View Full Version : 3.5 interesting core builds.

2014-01-31, 12:02 PM
I may be looking to build a new character for a friend. She doesn't have any real preferance to what she plays, but I've seen her play a rogue and she has trouble with a skill monkey. We are restricted to a 25 PB, and core only. SRD is debatable.

2014-01-31, 12:06 PM
Well if rogues are out what about casters? Does she like martial characters? What is the setting like? Even in core you can do a lot of things so anything she has a slight preference for would help in suggesting things for her to play. What is the power level of the game?

Zharradan Marr
2014-01-31, 12:14 PM
Can't go wrong with a Druid. It's a caster and a martial character in one.

2014-01-31, 12:17 PM
Core only the simplest character to play is probably the Sorceror. It can also be good fun which helps.

Fighters and Barbarians are usually regarded as simple, but for those not good at mental arithmetic Power Attack is a mistake - I know several people who just have their characters PA for whatever their temporary attack bonuses are, just to avoid the maths.

Playing a fighter-type without Power Attack is easier, but tends to be sufficiently sub-optimal that unless they *really* want to play the character archetype, it's not a good idea.

Wizards, Cleric and Druids require spell memorisation decisions, and this can be easy, but not everyone finds it so. In some ways Druids are the simplest of these 3 at low levels.

Monks, well yes, monks are for those who like playing useless characters, particularly at low level.

End result - Sorceror is simple and fun and reasonably effective wihtout too much effort.

2014-01-31, 12:18 PM
wherein is her trouble with Skillmonkeys?

would suggest veering away from Casters as they're arguebly the hardest to warp your read around in core (unless its fire'n'forget Sorcerers with spells picked with the DM suggesting and even then it might be tricky) ...

Depending on the party Barbarian or Ranger or Fighter might work best

2014-01-31, 12:22 PM
Can't go wrong with a Druid. It's a caster and a martial character in one.
Indeed. Really, there aren't that many builds in core. For melee, you're mostly stuck with something like the horizon tripper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80415), and that's true with or without the SRD. For the classes of tier three or greater, you've basically got between zero and one builds. Bards are solid, for example, but there's no real support for them, so it comes down entirely to spell selection. There's more out there for wizards, with loremaster and archmage acting as decent classes, but druids lack even the meager prestige class options they get out of core, and outside of natural spell are stuck with the few halfway reasonable feats (craft wondrous, augment summoning, extend spell, other things).I don't think sorcerers really get any core prestige classes, despite how much they need one, and clerics mostly come down to domain choice.

Casters make choices, and they make them all the time, but they don't make them in terms of builds or feats. It's all about the spells, and other things that are also spells. I'd go with a druid, cause such is my nature, but anything bard or higher grants some measure of real tactical decision making. Beyond the lack of power, the real problem with core melee builds is how little input you have along those lines. Ultimately though, it just depends on what she wants to do.

2014-01-31, 12:25 PM
If you're starting at 1st level, a Ranger is my default choice for newbies. The Favored Enemy is a relatively easy bonus to remember to add, which also adds focus and flavor to the particular concept a Player may have in mind. The Class gains in complexity at a rate that works well with the timing of most new Players' increasing grasp of the rules, with directed choices in Combat Style that continue to add focus to the concept. Once your friend is ready to start branching out into Prestige Classes, point her toward the Horizon Walker as a default PrC that's thematically appropriate and actually improves on some abilities (something not all DMG PrCs can claim).

Piggy Knowles
2014-02-01, 10:00 AM
I like gnome paladins in core. Stick them on a riding dog, and they can ride their mount in most dungeons. With Power Attack/Ride-by Attack/Spirited Charge and a lance they'll be one of the better mundane damage dealers in straight core, and they'll have some other fun abilities as well.

Something straightforward like...

Gnome, Paladin 20
1- Power Attack
3- Mounted Combat
6- Ride-by Attack
9- Spirited Charge
12- Leadership
15- Blind-Fight
18- Iron Will

...or something similar. Suggested PB: Str 13/Dex 10/Con 15/Int 8/Wis 12/Cha 14 (after racial bonuses). Be sure to get a periapt of wisdom +2 eventually so you can cast all your spells. Focus on Strength and Charisma. Tome your Constitution up to an even number.

Alternatively, I like the omni-turning cleric, who takes domains in an effort to turn or rebuke as many creatures as possible. I'm a fan of a neutral cleric with the Air and Fire domains who channels negative energy. Turn earth and water creatures, rebuke air, fire and undead. With Improved Turning and a decent Charisma, you can turn a good portion of what you come across. It's even better out of core, when you can add prestige classes or feats to turn even more creatures, but I still think it's a fun option. Get a little mini-army of rebuked creatures to carry you around. Not even really worth listing a build stub - just go Cleric 20 or Cleric 19/Heirophant 1, take the relevant domains, and make sure to nab Improved Turning, Extend Spell and Quicken Spell.

(Technically the Earth domain is a better option than the Air domain, because there are more creatures with the [Earth] subtype, but I like the spells that the Air domain grants you better.)

Suggest PB for said cleric: Str 8/Dex 10/Con 12/Int 8/Wis 17/Cha 14.

And then, for a higher level evil game, you could go with something like...

Human, Ex-Paladin 1/Blackguard 10/Assassin 9
1- Power Attack, Cleave
3- Improved Sunder
6- Mounted Combat
9- Ride-by Attack
12- Spirited Charge
15- Leadership
18- Ability Focus (death attack)

+17 BAB, +8d6 sneak attack, 4th-level spells from two lists, +Cha to saves, give a penalty to the saves of those around you, a special mount, poison use, hide in plain sight, and more.

Only problem is that you'll be MAD as all heck. My advice would be to focus on Strength and Charisma, and keep Int/Wis at least 14 just to ensure that you can always cast your spells. Your death attack DC won't be particularly high, but with ability focus, aura of despair and some fear debuffing, you should be able to knock down their saves enough to make up for it. Suggested PB: Str 14/Dex 8/Con 13/Int 12/Wis 12/Cha 14.

(By the way, my least favorite thing about 25 PB isn't the fact that it's low, but the fact that it's an odd number. PB tends to work out better with even numbers, especially lower PB where you're unlikely to be able to afford 13 points on a 17 unless you're playing a wizard/sorcerer/cleric.)