View Full Version : help with a new character. (PF)

2014-02-01, 11:39 AM
Basically, I'd love to help and suggestions for a character for a upcoming game I am joining. One of the important notes, is that I can only use stuff posted in the srd page (www.d20pfsrd.com).

I am at the moment kind of forced to rp as a ratfolk (don't ask, can't change that) and preferably I want to be of a good alignment.

I wonder about 'tinkerer' kind of classes, making machines to use, or even minions. Preferably without involving much magic, just to keep things as simple for the gm as I can, since it's a newish person. The only real ruling about what to pick is 'as long as it's in that website' . But I rather avoid psionics for instance, juts to not mess things up too badly.
I was considering either a tinker (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/interjection-games/tinker)

Or.. not sure what else. Just hoping perhaps you guys had ideas, or suggestions if I do run with the tinker. (note, kamikaze is not a good option due to the other party members being meleers, so I rather not blow THEM up)

2014-02-01, 12:46 PM
One thing you and likely your GM needs to understand: ALMOST EVERYTHING is on that site. The rules of the game are OGL and nearly every major publisher just lets the mechanical information out for free.

That said, minions without magic is near impossible. Pretty much all minion save diplomancy and leadership rely completely on magic(even clockwork is a type of magically fueled construct)
The closest thing to tinkerer classes are the alchemist and the gunslinger(unless you want to use 3rd party sources, in which case, this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/interjection-games/tinker) is indeed the class you want, with this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/louis-porter-jr-design/machinesmith) being an honorable mention).

3rd party usually makes stuff complicated though, so use with caution. Take a look at some of the ratfolk racial classes. Racial classes are usually pretty awesome, playing their strengths and themes well.

Magic is an inherent part of the game and you really wouldn't be making stuff harder for your DM by using it.
Summoners are awesome minionmancers and support for warriors but are a double edged sword in a team full of frontliners. You have the best buffs at the earliest levels, but your own eidolon could accidentally outstrip half the team due to having access to abilities they won't get for ages, like large size, extra attacks and your own magic.