View Full Version : Church inquisitor question

2014-02-02, 10:30 PM
The requirements say that the character has to be lawful good or neutral, but then in the special it says that the church itself has to be lawful good.

So been coming up with a cleric in the FR setting who is under Hoer. He's lawful neutral.

My question is this. Is the deities alignment the same as the the church alignment or no? A cleric can be one step away from their deity and the cleric is a recognized member of the church or else he's not really a cleric. I'm not sure if there is a rule about this or not.

It would be unfortunate if it doesn't work since the inquisitor stuff would fit really well with a cleric of Hoer. Rooting out the truth and handing out poetic justice.

2014-02-02, 10:36 PM
In this case I'd say the part about the church is fluff and you'd follow the requirements listed for the class.

2014-02-02, 10:41 PM
The Alignment of a Church depends on the Alignment of the Clerics that run the Church. So a LN Deity is likely to have some LG and some LE churches. Although the vast majority of their churches would be LN.