View Full Version : Dragon characters

2014-02-01, 11:36 PM
If you were to choose a good aligned dragon, and level adjustment were ignored, which would you pick and why?

2014-02-01, 11:44 PM
What class do you plan to advance him as, or do you plan to use racial HD advancment? What level can you start at?

2014-02-01, 11:45 PM
Platinum Dragon, because I'm pretty sure I'd be Bahamut's favorite, being the only other member of his race. Also, Platinum Dragons are OP.

2014-02-01, 11:48 PM
Good aligned dragon? Then Steel Dragon is probably the best bet. Loredrake Wyrmling Steel Dragon has 4HD and 3CL, so yeah.

If it's just dragons in general, though, Tome Dragons are LN but a Loredrake Wyrmling Tome Dragon has 3HD and 5CL. Oh, and all divination spells as spells known.

Or, y'know, a Loredrake Dragonwrought Kobold. But that's debatable as to whether or not it works, and I'd rather not stir up that debate again.

2014-02-01, 11:48 PM
Platinum Dragon, because I'm pretty sure I'd be Bahamut's favorite, being the only other member of his race. Also, Platinum Dragons are OP.

and suddenly bahamut attacks you yelling "there can be only one".

but my choice would probably be a gold dragon cleric..no real reason just because.

2014-02-01, 11:51 PM
I am currently in a 2 man game where we are alternating running for each other where I play a Bronze Dragon. We are using gestalt rules with one half being pure creature HD and the other player levels.

I have always loved the Bronze. It doesn't have the pure power of a Gold, Silver, or Red, but it does have the best aesthetic look of any dragon species to me.

I have two career plans: First, Black Blood Cultist to 8, complete by level 13, (Finished); and Sorcerer PrC's such as Abjurant Champion and Incantatrix later on.

2014-02-01, 11:51 PM
Class advancement would be racial hit dice only, starting at wyrmling. 8 or 2 hit dice as wyrmling doesn't matter.

2014-02-01, 11:53 PM
Radiant Dragons seem pretty cool to me, draconomicon also steel dragons, or tome dragons.

2014-02-02, 12:03 AM
and suddenly bahamut attacks you yelling "there can be only one".

If he kills me, he'll just have to deal with me more often. After all I am still a [Good] aligned dragon, going to the same plane he hangs out in, so I imagine things might get a bit awkward.

"You're kind of a jerk."-Me
"I'm sorry about that. My followers told me I wan't cool enough anymore and I decided to watch a Sean Connery marathon for tips. He was a dragon, and then he was an immortal, and then he was a spy, and then I just wanted to be cool like Sean Connery."-Bahamut

2014-02-02, 12:03 AM
A fully advanced Sanctified Hellfire Wyrm. All of those at will SLA's are so delightful and power rivaling many a true dragon. Hellfire Wyrms have strength rivaling many great wyrms though some of their other stats are lacking. They have one of the better spell resistances of the dragons and don't even have to worry about most mooks because they burn to death near him.

However for the sake of RHD, Half Dragon Red Dragonspawn Abomination Dragonwrought Kobold. The Archetypes don't require, just imply, that you need to be a true dragon so grab Loredrake for a total potential of sorcerer casting level 10 at level 1 and you have great strength as well(with point buy minimum of 16 by taking two Pathetic Strength Flaws). This is the most flexible choice, though the obvious route is sorcerer, you still have the option as opposed to just taking RHD.
3rd Party
For the above kobold use Dragons from AEG to take 3 levels Dragon Sorcerer and one DFA. You now have up to 3rd level spells at will. Make it a Stalwart Battle Dragon Sorcerer and you can just advance DFA to gain 1 spell/lvl of equal level to your invocations at will. Or Mongoose Publishing Book of Dragons, take any number of the dragon feats within and be sure to be a Devastating and or Arcane dragon for a few age categories to get free breath or metamagic feats.

2014-02-02, 12:07 AM
Class advancement would be racial hit dice only, starting at wyrmling. 8 or 2 hit dice as wyrmling doesn't matter.

Yeah, then you want Loredrake Tome Dragons. You'll be three levels behind in spellcasting by the time you reach Adult at 18HD, after which you never get above 15CL until Epic and Mature Adult.

Throw on Spellhoarding and you cast as a Wizard rather than Sorcerer and thus actually get 8th level spells.

You're still worse than a Wizard of equivalent level, though, on account of the Wizard being able to cast Shapechange and turn into a better Dragon than you are.

You're ahead a bit in the beginning, but yeah.

However, all of this requires your GM to allow material from both Dragons of Eberron and two separate Dragon issues (#343 for Tome Dragons and #313 for Spellhoarding.) A lot of campaigns do not allow either of those.

2014-02-02, 12:08 AM
No templates.

2014-02-02, 12:09 AM
No templates.

I'm fairly sure you just made the optimizers on this forum cry...oh sweet sweet tears.

2014-02-02, 12:13 AM
The story behind it is one of the character is essentially being reborn as a good dragon, type up to the player. the rest of the party is around level 9, consisting of sorcerer, artificer, and fighter.

2014-02-02, 12:23 AM
No templates, fine. Book of Dragons and make my own with minimum HD and max casting. Make his breath an explosion of disjunction, take war wyrm and all ages as devastating. Max ability scores and progression and give him 5 heads with which to lob disjunctions. Special qualities, Maximized Spell Turning constant, Maximized Absorption constant, Greater Globe of Invulnerability constant, Spellwarp's Spell Absorption but lets double it, make his DR epic, give him the Chosen of Mystra benifits without the template(immune to wish).

But apart from just creating an arcane beast, Hellfire Wyrm stills stands, it would just be in that rare minority of "Always Alignment" who aren't the alignment stated, or just be from Eberron.

Dragonwrought Kobolds are still a good choice of dragon. Dragon HD may be powerful, but you can do a whole hell of a lot more with classes.

2014-02-02, 12:29 AM

Oh, it has to be good?


Really no good reason why, but Practiced Manifester holds up better than Practiced Spellcaster.

Sorry, gem dragons have been the bomb since 2e in my book. Maybe not optimal, BUT I"M A #&$@ing PURPLE DRAGON MADE OF GEMS.

2014-02-02, 12:30 AM
Why only good dragons? I want to be a force dragon! Or a prismatic dragon!

2014-02-02, 12:31 AM

Oh, it has to be good?


Really no good reason why, but Practiced Manifester holds up better than Practiced Spellcaster.

Sorry, gem dragons have been the bomb since 2e in my book. Maybe not optimal, BUT I"M A #&$@ing PURPLE DRAGON MADE OF GEMS.

seconded for purple dragon made of gems and awesome.

2014-02-02, 12:32 AM
seconded for purple dragon made of gems and awesome.

I prefer the regular purple dragon, looks cooler and has an awesome breath weapon.

2014-02-02, 12:37 AM
The story behind it is one of the character is essentially being reborn as a good dragon, type up to the player. the rest of the party is around level 9, consisting of sorcerer, artificer, and fighter.The Sovereign Archetypes and Dragon Psychoses, which people have been mentioning, are acquired, not inherited. The dragon chooses some path toward dragony perfection or gets some form of mental illness that gives it superpowers. Either would be totally consistent with the fluff you're describing.

Mercury Dragons can be pretty fun, though just RHD with no class levels hampers their ability to pull off some of their sillier tricks.

If you have no other options besides type of dragon, but get the LA free, then go with a Tome Dragon, since they have the best caster level relative to their HD (and the biggest LA to drop of the good wyrmling types).

2014-02-02, 01:07 AM
Time Dragons.

...Well, you SAID no Level Adjustment.

2014-02-02, 01:11 AM
Time Dragons.

...Well, you SAID no Level Adjustment.

Ugh. Anything with "time" in the name made by WotC is pretty much the start of an aspirin-binge for me (the DM). Is there any craziness they didn't eventually allow into print? (Though, ofc, they can only be blamed so much for Dragon content....)

2014-02-02, 02:52 AM
Well, Time Dragons were from the last print issue of Dragon magazine, so yea, more of a Paizo thing.

2014-02-02, 02:56 AM
and suddenly bahamut attacks you yelling "there can be only one".

but my choice would probably be a gold dragon cleric..no real reason just because.

That would be a fantastic game start. "You are a platinum dragon. The dragon god king attacks you, seeking to cut off your head and absorb your immortal powers. Roll initiative."

I would play a silver dragon paladin/cleric, because it's the one chance I've seen in years to unabashedly and unashamedly play a good knight and not worry about angst, stereotypes, flanderisation or accusations of lawful stupid.

2014-02-02, 02:57 AM
Adding "time" to "dragon" is pretty much like adding "chronomancy" to the list of schools of magic. Just one final, epic, mindbending kick in the balls to mundanes.

Are you a fighter? No, you just think you're a fighter. Once the timeline resolves, you will realize that you are actually the latest in a line of sorcerers. Because I went back in time and sired your grandfather, and magic has been in your bloodline ever since. Mwahaha.

2014-02-02, 02:57 AM
Incarnum dragons are actually not too game breaking and can be pretty fun to play, as soulmelds add to versatility. Of course, thanks to a printing error, the adult version is +0 LA anyway...

2014-02-02, 06:19 AM
I think it's a Mercury dragon that gets 200 ft fly speed with perfect maneuverability?

But for actually playing, I'd go a Battle dragon Bard with DFI.
Coz I like the idea of a guy who goes through an epic battle, then goes to the nearest bar, gets totally drunk and loudly tells everyone within hearing distance about said battle while exaggerating his own roll in it.

Manly Man
2014-02-02, 06:41 AM
I'd take a silver dragon with the Lightkeeper archetype, and use my feats to get a Devoted Spirit maneuver and stance, then take levels as a Ruby Knight Vindicator, but since we aren't advancing classes, I'd opt for a silver dragon, one who worships Tamara. I've always loved both that color of dragon, as well as their representative goddess.