View Full Version : [PF] Looking for advice on 18th level Dervish Dancer Bard

2014-01-31, 05:16 PM
Our GM is doing a high level campaign that will mostly be about fighting horrendously strong or numerous monsters. The rules are 25pb, 2 traits, and anything on d20pfsrd published by paizo is allowed.

I'm trying to make a character that is both flavorful and as powerful in combat as possible.

The full sheet is on Myth-weavers (www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=781152) but I'll add an abridged version here.

Race: Vishkanya (+2 dex, +2 CHA, -2 WIS)
Ability Scores:
STR 13
DEX 32 (16 base +2 racial +4 levels +4 inherent +6 enhancement)
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 8 (10 base -2 racial)
CHA 28 (16 base +2 racial +4 inherent +6 enhancement)

Traits: Savant(Dance), Fate's Favored
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Power Attack, Arcane Strike, Skill Focus (Dance), Magnum Opus (Dance), Flagbearer, Dodge, Disorienting Maneuver

Items: Belt of DEX+6, Headband of Charisma +6, Daredevil Softpaws, Bracers of the Glib entertainer, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Counterspells, +5 Courageous Scimitar, Celestial Armor, Handy Haversack, Wayfinder, Flawed Pale Green Prism, +4 CHA/DEX books, Luckstone, Banner of the Ancient Kings, Opalescent White Pyramid (In wayfinder)
Total Equipment Cost: 528,515gp

{table=head]Source|Attack|Damage|AC|Fortitude|Reflex|Will|Skil ls|Type

Power Attack|-3|+6||||||Untyped
Arcane Strike||+4||||||Untyped
Flagbearer*|+4|+4||||+4 vs Charm/Fear ||Morale
Disorienting Maneuver|+2|||||||Circumstance

Rain of Blows|+5| |+5||+5|||Untyped/Dodge

Celestial Armor|||+9|||||Armor
Opalescent White Pyramid|+1| ||||||Untyped
Flawed Pale Green Prism*|[+3]|||+3|+3|+3|+3|Morale
Ring of Protection|||+5|||||Deflection
Daredevil Softpaws |+2|||||||Untyped
+5 Courageous Scimitar|+5|+5||||+5 vs fear||Enhancement/Morale
* Morale bonuses increase by 2 by the Courageous (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/courageous) Property. Luck Bonuses increased by 1 by the Fate's Favored (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/faith-traits/fate-s-favored) trait.
[] indicate a bonus overlapped by a larger bonus of that type.


Can move and make four attacks at +40/+40/+35/+30
+61 on Perform(Dance) means I can tumble reliably
Flagbearer still provides +2 on attacks/damage to nearby allies.
Very strong Reflex Save
CMD of 57, so relatively resistant to maneuvers.
65 rounds of Bardic Performance per day.
I get to make my GM uncomfortable by having racial traits called "Limber" and "Sensual"


Only 102 Max HP, so I'm basically made of paper.
Using Flagbearer and a Pale Green Prism feels a little bit redundant, since the +3 on attacks from PGP is overlapped by the +4 from flagbearer.
Banner of the Ancient Kings is a pretty awkward item to begin with. As it's written I don't get the +4 initiative or the resistance on saves unless holding the pole in both hands, but Flagbearer's effects explicitly say they only work when I'm holding it in only one hand.
Somewhat poor Fort and Will saves
No Evasion, so the strong reflex save doesn't mean as much.
Has fewer attacks for less damage than other members of the party.
Relatively low AC of 38
Uncommon Race/Class, so I won't have a portrait unless I commission one.
Unsure how spells like Exquisite Accompaniment, Virtuoso Performance, or Shadowbard function, if they work at all.
Spells will have low Save DCs

I'd like some help dealing with these cons, and if you notice any other problems with my build, please point them out. Go ahead tear the build down if you like.

2014-01-31, 08:44 PM
I'm no master optimizer but I suggest taking some points out of strength and replacing Power Attack with Piranha Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/piranha-strike-combat) which is basically power attack but with weapon finesse as a prerequisite instead of 13 strength.

2014-01-31, 09:19 PM
Piranha Strike doesn't work with a Scimitar. You need a Light Weapon for that.

Are you using Dervish Dancer or Dawnflower Dervish (Dervish of Dawn on the SRD). I prefer the later for the doubled Inspire Courage bonuses when using a Battle Dance. Btw, I don't see Inspire Courage in your table of bonuses. A +8 to attack and damage is a pretty nice bonus to keep up in combat.

You will want to get Keen on your Scimitar, the extended critical strike range is mandatory for your build. Most of your damage will come from stacking damage modifiers and then reliably landing crits.

To boost your HP you're just gonna have to invest some resources into it. You've got Toughness, Favored Class Bonus and equipment as options. Alternatively, have a team mate play a great healer (I would suggest looking an Oradin).

Low Saves can be fixed with a 2 level dip into Paladin, gaining Smite Evil once per day as well. It's a pretty common dip for high level bards.

I wouldn't bother using a banner unless your GM hand waves away the requirement that you actually have to hold the banner with your hands. Remember that with the Dervish Dance style you have to keep one hand free at all times, so investing your gold and feats into the banner doesn't help you out much.

For a character portrait, I would suggest scouring art sites like Deviant art and just being a bit creative with your search terms. It'll take time but you'll be surprised what you can find.

2014-02-01, 06:13 AM
Piranha Strike doesn't work with a Scimitar. You need a Light Weapon for that.

For a character portrait, I would suggest scouring art sites like Deviant art and just being a bit creative with your search terms. It'll take time but you'll be surprised what you can find.

Ah, my mistake.

Also if you're going to take a look on Deviant Art for a portrait here's (http://fantasy-npc.deviantart.com/) a group with a large gallery of fantasy art.

2014-02-01, 09:18 AM
Just be sure to thank the artist and ask permission before you use the portrait. Most artists won't mind at all but they like to know their art is appreciated.

2014-02-01, 01:04 PM
Are you using Dervish Dancer or Dawnflower Dervish (Dervish of Dawn on the SRD). I prefer the later for the doubled Inspire Courage bonuses when using a Battle Dance. Btw, I don't see Inspire Courage in your table of bonuses. A +8 to attack and damage is a pretty nice bonus to keep up in combat.

He's not a Dawnflower Dervish, otherwise he wouldn't have wasted a feat on 'Weapon Finesse'.
I just assumed he was a 'plain' Bard, and was referring to the feat directly.