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2007-01-26, 05:47 PM
Cop: Can read one person during the night, gets a guilty (member of the mafia) or innocent (not a member of the mafia) result, not a member of the mafia.
Crazy cop: Gets a random result of guilty or innocent when reading someone during the night, gets told he is the cop, not a member of the mafia.
Doctor: Protects a player during every night, this player cannot be killed by the mafia during this night, not a member of the mafia.
Millionaire: Has a bodyguard to protect him, when he is attacked by the mafia the bodyguard and a random member of the mafia die, the Millionaire survives this attack, when the bodyguard is dead the millionaire becomes a normal villager, knows the name of the bodyguard, not a member of the mafia.
Bodyguard: Protects the Millionaire as described in the millionaire section, when the millionaire is dead the boduguard becomes a normal villager, not a member of the mafia.
Suspicious kid: Appears guilty to the eyes of the cop, isn't told he's the supsicious kid, not a member of the mafia.
Godfather: Appears innocent to the eyes of the cop, cannot be killed by the bodyguard, member of the mafia.
Mole: Can read people during the night, gives a result of friend (member of the mafia, not that he didn't know them already), sheep (Normal villager) or target (Villager with a special role), member of the mafia.
Atreyu, the masked llama
Captain van der Decken
Cult of the raven
Death, your friend the reaper
Eldritch knight
Gralamin Lynched on day one, suspicious kid
Lucky Killed in night one, bodyguard
Lord Magtok
Malmagor Andrigal
The 8th sin

As you wake up this morning you notice a lack of church bells, angrily you go to the church to shout at Gezina, the bell ringer. When you enter the church you notice a single drop of blood on the floor. moving towards it you notice another drop. Following these drops of blood you eventually end up in the church gardens, were a small pool of blood lies next to the gravediggers home. When you look around a raven screaches, flying from what looks to be a freshly dug grave. the grave is still open and on the bottom of the grave a womans body lies, hit by several bullets and stripped of her clothing. It is truly a terrible sight to see this young woman's body to be mutilated in such a way. Quick identification reveals her to be Gezina, the very one you were looking for. When you lift the body out for forensical analysis you find a not underneath the body.

This town is ours.

The mafia

This message couldn't be clearer, safe the village through violent lynching, villagers.

((Everyone who did not get a PM with his or her role, but is on the list of players is a villager))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-01-26, 05:56 PM
*The llama pushes through the crowd to see what's going on. He looks down and becomes sick. He's able to make it about 40 feet before vomiting violently, which is a really digusting sound, by the way.*

2007-01-26, 05:58 PM
Exachix sighs at the body of Gezina, and closes his eyes before turning away, and patting the Llama on the head. Not wishing to see the body of the young woman.

2007-01-26, 06:02 PM
*stares in shock*

*kicks over a random tombstone in anger*

*strums a few notes on his guitar, thinking up a good memorial song for Gezina*

"I am going to find whoever did this and make them regret having vital organs."

2007-01-26, 06:05 PM
Exachix sighs.

"Should we bury her? If so, should I get the spade?"

((And, when will this day end?))

2007-01-26, 06:06 PM
Alarra wanders up sleepily, "What's wrong with the bells?" before spying Gezina's body.
"Oh.....my...." she pales considerably. "Who could have done such a thing?"

2007-01-26, 06:07 PM
((This day will end on Sunday, 3 PM GMT))

2007-01-26, 06:20 PM
((what does that translate to in CST? too lazy to do the maths.))
Raven looks out to the bell tower and finds the grave. oh lords. that poor child.

Lord Magtok
2007-01-26, 06:20 PM
Alarra wanders up sleepily, "What's wrong with the bells?" before spying Gezina's body.
"Oh.....my...." she pales considerably. "Who could have done such a thing?"

((Sleepily? Why? Were you up late in the graveyard last night?))
Lets hope the murderer or murderers get whats coming to them.

2007-01-26, 06:27 PM
((Sleepily? Why? Were you up late in the graveyard last night?))
Lets hope the murderer or murderers get whats coming to them.

((Sleepily cause it's apparently morning. :smalltongue: That and I'm always sleepy.))

Captain van der Decken
2007-01-26, 06:29 PM
"I.. Okay.. that.. isn't good.."

Decken looks away.

((Sleepily cause it's apparently morning. :smalltongue: That and I'm always sleepy.))

((*Narrows eyes* Sleepy in the morning? Didn't you get a full night's rest?))

2007-01-26, 06:32 PM
(*Yawns* Well, I think I'm going to go take a nap. You all just let me know if you have any leads.)

Lord Magtok
2007-01-26, 06:37 PM
I'll go fetch the priest/(priestess or whoever would hold the funeral.)
Magtok leaves with a sad sigh.

2007-01-26, 08:40 PM
Ink turns as white as a sheet when he sees the body.

Dear gods, something sinister is afoot.

After a long while, he regains his composure.

I had better start digging the grave.

Ink goes off to fetch some shovels.

2007-01-26, 11:19 PM
"So... what do we do now?"

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-01-26, 11:34 PM
"We...*pause for dry heave* ....hunt down these mafia scum and remind them that they don't own this town. We remind them with a message that lets them know that we will not tolerate them."

2007-01-26, 11:46 PM
"Well, that's...needlessly violent" *dry heave* "thank the gods I haven't had breakfast yet"

After regaining his composure, Krursk grabs a shovel and starts burying the ex-bell ringer

2007-01-26, 11:55 PM
"How do we hunt them down if we don't know who they are?"

"Like this?"

*Points at Gralamin

2007-01-27, 12:35 AM
((Why not? [roll0]))

That one's a shady character. I don't like the look of him.

* Ink accuses Captain Van Der Decken

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-01-27, 12:37 AM
*Death new that violin group that came into town looked a bit shifty...*

2007-01-27, 04:40 AM
*Death new that violin group that came into town looked a bit shifty...*

You mean, we should have checked their suitcases? Yeah, might have been a good idea.

On to the witch mafia hunt then. Let's do the well-tried method of: We all point at someone, see how they react, then point at someone else.

*point at Gralamin

Hey, you over there. What's with those sunglasses? Where have you been last night between 2 AM and 4 AM? What is the square root of 294.2 ?

2007-01-27, 04:45 AM
Random pointing? that's pretty suspicious.

*DLD points at Ink*

Maybe we can also learn something from how everyone reacts.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-27, 08:15 AM
Let's not go crazy. Accusing someone for accusing someone is non-sensical. We need to think reasonably some more to reach any useful conclusions.

2007-01-27, 08:30 AM
Vote count

Ink (1)

Gralamin (2)

Captain van der Decken (1)

Nobody (21)
Atreyu, the masked llama
Captain van der Decken
Cult of the raven
Death, your friend the reaper
Eldritch knight
Lord Magtok
Malmagor Andrigal
The 8th sin

2007-01-27, 09:56 AM
((question to the narrator: Do we get a 'newcomer' list? Or is it just stabbing in the dark?))

2007-01-27, 10:49 AM
((It'd have been really nice to actually have gotten a PM letting me know that the game started...))

Lord Magtok
2007-01-27, 11:27 AM
*Accuses Alarra, for reasons stated OOC*

2007-01-27, 11:33 AM
*Accuses Alarra, for reasons stated OOC*

Uhhh...I know that we are just pointing randomly right now, but can we have the reasons revealed to us?

2007-01-27, 11:40 AM
wow. fingers suddenly fly. I believe I shall add mine to the flurry. Gralamin, do you have some defense to give?
Points at Gralamin

2007-01-27, 11:47 AM
*Accuses Alarra, for reasons stated OOC*

(My guess would be because I said I was tired. :smallsmile:)

Lord Magtok
2007-01-27, 11:54 AM
((Indeed, that is was made me suspicious.))

Points a finger on his other hand at Gralamin

2007-01-27, 12:05 PM
First day bandwagon to get the game rolling!

*Points at Gralamin*

2007-01-27, 12:22 PM
Eh, why not?

*points at Gralamin*

2007-01-27, 03:11 PM
Mal walks silently into the group

allright, Gez gets killed, and we suddenly start a bandwagon? niiiice...:smallsmile:
i'm gonna point my finger Decken, mostly just to point at someone...

*Malmagor points at Decken

2007-01-27, 09:35 PM
Does a bandwagon really seem like a good idea to you? Just to point without waiting for Gralamin to respond?

I don't think Gralamin has it in him, though I could be wrong. But you should answer quick. I'm kinda anxious for blood here.

2007-01-27, 09:59 PM
*Points at Gralamin.

2007-01-27, 10:17 PM
"Maybe that Gralamin guy isn't a mafia dude... He doesn't even seem to know anything is going on..."
((I.E. I don't think he's in the mafia because he doesn't seem to know the game has started because he didn't get a PM, meaning he's a villager.))

*Removes his finger

2007-01-27, 10:39 PM
I agree lucky.

Ummm....*points at Ink

Lord Magtok
2007-01-27, 11:07 PM
((I think the same idea could be applied to Kyrian. He said he was suprised by the start of the game. Therefore, Kyrian=villager))

*Adjusts finger to point at Alarra.*

2007-01-27, 11:16 PM
(you do realize now the smarter mafia members will do something like show up surprised that the game's started to appear like regular village folk, right? So we can't use this theory on anyone else.)

Lord Magtok
2007-01-27, 11:19 PM
((Darn. Now that I think about it, Gralamin and Kyrian could both be sneaky mobsters. The theory is now dead.:smallfrown: But now they're short one deceptive trick.:smallamused: ))

2007-01-27, 11:55 PM
B-Man appears at the scene and doesn't read over the thread. He then takes a swill of coffee and assesses the information.

I'm not a man of many words, so I will not waste them.

* B-Man points to Lucky.

2007-01-28, 12:42 AM
"Oh wow, I'm being accused, this comes as a real surprise...
Just one question, is this because you think I'm with the mob, or just because?"

2007-01-28, 12:59 AM
Just because.

B-Man takes another sip of coffee.

2007-01-28, 01:20 AM
((sorry if I'm missing something, but where did Gralamin say he didn't get a PM?))

2007-01-28, 01:22 AM
((He didn't, but villagers weren't sent PMs, they just were told that if you didn't get a PM you were a villager. As Gralamin has been online plenty of times and not defended himself yet, I'm betting he hasn't gotten one.))

2007-01-28, 03:33 AM
Mod Goddess: I'm going to point out in this thread as well, about the new rules regarding cheating, because it seems the werewolf/mafia threads are where the most prevalent cheating occurs. I have updated the SMBG rules to include specifics regarding cheating. This has resulted from the Werewolf Classic game having to be canceled due to cheating. Please read these. They are at the top of the page. Cheating on any games will not be tolerated.

2007-01-28, 09:51 AM
As you bring gralamin to the gallows nothing special happens. He is hung easily, though he spits on the floor just before they hang him. Nothing happens when he's hung and when you look through his posessions you find a couple of pirated CD's and a cracked Playstation 2 but while that's illegal it's not the kind of crime the mafia bothers with.

Gralamin, the suspicisous kid has been lynched.

((mightfall ends at monday, 8 PM GMT))

2007-01-28, 09:55 AM
Hmmmm... a mixed blessing perhaps. False readings aren't helpful.

2007-01-28, 10:02 AM
Exachix smiles faintly, before staying up that night to fill in the grave for Gezina, before heading home.

2007-01-28, 10:18 AM
OK, this could explain why Gralamin didn't reply at all. Maybe he read the accusations against him and chose not to defend himself to ensure his death. After all, his role could have disrupted the village later and killing the suspicious kid in the first round is not the worst thing you can do (even though I would have prefered a real mobster up there).

By the way: This is why I am not too fond of the role. Suspicious kids tend to become suicidal early in the game if they share my thoughts above.

2007-01-28, 10:26 AM
B-Man takes a sip of coffee and throws the empty coffee cup into the trash cdan.

I wonder where his mama was. he says as he gets into his car and drives home.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-28, 12:58 PM
My watch broke. Does anyone know how long till sundown?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-01-29, 01:19 AM
*The llama trots back to his stable looking dejected and muttering* "The kid wasn't a bad kid, he just neeeded some cleaning up to do. A strong hoof would have kept him in line."

2007-01-29, 09:03 AM
((Whoa...missed a whole day. Weekend and all, ah well. Pssst, Kyrian, I agree with you, btw.))

Joosbawx reads of both deaths in teh paper from the comfort of his own home...then goes to sleep.

2007-01-29, 09:49 AM
By the way: This is why I am not too fond of the role. Suspicious kids tend to become suicidal early in the game if they share my thoughts above.

((yeah, I agree. What should happen is the Suspicious Kid should be told he/she is a normal villager. When scried they appear "guilty" to the Cop and "target" to the mole. When lynched they appear as a normal villager. That would screw with the Cop's mind))

2007-01-29, 03:05 PM
As you wake up and look around to see who was killed this night you find a small house to have an unlocked door. Entering the house you find Lucky on the floor, one bullet clean right in between his eyes. Looking through his protection you see a handgun, a black suit and several books with titles such as ‘Protection for dummies’ and ‘Bodyguarding: the basics’ as well as a card saying ‘Bodyguarding services, completely private.’

Lucky, the bodyguard has been killed by the mafia

((Day ends wednesday, 8 PM GMT))

2007-01-29, 03:28 PM
((But... but... Awww...))

2007-01-29, 03:31 PM
Ouch. Poor lucky.

So who was the millionaire? Now that your special powers have been used up.

Or don't come forward, if you see some pressing region not to....

Captain van der Decken
2007-01-29, 03:49 PM
pressing region

((:eek: Sounds painful.))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-01-29, 10:49 PM
*The llama looks down in sadness and attempts to say a few words* "He was a great person and a loyal bodyguard. He most likely died in a manner that any llama would wish to go out and that is by protecting his herd. Rest well, Lucky, we will hang your killers from the gallows."

(so, does anyone have any good ideas? )

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-01-29, 11:17 PM
*Death points at Joosbawx.

At the moment, I will listen to those theories and such. But I ask Joosbawx, where where you this night?

Eldritch Knight
2007-01-29, 11:28 PM
Death, why point at Joosbawx? Is it because he's started surviving when he's expected to be killed?

((Hmmm... Why does that statement strike me as histerically funny?))

2007-01-30, 11:45 AM
Exachix hmms.


2007-01-30, 12:01 PM
Graklok runs through the town screaming


(The screaming Graklok strikes again! Actually, I wanted to play one of these mafia games, but I always seem to miss the start times. Oh well, it's a ton of fun being an observer. Cheers!)

2007-01-30, 12:04 PM
Morning came early, bright and loud again today...'course, it didn't help I was sleeping at the office, or wearing the same clothes as yesterday, or that there was a recently emptied bottle of gin at my elbow...again. My mouth felt like the infield at Yankee Stadium; gritty and all churned up. Standing up would be a good idea, at least long enough to close the blinds and block out the sunrise. Ah well, I'm up and at it now, may as well get this day over with before it starts all over again tomorrow.

I washed my face in the bathroom before grabbing a fresh shirt off the wire hanger. It rocked back an' forth on the bar before fallin' to the ground where I left it for now. The thought of bending over to pick it up made my already aching brain reel in rebellion, which reminded me I hadn't had my medicine yet this morning, so I induldged from the bottle stashed in the medicine cabinet. Where else does a guy keep medicine, right? A little hair fo the dog and I was ready for the day. Even tucked my shirt all the way in before pulling on the same jacket and overcoat and heading for Gracie's Place...coffee and, well, more coffee. Breakfast was for cops, and I hung up that hat a long time ago.

Gracie's Place was same as it ever was, just the right mix of fryer grease and baked good with the smell of Gracie's fresh brewed taking just enough edge off whatever kind of shape you'd left yourself in from the night before. Gracie herself, was another story. Loud as a bullhorn, she could shout down any union steward or lunkhead stupid enough to challenge her, but she had her sweet side, too. She smiled as she saw me shuffling in and I pretended not to notice, and she pretended not to know I was pretending. The years hadn't been all that bad to Gracie, and she had this habit of smelling like springtime even on the bleariest of wintery days...like this one. Distracting. She flopped down my paper for me, like usual, and filled my coffee cup without looking...that usual I-know-you-know-you want-to-pay-attention-to-me smile playing across those lips of hers and making those story blue eyes of her twinkle like Broadway. See? Distracting.

I kept not noticin', and she eventually left it a huff that I knew wouldn't last long as I unfolded the paper. $#!%, another one...bodyguard by the headline. Well, I guess the morning got a little more interesting. Pulling a bottle of asprins from my coat pocket, I chewed a couple while I left Gracie a little extra for the coffee. No sense in letting her forget about me, even if I didn't have time to spend with her right now.

Two subway connections and an unpleasant five block slog through the melting snow later I arrived at the scene where the cops and rubber-neckers were already starting to gather. While the photog's got their headline shots I skirted the edge of the barricade and worked my way inside to take a look for myself.

"Lucky," I thought to myself, "With a name like that, you're pretty much asking for it, ain't'cha?" I'd seen enough, but as I turned to go I just about poked my own eye out on the outstretched finger of The Thin Man. Never seen the guys face, somehow, or maybe its just one of those forgettable faces like half this city has. Either way, he seemed to think I was responsible for the dearly departed, so I did what I always did in a situation like this...I lit a smoke to give myself a moment to collect my thoughts. Shakin' out the match and exhaling a plume of blue-gray smoke into the stale air of the apartment just to emphasize the distance between the Guy and me, I answered.

"Fance meetin' you here, Death. You got a reason for pointin' at me, or you just fallin' back into old habits. I hear they die hard, but then again, who'd know better than you."

I inhaled again as someone else made a comment and I leaned back againt the wall to listen as the buzz-click-buzz-click of the neon painted and re-painted the walls through the window overlooking the alley between this building and the next. Looking back to The Thin Man and His Finger I smoked and waiting to see who else decided to show up. They say killers usually return to the scene of the crime, and I had a full pack of smoke and a half bottle of asprins that said he...or she...would show up again before too long.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 01:41 PM
I'm inclined to agree with our good friend the Grim Reaper here. Joosbawx was mysteriously absent for our dealings yesterday.

*The 8th Sin points at Joosbawx.

2007-01-30, 03:17 PM
I'm inclined to agree with our good friend the Grim Reaper here. Joosbawx was mysteriously absent for our dealings yesterday.

*The 8th Sin points at Joosbawx.

Sorry, but I don't get this:

1. Death's question was rather IC than actually asking Joosbawx about why he didn't act during the day. You are not directly misquoting Death but you make it appear like he shared the argument you just brought up.

2. While being passive is kinda wolfy/mafialy, acting so during day one is not as suspicious as it becomes later. Especially since we were pursuing a non-mafia member during the day and any mobsters could have poistioned themselves without too much risk.

I know what you mean, but this manner triggers my funny gut feelings.

*point at 8th Sin

2007-01-30, 03:20 PM
I've been lynched for this sort of thing before(Wrongly I might add).... but I agree with Silkenfist.

*Points at the 8th sin*

2007-01-30, 03:41 PM
I'm going to go against the flow and:

Tormsskull points at Silkenfist.

2007-01-30, 03:42 PM
Exachix nodds.

"Very true. Looks like Some sin here is trying to get rid of people."

he Points to The 8th Sin

2007-01-30, 03:50 PM
Can't argue with the smart person.

*Kyrian points at sin.

2007-01-30, 03:53 PM
B-Man arrives on the scene. He eyes the body and takes a swill of coffee.

Ah nuts.

He pokes the body with a stick.

Must make sure he's dead.

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-01-30, 05:06 PM
Well, indeed 8th sin, I was not hoping to create a bandwagon, but jumping in with the first vote with no evidence is a bit suspicious.

*Death points at 8th Sin

2007-01-30, 05:35 PM
you know guys, I thought Joosbawx was acting strange. but if you all think that 8th Sin is more suspicious, you're the boss(es). Silkenfist has rarely been wrong before.
points at 8th sin

Eldritch Knight
2007-01-30, 05:48 PM
8th sin, you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting... You're going to have to work harder to become the Number One Sin......

EK points at 8th sin

2007-01-30, 06:29 PM
The mob mentality seems to work to combat...mob mentality...whatever.

*points at 8th sin

2007-01-30, 06:46 PM
hmmmm...just to go against all existent flows:

*Malmagor points at Llama

2007-01-30, 06:51 PM
Hmm. We've got a fair bandwagon against 8th Sin, but he hasn't said anything at all in his defense. Nor has anybody much.
I'm going to guess that he's a regular guy, and the mafia are setting him up.

evnafets points at Kyrian

Thats twice in two days you've followed a bandwagon.
Definitely a mafia underworld tactic.

2007-01-30, 07:06 PM
Truth be told evie....I had the exact same thought about him. I don't have any concrete suspicions, but based on your position in the bandwagons, you're my first suspect.

*points at Kyrian

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 07:29 PM
In my defense, I was just tired of inaction. I wanted to do something, and I was hasty. My accusation was baseless.

*Withdrawing finger from Joosbawx

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 07:43 PM
Is the mafia going to go after the millionare again?

2007-01-30, 08:04 PM
if the mafia went after the millionare, wouldn't there be a dead mafia member?

Lord Magtok
2007-01-30, 08:27 PM
((Joosbawx's post sounded a lot like a hard-boiled detective's narrative. Think he's a cop?))

I'm not going to disagree with the majority's judgement, because I really don't think my opinion could make a difference at this point, but here's my vote.

Points at 8th sin.

2007-01-30, 08:45 PM
Hmm. We've got a fair bandwagon against 8th Sin, but he hasn't said anything at all in his defense. Nor has anybody much.
I'm going to guess that he's a regular guy, and the mafia are setting him up.

evnafets points at Kyrian

Thats twice in two days you've followed a bandwagon.
Definitely a mafia underworld tactic.

I have to agree at least partially. I'm becoming suspicious of my own bandwagon. The situation is not so clear-cut, that a one-way bandwagon against 8th Sin was enforced.

I've looked at the times again. When Death first pointed at Joosbawx, nothing happened for about 12 hours...then Joosbawx typed a complete IC post, which was followed by 8th Sins finger. During all this time, there has been no bandwagon rolling against Joosbawx. But as soon as I point at 8th Sin, I get 4 followers within half a hour.
I know that this was during the busy hours of the forum but it is too much to be a coincidence and it is fair to assume, a wolf jumped on the bandwagon as part of the underground tactic.

But maybe it is not an underground tactic, why the wagon against 8th sin has been rolling so easily. Maybe it is a diversionary tactic away from Joosbawx. If Joosbawx was a wolf, there would certainly be an attempt of the wolves to derail an eventual wagon.

To conclude: The wagon against 8th sin looks rather in his favor than against him. Alternate suspects are:
- Early on the wagon, if we assume diversionary tactics for the wolves
- Late on the wagon, if we assume underground tactics

This is a lot of air to say: I don't suspect 8th sin strongest for now, I suspect my own bandwagon. Accordingly, I will

*remove my finger from 8th sin.

New suspicion to be named later.

Lord Magtok
2007-01-30, 08:54 PM
((You sure we can retract our fingers?))

If so, I retract mine and point it at Silkenfist.

His ideas seem well-thought out, and I just have a bad feeling about the band wagon starter. The guy who took charge to stop the murders in "Nine little Indians" turned out to be the bad guy. Silkenfist just seems too convienient. I apologize to silkenfist if my theory proves false.

2007-01-30, 08:58 PM
hmm. some interesting points, there. alright. fine, i'll retract my finger. i'm gonna sit in the corner and watch.

2007-01-30, 09:07 PM
Lord Magtok: I am well aware that if I suspect my bandwagon, I have to include myself in the list of suspicions. But I think your main reason for pointing at me was the fact, that I am about to "chicken out" of the bandwagon as soon as someone opposes it.
To answer this: *thinking* OK, I can't think of a good answer other than the one above. After seeing the events unfold, 8th sing doesn't seem to be a likely wolf anymore and I don't want the bandwagon to roll home.

2007-01-30, 09:09 PM
I'd find it unlikely that if Silkenfist were a mafia member that he would willingly go about reasoning away a bandwagon he'd started against a villager.

2007-01-30, 09:09 PM
*DLD glares at the pointings going on*

I don't like the way this is going. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is trying to cause confusion and get us all to scatter like this so they can pick us off one by one. Either way, something's going on that seems fishy to me.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 09:10 PM
hmm. some interesting points, there. alright. fine, i'll retract my finger. i'm gonna sit in the corner and watch.

I will also watch. I am tempted to take up arms against my bandwagon, but there is no concrete evidence against any one member. I just advise everyone to watch bandwagons carefully; they are tools of the mafia, regardless of who starts them.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 09:15 PM
If we're going to beat the mafia then I recomend that any one who follows a bandwagon should give reasonable justification. Not "Silkenfist has been right so far."

2007-01-30, 09:16 PM
Either way, something's going on that seems fishy to me.

Lets just hope we don't all end up sleeping with the fishes.

Lord Magtok
2007-01-30, 09:26 PM
If we're going to beat the mafia then I recomend that any one who follows a bandwagon should give reasonable justification. Not "Silkenfist has been right so far."

He hasn't been right so far. All that happened was we lost the supsicous kid. Not one mafia member's dead yet. He has made some good points though. So good it seems he's making them to cover something.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-01-30, 09:28 PM
(Kyrian is a smart wolf, he was the last to die in my old pack and he lived in Classic I. In fact, he was hardly suspicious in classic 1. So he knows the tricks. And going "I didn't receive a PM" is a pretty good trick.)

The llama points at Kyrian.

(I'm sorry if you were just venting a minor frustration at Gez, Kyrian, but its not a chance I wish to take and I have no evidence against anyone else right now.)

2007-01-30, 09:32 PM
Lets just hope we don't all end up sleeping with the fishes. ((I actually looked at that line when I'd posted it and was "WTF did I put that"? Most of my fish died very recently. The only living ones are two that are in a different tank.))

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Lord Magtok
2007-01-30, 09:36 PM
(Kyrian is a smart wolf, he was the last to die in my old pack and he lived in Classic I. In fact, he was hardly suspicious in classic 1. So he knows the tricks. And going "I didn't receive a PM" is a pretty good trick.)

The llama points at Kyrian.

(I'm sorry if you were just venting a minor frustration at Gez, Kyrian, but its not a chance I wish to take and I have no evidence against anyone else right now.)

Maybe Gezina chose him for a mafia role for that history. I'm still voting against silkenfist, but I offer my support to this theory.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 09:40 PM
He hasn't been right so far. All that happened was we lost the supsicous kid. Not one mafia member's dead yet. He has made some good points though. So good it seems he's making them to cover something.

There's no reason to suspect that he's hiding something. Thinking deeply about the situation would be just as logical for a non-mafia member as it would be for a mafia member.

Lord Magtok
2007-01-30, 10:01 PM
I suppose you're right. It just seems too convienient though.

What the hell I'll just go with the Kyrian theory, as its safer. Wouldn't want to lose a valuable villager, if thats what silkenfist really is.

Adjust finger to point at Kyrian(if that's allowed.)

2007-01-30, 10:17 PM
Ok, I'm serious when I said I hadn't received a PM, but if you're just going to all bandwagon on me, for joining bandwagons as most of you all have the past couple of days now, whatever.

The 8th Sin
2007-01-30, 10:30 PM
Kyrian does look suspicious, but if there is anyone who has no right to hop on the bandwagon it's me after all that preaching.

2007-01-31, 04:03 AM
((Aw, crap, school starts and suddenly stuff happens?))

Krursk goes about town burying the bodies. Whenever he's finished that he goes to the town square ((or wherever the pointing is going on))

"Some interesting points being raised. I'll wait and see what turns up, but we're stabbing in the dark right now"

2007-01-31, 04:57 AM
Maybe Gezina chose him for a mafia role for that history. I'm still voting against silkenfist, but I offer my support to this theory.

As much as I like to see fingers withdrawn from me, I don't think this should be a valid argument. We should assume that our DM assigns roles randomly (At least I hope they do).

2007-01-31, 10:45 AM
The cigarette's calming effects cleared my head and gave me enough time to think. These people changed their mind more often than their underwear...it'd be interesting to watch that develop. Stabbing out the butt in a neglected ashtray nearby I decided to add my own voice to the verbal melee playing out in the cramped apartment of the ex-bodyguard with the ironic name.

"My money is on the goofy lookin' kid with the funny hair."

Voice was still gravely...too bad I hadn't had time to finish that cup of coffee at Gracie's...Gracie, hmmm, maybe I should stop by there once this nonsense was over for the day. The room quieted a bit and suddenly I felt like the guy with a coughing fit in the middle of his neices piano recital, so I reached for another smoke. Placing it between my lips and flickin gthe lighter to life with a grating ssssssssshlick-snap-clink I lit up and blew a plume of smoke out the corner of my mouth. Snapping the lighter closed I clearified my statement by pointing to Kyrian for those in the peanut gallery who still looked like tourists deciphering the A-Train schedule.

2007-01-31, 01:27 PM
"My money is on the goofy lookin' kid with the funny hair."

((What, I'm not even playing....)

pointing to Kyrian

2007-01-31, 02:57 PM
As you lead Kyrian to the gallows you don't notice anything special, after the lynch when you go through his posessions you find he owned a small home and had nothing special. There was nothing special about this guy after all.

Kyrian, a villager has been lynched.

((Night ends thursday, 7 PM GMT))

2007-01-31, 03:04 PM
I still count more votes for 8th sin than for Kyrian.

2007-01-31, 03:04 PM
((A villager? Shouldn't there be some other word? :smalltongue: ))

2007-01-31, 03:06 PM
((According to my count kyriam had 6 votes, while 8th sin had 5))

((Edit: I miscounted, I give you a thousend apologies, but that's all I can do.))

Lord Magtok
2007-01-31, 03:33 PM
Oh crap. We lost a villager. I'm going to shut up until I have a really good theory, and not just "because everyone else is doing it." I apologize if it was me who was the deciding vote. We'll get a real mafia person next time.

2007-01-31, 04:30 PM
Ouch...I forgot that Gezina is in MY timezone. But to be honest, I was not sure at all in which direction to point. The Kyrian mob had valid points, even if they turned out to be wrong.

2007-01-31, 06:47 PM
Way to go, not only do you lynch a villager, but you lynch THE WRONG PERSON!

2007-02-01, 08:58 AM
((s'okay Kyrian. I'm sure you have at least one more user name in this game, eh?))

2007-02-01, 10:18 AM
((Well, I mean, you are my alt Joosbawx...))

2007-02-01, 10:27 AM
((You wish. Nice mullet, by the way.))

With the scene cleaned up, the evidence gathered...what little there was...and the accusations made and carried out...in a manner of speaking...I couldn't wait for this day to end. Then again, with the thought of night came the foreboding dread of knowin ganother kill was probably already in the works as I walked the two blocks from the subway stop to Gracie's Place; a half-smoked cigarette dangling from my lips, hands shoved down into my trenchcoat pockets and squinting against the combination of neon, headache, and smoke wafting into my eyes. The night was as cold as the stares the locals give a tourist that feels he has to say 'hello' to everyone he passes like he's walking down main street of whatever podunk midwestern town he came from.

There was Gracie's Place, the light spilling from the clean on one side, New York on the outside windows like beacon and coloring the bit of city it illuminated with a touch of life, chasing away the gray. I stopped just long enough to drop the cigarette from my mouth and give it a cursory grind with my heel into the snow, hands still in pockets. Before I could reach for the door I noticed that Gracie wasn't behind the counter as I expected. What was today...Tuesday?...Wednesday?...hmmm, guess I've had more pressing things to think about today. Turning away from the door I walked past Gracie's toward the office, hands reburried into my pockets after the rote *flip*tap-tap-tap*snap*flick*schniiick*click* of lighting another cigarette, and I mused to myself about how Gracie could prove distracting even when she wasn't around. Especially when she wasn't around.

I climbed the stairs, unlocked the office and shook a few snowflakes from the fedora before hanging it on the coatrack above the trenchcoat. Unfortunately, thinking about Gracie had the opposite effect it usually did, and I found mysel fin a foul mood. Combine that with the cold night, the events of the day, and that tingly feeling the base of my skull about what would probably happen tonight and you have one helluva mixer...luckily I recognized the flavor and knew just what to add to make my usual cocktail. Settling down behind the desk I twisted the blinds open a bit to let in some of the ambiance that is New York City at night and reached into the bottom drawer of my desk to fish out a fresh bottle of gin. After knocking back the hastily mixed concoction, I made another that would hopefully go down a bit smoother and propped my feet up on the desk to look out the window. As the smoke from a cigarette I didn't remember lighting drifted across my view out the window I thought a little about Gracie and Lucky and the Mob and couldn't help but wonder just how much of it all was connected...or maybe that's just my own paranoia talkin'. Or the gin.

2007-02-01, 01:59 PM
When you wake up this morning you feel like something weird is going on, when you arrive at the town square you notice every single one of you is there.

Nobody has been killed this night due to lack of killing orders.

2007-02-01, 02:23 PM
Maybe the mafia threat was all just a conspiracy....

Everyone grab a tinfoil hat. That'll keep out the mind control rays.

((I'm guessing that this gives everyone active on the thread a relatively low suspiciousness level.))

2007-02-01, 02:31 PM
*grabs a tinfoil hat*

didn't this only work against aliens?

The 8th Sin
2007-02-01, 02:45 PM
The 8th Sin stands at the site of the...I mean nowhere in particular, and looks in the world in a new way. No one died in the night? It's as disoreinting as the sun not rising in the morning.

2007-02-01, 03:25 PM
*grabs a tinfoil hat*

didn't this only work against aliens?

Dude, thats what they want you to think. :mitd:

2007-02-01, 03:33 PM
Ink puts on a tinfoil hat.

Hey, these look good!

No clues, and my fingers are restless. Time to resume random pointing!

* Ink points at Captain Van Der Decken

The 8th Sin
2007-02-01, 03:39 PM
The 8th Sin "snap the female lead out of hysteria" slaps Ink. "Stop that!" Don't point unless you must!

2007-02-01, 03:49 PM
When you wake up this morning you feel like something weird is going on, when you arrive at the town square you notice every single one of you is there.

Nobody has been killed this night due to lack of killing orders.

And we're supposed to be afraid of these guys? Ah, well let's pretend to be so and string them up for loitering. Sicilian law can be harsh.

If the mafia overslept, it might indeed be reasonable to look closer at the ones who didn't act at all for some time. However, this could become pretty dull, if we look at this list:

Atreyu, the masked llama: Posted during Day 2
Alarra: Posted during Day 2
Captain van der Decken:
Cult of the raven: Posted during Day 2
DarkLightDragon: Posted during Day 2
Death, your friend the reaper: Posted during Day 2
Efnafets: Posted during Night 2
Eldritch knight: Posted during Day 2
Exachix: Posted during Day 2
Gralamin Lynched on day one, suspicious kid
Joosbawx: Posted during Night 2
Krursk: Posted during Day 2
Kyrian Lynched on day one, villager
Lucky Killed in night one, bodyguard
Lord Magtok: Posted during Night 2
Malmagor Andrigal: Posted during Day 2
Selrahc: Posted during Night 2
Silkenfist: Posted during Night 2
The 8th sin: Posted during Day 2
Tormsskull: Posted during Day 2
Zombierockstar: Posted during Day 2

Almost everyone got in their words at least once during the last time, with just five exceptions. While we might find an underground mafia member among them, it is probably not the best option.

2007-02-01, 03:51 PM
Actually I would speak against that sort of argument.
Our only hope for survival is to get a lively debate going.

If we all sit back and wait for absolute proof, the Mafia will also sit back during the day, and then pick us off one by one at night.
Voting during the day is the only way in which we can expose the Mafia.

I will admit I was mistaken yesterday. Despite my best intentions and reasons, I failed to discover a mafioso.
However I still doubt that 8th Sin is a "friend of the friends". The argument I raised yesterday still stands. Unfortunately I picked out the wrong target.

Given that Kyrian was innocent, and 8thSin likely so, the mafia probably spread their votes across both.
Nobody much changed their vote.
A few people unpointed.

I'm going to go with someone who voted on day one, but not yesterday
evnafets points at Cult of the Raven

2007-02-01, 03:56 PM
((Could've sworn that I voted... meh...))

B-Man puts on a blindfold and spins around the room. When he stops spinning, he realises that he is facing Deckmaster.

* B-Man points at Deckmaster.

2007-02-01, 04:27 PM
((Could've sworn that I voted... meh...))

B-Man puts on a blindfold and spins around the room. When he stops spinning, he realises that he is facing Deckmaster.

* B-Man points at Deckmaster.

Oh, please...we really don't need more random pointing. It is Day 3, we should have enough information by now to make at least partially informed guesses. Pointing at a random guy without stating anything as evidence doesn't help the village at all, it might even suggest that our evidence so far is worthless.

evnafets: I have the Raven on my list as well, but I have to inform you, she had voted during the day. She was a late-ish part of my bandwagon - which exactly is the reason, why she is a viable target for questioning and wagoning. But for me, for now, I have found someone else to put pressure on:

* Silkenfist points at B-Man

Your random point is not going to help us, we have a better alternative with evnafets reasoning and I have the nagging suspicion, you are trying to divert us from something. I am ready to withdraw my finger again, but I want you to contribute more.

2007-02-01, 04:36 PM
evnafets: I have the Raven on my list as well, but I have to inform you, she had voted during the day.
Huh? (Checks back posts). You're right.
I was looking at my summary of votes, and Raven withdrew her point yesterday which is why I thought she hadn't posted.

I think I'll let it stand for now, but if any other names are forthcoming I'm willing to listen

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-02-01, 05:43 PM
*Death gives a sigh and comes out swinging a baton*

'Ello, 'Ello, 'Ello, what do we have 'ere?

*Death notices the people already pointing*

I do hope I can show you good fellows what the police records show in this account.

I have done a check up on my mental health via communication with the other "cop", and we have come to the conclusion it was they who haven't been taking there happy pills.

As such I am willing to go out on a leg since we have priest (or is it doctor) somewhere:

*Death points his baton at Silkenfist

You have been found GUILTY by the law, in three cases of armed robberies , four murders, suspicoin on working for the mafia, and very bad violin playing. There isn't one state you ain't wanted it.

As to why I checked your records, I got the other cop to check one of the ones we know before and his record checking didn't fit the picture with what that person had stated they were. And I trust that person completely (mainly since I didn't die last night), and I wanted to know if we could trust you.

One as good as you as giving evidence on the wrong side is to much of a burden I would call for you to be arrested.

If you say I am "sacrificing" myself, it would be pointless at this time since I believe the mafia are only told if they are sheep, or special role, and there are three roles out there still, so it would be easy to lnych them on evidence of something else and then say you are sorry, or it was an accident until you only had one special role left, and by that time you should know.

So all in all, Silkenfest, with our town's permission I need to escort you to the police station.

Guilty! (for extra emphasis)

No doubt knowing your high caliber of playing you will return this with paragraphs on paragraphs of writing, yet only once of us will be innocent when we get taken to the shooting gallery, and I am convinced it will not be you who is the innocent.

2007-02-01, 05:57 PM
I'm not sure exactly what Death just said, but I pointed at Silkenfist last round, and I had my reasons.

Tormsskull points at Silkenfist.

2007-02-01, 06:01 PM
OOC: I think its what we call in Werewolf the "Bookman maneuver". ie Death is claiming the Seer, and has scried Silkenfist as a wolf.

Well my mother brought me up to respect a Policeman.
If the Cop says Silkenfist is crooked, then why shouldn't I believe him?

evnafets points at Silkenfist

edit: Tormsskull. You say you had your reasons but you didn't give them last round.
Care to share them now?

2007-02-01, 06:04 PM
*Points at Silkenfist*

Don't think a reason is neccesary. Consider this bonus text. There may be a small prize if read all the way through.

Oh look. There wasn't a prize. You must be really disapointed.

Lord Magtok
2007-02-01, 06:07 PM
Death may be a mafioso trying to silence SilkenFist, by pretending to be a cop. And SilkenFist would have a reason to act the way he does if he is a mafioso.

I'm not pointing any fingers till I hear more, though.

2007-02-01, 06:18 PM
I have my doubs, and i don't like bandwagoning, but i trust Death on this one...and i really hope he's right....

*Malmagor points at Silkenfist

2007-02-01, 06:50 PM
I'm sorry Death, but I don't really know that I trust you. I want to, and I imagine after Silkenfist dies, we'll know for sure....but I can't in good faith point at him. So..yes...I'm going to point randomly, for someone I don't think anyone will be voting for and without any suspicions against them, purely because I don't want to get involved with this yet. Actually, my reason for voting for this person is for teasing me with the offer of a prize and then not delivering it.

*points at Sehlrac

Lord Magtok
2007-02-01, 07:05 PM
Funny how much thought and post analysis we're putting into this game. I'm not discouraging it though. Just saying.

I've decided to get my rear off the fence, and I'm

Pointing my finger at Death.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-01, 07:23 PM
Gaaaahhhh! I have nothing to say for, or against Silkenfist, but if I do nothing it will have close to the same result as pointing at him!

2007-02-01, 07:24 PM
I’m sorry, but I can’t fill my post with an IC reaction to Death. This day will be important for the village and I have to make my point clear.

The problem is, that I don’t exactly know what had happened and I am afraid that this situation is – at least partially – my fault. My fault was to try and play the role openly to be discarded by the mafia as key role and to be scried by the cops early on. This is a risk I had completely overlooked.
Death: I don’t think you are one of the mobsters but you are just about to become their lackey. I am not 100% sure on this, but after considering your speech, the fact that you are still alive, and your mention of a “second cop” aiding you, I would guess that your role is a cop, albeit the badly medicated one.
Why am I sure of this? You have scried me as member of the mafia, which is highly unfortunate. I could simply walk to the gallows/execution commando, but I would prefer that we adjourn this. I guess, you already know my claim.
Roleclaim: Doctor

I know that this won’t suffice and that my theory is too similar to mafia subterfuge to avoid lynching. Unfortunately, I can’t back up my claim with anything. However, I can try to validate myself within one day.

You said, you had established contact to the “second cop”. According to your speech, your contact is the crazy cop, you are the sane one and I am a member of the mafia. In contrast, I am certain that I am the doc, you are the crazy cop and your contact is the member of the mafia.
The validation of the theories is simple: You name and execute your contact – which I am sure to be mafia. As a worst case scenario (I am babbling nonsense), you lose a non-essential role and have my execution adjourned for one day. It is not perfect but it is the best I can offer.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-01, 07:42 PM
I finally understand what Death is talking about. It wasn't that he was illogical, I just couldn't decipher his cliche' detective monologue.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-01, 07:47 PM
I have no idea how to point as far as Silkenfist, but as long as I'm waiting, I might as well
Point to B-Man
Silkenfist had a point.

Lord Magtok
2007-02-01, 08:01 PM
Silkenfist, if they lynch you and you turn out to be a villager, let me say that it was an honor knowing such an intellectual, and the one equally devoted to eliminating the mafia.

2007-02-01, 08:03 PM
Silkenfist, if they lynch you and you turn out to be a villager, let me say that it was an honor knowing such an intellectual, and the one equally devoted to eliminating the mafia.

Well...thanks, but I would prefer to be killed by the mafia. It is a demise slightly more honorable.

2007-02-01, 08:10 PM
If you claim you are the doctor... doesn't that mean you die tonight anyway?

Eldritch Knight
2007-02-01, 08:13 PM
I'm not sure who to point at, so I'll wait for further evidence.

2007-02-01, 09:07 PM
I'm not going to be able to keep with this as much as I like, but my vote is to give Silkenfist his day of grace.
- How did Death contact/know the other cop? Scrying?
- Would the real cop have really come forward? Or is Death the fake? Or Neither?

Silkenfists tactic sounds very believable to me.
It is quite possible that the mafia looked at Silkenfist and discovered a "role"
In which case they get Death to claim Cop, point at him and see if they can lynch him.
So I am withdrawing my vote for Silkenfist and pointing elsewhere.

evnafets points at Lord Magtok
Pointing at a guy who could potentially be the cop is bad news in my book.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-01, 09:28 PM
It sounds like Death was contacted by this person outside of the thread.

2007-02-02, 03:40 AM
((Fence-sitter, enter stage right))

Krursk walks in from a roughly right hand direction of the pointing mob and waits for more compelling evidence ((although I will haveto vote by the end of the day or face auto-lynch))

2007-02-02, 09:52 AM
Raven finally wakes up. she had to work at her waitressing job late last night, and slept in this morning. She comes in to the pointing zone. wait, you're all mistrusting a seer? Oh, compelling evidence. a seer? or not a seer? that is the question, eh? I have to point at someone, but this is a mess. everyone is pointing everywhere. I'm going to vote for this Lord Magtok person. He seems to be too eager to get rid of the important people in this town.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-02, 10:49 AM
(this post contributes nothing of value to the game. pardon my silliness if it distracts)

well, we can summarize that the crazy cop would have had to pass a thorough psychological examinatoin to become an officer. thus we can simply have the allegded officer check his files to see who hasn't refilled their prescription lately. Then we have our crazy cop. Hmmm....can silkenfist produce a stethoscope? because if he doesn't have a stethoscope, we can be assured he was lying about being a Dr. ALL Dr's have stethoscopes.
(okay...its the energy drinks from the trip, coupled with the 2 liter of Mug, the 3 cans of Barq's and the full moon. I may be a little off today.)

2007-02-02, 11:37 AM
well, we can summarize that the crazy cop would have had to pass a thorough psychological examinatoin to become an officer. thus we can simply have the allegded officer check his files to see who hasn't refilled their prescription lately. Then we have our crazy cop. Hmmm....can silkenfist produce a stethoscope? because if he doesn't have a stethoscope, we can be assured he was lying about being a Dr. ALL Dr's have stethoscopes.

Unless he was a DR of psychology....

The same Doctor of psychology who diagnosed the crazy cop! Aha!

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-02, 11:43 AM
I'm not sure who to believe in this mish mash however I've seen final destination enough to know that those who cheat death will end up dying in worse ways. For this reason
llama points at 8th sin
this is not a logical argument, but i'm not feeling logical

2007-02-02, 11:53 AM
Like LLama, I'm finding myself lost in this flurry of arguments. I can't find anything in the way of real proof. All I have is suspicions of various people, and all I can do is pick one of them to follow.

* ZRS points at 8th sin

The 8th Sin
2007-02-02, 02:33 PM
Great. Are we going to start a bandwagon based on no information, instead of just very little?

2007-02-02, 05:53 PM
I'm gonna re-consider this ((after reading all this time :smallbiggrin: )) and point to someone that really gets me suspicious....but not for now.....

Malmagor withdraws finger from Silkenfist

2007-02-02, 06:27 PM
Unofficial vote tally at this point.

8th Sin(2)
Atreyu, the masked llama

The 8th sin

Captain Van Der Decken(1)

Lord Magtok


Lord Magtok(2)
Cult of the raven


Death, your friend the reaper

No vote(9)
Captain van der Decken
Eldritch knight
Malmagor Andrigal

Disclaimer: Errors and exceptions expected.

Lord Magtok
2007-02-02, 06:55 PM
Fine. I withdraw my vote against Death. Happy?
You may be aiding (or in) the mafia by believing Death. There are plenty of reasons listed for his ations, many incriminating ones that sugest he is the crazy cop, other theories suggesting he is a mafioso.

However, I'm not in the mood to be lynched.

Takes finger off of Death, and points it at 8th sin.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-02, 07:15 PM
Fine. I withdraw my vote against Death. Happy?
You may be aiding (or in) the mafia by believing Death. There are plenty of reasons listed for his ations, many incriminating ones that sugest he is the crazy cop, other theories suggesting he is a mafioso.

However, I'm not in the mood to be lynched.

Takes finger off of Death, and points it at 8th sin.

Any reason for pointing at me?

Lord Magtok
2007-02-02, 07:23 PM
Everyone else is doing it. And whatever reasons they had against you before.
I'm not in the mood to go dig those up again.

2007-02-02, 11:45 PM
((misbehaving internet... confused... BLARGH!))

Who spiked my drink?! WHO, I SAY! ...Oh, we're pointing?

*points at Magtok*

Lord Magtok
2007-02-02, 11:54 PM
Geez, what did I do that was so bad? I just pointed at Death, a potential mobster. I'm starting to think the people pointing at me are mafia members trying to protect one of their own.
If you all want me to vote against silkenfist, here you go.

I reluctantly point at Silkenfist.

Eldritch Knight
2007-02-03, 12:03 AM
I will point at Lord Magtok, simply because I see him as a larger potential threat.

EK points at Magtok

2007-02-03, 12:16 AM
Well, like ZRS and LLama before me, I'm lost in the sea of arguments

Krursk points at Lord Magtok (to avoid auto-lynch, not because I don't like him)

((Also, I want to help with narration for the next edition of Mafia))

2007-02-03, 05:15 AM
Uhm...guys? Death? The day will end soon and so far we are not making progress. It even looks like with Lord Magtok, there is someone going to be lynched, who is not part of this argument. Getting him killed will help absolutely nothing, the accusations against me will persist and the current dilemma will be transferred to the next round.
Death: I can understand that you are reluctant to name your contact. But I would prefer to NOT prove my claim posthumously.

2007-02-03, 11:21 AM
OK, now this becomes ridiculous. In about 2 1/2 hours, the 48 hours will have passed and what have we achieved? As it stands now, the wolves can push whoever they want to the gallows.
Death: I will give you credit for the fact that you are about to organise WWVI. But seeing that you are representing a pretty strong claim, I ask you to stand behind it some more and help us figuring out, how to solve the situation.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-03, 11:51 AM
Lord Magtok is not suspicious in any way! Stop pointing at him!

2007-02-03, 12:01 PM
Exachix raises his eyebrow.

"Why would you say that 8th?"

He sighs and Points at the 8th Sin.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-03, 01:49 PM
Exachix raises his eyebrow.

"Why would you say that 8th?"

He sighs and Points at the 8th Sin.

If I were a mafia guy protecting my mate, I would just point to silkenfist.

2007-02-03, 02:03 PM
As you bring Lord Magtok to the gallows some NPC seem reluctant to do this and take B-Man with them. After you lynch Magtok you realise the NPC's have lynched B-Man. Going through both of their posessions you find a small dragon's hoard or similar at B-man's and nothing special at Magtok's.

Magtok, a villager has been lynched

B-Man, the millionaire wanted to be removed from the game and as such is.

Lord Magtok
2007-02-03, 03:05 PM
((Ha! I was a Villager! Who's "part of a larger threat" now?:smalltongue:))

2007-02-03, 04:06 PM
Exachix sighs and heads off to bed.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-03, 05:04 PM
I'm going to wait to chip in my thoughts until after we see what happens tonight.

2007-02-05, 02:44 AM
((B-Man and Lucky? Why do I find that funny?))

2007-02-05, 11:29 AM
When you wake up you notice Death is missing, when you arrive at his house the door is open. When you enter his house you notice him lying on the floor. A quick look through his posessions show a police badge, as well as files on every citizen of the village. When you try to open these files you notice they are ruined and unreadable. Desperately you sack his house, hoping to find medicine showing he was mentally unstable, yet the only things you find which could be called medicine are some painkillers and an almost empty box of sleeping tablets.

Death, the cop has been killed by the mafia.

2007-02-05, 02:10 PM
Well, I suppose Death was right yesterday

Krursk points at Silkenfist

Eldritch Knight
2007-02-05, 03:16 PM
Indeed. We must kill this criminal before he and his cronies strike again!

Ek points at Silkenfist

2007-02-05, 03:44 PM
Great. Just great. Death died and the town will most likely waste another day since I can't prove my innocence. At least the loss of my role won't be that great, since I obviously failed at my taks to protect the cop...

I'll add one (last) request, though. Whoever knows anything about Death's contact, please act in that direction tomorrow. I think it was the mafia rather than the fool, who sent him after me.

2007-02-05, 03:56 PM
See what happens when you don't follow the tin foil hat program?

Man... those Mafia guys are cold blooded. Whacking a cop like that. And I believe the Silkenfisted one is among them....

*Points at Silkenfist*

2007-02-05, 06:38 PM
there is no evidence to protect you now, silkenfist. our cop scried you as wolf, and now he is dead.
*points at silkenfist*

Eldritch Knight
2007-02-05, 06:44 PM
there is no evidence to protect you now, silkenfist. our cop scried you as wolf, and now he is dead.
*points at silkenfist*

You mean Mafia, not wolf. Right Argument, Wrong game.

2007-02-05, 06:47 PM
:smallredface::smallredface: it's so hard to keep that straight. anyway, you mafia member, pepare to be um.. what is it we do to them?:smallconfused:

2007-02-05, 06:51 PM
Just so happens theres a museum of nasty execution devices through the ages down the street, and that the only sane law enforcement just kicked the bucket.

I vote we go for the thing that looks like a big cheese grater....

The 8th Sin
2007-02-05, 07:01 PM
Maybe I just like playing devil's advocate, but if Death is killed, it wouldn't have been too hard for the mafia to see the lynching of silkenfist coming afterwards.
Despite that: Points to Silkenfist

The 8th Sin
2007-02-05, 07:04 PM
The 8th Sin points to the guillotine
While the cheese grater would be fun, it's best to just go with the standard execution gear. If we kill silkenfist in a special way, all the other criminals on death row will be jealous, and then we'd have to give them the cheese-grater too.

2007-02-05, 07:06 PM
:smallredface::smallredface: it's so hard to keep that straight. anyway, you mafia member, pepare to be um.. what is it we do to them?:smallconfused:

Give them 30 Gold and a back rub, then let them go.

One chocolate chip cookie for everyone who spots the reference.

2007-02-05, 09:07 PM
I have nothing better to go on than the fact that they killed the cop after he pointed at a specific guy. So I feel I must join the logic bandwagon here.

* Points at Silkenfist

2007-02-06, 02:12 AM
*points at Silkenfist*

2007-02-06, 05:26 AM
Honestly we at least know that Silkenfist lied about being the doctor. If he had been on the level with that then he would have been killed last night, and Death killed today.

I see this as the mafia doing a trade off of one member for the death of the only valuable role in the village.(Doctor without Cop is pointless)

2007-02-06, 05:33 AM
Honestly we at least know that Silkenfist lied about being the doctor. If he had been on the level with that then he would have been killed last night, and Death killed today.

Uhm...I concur on that. I had assumed, Death was the crazy cop and since crazy/not crazy is revealed in Mafia, I had assumed that it would be better to protect myself.

But the second part of your message is correct, unfortunately. Doc is weak without cop.

2007-02-06, 06:48 AM
I would like to point at whoever the real doctor is because they made a big goof, however, since I do not know that person:

Tormsskull points at Silkenfist.

2007-02-06, 07:28 AM
I would like to point at whoever the real doctor is because they made a big goof, however, since I do not know that person:

Tormsskull points at Silkenfist.

OK guys, help me on this one: How can I convince Torms to stop pointing?

*sigh* Writing my last will and ideas for the town now and embedding it in the death post.

2007-02-06, 11:44 AM
Exachix nodds and joins the bandwagon.

By pointing at Silkenfist

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-06, 11:55 AM

Try this scenario! Death was the crazy cop. He pointed mistakenly at Silkenfist.
Silkenfist is the Dr.

Now Silkenfist has a choice. He can either protect the crazy cop or the Dr. He knows that the Doctor is more of a positive than the Crazy cop. So he protects himself. If Silkenfist wasn't the baner, then the true Baner should have been protecting Death, but since Death wasn't protected, I assume that Silkenfist was protecting himself in case the wolves went after him.

Who first led the bandwagon against Silkenfist? That person has my suspicions.

KRURSK! You leaped at the chance to hang Silkenfist without putting any thought into this or offering much evidence.. You have my "vote".
*the llama points at Krursk*

2007-02-06, 12:07 PM
Exachix sighs.

"To be honest, I think the Llama may have hit a gold mine."

He changes, and He points too... Krursk."

2007-02-06, 12:57 PM
That being said...the death scene implied that he wasn't the crazy cop. Are we sure that it would be ambiguous as to which is which in this game?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-06, 01:06 PM
(presumably, we shouldn't be able to know. IC, of course we didn't find any meds. That's why he wasn't taking them. He can't take them if he can't find them. I think the mafia took them.)

2007-02-06, 01:54 PM
I could feel it before I even opened my eyes this morning...so I didn't open them and reached for the dwindling pack of smokes and pulled one out with my lips. Lghting it and inhaling deeply, I used the smoke to clear my head before exhaling it and gathering my thoughts. The smoke plume billowed in the stale air of the office, rolling and boiling like the thunderhead of tangible dread and brewing drama effecting the City. Once I tasted the tang of the filter I opened one eye to stub out the butt into the ashtray and cleared my throat. The familiar creak and grumble of the wood-slat chair echoed the familiar creak and grumble of my joints as I hauled myself up and stumbled to the bathroom on feet full of pins and neddles. I grabbed the bottle of Gin...or what was left of it, anyway...on my way past the corner fo the desk and raised it to my lips, then quickly decided otherwise. I'd need to be sharper than usual today, unless my personal radar was deceiving me...and it rarely did, even when dulled by a cheap bottle or springtime perfume. I poured the clear liqued down the drain in the bathroom and set to making myself presentable. Hell, I even shaved...though that was more for Gracie than for the cops I was bound to visit today.

Within an hour I was at Gracie's Place with a cup of fresh brewed finishing up the job of learing my head. Paper and coffee as usual, but no Gracie...which was unusual and disappointing. Though I didn't have long to ponder what she might be up to or who she migh be with before I set into the paper...and that's when my suspicions from earlier were confirmed. "Dammit," I though to myself, brows furrowing and setting the half finished cup of clear thoughts aside, forgotten, "The Thin Man...he was a cop afterall. Gues that's what you get for sticking out your bony neck, pal." Once again, I was reminded of why I'd gotten off the force and sent a quick thanks up to a Saint who's name I'd long forgotten. Old habits die hard, and it never hurts to be thurough...you know, just incase. I tossed a handfull of coins on the counter for the coffee and paper and jogged to the door. Head felt clear, that's good. One stop to make before headin gout to the scene.

One stop later and I was disembarking the subway and climbing up to the street level with the rest of the morning crowd of commuters. More than once I hefted the small lump of weight in my trenchcoat pocket, telling myself it was just to ensure I hadn't lost it but knowing in the back of my mind it was for my own sense of security. Assuming it'd still fire...and I could hit what I was aiming at. Pushing that thought away, I ducked unde the tape and went to check out the scene. The press was still hanging around, taking notes furiously on all the finger pointing, so I did what I always do in a situation like this...I lit up and found a nice patch of wall to hold up. After awhile, I figured I'd heard enough to make up my own mind...or confirm my suspicions from the moment I'd read the headline at least.

"There's yer man, right there." I said, and the words felt heavy as they came out of my mouth. I guess it shouldn't be any different when you're talking about life and Death. This ain't no game, after all. A couple of people turned to look, so I pointed to Silkenfist...same as the Thin Man yesterday. "Proof is in the pudding...if you'll excuse the expression, Sweetheart," I said, giving Alarra a little of the rusty charm I still had, "But The Thin Man had his number the other day, and look where it got him. I don't buy what you're sellin', Llama."

"Geez," I thought to myself as I took a drag on the half-consumed cigarette, "How can you not be part of the mob with a name like 'Llama'?" I scanned the room and simply continued to smoke. I'd said my piece and made my choice clear. Shifting my weight, I felt the weight of the stell in my coat pocket bump reassuringly against my leg and I felt a little calmer. Tension was a bit high, but I ain't gonna leave until this scene plays itself out.

2007-02-06, 02:17 PM
((ooc: you know, i'm pretty sure Death was cleared as the real cop without any ambiguity...))

I don't think Krusk meant something by pointing first...and Silkenfist is very suspicious right now....i think i'm gonna go for the more secure option....

*Malmagor points at Silkenfist*

ya know, some of us will really appreciate a defense....Doctor:smallannoyed:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-06, 02:22 PM
(I love Joos' posting style. I wanna try, but ...ummm...i'm really tired and ...ah well, we'll do my best and hope it turns out well.)

*Sighing as the odds of Silkenfist making it through the night grew smaller than the odds of an Oreo on a table surviving at play date of 6 year olds, I turned to the trenchcoated fellow. His breath was a mix of booze, smoke, and coffee. I didn't envy whatever organs in his stomach had to deal with that sludge. Still, my breath probably smelled like whatever pesticide was used to keep the golf course looking good. Cancerous, probably, but still tasty, besides, if Silkenfist turned out to be a member of the mob, I'd be getting a stoplight's POV long before any cancer could kill me. *

"You don't buy it, eh? You'd better hope you're right because if our Doctor goes down, its going to be the "No Returns" policy for all of us. As for me, I'd rather not be made into a coat for the Godfather's latest lady and I think that the evidence against Silkenfist isn't worth the risk of hanging the good doctor. After all, Evan's Art Emporium isn't the only place that can do some framing."

*I could feel it, the ichor twisting in my stomach, my primal urge calling me to cover the offender with a mouth full of llama spit, but supressed the urge. It was only nerves. Silkenfist had to survive the night. If he was a mobster, I was dead. If he was the doctor, then I'd just made myself a target and didn't have anyone to protect me. *

2007-02-06, 02:39 PM
OOC: Gezina can we get a ruling on whether or not we can tell the difference between the death of the cop and the crazy cop?

I must admit, I was thinking along the same lines as the Llama, in that we can't tell the difference. If so...
Death was either the Cop, or the Crazy cop.

If Death was the Cop, then Silkenfist is a member of the mafia, and not the Doctor as he claims. That means someone else must be the doctor, and the doctor should have been protecting Death last night (as the claimed cop).
Obviously this didn't happen.
So either Death was not the real cop, or the Doctor didn't protect him.
Mr Doctor, if you're not Silkenfist, and you didn't protect Death last night, please let me know.

If Death was the Crazy Cop, then we can at least consider Silkenfist is telling the truth when he says HE is the doctor. That means he probably would have been protecting his own butt last night (can the doctor do that?). Deaths contact was either the REAL cop, or a mafia member posing as a cop.

I need to think on this some more.

2007-02-06, 02:53 PM
((OOC: Death was the cop, not the crazy one. And since we reached majority Silkenfist should die now.))

The town had assembled in front of the large house. They had been dragged along by the past events and a majority of them had felt that the man who claimed to be a cop was actually speaking the truth. Uniformed and armed with his baton, An NPC copper walks up to the front door alone. He knocks on the oaken wood and is surprised that it is opened almost immediately.

In the doorway, the villagers see man in a white suit, wearing a stethoscope around his neck. In a calm, friendly manner he starts talking: “Good evening, officer. What leads you to my practice?”
“Citizen Silkenfist. I am afraid; I must place you under arrest. Please follow me to the guardhouse.”
“I am afraid, I must decline. I don’t even know what I am accused of.”
“Don’t play dumb.” The cop snarls. You were seen sneaking around in the night, just after the murder happened.
“House call.”
“And the night before?”
“House call.”
“Ah. And yesterday. No, wait. Don’t tell me”
“You won’t believe it, officer. It must be an epidemic.”
The cop hears someone giggling behind him. He controls his anger, though. “Don’t even try to fool me here. You even have blood on your hands right now.”
“I had to perform surgery today.”
“Don’t you wear gloves for that?” The cop makes a mental note to switch his doctor. Just in case.
“Uhm…no. I…uhm…it is…Italian Surgery”
“Yeah, right. And if you did so, who did you operate on?”
“I can’t tell you, officer. Hippocratic oath”
The cop forces himself to stay calm again. That punk would not manage to provoke him. “Mr. Silkenfist, you can’t talk yourself out of this. I saw you two nights ago. I saw you murdering poor Lucky.”
“That’s bad, officer. It is really bad if you see things that don’t exist. Have you considered medication for that? I could prescribe you some happy pills to take care of that.”
The cop inhales deeply. “Fine. Show me your medicaments.”
“Sure, Sir”. Silkenfist turns around to get to the back of his house, but is suddenly knocked down from behind with the baton. Like a stone, he drops down onto the floor. Over his back, The cop steps into the house and retrieves a big leather bag from it. A bright red cross is painted on its side.
“You think, he was a doctor, huh?” the cop yells to the audience. “Well, look at this”
The cop opens the bag and turns it around to let the contents fall down on the ground below. Two machine guns, several pistols, and a garrotte, a collection of switchblade knives and – worst of all – an untuned violin hit the paved floor. The cop glares at the villagers.
“Does anyone of you still have doubts? No?” He looks into the faces of the villagers, then gestures two NPCs to drag the unconscious member of the mafia to the gallows.

Silkenfist, a member of the mafia has been lynched

((Death scene supplied by Silkenfist))

2007-02-06, 02:56 PM
I have only three words to say to that: Told ya so.

2007-02-06, 02:58 PM
After reading the rest of the thread, I'm gonna still stand with Silkenfist on this one.
Lynching Silkenfist would tell us for sure if we lost the real cop or not.
But it may also lose us the doctor.

I'm gonna follow along with Krursk as the most likely alternative - but why Krursk?

evnafets points at Krursk

2007-02-06, 03:02 PM
Hmm. Too late, and just as well for silkenfist.
Damn it doc - where were you last night?

2007-02-06, 03:13 PM
(The ghost of Silkenfist appears on the town square.)

Damn it. Why did the cop have to be revealed as the true one. I could have spent a few more rounds alive if it weren't for that. It had been fun, playing with you. Please don't take it personallys, when my friends send you to the fishes.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-06, 03:24 PM
(It made logical sense! I spent 2 hours mulling over the most likely scenario. GAH! Why am I always wrong?? *Bangs head on desk.*)

*As each implement of death bounced off the ground the noise they made sounded like "lynchthellama." My stomach sunk faster than the Titanic and I felt as cold as the iceberg that sank it. Mumbling an apology for doubting the trenchcoated fella, I turned from the crowd and made my way toward the golf course for a last meal. I'd defended a member of the mafia, openly and brazienly. I knew that nothing I could say would change the facts, but what were the facts these days. I thought my mind would be clearer after my decision, but only now am I lucid enough to see that I can't be trusted. I thought one of my best friends was the Godfather's lady. I should be hung for thinking like that. No worries, tomorrow the crowd will do what I can't seem to do myself.

However, I have time for one last meal and leave one last "present" for the groundskeeper who kept chasing me off with a rake.

2007-02-06, 03:38 PM
This is why you should trust people who claim to be the police. I mean... whats the worst that can happen? We lose a doctor or a cop as the absolute worst case scenario. It always results in the death of a mafia member.

I know I pointed at the right person today and yesterday, how about the rest of you *Glares*

2007-02-06, 04:01 PM
hmmm...seems that my "hunch" was right....

well, seems like Silkenfist almost got us...with the exception of one, or two...the mobsters will likely be angry tonight......

*goes to his house and bars the doors and windows*

2007-02-06, 04:16 PM
Exachix hmms, and goes home, quietly.

2007-02-07, 03:28 AM
((Just an OOC update on the living and dead:
Atreyu, the masked llama
B-Man Suicide on day three, millionaire
Captain van der Decken
Cult of the raven
Death, your friend the reaper Killed in night three, cop
Eldritch knight
Gralamin Lynched on day one, suspicious kid
Kyrian Lynched on day two, villager
Lucky Killed in night one, bodyguard
Lord Magtok Lynched on day three, villager
Malmagor Andrigal
Silkenfist Lynched on day four, mafiosi
The 8th sin

And if we had an auto-lynch system, the following people didn't vote yesterday:
Captain van der Decker

2007-02-07, 11:27 AM
I didn't watch the execution...I hadn't the stomach for that sort of thing, especially on nothing but a steady diet of caffeine, nicotine, and Listerine. The doughnuts were about the only thing I missed about being a cop, but I was jonesing for something a little harder and just as bad for me. Shaking it off, I lit a smoke with a little tremble in my hand that I pretended not to notice.

*flip*schhhhhhnick*click*crackle*phhhhhhhhhhhhh*ah hh*

That's a bit better...now to think. But it wasn't easy. The night was quiet as I stood under the street lamp, waiting. The only sounds keeping me company were the quickened pace of my own heartbeat and the irregular woody *flick* from my thumb on teh cigarette butt. The City seemed be holding her breath, expectantly...collectively, and in the still and quiet my own heartbeat slowed a bit to match the steadyness of the traffic and ambient night-city-sounds from a few blocks over. I needed answers, and, even though I didn't like it, this was pretty much the only reliable...if you can call him that...source I had left to tap. Vinny "the Pigeon" Piccione...the kid was so connected they should call him "Pinocchio". Rumor had it he didn't 'shoot' without the Godfather's...or whoever his handler was...permission, which worked out nicely because they scared him 'shootless'. All you had to do to get information for the kid was lean on him until you were scarier than whoever it was you wanted him to tout. Rubbing my hands together I let the smoke fall from my lips before crushing it out on the pavement.

*flip*schhhhhhnick*click*crackle*phhhhhhhhhhhhh*ah hh*....

Four smokes and half a dozen glances at my watch later I decided that whoever was tugging on the other end of the Pigeon's leash was bigger and scarier than I'd anticipated. "Damn, the kid ain't comin'." I thought to myself and turned to leave. My own footsteps on the asphalt broke the night spell, and all the sudden I felt as conspicuous as a Shriner attending Synagogue. I quickened my pace to match my heart rate and unconsciously felt for the lump of cold reassurance tucked heavily into the pocket of my coat...but I either outpaced my own footsteps, or whoever was following me got wise that I'd picked up on him. Or knew where to find me later...not that it was all that difficult.

I went to the office...where else?...and locked the door behind me. "Dammit, kid," I scolded myself, "You're actin' like a rookie." I went behind the desk and sat down facing the locked office door, setting the snubbed .38 down on the blotter heavily...it sounded like a gavel and as I waited there feeling like holed-up rabbit I got to thinking about justice and what I thought I knew about this City. I picked up a pen and started scribbling a few notes on a handy scrap of paper for myself. Memory isn't as good as it used to be, but it felt good to be onto somethig again after so long.

Two and a half pages later I heard a noise out in the hallway that sounded just like someone who didn't want to be heard finding the loose floorboard halfway between the stairs and my door. I reache d for the light and yanked the chain, instantly filling the room with darkness. The only sounds I heard was the crumple of the papger as I hasily folded them and tucked them into the breast pocket of my coat and the soft scraping of me picking up the .38 from the desk. Then my ears were filled with thunder as I strained to hear something else, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness and watching the windows to the hallway. Slowly, a silhouette crept across the corrogate leaded glass...fedora, beaky nose, and an outstretched hand toward the doorknob. Thumbing back the hammer with intent I raised myself off the office chair and the gun toward the door. "Cup and saucer, bud," I though as I took aim, "No mistakes...breathe and squeeze."

But it didn't come to that. The warning I'd given with the metallic *click-click-CLACK* of cocking the revolver served it's purpose and the silhouette's hand retreated slowly before he simply turned and bolted for the stairs. Foolishly emboldened by my temporary victory, I ran after him...even though I didn't really want to catch him, I'll admit. Leaning over the edge of the railing as the street door crashed closed with a rattle of glass and wood, the pull-down shade *rap-pap-pap-papping* like a tommy-gun as it wound itself I yelled after the lurker. "Yeah, run ya cowa'd!! I got more for you and you Sicilian brothahs anytime you want it! Get outta here, an' stay out!"

Releasing the railing, I pretended not to notice the tremble in my hands as I headed back to the office and shut the door behind me, locking it. Walking back to the desk, I reached for a bottle...but not like usual. This one was empty already, but still served a purpose. Propping it on the doorknob carefully...no easy task when your hand got a case of the nerves you're trying to convince yourself isn't there...I left it to serve as an early warning in case I fell asleep.

Pulling the paper from my pocket I took another look at it as I lit a smoke...the gun set down within easy reach on the desktop. I smoked and read and thought and waited on the sunrise. The City kept me company, humming me a lullaby of traffic sounds and street noise to which I did my best not to succumb. Morning couldn't come soon enough...if it came at all.

2007-02-07, 02:40 PM
Another morning came and another citizen was missing, though you couldn't figure out who it exactly was. After looking carefully you entered 8th sin's house and found his dead body, eyes removed and replaced with rocks, as well as hands reduced to bone, bone without any hardness that is, looking closer through his home you find some music notes and a cello. As well as an Ipod and a laptop. The laptop is heavily damaged through some unknown source. After a quick view through the house you find an empty buckt of highly aggresive acid and a note.
Don't think we let you go after you found one of us.
The mafia

The 8th sin, a villager was killed by the mafia

2007-02-07, 02:44 PM
That seems a rather poor move by the mafia....

I mean... 8th sin has been high on peoples suspicions for awhile now. We would have lynched him soon probably.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-07, 03:36 PM
*I woke with a bleat from a dream where I was being hacked to bits by citizens weilding the weapons found in Silkenfist's bag. I raised my head and heard two kids talking morbidly about 8th Sin's body being found. Rocks in the eyes? These mafia members were more morbid and vicious than a wolverine sprayed with mace.

However, I thought 8th Sin was innocent, too. Maybe I wasn't as bad at this as I thought. First thing's first, though. I needed to face the judgement of the crowd for my sin of defending Silkenfist yesterday. They'd want blood and if they wanted mine, I'd let them have it. The only other option I could think of was to try to offer them the blood of the only man who stood beside me yesterday and that wasn't right in my book.

Arriving at the gathering, I waited, nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs to see what they thought.*

2007-02-07, 03:39 PM
Actually, 8th sin was vindicated in my book because Silkenfist tried to redirect the bandwagon onto him early on. Now the question is, "Was he redirecting it away from another mobster?"


Yeah, Silkenfist redirected the bandwagon away from Joosbawx. Does that make Joosbawx a mafia member? Possibly, but my guess is no. So we go on to the next suspect.

Yeah......Just seeing if you're paying attention.

Ok, so the real question is, do we have any leads other than Joosbawx who is a possibility but not an inevitability.

2007-02-07, 03:44 PM
You're pointing at a dead cop? :smallconfused:

Eldritch Knight
2007-02-07, 04:31 PM
That's a rather gruesome killing. As of yet we have no leads, but if we could find the doctor and the crazy cop, we'd be able to reduce the number of people who might be mafia stooges.

The 8th Sin
2007-02-07, 04:45 PM
"Beware the Wulgaru!" a voice shouts from the grave.
Delicious flan for whoever knows what I'm talking about

2007-02-08, 03:21 AM
Llama, you tried to defend a member of the mafia when his alleigance was known! And in addition, you claimed that we should let him live since he was the Doctor, which is pretty much pointless since the Cop has been killed.

*DLD points at Llama*

Explain yourself!

2007-02-08, 03:58 AM
Llama, you tried to defend a member of the mafia when his alleigance was known! And in addition, you claimed that we should let him live since he was the Doctor, which is pretty much pointless since the Cop has been killed.

*DLD points at Llama*

Explain yourself!

((A voice with a cuban accent appears from no where. "Lucy..you got some splaining to do...."

Sorry, couldn't resist. Need sleep. Love the posts Joosbawx))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-08, 07:24 AM
Llama, you tried to defend a member of the mafia when his alleigance was known! And in addition, you claimed that we should let him live since he was the Doctor, which is pretty much pointless since the Cop has been killed.

*DLD points at Llama*

Explain yourself!

Finally, someone said it. I was shocked it was the star of fantasy animal planet, but I don't know why. The dragon has one of the deadiest bites of any non-poisonous animal and DLD's mouth was proving as dangerous as the stories led me to believe. Taking a deep breath, I faced my accuser and opened my own mouth in defense.*

"That's ....pretty inaccurate, actually. Silkenfist's allegiance wasn't known. It was suspected. Death's claim to be the cop wasn't known. It was suspected. There was a chance that Death was nuttier than a fruitcake factory and he hadn't offered enough proof otherwise. (It wasn't until S.F. had been hung that Gez confirmed Death as the non-crazy cop. I wrote the rest off as flavor text.)

Plus, my theory explained why Death hadn't been protected by the Doctor at night. Which is a question that I thought was a key factor in the puzzle. Sure it turned out to be the wrong theory, but I thought it all made sense."

And why on earth would the Doctor not be important anymore? He saves lives. (That is an odd statement, DLD. You were saved by the baner once yourself. You should know how nice they are to have around.)

"I've said my piece. I looked at the evidence and came to the wrong conclusion."

*The llama hangs his head and waits to see what the others say.*

2007-02-08, 06:59 PM
Llama is a good player, with experience of being mafia/werewolf.

I doubt he'd do something so obvious as arguing to save a mafia member on the wrong end of a Cop driven bandwagon.

I may be wrong though. This may be a bluff. Its not going to get me pointing any road.

2007-02-08, 09:34 PM
Now, Call me a fool, but methinks DLD is a bit trigger happy. LLama made a mistake that many of us could have made, and explained it, and I believe him

*Krursk points at DLD*

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-09, 07:34 AM
(I really don't like pointing at my pointer, but the end of day is approaching and most everyone has been silent, plus I think the errors in her post are a little suspicious. I didn't want DLD to be the lynchee, but I don't want it to be me more than I don't want it to be her.)

*The llama points at DLD and wags gratefully at Krursk*

2007-02-09, 07:36 AM
Yeah, I have no clue. I'm going to throw a point at:

Tormsskull points at DLD.

2007-02-09, 07:43 AM
Alarra looks at the apathy running rampant through the town and *points at DLD to speed things along.

2007-02-09, 08:13 AM
A mobster dragon? Well anything is possible I suppose.

* Ink points at DLD

2007-02-09, 08:27 AM
((Due to circumstances beyond my controll I will be away till sunday evening, and as such the day will be extended.))

2007-02-09, 08:31 AM
Just a quick voting tally, for those interested:
Atreyu, the masked llama (2)
Captain van der Decken

DarkLightDragon (5)
Atreyu, the masked llama
Eldritch knight

Deckmaster (1)

Have Not Voted (9)
Cult of the raven
Deckmaster (Did not vote last round)
Malmagor Andrigal
Roy666 (Did not vote last round)

Hate to seem like I'm trying to force an auto-lynch system on Mafia, but in case you want to use one Gez, I marked those who didn't vote last round

Captain van der Decken
2007-02-09, 08:34 AM
Well, I must say, being eager for a lynching isn't the best of reasons to lynch someone. And DLD had a fairly good reason to vote for Llama, although, to be fair, his defense was reasonable. But I'm gonna point at the Llama.

2007-02-09, 09:10 AM
((Llama, I WAS the Baner in that game. When the Seer dies before you, the only person worth protecting is yourself.))

I admit that my statement was flawed. We weren't certain of Silkenfist's and Death's identity, and you say it was suspected. Yet you still tried to defend Silkenfist, a member of the mafia.

Yes, it is obvious that Death wasn't protected by the Doctor. But it's happened before. True Cops have died while the Doctor lived on. We cannot be certain as to what really happened about that, so your theory can't prove anything.

Who else is important enough for the Doctor to protect, apart from themself? Even if the Doctor decided to protect someone else for some reason, they can't be certain of who or what they're protecting.

Noone apart from the Cops really have an ability that is very important, except the Doctor who usually protects the Cop. But the Cop is dead, so there's no extremely special people to protect. Apart from themself.

You getting that?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-09, 09:36 AM
((Llama, I WAS the Baner in that game. When the Seer dies before you, the only person worth protecting is yourself.))

(I see....so you admit for the need to constantly protect yourself. It sounds like you are rather paranoid, which is the way many people in the mafia feel. AH HA! :smile: )

(No, I'm just kidding. I'd have pointed at me or Exachix too in your position.)

Eldritch Knight
2007-02-09, 09:47 AM
http://home.planet.nl/~hdgoede/tdg/StickArt/OtherPeople/Smileys/EldritchKnight.png So, it seems we've got a mystery on our hands. The only way to resolve this is to lynch someone. DLD, you're going to have to provide a better defense than that if you want to save yourself.

EK points at DLD

2007-02-09, 10:20 AM
*DLD sighs at EK*

I wasn't defending myself. I was attacking Llama. Get your facts straight.

((tired, will post more tomorrow if im still alive))

The 8th Sin
2007-02-09, 05:23 PM
Just a quick voting tally, for those interested:
Atreyu, the masked llama (2)
Captain van der Decken

DarkLightDragon (4)
Atreyu, the masked llama

Have Not Voted (12)
Cult of the raven
Deckmaster (Did not vote last round)
Eldritch knight
Malmagor Andrigal
Roy666 (Did not vote last round)
The 8th sin

Hate to seem like I'm trying to force an auto-lynch system on Mafia, but in case you want to use one Gez, I marked those who didn't vote last round

I probably haven't pointed because I'm dead.

2007-02-09, 05:52 PM
*cooly eyes everyone*

The bandwagon against DLD seems a little poorly founded for me, but I can't fully agree with the accusations against LLama. He defended himself pretty well.

Here's all I can think of, some of these Mafia members are lying pretty low, since we didn't see them act a few nights ago. Maybe we should look at those among us doing the same?

* Points at Deckmaster

2007-02-10, 01:18 AM
((the voting list changed...

*narrows eyes*))

2007-02-10, 02:30 AM
((Yeah, people voted))

2007-02-10, 02:49 AM
((Not what I meant. When 8th Sin quoted the list, he moved a name. I'm not talking about the edited version.))

2007-02-10, 07:37 AM
((Hey, I did vote! For DLD.))

2007-02-10, 07:58 AM
Hmm... I give a valid reason for accusing Llama, he comes up with a valid defense, I come up with a valid counter, and people are still pointing at me? Hmm... suspicious...

I am an ordinary villager. I cannot guarantee Llama's identity, but he is arousing my suspicions. There's something fishy about the pointing going on!

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-10, 09:21 AM
*I looked at the rock star then back at the dragon. Frankly, I didn't blame the dragon and since it was no longer me or her I could safely remove my hoof from her direction.*

"Nothing personal, DLD. Just trying to avoid testing the max weight on that rope. I think Ozzie No Pulse over there has a decent point we may both agree on."

*The llama points at Deckmaster*

2007-02-10, 09:38 AM
((Anyone mind making an updated list?))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-10, 09:47 AM
llama (2)
_captain vdD

DLD (4)

Deckmaster (2)

updated as of post 242

2007-02-11, 03:54 PM
As you lynch the draconic creature of twilight nothing happens. When you look in her cave you find nothing special.

DarkLightDragon, a villager, has been lynched

2007-02-11, 04:29 PM
Exachix sighs and heads to bed, mutting about the mafia being persistant and 'get out'.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-11, 06:12 PM
*watching the majestic dragon swing in the breeze made me sick to my stomach. I felt horrible that I may have had a hand in that. I felt on edge, like I was walking through a razorblade factory after hours with no flashlight. I trotted back to the golf course, trying not to watch the corpse's shadow, still swinging.*

2007-02-11, 06:23 PM
Raven, having been utterly confused the whole time and not having time to vote, shakes her head sadly.

a bad day for us all. a villager is lynched. we have lost precious time in trying to root out this threat to our city.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-02-13, 04:00 PM
*The llama twists and turns in the night, jumping at any shadow, fearing that anything that goes BUMP in the night may be a mafia member sneaking up with a garrote*

2007-02-13, 04:33 PM
Chivalry is dead, indeed. Hanging a woman, regardless of what she might have done, wasn't something I was prepared to stomach, so I lit up a smoke as I turned away to counteract he bile clawing its way up my throat. I wanted to go to Gracie's on the way back to the office, but I equally was unprepared for her to see me in such a state. Walkign the long way around the block to avoid the diner, the cool night air helped clear the taste of acidic coffee aftermath from my mouth, and all I could think to myself was 'Damn, son, you need a drink like you've never needed on before'. However, I resisted and went up to the office, my footsteps on in the empty hallway sounding hollow and empty as the void when these Sicilian 'bastids' conscience should be.

I settle dbehind the desk and propped up my feet, having not even bothered to turn the lights on after locking the door. The revolver rested heavily in my lap, and its weight equal parts comforting and foreboding...like the hello hug from the unmarried uncle that your parents won't let you be in the same room alone with for more than five minutes. I listened to the quiet until my eyes acclemated to the dark and my ears were filled with the gradually slowing hammering of my own heart. After sorting a few things out and taking some notes on the already worn and worried piece of paper I'd spent the last night pouring over I looked out he window and eventually fell asleep.

2007-02-13, 05:57 PM
((I get the awesome deathscenes and awesome reactions from them :smallcool:

Just keep swimming... someone's gonna go down tonight... just keep swimming, just keep swimming...))

2007-02-14, 07:32 AM
When you wake up this morning you notice a missing ship, the ship owned by captain van der Decken. When you talk with one of his sailors the sailor said: "The captain was a good man, insisting we get off his ship while he wakes up every last man and makes sure every single one of us survives, as we did. But he went down with his ship, to davy jones' locker. I'm sure the mafia did this"

Captain van der Decken, a villager has been killed by the mafia