View Full Version : Falling Slash Damage?

2014-02-01, 05:16 AM
So, quick question, not seeing anywhere in core rules, do you add fall damage to your melee attack if you jump on someone and attack while falling? It seems sensible enough, if crazy as I dont think you'd be able to fall, attack, and tumble to avoid damage lol.

2014-02-01, 05:49 AM
So, quick question, not seeing anywhere in core rules, do you add fall damage to your melee attack if you jump on someone and attack while falling? It seems sensible enough, if crazy as I dont think you'd be able to fall, attack, and tumble to avoid damage lol.

Falling damage and falling object damage appears to be untyped.

While there are a few methods to turn a fall into a charge attack (Battle Jump, Roof-Jumper, Mantis Leap), none of them is entirely clear how they work, and none of them really explain how to resolve the falling object damage. There have been several recent threads trying to sort this all out (most by GhenghisConrad), but there's very little consensus about how the RAW is supposed to work.

2014-02-01, 01:34 PM
Ah... so pretty much all up to the whims of the Dm. Awesome I'll totally sell him on falling attack damage lol.