View Full Version : Throne of Night IC: The Dark Frontier

2014-02-02, 10:46 PM
Throne of Night


This is the last chance for your people. For two hundred years, the dwarves have been scattered and leaderless.

The dwarf holds are all but gone – conquered by invaders or overrun with outsiders. For decades now, the dwarves have mingled with the kingdoms of men. The humans have treated you well enough. They respect dwarven craft and tenacity. But with every passing year, the dwarves dwindle. Your tongue goes unspoken. Your ways are forgotten. Will there come a time when to be dwarven is merely another way of saying a short, bearded man?

It was not always so. Once the greatest empire in the all the world was dwarven. Once the majestic kingdom of Dammerhall was where all roads converged. The whole world came to pay tribute to the dwarven high king and his mithral throne.

And then calamity. The great mountain-city burned with black flame for three days. All the bridges into Dammerhall collapsed. All the gates were sealed. The only survivors were those who by chance were outside the city.

For two centuries dwarves have tried to retake Dammerhall and discovered what really happened that dark day. And for two hundred years, they have failed. The remaining dwarven holds, once vassals to Dammerhall, fell to squabbling about who should rule the dwarves. Weakened by division, many dwarf holds were overrun by orc or dragon. Some signed treaties with the realms of men, all but forfeiting their autonomy. And most disgraceful, some holds fell because of civil war where dwarf turned upon dwarf.

But there is yet hope. It is said that there is another way into the sealed city – a dark road beneath that goes through the uncharted depths of the earth. This expedition will be the one who will find that hidden road. This expedition will reclaim Dammerhall and restore dwarven glory, dispelling two hundred years of disgrace.

You have found an entrance into the darkness. Rumor speaks of a deep gnome village known as Fasturvalt where dwell the elusive svirfneblin, the deep gnomes. The first step is clear – Find Fasturvalt and secure a guide.

Nothing will stop you in your quest. Nothing will stay your hand. This is your hour. This is the moment when the dwarven diaspora ends and where dwarven glory begins anew. In the realms below, you will make for yourselves and your people a Throne of Night.

It's been four days since you entered the underground realm, at an entrance that is said to be the nearest one to the Svirfneblin village of Fasturvalt. The trek so far has been uneventful, other than the movement of the bats that cover the ceiling, and a minor earth tremor on the third day.

There have been no branching paths until now. The tunnel you've been following abruptly splits off in two directions, left and right. It appears somewhat well-worn, possibly being a road. But which way should you go?

Go ahead and roll Knowledge: Local checks, and make your first in-character posts. Roleplay is always encouraged.

2014-02-03, 04:58 PM
I stand at the the fork of the two roads and I stare into the gloom of the right most then the left most tunnels. And I mutter. "Damn Gmones can't they label there damn roads like a decent sort?"


2014-02-04, 02:48 AM
Asgrim hurried forward towards the break in the tunnel. It has been many years since he last ventured for great distance beneath the earth, and is taking time to adjust to life on the move. He wipes the sweat from his heavy brow as he peers down the trailing tunnels into the darkness, probing the lifeless rock for any sense of familiarity.


2014-02-05, 02:37 PM
Neither of you knows which way is the right way.

2014-02-05, 10:00 PM
Nordrik stopped his grumbling and glanced back at his adviser not seeing any comprehension came to a decision. "We go right then, with some hope Torag will lead us true.....sooner or later"

2014-02-06, 02:30 AM
You take the right (eastward) passage, and hike on a few more hours before discovering the first real sign of civilization down here — A single, broken wagon wheel. The wheel is not made of wood. Instead it is made of some strange fibrous white matter that is almost as hard as wood. The wheel has been banded in crudely worked iron.

I'll need Knowledge: Nature and Perception rolls from each of you.

2014-02-06, 12:19 PM
Thinking that perhaps some misfortune befell the former owner of the debris Nordrik scans the wreckage and surrounding area for evidence to support his theory.


2014-02-06, 12:51 PM
Asgrim walks up to the side of Nordrik, straightening up and crossing his arms. He begins to scoul at the thought of some idiot gnome wasting a perfectly good wagon wheel.

Nature (Assuming the DC is 10 or less):


2014-02-06, 03:49 PM
Asgrim can tell the wheel is made of mushroom stalk. Judging from the pattern and thickness of the grain, it must have been as tall as a tree.

One of the mercenaries pipes up, "Looks like something was dragged up there." He points up the eight-foot embankment to the left, and as you all look, you notice that the rest of the wagon has been hidden amongst a cluster of stalagmites. One corner is just visible from where you are, so you'll have to climb up if you want a closer look.

2014-02-06, 07:15 PM
Nordrik looks at the ledge that was pointed out. "Looks worth a look, I'll climb up with Asgrim and Torlak, Vorn and Dag say back and watch our supplies. "

Nordrik draws his weapon as he nears the cart.

2014-02-07, 11:56 AM
You see the cart is completely wrecked, having apparently been dumped from the top of the embankment. On closer inspection, bits of webbing cling to the pieces and there is quite a lot of dried blood on the front seat.

2014-02-07, 12:32 PM
"Looks like those poor buggers didn't stand a chance. Hopefully some got away. " said Nordrik with a touch of compassion in his voice.

2014-02-07, 06:45 PM
You hear a few shorts coughs in the darkness. It takes you quite a while to notice that hiding in the corner is a deep gnome. He tall, thin, and young by gnome standards but completely bald. He has dark grey skin and the pale white eyes common to the denizens of the Underdark but with just a hint of green. He is dressed for travel and clearly capable of combat with a bow on his back and a short sword at this side.

"Salutations my bearded friends! I am Zalintis son of Zarzuket but Zal would suit me best. I cannot tell you how relieved I was to notice you are not a party of your dark cousins the filthy Duergar." *spits on the ground* "I am the lone survivor of this ill fated caravan. Our noble leader, Gunther, set out of Fasturvalt in hope of finding a new home. But dark forces acted against us! The Skis’raal came upon us in great numbers and singled out Gunter first killing him on the spot. This goes against the creature’s very nature! They almost never leave the Fungal Jungle and they ALWAYS take their prey alive. The only logical conclusion is the involvement of my most hated enemy the drow! *spits again* And darker still the possibility of our betrayal to them... Please, take me with you! I must solve this mystery and avenge my comrades. Not only does my knowledge of the Underdark, and everything in it, far exceed even the scholars of Fasturvalt I am also a prodigy of the bow and arrow… something that will prove most useful to you I am sure.”

2014-02-07, 07:43 PM
Hmp. We are in need of a guide Zalintis son of Zarzuket, and would welcome your assistance. However our quest is to retake that which was lost to us not hunting down the cursed Drow. But if our path take us across those which you seek I promos you the justice that you seek.

2014-02-07, 08:04 PM
With shock on his face "You plan to retake the kingdom of Dammerhall!? With only a party of five? On any other day I would call your adventure mad but I feel our meeting is not mere chance... Well you will not be able to travel down that deep WITHOUT running into the diabolical drow so I will take you down to the very throne of mithril if it means killing even a handful of those devils along the way... aaand I'm sure there will be treasure enough to go around if by some miracle we are successful in your quest" He finished the sentence with a grin. "Oh and please call me Zal it is much easier to shout when a Skis’raal jumps on your back!"

2014-02-07, 08:08 PM
Asgrim furrows his brow in disapproval of the gnome. He had almost been fortunate enough to forget the appallingly pleasant nature of gnomes to the long years.

He relaxes and sighs, turning to Nordrik. "Mind lad, the Dammaz Kron recounts mony wrongs by th' cursed elves against oor fowk. We hae mony a reason tae bring vengeance."

2014-02-07, 08:57 PM
"Well lets take what we can and leave this foul scene as soon as we are able. The spiders have already returned once and I would not wish to run into them again. But I must warn you we left Fasturvalt for a reason... it's Lord Geirni is easily the most moronic, idiotic, dim-witted simpleton I have ever had the displeasure to meet! I cannot imagine we will find much help there..."

2014-02-07, 10:30 PM
"Never the less unless you have an alternate route out next stop. DAG! VORN! Load up what we can and we will be on our way. Zag would you be so kind as to lead the way?"

2014-02-07, 11:33 PM
"It's Zal..."
"Follow me companions!"

2014-02-08, 03:13 AM
Introductions made, your party continues along the tunnel. A short distance from where you found the wagon, a very obvious trail can be seen stretching off down the road. It looks like something large was dragged down the tunnel.

2014-02-08, 11:28 AM
"This trail must have been left when the spiders dragged our beasts of burden back to their lair..."

2014-02-08, 12:42 PM
`This is most unfortunate... this is the Gnome King`s Highway and is path we must take to reach Fasturvalt. Be on your guard... I suspect an ambush!`

Zal keeps his longbow at the ready and sneaks along the path ahead of the party.

2014-02-08, 01:05 PM
[roll0] stealth check

2014-02-08, 01:11 PM
You advance cautiously for what seems like miles. Eventually the drag trail turns down a short dead-end side passage, and abruptly ends.

2014-02-08, 01:14 PM
kings road eh? We appear to be at a dead end. I though you said you knew the way Mr. Zul

2014-02-08, 01:16 PM
The road keeps on going, this side passage branches off it.

2014-02-08, 02:35 PM
"The road continues that way my friend but something is not right here" I use survival to try and follow the tracks past where they disappear [roll0] and with stone cunning I try to look for a secret passage or door [roll1]

2014-02-08, 03:22 PM
There are no tracks past where the trail disappears. However, you notice something's not quite right about the ceiling, 10' above the spot where the trail ends.

2014-02-08, 04:30 PM
"I see something up there! I think the skills of a dwarf would be better suited to investigate the matter..."

2014-02-08, 05:06 PM
"Whats all this then?" Nordrik Glances up at the spot indicated.


2014-02-08, 05:29 PM
Part of the ceiling appears to be made up of loose stone somehow. When climbing up to inspect it, that section gives way easily. It appears that you could open it like a trapdoor.

2014-02-08, 07:07 PM
"My bearded comrades... I know this will delay your quest but I don't have to tell you that the mithril throne will wait for you a few more days. You understand my thirst for vengeance well enough, you said so yourselves, and I can tell you the Underdark is a closed system. Uncovering this mystery will almost certainly fit as a piece in the greater one you seek to solve. Let us follow this trail... For justice!"

2014-02-09, 11:46 AM
Peering through the hole, you can see it leads up through a five foot chimney to a small chamber with the walls covered in webbing. Woven into the webbing are jagged runes fashioned from discolored silk, in a language none of you can recognize.

Assuming you're all going up there for great justice, unless anyone objects.

2014-02-09, 01:49 PM
Who is the leader of the party aka has the longest beard (lol)? At this point my character would ask if it was already not clear to him.

2014-02-09, 02:19 PM
"That'd be me laddie. I am Nordrik Zuldaggirn son of Grimdor. My father was brother to the king wee Gnome. "

2014-02-09, 02:26 PM
"I suppose someone in the royal bloodline makes sense given the nature of your expedition... should I be calling you M'lord or some sort of honorific title? Well either way it seems the decision is in your hands... what say you?"

2014-02-09, 02:35 PM
"No need Zil, what king am I who has no throne? For vengeance and justice you have my Hammer. But I won't command any others to accompany us"

2014-02-09, 05:56 PM
"Nordrik you must not have so little faith in your blood and your people. These dwarves have chosen to follow you. If you go... they will too I am sure." Zal says starting out looking at Nordrik but then finishing looking for confirmation from his kin.

2014-02-09, 11:42 PM
Climbing up through the trapdoor, you find yourselves in a small chamber with another one just beyond. The walls are all covered in webbing.

Zal goes up first, making barely a noise. Asgrim and Nordrik follow, but the rattle of Nordrik's armor makes enough noise to be heard, even through the dampening effect of the webbing.

After he climbs up, one of the skis'raal comes out of the next chamber to investigate, and it hisses in obvious alarm when it sees you.

Asgrim: [roll0]
Nordrik: [roll1]
Zal: [roll2]

Skis'raal: [roll3]


(One of these days I'll find better tokens for each of you.)

2014-02-10, 12:38 AM
Zal delays bow at the ready.

2014-02-10, 01:17 AM
The skis'raal chitters something unintelligible, as its many eyes glare at the intruders to its nest. It quickly sizes up the situation, and opts to throw a wad of webbing at the intruders before ducking back from the readied bow.

Web attack against Nordrik, the only target he has a clear line on: [roll0] vs Touch AC
If it hits, you're Entangled until you break loose with an Escape Artist or Strength check.

It then takes a 5' step back to C9.

2014-02-10, 02:45 AM
OOC- pfft he couldn't see me out of los or I would have shot :P also I am one with the darkness haha.
Is delay -10 to priority?

2014-02-10, 01:31 PM
Well, the spider was (spoiler alert) waiting for backup anyways.

You can delay as long as you want to, generally people say things like "I delay until after the Wizard" to wait for buffs, for example.

2014-02-10, 02:05 PM
Does zal know if the spiders have termor sense? Dungeoneering check [roll0]

2014-02-10, 02:17 PM
These are Magical Beasts, under Knowledge: Arcana. But your character does know enough about spiders that they can pinpoint the location of creatures in their webbing.

2014-02-10, 06:34 PM
Zal moves to g6 using stealth [roll0]

2014-02-11, 11:38 PM
Asgrim quickly checks if he has heard or read anything about these creatures (this time wither better appreciation of syntax).

Knowledge: Aracana [roll0]

2014-02-12, 12:01 AM
The skis'raal are spiders of roughly human size and intelligence. They have their own language, but thy are capable of speaking other languages as well. They have the usual abilities of spiders, such as the ability to weave webs and use them to detect and trap pray, and a poisonous bite. They can use their webs to attempt to trap flying enemies, but they can also lay it across the floor to ensnare ground-based foes. They have Darkvision and Tremorsense out to 60'.

2014-02-12, 02:17 AM
Nordrik moves to E8 and attempts to attack the spider.


2014-02-12, 10:46 AM
(So I imagine Asgrim can move when he posts next for free) Pretty sure Zal has LoS of the Spider from g6 so he takes aim, careful to avoid his dwarven companion, and lets loose a point blank precise shot [roll0] to hit and [roll1] for damage assuming he hits and Nordrik didn't already smush it :D

2014-02-12, 11:14 AM
Can Nordrik move 30' in one action?

2014-02-12, 11:21 AM
Maybe he forgot he was a stuntie :P

2014-02-12, 12:09 PM
Asimar guys..... All my stuff is on the goat so I'm not encumbered.

2014-02-12, 12:16 PM
Asimar guys..... All my stuff is on the goat so I'm not encumbered.

Your armor's on the goat too?

2014-02-12, 12:26 PM
Your armor's on the goat too?

No but my light load is 133 lbs

2014-02-12, 01:19 PM
The mercenary Torlak clambers up the hole after you, puffing "Sounded like you could do with some help. Vorn stayed behind to look after Dag and our kit."

The spider darts back deftly from Nordrik's swing, but doing so gets it an arrow to the abdomen. Enraged, it swiftly climbs up the wall over the Dwarf swinging a hammer in its face, and runs along the ceiling to get at the Gnome that wounded it. Hatred glints in its many eyes as it fixes its attention on the Gnome that shot it.

Meanwhile, another spider rears up in the entrance to the next chamber and attacks Nordrik.

Spider 1: Bite attack against Zal: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] Damage

Spider 2: Bite attack against Nordrik: [roll2] to hit, [roll3] Damage

If either of you gets hit, roll a Fortitude save against Poison.



Armor slows down your movement speed whether you're encumbered by weight or not. But let's run with the 30' Aasimar Dwarf thing.

Also this OOC stuff really belongs in the OOC thread, or in spoiler tags as part of an IC post.

2014-02-12, 01:47 PM



Also I take a 5 foot step if needed to be away from that spider.

2014-02-12, 03:18 PM
As the giant spider drops down on Zal he shows little concern on his face. He has faced many of the more common variety of giant spiders and is over confident. Just as he realizes this one has much more experience and intelligence than he would have guessed it is a fraction of a second too late. It’s fangs sink into his shoulder and he lets out a cry a pain despite obviously trying to suppress it. The poison boils through in veins and he hopes his years in the wild and racial fortitude will keep the toxin at bay. Backed in a corner Zal attempts to tumbles past the creature trying to make it to other two dwarves for safety. His plan is to then shoot the creature at point blank… assuming he makes it past.

Zal’s HP drops to 7.
Fort check [roll0]
Acrobatics [roll1] Move to G4
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

If critical confirmation needed Attack [roll4]

So basically Asgrim can take two turns now because last time he only did a knowledge check which should be a free action?
Uh oh doesnt look like ill make it past the spider...
Zal wouldn't try to use his bow if his tumble fails

2014-02-13, 09:24 PM
Asgrim quickly produces the the lesser rune of flame (Flame Jet - selected, no saving throw, 1d4 fire damage, spell resistance applies) and casts it at the spider attacking Zal.

Ranged Touch Attack:


2014-02-13, 09:27 PM
Judging by the rune's effect, Asgrim begins to grumble about the state of roads in the underdark being so poorly guarded and maintained that spiders are permitted to grow above boot stomping size. He narrows his eyes, producing another runestone, and begins to recite the forge hymns. He casts the lesser rune of fear (spook - selected, will negates, 1d4 rounds duration, frightens target 4 or less HD, spell resistance applies) at the spider impaling Zal's shoulder.


DC 16

2014-02-13, 11:35 PM
Nordrik starts singing a Dwarven battle hymn (known to other races as Dwarven drinking songs)

Charisma check for the song

Assuming the spider is still 10 feet away Nordrik makes a mighty swing of his hammer.

attack roll

Damage roll
[roll2]. I screwed this up sorry

2014-02-13, 11:38 PM
Zal tries to tumble past the spider but to no avail. It strikes out and he tries to side step the attack. He doesn't give up and tries again to move past the beast

Ac 21 for his attack of opportunity
Possible fort check from possible hit [roll0]
Second tumble [roll1]
Possible fort check from possible hit [roll2]

2014-02-14, 12:07 AM
Corrected damage roll

2014-02-14, 12:18 AM
Nordrik's Dwarven constitution easily suppresses the spider's poison as he whirls around to follow his original target.

Asgrim's first runic power generates a ray of flame that grazes the spider attacking Zal. It barely notices as it focuses its furious assault on the Gnome pinned beneath it. His second attack is more effective, the baleful runes reflecting in the spider's eyes and causing it to pause for an instant, wracked with sudden doubt.

The pause was short but it was all Nordrik needed. The Dwarf lord's long-hafted hammer comes straight down on the back of the spider's head. It instantly collapses, its body narrowly missing pinning Zal beneath it.

The second spider lunges forward to avenge its comrade, but stops cold as it regards the number of its foes: Two heavily armored Dwarves bearing down on it, a nimble bow-armed Gnome, and a third Dwarf conjuring those terrible symbols in the air. It decides to back away, and appears to prostrate itself in submission.

Its mandibles move in strange directions, as it's clearly struggling to render the sounds of the Undercommon tongue.

"You win, you win. Spare my life and I'll tell all."

Don't forget that you have +3 on all saves against poison, between your racial ability and your campaign trait.

2014-02-14, 01:08 AM
Nordrik looks side long at Zalintis "And why should I spare your life spiderling?"

2014-02-14, 01:22 AM
"That Gnome, I recognize him from the caravan we ambushed. Your village is in danger, and if you spare my life I will tell you all I know. Then I will leave these parts for good. Kill me and they'll never find out until it's too late."

2014-02-14, 01:35 AM
"I hate to admit it but it's information is likely going to benefit us more than its corpse"

2014-02-14, 01:51 AM
"Alrighty Spiderling you have yer self a deal, in exchange for your information you have my word as a Dwarf that you life will be spared."

Nordrik spits on the ground.

"But know that if you words are lies I will hunt you down and in act the full consequences for your actions"

As Nordrik talks he hefts the blood soaked hammer a few times for dramatic effect.

2014-02-14, 04:36 PM
"No lies, no lies. Drow emissary paid us to ambush travelers from Gnome town. Don't know why, didn't ask. Didn't give his name." One of the spider's limbs motions behind you. "The chamber opposite this one, across the road. Don't know what's there, but many armored Drow coming and going from there lately. Not hard to figure out their intent."

The spider slowly backs into the chamber behind it. "Some Gnomes from the ambush are still alive in here. Drow paid us to kill their leader, the rest were food to us, and prey is best kept fresh. I will go now." With that, it turns to walk towards the back of the chamber.

2014-02-14, 05:54 PM
Nordrik features harden at the mention of the hated Drow. After the spider leaves he turns to Asgrim and says.

"It's past time that we replay the hospitality of the Drow. "

"Zilantis let us free your your Kin and be on our way. We have old scores with the Drow, and I am very eager to settle accounts."

2014-02-16, 11:05 AM
Zal runs into the room seeming to have forgotten the wound he suffered earlier.
" Bastargre! Halungalom! Krolmnite! Zatqualmie!"
He shouts the names of his comrades while h e checks all the spun up bodies looking for survivors and taking note of any valuables that might now be without an owner.
Perception roll [roll0]
Trying to pick up his fired arrow [roll1]
IIRC it's a 50/50 chance to get it back but let me know if I'm wrong or you do something different.

2014-02-16, 12:22 PM
Nordrik casually walks follows Zal into the next room hammer resting on his shoulder and takes in the room.

perception check

2014-02-16, 12:40 PM
A quick glance doesn't reveal anything but webbing.

The skis'raal walks to the back of the chamber and opens another trapdoor to leave. It looks back for a moment, and quickly tries to grab two bags out of a nook before bolting through the hole. It fumbles one and drops it, with a hiss of frustration, but does not decide to stop to retrieve it.

Cutting free the captured gnomes, you see that all but the leader are alive. His horrifically desiccated corpse is hanging from the ceiling beside the dead pack lizard.

The freed gnomes are all very weak from hunger, thirst, and the spiders' venom. They appear dazed, but are slowly coming to.

The next part will be updated when I'm back from my trip, on Monday night.

2014-02-16, 07:54 PM
Nordrik walks over to the dropped bag and pokes it with the butt of his Hammer, then opens it and looks inside. upon opening it and seeing its contents he swears and tosses it to Asgrim.

"I'll be damned before I'm seen spending Dark Elven Platinum."

I asked what was in the bag if you are wondering.

2014-02-16, 10:15 PM
Might I suggest we divy the Drow currency up amongst those here? With a larger portion going to the deceased's family of course. I myself have sworn to join you on your journey so I consider myself a member of their party no longe,r just so you know I have no conflict of interest, but I wish to give them the best chance we can at starting a new life as we had originally set out to do."

2014-02-17, 08:53 PM
The bag dropped by the spider contains 20 platinum pieces of obvious Drow mintage. A Drow woman's face and Elvish script adorn both sides.

In all, there are six Gnome soldiers tied up, all rescued alive. The most veteran of their number, named Harvald, slowly wakes up and thanks all of you as profusely as he can in his weakened state. "Oh, thank you sirs, thank all of you! It's a miracle you came along when you did; surface Dwarves never come into the Azathyr these days. And you, Zal, I presume you enlisted their help? Bless you!"

He goes on like that for quite a while. He tells a more detailed story of the caravan ambush, having been entangled and unable to flee. The spiders lay in wait above, throwing down their webs to ensnare all the guards. Somehow they missed Zal, and they didn't bother to pursue him. Sheriff Gunther was identified and his throat was slit on the spot. The other Gnomes were then injected with poison and wrapped up in webbing. When he describes the Sheriff's murder, tears well up in his eyes. "He was the greatest gnome I ever knew. He deserved better. He deserves justice..."

Torlak leads the rescued Gnomes down to the cart, to give them some water and a bite to eat. The rest of you (presumably) search the rest of the room.

All of the Gnomes you rescued have taken a lot of Strength damage. They can walk unassisted, but won't be of any help in combat.

Searching Gunther's body, you find:

- His badge of office
- A mithral ring inscribed ‘G&E forever’ in Gnomish script, and Gunther’s masterwork short sword.
- An iron key with a Gnomish ‘A’

The spiders' haul, at least what the survivor didn't grab before fleeing, contains:

- A bolt of fine silk
- Miscellaneous coins, mostly Gnomish, worth about 77gp
- A Masterwork Greataxe engraved with a Dwarven runic D. Asgrim knows that it was likely forged in Dammerhall.

2014-02-18, 12:04 AM
"Sorry laddie, I am all in favor of giving some compensation to the sheriffs family if he has any. BUT I won't be giving out Drow coinage to any one we will find some way to remove there mark before anything."

after seeing the axe Nordrik features soften and he says

"Bless the Ancestors an aux from the homelands rarely have I seen its like."

Was the gold coins Drow?

"Asgrim would you see to our logistics please?"

2014-02-18, 08:49 PM
Asgrim watches with crossed arms as the procession of battered gnomes is led back to the wagon. He grumbles under his breath about how the deep gnomes back in his day were made of sterner stuff, or at least were so paranoid as to look in every direction at once, twice above them, and three times beneath their feet.

While he grumbles, he hears Nordrik exclaim about the axe, and quickly hurries over to his companions. As he sees the axe, his head fills with old memories, and he looks on in silence, thumbing it's blade and judging it's balance.

Asgrim's features harden back to his grumpy norm and turns to Nordrik, "Ah dornt 'hink thes aux has seen th' proper caur it deserves. Ah'l make sure it cuts as it did th' dae it was forged"

He turns down to the disgusting array of Drow minted coins in the small bag the spider left behind. "Ah'l be needin' somethin' tae smelt thes into usable coin. Th' gnome village will hae whit we need, less they forgot hoo tae smith asweel."

2014-02-19, 12:24 PM
"We might not have anything that rivals the forges of Dammerhall but I am sure it will be adequate for your needs Master Dwarf."
Zal looks at the short sword testing it's balance and craft
"Tis a fine blade. Would anyone object to my taking it? I'm afraid I am quite dismal with melee weapons and it's enchantment would serve me well..."

2014-02-19, 11:49 PM
"Go ahead laddie, as part of our expedition you are entitled to a fair share of the rewards"

2014-02-20, 10:36 AM
"All right, we set off for the Gnome village. Torlek I'm placing our guests under your care if battle is joined you are to protect them and our supplies as best you can, other then that Mr. Zarl please take the lead and show us to your village."

2014-02-22, 12:05 PM
You all climb down and prepare to get under way again. A short distance up the tunnel a Gnomish waystone reads: “5 ½ days east and north to Fasturvalt. 9 days west to Kladdenvalt and 32 days east to Vondehammer.”

A short distance up the tunnel, across from the hole the spider fled through, is another small side passage. "That must be the passage the spider mentioned." Torlek gestures. "Looks like another dead end though, unless there's another hidden door."

2014-02-23, 04:25 AM
Nordrik walks over to the passageway. "That good for nothing spider lied to us? Hmp Shoild have known"

Perception for hidden doors

2014-02-27, 04:07 PM
Zal helps look as well

2014-02-27, 04:47 PM
With everyone searching the passage, you eventually press the right stone and a hidden door opens. It leads into another chamber, this one small and empty. The only thing to be found is a small, unmarked vial of some liquid that has apparently rolled into a corner niche.

2014-02-28, 12:39 PM
"Careful with that lad, knowin the Drow sis probably poison."

Nordrik taps his foot and strokes his beard thoughtfully.

"what could those Drow be planning?"

2014-02-28, 01:02 PM
"Is there a specific person they are targeting? Or is their plan more.... Widespread? We should make haste and warn the townsfolk"

2014-02-28, 01:09 PM
"Now now Master Gnome let's not be too hasty, our biggest advantage right now is surprise. The Drow have yet to discover we are onto them."

2014-02-28, 03:55 PM
Zal uses his mighty perception to try and look for clues while talking [roll0]
"I see the wisdom of your words but the Underdark is a large and mysterious place. We don't seem to have much to go on so far. They might just as like have their eyes on us already... Especially with that spider running loose"

2014-03-01, 06:14 PM
Asgrim eyes the strange liquid suspiciously, and faces his companions. "We hud best use whit time uir advantage gi'es us. Tae th' village 'en? We main fin' mair leids oan 'at path. 'Ur anither ambush."

2014-03-01, 06:19 PM
"Fine fine, let us move on then hopefully more clues to the Drows intentions will present them selves on our way. Keep a wary eye out for attackers Mr. Zul."

2014-03-01, 10:58 PM
Zal can see that the dusty floor reveals many sets of footprints, and some square corners that were probably from some boxes that had sat here for a long time.

Asgrim, detecting Magic, can see a minor aura of Transmutation around the whole room. The effect appears to have been of preservation.

2014-03-04, 03:49 PM
You all get under way again, and make good time toward the village. After three days of uneventful travel, you turn north on the tunnel to Fasturvalt. The way is well-marked by signs, most of which read:

“Fasturvalt ahead, domain of the great Lord Geirni son of Geiri. All who come in peace are welcome.”

One day's travel from the village, your party struggles somewhat to get your wagon through the so-called "Needle's Eye", a natural choke point that merchants refer to as the "Trader's Bane". At its narrowest point, a wagon can only barely fit through the zig-zagging tunnel, and pack lizards have to be greased up and pulled through. On the north side of that passage, a naturally-formed rampart provides a perfect ambush position. A small natural stairway leads up the center of the rampart and is easily blocked by a single defender.

The passage is time-consuming and risky, but it would take weeks to go the long way around.


Fortunately for you, no enemies appear to have taken advantage of the position. After one more day of travel, Fasturvalt is finally in sight. The gnomes you've rescued, normally a taciturn lot, jump for joy and holler at the occasion. Even the Dwarf mercenaries you've hired seem to have lightened up at the first real sign of civilization down here.

2014-03-04, 04:09 PM
As we travel through the twisting tunnels Nordrik complains often about the passage way.

"I can't believe the state of Gnomish roads. Give me half a dozen good Dwaeves with pick axes and a pinch of Dwarven engineering and I'd have this passage so straight you could see day light. "

"how long have you said this gnome village has been here and they can't even do something as simple as upkeep on there passages. And look not even a guard."