View Full Version : Best Player/Player Role play moments

2014-01-31, 01:01 PM
So our DM requires background stories for his campaign. He noticed that my character (23yo Female Human Fighter) and another character (26yo Male Human Fighter) had some similarities in early years of our backstories. Namely his character lost his younger sister in a house fire, and my character's first memory is of a house fire. So he took advantage of this and did something funny.

We are under the employment of a very powerful mage who took it upon himself to learn our lineage via magic. (I forget the spell he used) While working for this man our 2 character got drunk, and woke up in a bed together naked. Role playing we decided to hide it from the rest of the party, and we were doing well until the mage bestowed his newly found knowledge of us being brother and sister... Both of us had the same thought at the same time. Our characters looked at ach other, turned and puked.
It's one of the high point of the campaign so far.

Do you guys and gals have any similar stories of role play between players?

2014-01-31, 05:12 PM
In a campaign I was running, one of the players established that his ranger's deepest desire was to one day earn a knighthood and through this peerage bring honor to his family name. Of course, I played this up early on by establishing that a cousin of the same family name had been knighted in a neighboring realm and was running around completely trashing the family name by being the worst sort of villainous knight. But what really drove the dagger through his heart was when another PC in the party, a wizard whose deepest desire was nothing less than to have his papers on botany published by the royal botanical society, was knighted for saving the life of the king, who was nearly assassinated by poisoning. The player with the ranger eventually did get knighted, but it was fun seeing him struggle between pride in his wizard friend's accomplishments and jealousy. (Oh, and he finally defeated his cousin too, if you were wondering.)