View Full Version : The Iconic Ranger

2014-02-02, 12:36 AM

To preface this, I would like to say that I have never really posted something all that interesting on these forums. Having been somewhat inspired by the wonderfully crafted optimization showcases by Tempest_Stormwind (http://community.wizards.com/content/forum-topic/3670571), and in large part by the many forum-goers I admire, I have endeavoured to create something that may actually spur discussion.

Lets face it, kickass ranger builds are pretty hard to pull off without dips. It’s just a given fact, though it does have a few exceptions. The purpose of this post is to explore the nature of the iconic ranger, to endeavour to make a paragon. The standard Iconic rangers come in two forms.

The first is the combination of the Shooting Star ACF, Mystic Ranger (Dragon Magazine #336), and Sword of the Arcane Order. One would think you would be abel to apply th wild shape variant as well, but according to our residential RAW expert, that’s not the case, and it works better as a standalone build, too.

The Mystic Ranger variant class is in Dragon # 336 on page 105. Wild Shape is a variant for the standard Ranger class in Unearthed Arcana on page 58 and also here. Because it's a variant for the standard Ranger class, you cannot by RAW apply the Wild Shape variant to an altered Ranger class.

Though SotAO is normally acquired at level 6, Frostblood Orc from Dragon Magic allows for the bonus feat Endurance to be swapped out for any other feat for which the character qualifies, which gets the build online sooner. This trick is frequently mentioned by Darrin, though it may have been someone else to create it (I’ll edit this to reflect if he did in fact discover it or if someone else did). I’ll provide a link to his signature at the bottom, as he’s got some pretty cool stuff that ought to be checked out. From the levels of about 4 to 10, this combination is one of the best in the game. It has full BAB and a spell progression that rivals wizard (only a few behind thanks to shooting star) and is higher than sorcerer. One unanswered question is CL, which is discussed on THIS thread. It seems likely that CL would be equal to ranger level or (level/2) + 1 thanks to compelling arguments made, once again, by Curmudgeon. Lets take a look at the concept:

Frostblood Orc Shooting Star Mystic Ranger 20

SoTAO allows a ranger to select wizard spell instead of ranger spells, a massive improvement already. Furthermore, when you fight enemy wizards, the party spellcaster won’t be the only one to be able to take advantage of a pilfered spellbook. After fourth level spells are acquired, (eighth level), You’ll be able to cast polymorph. Ninth level would be an ideal time to take minor shapeshift. Spontaneous Summoning in conjunction with greenbound summoning and ashbound can turn you into an extremely effective summoner, and Augment summoning only adds to that capability. As for the Order,

1st Spell Focus (conjuration), Extend Spell (flaw), Practiced Spellcaster (flaw) (this is in case your DM is unwilling to give you the better CL progression, otherwise take sphinx claws now and open least chakra (hands) at 18th)
3rd Spontaneous Summoner, Rapid Shot or TWF (combat style)
4th SotAO (Frost Blood Orc)
7th Manyshot or Imp. TWF (combat style)
6th Greenbound Summoning
9th Minor Shapeshift
12th Ashbound or Augment Summoning, Imp. Precise Shot or Greater TWF (combat style)
15th Ashbound or Augment Summoning
18th Greater Manyshot or Shape Soulmeld (Sphinx Claws) (explained later)

Combat style becomes even more difficult to figure out. However, with access to some of the BEST archery spells (see Piggy Knowles’ list, signature linked at the bottom, also lots of REALLY cool stuff), it shouldn’t be TOO difficult to be an effective/summoner-archer, especially considering the fact that your summons last FOUR times as long. As for TWF, It is pretty diffuclt to pull off without dips, but with shape soulmeld (sphinx claws), which ought to be taken at level 1 instead of practiced spellcaster, if possible, allows for pounce attack when combined with the Lesser Open Chakra spell, now available. (ideally though, this is taken at level one, and something like Martial Study at 18. However, there are a few good things for TWF. one fo those is Hunter’s Eye, which is especially good when combined with Distracting Ember. One of the major spells of note is Heroics. This allows you access to any first level maneuver, and with Martial study later one, you can get things like Martial Aura for Assassin's Stance to get sneak attack, or even IRON HEART SUUUUUUUUUUURGE, which is great against casters.

So that’s the first build.

The second iconic ranger is the wildshape ranger. This makes use of the UA wildshape variant, which grants wildshape and barbarian fast movement. What do you do with this? just take all the wildshape feats you can. Every last one of them. Well, not actually, but a good many. Natural spell is an option, but since you’re not as good as a druid, perhaps don’t bother. The wildshape ranger is actually considerable simple, and goes something like this,

Human Wildshape Ranger 20
The three best wildshape feats are Dragon wildshape, Aberration wildshape and Frozen wildshape. Assume supernatural ability is also very good,as it always is, but one of the best things to have in this build is the spell enhanced wildshape. However, that spell is a druid spell. Well, we can use knowstones, the only problem being that they require a spontaneous caster. That’s where Magical training comes in, a feat that is already good, but serves even more purpose for the wildshape ranger. In addition, it should be taken before level five, when wildshape is actually acquired. The build will usually go something like this

1st Magical Training, Aberration blood (human) (grab grapple bonus), Combat style feats (improved unarmed strike + improved grapple, combat expertise + Improved trip, power attack + improved bull rush) (flaws)
3rd combat style feats (Scorpion’s grasp, Knock-Down, Leap Attack)
6th Aberration Wild Shape
9th Frozen Wild Shape
12th Dragon Wild Shape
15th Assume Supernatural Ability
18th Exalted Wild Shape

Aberration Wild shape gives access to all the attacks under the sun, and is just powerful in general. Frozen Wild Shape is a gem, as it gives you Magical Beasts, arguably the most powerful category of monster. Dragon Wild Shape is AWESOME. this will be used to take the form of a young adult incarnum dragon, which massively expands versatility by giving access to soulmelds, admittedly the worst variety, but still. With any multi-limbed, high strength monster, you’ll be seeing a lot of play from those combat style feats, which all really kick ass. Also, thanks to that knowstone, you can get the extraordinary abilities of anything you wild shape into, which is normally nigh-impossible, especially for a ranger. Exalted wild shape coukd actually be the most powerful feat, thanks to some potentially poor wording. It says that ypou may

turn into a celestial version of any animal you could normally transform into. This is already decent, but then it goes on to say

You gain the extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the creature.
Well, whoever wrote this feat was an idiot, because it’s the most powerful wildshaope feat ever. It’s so good that it could be the new natural spell. If you have this feat, you just win. Someone may prove this reasoning wrong, but until then, it’s there. I take it last just in case someone disproves my reading. If it is true, just take it instead of assume Supernatural ability, and go to town.

So that’s the wildshape ranger.

Unfortunately, that’s where it ends. Those are the two MOST iconic ranger builds. Ranger is a fine class, but it is frequently used with other classes. Actually, most classes are used with other classes, but that’s beside the point. I have set out to create a new Iconic ranger build, a Ranger 20 that no one has ever done before, and I believe that I have accomplished just that.

The idea here is to do something that hasn’t been done yet. I think I;ve figured it out. In this build I use multiple ACFs and a variant, adding more variants to the above two builds is fine, and I do in fact recommend it. This build is just going to be more fleshed out.

Elf Mystic Ranger 20

1st Magical Training, Practiced Spellcaster (for the wizard levels) (flaw), Zen Archer (flaw),

Check out Variant chaining (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1583921). Now look at the Variant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#sorcererWizard) that lets you substitute a familiar for an animal companion. Right, now we have out animal companion back. All that matters is that we now have an animal companion with share spells.
Now, elf ranger kicks in, switching out our animal companion for an elf hound, which happens to be a magical beast. more on that later.
Here we go. At this level, we get wizard spells, among them, alter self. I;ll describe why this is such a big deal below.
9th Minor Shapeshift
12th Greater Manyshot
15th Martial Study (shadow hand maneuver NOT stance)
18th Reserves of Strength

This build seems very similar to the first, but it’s not. You’ll be spending most of your time polymorphed, and archery is the name of the game. Your animal companion is also an absolute BEAST (no pun intended) at level six. Here’s why. At level six you can share spells with your animal companion AND you can cast alter self, which has long since been maxed out (by which I mean one level ago). Since your animal companion is a magical beast, guess what it can alter self into? That's right, a five headed pyro/cryohydra. And that's just off the top of my head. I’m sure there are all SORTS of weird things it could change into, but at this moment, all we need to know is that the ranger truly kicks ass. At level 8, you get polymorph, which lets you become an ARROW DEMON at level 10, for extra kickassery. Oh, and your animal companion now has eight heads (or ten) or something even cooler I’m not thinking of. Lets skip ahead to twelfth level. Here you pick up Greater Manyshot, and you have gotten minor shapeshift. Turn into your arrow demon, and then full attack with arrow split. We’ll also assume a splitting bow, just because. This translates into six attacks, each of which splits into two arrows, each of which turns into 1d4 + 1 arrows, giving you a total of 12d4 + 12 arrows (average 42). with a belt of battle, this becomes insane, not for the extra attack (though that would also kick ass) but because you get to add +1d6/CL SA with Hunter’s eye. Oh, and it wasn't mentioned that some of those arrows have been tipped with minor creation’d Greensickness. With greater manyshot, you get attacks at a higher penalty, but you can move as well. Also, Your TWELVE HEADED hydra has maxed out and wants something more interesting to do other than absolutely obliterating opponents. fifteenth level only becomes better, as now you have martial study, so you can use heroics to get Martial stance (assassin’s stance), eliminating the need for belt of battle. Now just grab bracers of the hunter and add deadly weapon to your bows. You can now launch arrows taht deal an extra +4d6, and you are launching a good 24-60 arrows, so it’s plenty of damage. Your polymorph maxes out, which little animal companion will be able to take true advantage of in the next few levels. That’s right, reserves of strength. Remember That otyugh hole? Doesn’t it fill you with a burning rage what you had to endure for the sake of a prerequisite that would come into play FIFTEEN levels later? I’d be angry too, but don’t worry. With reserves of strength, the polymorph cap can be expanded by two, so now the animal companion can be magical beasts with up to 17 HD. Can you guess what I picked? If you guessed Chronotyryn, you win a cookie! that’s right, chronotyryn, the guys that take two turns per turn, which is acquired via your familiar's assume supernatural ability feat. you still launch arrows like a boss, and the two of you are basically invincible.

That’s the kickass ranger.

Ideas? Feedback? was this interesting? I’ll do it for more if so.

Darrin’s Signature (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=3961)
Piggy Knowles’ Signature (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=28094)