View Full Version : 3.5 Casterfight! Casterfight! (casterfight)

2014-02-01, 05:17 PM
Long story short, I'm playing in a game with moderate bursts of optimization here and there but usually nothing major. The DM fell seriously sick and asked for one of his friends to take over the game for a few weeks...

While my biggest concern at the moment is my DM eventually getting better, as he's also my friend, my second biggest concern is that this new guy apparently didn't get the memo about us being non-optimized for the most part. We have a party of five, all level 10; a human Druid (me), a Monk/Sorcerer gish, a ACF'd-to-hell pure Monk, a Rogue/Assassin who traded the Death Attack feature to remove the alignment restriction, and a Warlock.

So, my Druid at the time was in a scrying-protected and generally well magically-defended room discussing matters of a job with an employer who heard about our characters' power, and the rest of the party (who were waiting in the inn lobby) got suddenly attacked by a wizard. Said wizard had multiple crafted contingencies, came rather excessively buffed for what this game held as a common standard, and spammed pretty much every dirtily overpowered spell in the books, some of which the party hadn't even heard of. He managed to defeat and capture them all, and then left. My character, after leaving the room with the employer, discovered that his friends were gone and the place was somewhat trashed. I asked a townsperson what happened, and I got about the information I've told you guys about the fight.

So, yeah. Our group had previously defended the mage's guild from destruction, so I decided to call up the "you guys owe me a favor" line, and a lot of magical technobabble later, we managed to locate where the rest of the party was being held.

The session ended with me getting ready to head out to that area. So, I've come to you guys for help; since the wizard's lair will likely be magically trapped to all hell and he appears pretty strong, what kinds of spells should I prepare and pre-buff with before I head there tomorrow if I'm intending to fight a wizard? I figure the Wizard spell list is a lot stronger than the Druid list for duels, especially since that guy is obviously higher level than us (he has Craft Contingent Spell, clearly, so he must be at least level 11) I might be screwed no matter what... But since I have access to spells from any book, what should I do? How can I match this wizard in potential magical combat?

In case it matters, here are my feats:
Human: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
1st: Augment Summoning
3rd: Imbued Summoning
6th: Natural Spell
9th: Extend Spell

As you can see, nothing that particularly helps me against a wizard. All WotC official splatbooks are allowed for spell selection, but no Dragon mag or 3rd party. I get the feeling I'll need to get a lot more acquainted than I'm used to to Spell Compendium if I'm going to make this work...

2014-02-01, 05:32 PM
You're definitely going to want to think about a selection of the "Bite of the Were..." series. They'll be useful if you have to get into combat with any guards. Baleful polymorph might be useful- it's a SoS spell that targets a wizard's weak fortitude save. You've also got some good transmute and wall spells (stone to sand, rock to mud, etc.) that might allow you to get in to free the party and then either escape or take on the wizard at strength (now or later).

Dispel magic is definitely going to be your friend. Can you get access (beg, borrow, buy, steal...) to an anti-magic shell item?

2014-02-01, 05:38 PM
Definitely yes to the dispel magic thing, possibly greater. Probably no to bite of the were x, because that requires you to stand next to the wizard to eat him, and maybe yes to the baleful polymorph, if you think he doesn't know about baleful polymorph defenses. I'd probably use mummify (Sand, 118), because it's harder to defend against, if higher level. Also, how well would his big lair stand up to a bunch of earthquakes? That's always a thing. I don't know if a standard druid can hope to compete with a wizard who's optimized out the wazoo though. Maybe a druid who is also optimized out the wazoo, but you are not that.

Edit: Some of your best spell-based defenses include heart of water (CM, 107) for any sort of BFC's or thing of that nature, alter fortune (PHB II, 101) for anything with a save, and friendly fire (EoE, 27) for anything with a ranged (touch) attack roll. It's a good start.

Silva Stormrage
2014-02-01, 05:44 PM
My suggestion would be trying to pick up a ring of enduring arcana to prevent dispels. Also trying to get some prayer beads for +4 CL would be useful as well.

Then hit him with one or two extended greater creeping colds (From SpC)

The spell normally lasts for 4 round, it deals 1d6 damage first round, 2d6 second etc. So if you extend it. It will last for 8 rounds and deal 1d6,2d6,3d6,4d6,5d6,6d6,7d6,8d6 for a total of 36d6 damage. There is a fort save for half at the beginning but still thats a lot of damage. If you can get to CL 15 they last naturally for 5 rounds so you can get up to 55d6 of damage. Hit him with two of those and then wild shape into something with a fast fly speed and just run.

The creeping colds will probably kill him. Even if his contingencies go off, what could they be that would help him? Teleport away? He still has the spells on him. Resilient sphere? Doesn't matter the spells are still on him.

If you can get a rod of lesser quicken you can also cast some quickened extended creeping colds (SpC again), for 6 rounds of the same effect so 21d6 damage. If you can survive two rounds and hit him with 2 greater and 2 regular creeping colds he will die unless he can dispel them. But with the CL buffs and the ring it will be ludicrously hard to actually dispel them.

2014-02-01, 06:12 PM
Play the favor to the mage guild again. Bring some wizard friends. Teleport in, dogpile the SOB and *then* eat him.

2014-02-01, 06:27 PM
Play the favor to the mage guild again. Bring some wizard friends. Teleport in, dogpile the SOB and *then* eat him.

Interesting plan, but unfortunately, it won't work, not because they wouldn't be willing to help, but because this guild's entire shtick is a version of Circle Magic they developed themselves to use many casters to emulate higher-level spells/CLs/etc.. Or, as I'm saying in a roundabout way, as individuals, all of them except the guild leader are only levels 4-6, tops. And let's just say that for plot-reasons that said guild leader is not available, because the whole explanation for that would be far too long (and doesn't really matter, as long as you know he's not around).

Since the ritual for their magic causes casting times to be extended terribly, they won't be good for much in a fight aside from maybe using a long-term scrying effect to watch until I'm right by the place and then, I dunno, blast the walls down or something. Which I'll consider asking them for, but it won't be a huge help to the battle I figure.

2014-02-01, 07:00 PM
My suggestion would be trying to pick up a ring of enduring arcana to prevent dispels. Also trying to get some prayer beads for +4 CL would be useful as well.

Then hit him with one or two extended greater creeping colds (From SpC)

The spell normally lasts for 4 round, it deals 1d6 damage first round, 2d6 second etc. So if you extend it. It will last for 8 rounds and deal 1d6,2d6,3d6,4d6,5d6,6d6,7d6,8d6 for a total of 36d6 damage. There is a fort save for half at the beginning but still thats a lot of damage. If you can get to CL 15 they last naturally for 5 rounds so you can get up to 55d6 of damage. Hit him with two of those and then wild shape into something with a fast fly speed and just run.

The creeping colds will probably kill him. Even if his contingencies go off, what could they be that would help him? Teleport away? He still has the spells on him. Resilient sphere? Doesn't matter the spells are still on him.

If you can get a rod of lesser quicken you can also cast some quickened extended creeping colds (SpC again), for 6 rounds of the same effect so 21d6 damage. If you can survive two rounds and hit him with 2 greater and 2 regular creeping colds he will die unless he can dispel them. But with the CL buffs and the ring it will be ludicrously hard to actually dispel them.

Resist cold drops this from "deadly" to "nuisance", since 30 resistance is enough to neutralize all but a few of those d6s. And this wizard seems likely to have that up preemptively, or at any rate be able to cast it.

2014-02-01, 07:04 PM
Resist cold drops this from "deadly" to "nuisance", since 30 resistance is enough to neutralize all but a few of those d6s. And this wizard seems likely to have that up preemptively, or at any rate be able to cast it.
The "Become fast and fly away," part seems rather flawed too. Seems like anything that doesn't kill the wizard immediately leaves you open to being killed immediately. It could work at level 13, when master earth comes online and you gain the ability to escape from even a teleportation locked area, but that is not now.

Silva Stormrage
2014-02-01, 07:14 PM
Resist cold drops this from "deadly" to "nuisance", since 30 resistance is enough to neutralize all but a few of those d6s. And this wizard seems likely to have that up preemptively, or at any rate be able to cast it.

Fair point on resist energy, most of the time when I use that combo I tend to have piercing cold as well but thats takes too many situation things to pull it off with this druid. Its not necessarily true that a wizard will always have resist energy up though. There are plenty other second level spells available.

The become fast and fly away was just a point of running, there are several better ways of fleeing that just a fast fly speed but if you can somehow engage in an open field its decently effective.

2014-02-01, 09:11 PM
The become fast and fly away was just a point of running, there are several better ways of fleeing that just a fast fly speed but if you can somehow engage in an open field its decently effective.
I get that the plan on that step could be somewhat more complicated than you've explained it. It's just that the whole thing seems like a point of weakness, leaving yourself open for a number of turns while the wizard does who knows what. A specific escape plan might be a necessity, in other words. I'm still a fan of mummify, by the by, even if the range could be a lot better. It's rare to find an SoD that lacking in direct immunities, because it's neither a death effect, nor a transmutation effect. Also, the effect on not-death isn't terrible.

2014-02-01, 09:55 PM
Mage Guild of limited utility <SNIP>
Gotcha. But get their support anyways. Never give up a trick.

SNAs might help address some shortcomings as well.

2014-02-01, 11:20 PM
Call Avalanche (level 5) might be too dangerous to use with captives in the area, but it's an impressive spell and the reflex-or-bury could take out an unprepared wizard. For a prepared wizard it might merely force them to burn a round and a teleport.

Moon Bolt (level 4) is plausible long range attack. With a little caster level buffing, the expected damage is 10 strength with a fortitude save for half.

Ice Lance (level 3) is a medium range spell with a fortitude save or stun.

Snowsight (level 1) + Obscuring Snow (level 2) is makes you untargetable while not interfering with you. Blizzard (Level 5) extends the everyone-but-you-is-blind effect to long range temporarily.

Lack of intelligence is a severe problem which allies might be able to help with.

Conjure Ice Beast might be handy and summons in general could help counter action economy breaking effects.

2014-02-06, 02:31 PM
Let us know how it goes!

2014-02-06, 02:49 PM
What about dispel/AMF(scroll) + animal companion/summon/ally/wildshape grapple?

2014-02-06, 04:49 PM
Ring of spell battle could be your friend. Spell blades make excellent defenses. Belt of battle to say screw you to the action economy. If you can pull it off try to get the jump from the plane of shadows or something similar though he may have defenses against dimensional travel in his sanctum.

2014-02-06, 05:01 PM
Kelpstrand is great, if he's not prepared for it, or at least doesn't have freedom of movement.

2014-02-06, 05:19 PM
Information is your friend, if you want to try to take on a wizard in their lair. I would consider trying a sneaking type loadout of spells, maybe with some potions for things like Invisibility and Arcane Sight from your guild friends. If you can get in and find your friends and release them, you will stand a much better chance than trying to solo the wizard. In a rat or bat or sparrow form, you could potentially evade a LOT of traps. I can't imagine he has traps set to fire every time a rat goes by, or they would be causing a lot of problems.

That might let you observe, for example, how his guards, if any, get past traps. Command words? Uniforms? A tiny sized invisible owl (which flies basically silently) perched on a shield or helmet of a guard should be all but imperceptible to them or to most traps.

Maybe bring a scroll of D-Door or Teleport your Sorcerer friend can read, once you break them out, since depending on what shape they are in they may not be up for a fight right away.

Worst case, if you can't get your friends out, if a guard takes you into his room, or you can sneak their yourself, you should be able to catch him when he doesn't have all his buffs up. Then its shapeshift to something really good at grappling, drink a potion of Silence, and drop on him. A Crafted Contingency could still save him, but there must be a limit to how many he has, and it sounds like he just used some. Or, bring poison, and use your sneaky form to poison his drink.

2014-02-06, 05:22 PM
At level 11 you can use drown (http://dndtools.eu/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/drown--1611/), which is an awesome SoD spell that lets you target his weak fortitude from 50 feet away.

The Cat Goddess
2014-02-06, 05:25 PM
You've got a guild full of wizards who can buff you up for this...

One group works on Teleport, to get you close once the buffs are cast.
One group works on Etherealness, so you can walk through walls and such. Remember that Ghost Touch works both ways, so get that. You're still vulnerable to Force spells, but Shield stops Magic Missiles at least (you'd need UMD to cast it from a Wand or Scroll though).

Get Enlarge Person if you intend melee... or Reduce Person if you intend sneakery.

Magic Aura & Obscure Object to hide your equipment... Jump, just because... See Invisible, so you don't have to cast it... Blur... Misdirection... Displacement... Stoneskin... The various stat-boosting spells... Resist Energy (all of them).

Sepia Snake Sigil written on something you're wearing is always funny.

Etherealness is 9th & Teleport is 5th, so you might not get Ethereal... but shoot for the moon, you know?

2014-02-06, 05:30 PM
At level 11 you can use drown (http://dndtools.eu/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/drown--1611/), which is an awesome SoD spell that lets you target his weak fortitude from 50 feet away.
Why not mummify (Sand, 118)? The range is touch, which is definitely worse, but you get both damage and a debuff on a successful save, and hitting at range is a lot like hitting at touch when it comes to wizard fighting. Also, more importantly, mummify is far harder to defend against. Something as simple as heart of water can grant pretty much perfect immunity to drown, while also granting immunity to a wide swath of other things, thus making it a pretty likely buff. Mummify, by contrast, has very few defenses due to its nature as a non-death effect. Baleful polymorph is another solid SoD option that fits better for this level, though that one has a few more protections, and lacks the on-save effects of mummify.

2014-02-06, 06:45 PM
One group works on Etherealness, so you can walk through walls and such. Remember that Ghost Touch works both ways, so get that.

That's only true for incorporeality: ethereal creatures are completely unable to affect the material plane without using Transdimensional Spell. Ghost touch weapons, force effects, and abjurations on the ethereal plane do not cross over.

2014-02-06, 06:58 PM

Etherealness is 9th & Teleport is 5th, so you might not get Ethereal... but shoot for the moon, you know?

I thought about this but detect invisibility can pick you up so maybe a bit dicey, hence suggesting the shadow plane. Actually, ethereal is kinda easy to stop in certain ways.

2014-02-06, 07:03 PM
Etherealness is 9th & Teleport is 5th, so you might not get Ethereal... but shoot for the moon, you know?
You can get etherealness a bit faster on a druid if you know what you're doing. Phantom stag (SpC, 157) is a 5th level spell that creates a stag for hours/level, and the stag grants etherealness if you have a caster level of 18. I dunno the full list of CL boosters, but you can definitely pull off all day etherealness as early as level 13 with an orange ioun stone and a bead of karma. It's pretty sweet.

2014-02-06, 09:03 PM
Why not mummify (Sand, 118)? The range is touch, which is definitely worse, but you get both damage and a debuff on a successful save, and hitting at range is a lot like hitting at touch when it comes to wizard fighting. Also, more importantly, mummify is far harder to defend against. Something as simple as heart of water can grant pretty much perfect immunity to drown, while also granting immunity to a wide swath of other things, thus making it a pretty likely buff. Mummify, by contrast, has very few defenses due to its nature as a non-death effect. Baleful polymorph is another solid SoD option that fits better for this level, though that one has a few more protections, and lacks the on-save effects of mummify.

I was just trying to give a ranged alternative, but of course you are correct, as well as the fact that baleful polymorph has to be one of the best spells in the game purely for fluff reasons.

'Sure you get a disintegrate spell at level 11, but I can turn you into a goddamn bunny rabbit at level 9

2014-02-08, 03:30 AM
I don't know. I'm pretty sure that this DM would have done something to either Boost CON or boost saves. If he has a Cloak of Resistance and a Priapt of Health, you'd be in a bit of trouble.

A question that should be asked is if this substitute DM is experienced. Could he be building his super wizard incorrectly?