View Full Version : A Class for a Commander [PF]

2014-02-02, 01:45 AM
So I'm just wondering what the best class for a Captain/General/Commander that also fights. I'd prefer non mounted varieties & not too magical. Within the Pathfinder setting.

The Cats
2014-02-02, 02:31 AM
Cavalier is pretty commanderiffic with it's tactics (strategy? whatever it's called) abilities. Pick one of the unmounted archetypes like houndmaster and you're set.

2014-02-02, 03:23 AM
Cavalier was definitely the first thing to come to mind for me, too! The flavor of the class is most certainly battle leader. Depending on your alignment, the paladin class might be a really good call for you (paladins in Pathfinder kick a reasonably significant amount of ass), since they're a martial class that benefits somewhat significantly from charisma. The Warrior of the Holy Light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/warrior-of-the-holy-light) archetype might be especially good for your purposes - you lose casting, which might help with the not-particularly-magical elements, and instead get to shine with the power of your faith and buff all of your friends. Very inspiring, very heroic. (A bard in your party will be able to do the same thing but better, however, so if you guys have a bard that might not help.)

2014-02-02, 09:07 AM
Warlord is also a good one. Sort of a fighter that trades a few bonus feats for a channel energy type ability that grants temporary HP to allies, and bonuses to hit/damage and initiative for all allies. It's one of the third party classes on the SRD.

2014-02-02, 10:38 AM
Bards (assuming they aren't "too magical") are good at commanding because of their social skills, knowledge skills, and their Inspire Courage ability. If you don't like the idea of singing generals (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1dy44jV8EM#t=0m32s), you could give him Perform (Oratory) and fluff it as some sort of badass rousing speeches.

Rangers can also do it to an extent (they have some knowledge and social skills in-class), and the battle scout (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/battle-scout) archetype lets them buff allies initiative when in the favored terrain. Speccing him as a switch-hitter might be nice if he plans to use ranged weapons ever (in a battlefield, Precise Shot isn't as important because there will be plenty of targets who aren't currently in melee).

Gabe the Bard
2014-02-03, 09:57 PM
You could have a highly charismatic Barbarian who whips up his comrades into a frenzy. Pathfinder barbarians actually have a number of rage powers that rely on charisma, like Inspire Ferocity which gives your attack bonus and AC penalty from Reckless Abandon to your allies. Then there are feats and rage powers for a fear/intimidate build which also relies on Charisma. Wouldn’t make the best general, but it would be great for charging into the fray at the head of a terrifying horde.

2014-02-03, 11:07 PM
Cavalier is pretty commanderiffic with it's tactics (strategy? whatever it's called) abilities. Pick one of the unmounted archetypes like houndmaster and you're set.

Cavalier into Battle Herald (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/battle-herald).
You'll need at least 1 level of Bard. Battle Herald stacks with Bard for Inspire Courage bonus. You can also use "Inspiring Commands" instead for various benefits.

The Warrior of the Holy Light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/warrior-of-the-holy-light) archetype might be especially good for your purposes...

Holy Tactician (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/holy-tactician) is very solid for Paladin.
It gets a weaker 'shared' Smite, can share a Teamwork Feat all day long (and they don't need the Req's either).
At 8th they can spend a Move action to give everyone else an extra 5ft. step.
Pretty solid overall.

And Warrior of the Holy Light can be combined with Holy Tactician if desired.

2014-02-03, 11:43 PM
This is focused on 3.5 (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=9963.0), but the principles can be applied to analyze the tools made available in a strictly Pathfinder environment.

2014-02-03, 11:55 PM
Cavalier into Battle Herald (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/battle-herald).
You'll need at least 1 level of Bard. Battle Herald stacks with Bard for Inspire Courage bonus. You can also use "Inspiring Commands" instead for various benefits.This. The Standard Bearer gives up the mount as long as you don't take cavalier 5.

It even has a handbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BbS5z7Ls4D7IejlbIONq0NJyQtPK1wWJU2olTXwlRUA/pub).

2014-02-04, 12:35 AM
I think a Standard Bearer Bardic Battle Herald is the way I'll go. Thanks for the help. :)

2014-02-04, 10:17 AM
It even has a handbook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BbS5z7Ls4D7IejlbIONq0NJyQtPK1wWJU2olTXwlRUA/pub).

While not a bad handbook, it could use work in certain areas.

The absolute poo-pooing of the mount, and how it will always and forever be worthless, and then gets to the feat section and is all "Oh yeah, there's this thing called "Horse Master" that you only need Cavalier 4 for".

He hasn't properly read the Eldritch Heritage feats, thinking that 'Improved' can only snag Bloodline 3rd level powers, and Greater is needed for anything higher.

Recommending Magical Knack as 'purple' BEST EVAR!! When you're going to be SOOOOooooooOOOOOOO behind on caster levels it isn't even funny.
I suppose for a "level 1 bard" start Knack could be nice, but once you get to level 8 or so, it isn't going to be doing much of anything.

There's a few more, but....