View Full Version : The workings of Soon's Gate? (Spoilers)

2007-01-26, 04:23 PM
Now that Xykon is officially inbound to Azure City, now seems to be a good time to consider how the Gate he's after works. We've already talked about where it might be, but the real important question is how can Xykon open it? In Strip #278, Lord Shojo states that Azure City's Gate has no self-destruct mechanism; meaning that if Xykon does take the city- which at this point seems somewhat inevitable- there's not way to stop him from taking the Gate with it.

Therefore, the important thing is how is the Gate sealed? Dorukan's Gate was sealed by magical sigils, so that only someone with a pure heart could ever open it. Is Soon's Gate opened via the same method? If not, what could be the secret? It probably has something to do with the honour of paladins, since that is what Soon placed his faith in when forming the Sapphire Guard...

2007-01-26, 04:46 PM
Considering Miko, highest paladin of the Order, has just betreyed her lord and broken her oaths and honour, it does not bode well.

I would say that soons gate is protected by not much more than the might of the Saphire Guard, I would not think Soon has a sneaky defence.

Edit: New Idea! the gate is the throne, the throne is protecting the gate....

the throne miko just sunderd in twain....