View Full Version : Epic Arcane Hierophant questions

2014-02-01, 06:38 PM
First off I wish to say something:


That could extend to being able to go more than two or three sessions without the campaign dying due to lazy DM for the first time in a long time, but that's another problem entirely.

I was looking through the Epic Handbook to see how to progress my Arcane Hierophant as a Epic Mystic Theurge (because it's the only one with written progression; now referred to as EMT)... it just sucks so much I'm better off alternating between Druid and Wizard after the normal MT progression ends... but after level 24 I'd have to suck it up and alternate. At least that's what I thought until I read up on how to make PrCs without epic progression written have Epic Progression.

The problem is how I'm reading it doesn't seem right, so I need to make sure.

How I read it: Epic Arcane Hierophant would have the continued Familiar Companion progression and Wild Shape Progression as if I gained a level in it at AH level 1-10. It would gain 2 more uses per day of Channel Animal at Level 12 and every 4 levels after that (16, 20, 24...) and 1 more use of Channel Plant at level 14 and every 4 levels after that (18, 22, 26...) both continuing on where it left off in it's normal progression. IIRC though, it doesn't state how it would gain Bonus Feats (as most other classes gain them at a specific interval) or how the Dual Spell Progression would work. The only precedent for them would be EMT which gains it's Bonus Feats every 6th level after 10th and alternating which class gets the Spells progression. Would this interpretation be correct? Also, would the Bonus Epic Feats list look like EMT's, or could I work out the list with the DM using obvious Dru/Wiz Epic feats?

Also... assume I do take epic levels in AH... what happens when it progresses one of the features beyond 20? Say it progressing my Druid Spell Casting ability to level 21... would I start gaining spells as described in Epic Druid, even without my Wizard side being epic?

It's sad that I have to do this on my first Epic Campaign. I always thought I'd get to it using Dru20 or something that didn't require a brain to get used to it ('It' being Epic level play).

2014-02-01, 06:58 PM
The bonus feats depend on how much the PrC advances, and is determined through comparison to other epic classes.