View Full Version : New Spellcaster Help

2014-02-01, 06:22 AM
So I’m new to D&D and the group I'm with likes to play 3.5. Well we’re in the middle of one campaign and we meet twice a week, so I'm learning as we are going. However I know another member of the group is planning on setting up a campaign on the side. So from what I’ve been told so far the party will either be all evil or all good (With some neutral mixed in with either). In my Current Campaign I started out playing a Bard who well... He didn't make it. The DM allowed me to create a new character so I chose a Beguiler. It’s going well but not nearly as fun as I was planning the DM is harsher on illusions than I would've hoped but it is what it is.

In this next campaign I am wanting to do some sort of spell caster, that is easy to use a beginner (So someone who could free use the spell list similar to how the beguiler does it). I’m ok with Multi Classing, A lot of the people here in this group are and they’ve taught me quite a lot about how it works. So the character can be Pure or Multiclass. I’m not looking for something super ungodly, just something fun. If you could help me out with this I’d be much appreciated. :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-01, 06:30 AM
Well if you would like to play classes with a pre-set spell list like the beguiler, there is always the Dread Necromancer and the Warmage. With that said, the Warmage sucks since evocation is the weakest school. =)

You can do your research and make a sorcerer. A kobold sorcerer can be super effective without all the bookkeeping of a wizard.

2014-02-01, 11:00 AM
Well if you would like to play classes with a pre-set spell list like the beguiler, there is always the Dread Necromancer and the Warmage. With that said, the Warmage sucks since evocation is the weakest school. =)

You can do your research and make a sorcerer. A kobold sorcerer can be super effective without all the bookkeeping of a wizard.

What makes a Kobold a good sorcerer? It seems like I see that race/class combination mentioned in different places occasionally.

Oh, and my avatar on here is only a kobold because I liked the picture, my only 2 characters I've played were human and half-elf :P

2014-02-01, 12:37 PM
There are several things that make Kobolds great sorcerers.

The main reason is the ability to take the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a). For the cost of a crappy prerequisite feat, you get a free progression of Sorcerer casting! You are no longer learning spells a level behind a wizard!

In addition, if you take the feat Dragonwraught, you count as a dragon and no longer take aging penalties. This means that you can get +3 to all mental stats by starting off venerable! (or +2 to make sure you aren't TOO old ;) .) For a monster manual Kobold this means -4 St, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +3 Int, +3 Wis, +3 Cha. If you take the desert Kobold in unearthed arcana, you trade your Con penalty for a Wis penalty.

As another small bonus, a few sorcerer spells get better if you have the dragonblood subtype or are a dragon. Wings of Cover, already one of the best defensive Sorcerer spells in the game, allows you to stop attacks against your whole party as an immediate action...
On a similar note, Alter Self allows you to take the form of some small dragons.