.

Pouring alcohol into somebody like this has a tendency to go wrong, and not just in hospital visits.

Morbis Meh
2014-01-31, 10:53 AM
...Well you people obviously missed the entire point of this and also are insinuating that I would physically force something like this on a dear friend. First of all my friend enjoys drinking alcohol, I am just making a creative way for him to do it for his birthday that's all. If he says he doesn't want to do it then I would not force him to do it, all I am doing is trying to plan something that I believe he would enjoy doing for his birthday. May I suggest thinking before posting next time instead of casting aspersions on other people. Just because you do not enjoy said past time doesn't mean everyone else does.

So for future posts please refrain from doing what the past two posters did it is unhelpful and entirely pointless.

2014-01-31, 11:14 AM
There's nothing wrong with a drink-fine system (in principle). However, most of the time such systems are ongoing, so the actual drinking is staggered. If you're storing them for the whole day and then downing them all at once that's going to be a problem - unless the fines (or drinks) are very mild he's likely to rack up enough to knock him over almost immediately. Further, most drink-fine systems tend to work on a basis of equality, which helps to stop people getting persecuted.

If you want to go with something along these lines I'd suggest a non-alcoholic forfeit that takes place immediately in locations where he's not able to drink. That also makes it more interactive and an ongoing entertainment rather than just racking up points that are entirely theoretical and arbitrary until a sudden point where he has to pay all of them off; it will also help to stop him ending up in hospital, since he won't have to drink too much.

Morbis Meh
2014-01-31, 11:20 AM
There's nothing wrong with a drink-fine system (in principle). However, most of the time such systems are ongoing, so the actual drinking is staggered. If you're storing them for the whole day and then downing them all at once that's going to be a problem - unless the fines (or drinks) are very mild he's likely to rack up enough to knock him over almost immediately. Further, most drink-fine systems tend to work on a basis of equality, which helps to stop people getting persecuted.

If you want to go with something along these lines I'd suggest a non-alcoholic forfeit that takes place immediately in locations where he's not able to drink. That also makes it more interactive and an ongoing entertainment rather than just racking up points that are entirely theoretical and arbitrary until a sudden point where he has to pay all of them off; it will also help to stop him ending up in hospital, since he won't have to drink too much.

I have already considered this and the drinking points will be numerous and spaced out so he will only have an hour where he racks up his 'fine'. Also it could be possible he hardly racks up any fines so its no big deal but if it is a large number I will most definitely have some means to reduce it to a manageable number. Like I said I want him pleasantly buzzed throughout the day while he has fun doing activities (and we enjoy him acting silly).

2014-01-31, 12:47 PM
How about setting up various activities that he can do (like scoring strikes and spares in bowling) to get to pass on some of his "drinking fine" to other participants of the birthday party?

Morbis Meh
2014-01-31, 01:35 PM
How about setting up various activities that he can do (like scoring strikes and spares in bowling) to get to pass on some of his "drinking fine" to other participants of the birthday party?

Bowling I was going to do a gutterball = a drink; spare/strike=-1 drink the other people coming along with be drinking anyways lol

2014-01-31, 04:54 PM
Bowling I was going to do a gutterball = a drink; spare/strike=-1 drink the other people coming along with be drinking anyways lolI pitched basically the same idea in my earlier post. "Spreading the love" as it were, making life easier on the poor man's liver.

Morbis Meh
2014-01-31, 05:07 PM
I pitched basically the same idea in my earlier post. "Spreading the love" as it were, making life easier on the poor man's liver.

Oh he'll have a few options to 'spread the love' depending on how many drinks he has accumulated... even an option to replace a shot with very very stale crackers

2014-02-03, 05:30 PM
This party sounds awesome.

As for rule creation/counter-shooting the alchohol build-up - have the accumulated drinks be beer shots rather than liquor.

2014-02-04, 08:45 AM
A way to make this a bit more goal oriented.

The idea is that at the end of the night, he has to tackle the dreaded Centurion. Ensure that everyone is aware that the encounter will be occuring and when (final stop, second to last, etc)
The Centurion is 100 shooters of draft beer. It's cheap, it's low alcohol, but it's a lot to take in all at once. Most people puke after about 40 shots of the stuff, just due to the air they swallow at the same time.
The more challenges he overcomes, the more points he scores, the more shots can be replaced with water, or defered to the party members, etc.

If possible, have all of these bonus effects corrispond with items. Go to a dollar store, see what you can pick up. Make him carry all this junk around all night, and have him hand you items to help tackle the Centurion.

While the barkeeps set up the Centurion, be sure to introduce it as you would an encounter. Give it a CR, assign some stats (silly and arbitrary), and cite the rules regarding the items to be turned in and how they work. Cite a proper reward for defeating the encounter, preferably a reward that can be shared amongst everyone involved in the encounter.

As for rules for the other activities, I think rules prohibiting certain behaviors work counter to this goal, so balance that as you will. Adding more shots above 100 to the Centurion, even with help of friends, is not exactly recommended.

If you want a smaller goal to tackle, why not do the pitcher tower. It's 3 pitchers, then a bar tray on top, then another pitcher. This lets you try more than one beer, and it's easier to distribute the points/penalties/whatever you dole out. You can still dole it out via shot glasses to represent those points, just ask the staff for some empty shot glasses.

Morbis Meh
2014-02-05, 11:08 AM
This party sounds awesome.

As for rule creation/counter-shooting the alchohol build-up - have the accumulated drinks be beer shots rather than liquor.

It was a good time, my friend was fine for the most part (mostly sober in fact) he really enjoyed the little challenges but at the end (he spent all of his bonuses and had to do 10 shots; we made them half shots with chaser included so 5 really) he was quite hammered. We went to a fast food place instead of the restaurant we planned on going to because he had to pretend he was batman while calling himself 'Big Daddy' in third person... Down right hilarious combination and he was an excellent sport.

A way to make this a bit more goal oriented.

The idea is that at the end of the night, he has to tackle the dreaded Centurion. Ensure that everyone is aware that the encounter will be occuring and when (final stop, second to last, etc)
The Centurion is 100 shooters of draft beer. It's cheap, it's low alcohol, but it's a lot to take in all at once. Most people puke after about 40 shots of the stuff, just due to the air they swallow at the same time.
The more challenges he overcomes, the more points he scores, the more shots can be replaced with water, or defered to the party members, etc.

If possible, have all of these bonus effects corrispond with items. Go to a dollar store, see what you can pick up. Make him carry all this junk around all night, and have him hand you items to help tackle the Centurion.

While the barkeeps set up the Centurion, be sure to introduce it as you would an encounter. Give it a CR, assign some stats (silly and arbitrary), and cite the rules regarding the items to be turned in and how they work. Cite a proper reward for defeating the encounter, preferably a reward that can be shared amongst everyone involved in the encounter.

As for rules for the other activities, I think rules prohibiting certain behaviors work counter to this goal, so balance that as you will. Adding more shots above 100 to the Centurion, even with help of friends, is not exactly recommended.

If you want a smaller goal to tackle, why not do the pitcher tower. It's 3 pitchers, then a bar tray on top, then another pitcher. This lets you try more than one beer, and it's easier to distribute the points/penalties/whatever you dole out. You can still dole it out via shot glasses to represent those points, just ask the staff for some empty shot glasses.

Actually I am going to save this lovely challenge for his cousin (his bday is March 5th and he actually likes beer) The day will be structured in a similar fashion just much more cruel than the previous one (he is a heavier drinker and will consent to this so this will not be against his will in the slightest).