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View Full Version : I don't really like playing tabletop RPGs...

The Cats
2014-02-03, 12:41 AM
I always feel too self conscious to really get into a character and I've found straight roll playing (as opposed to role-playing) kind of boring. I haven't managed to kind an online game that could keep my interest for long either. Maybe I just haven't found the right gaming group. (not that I've tried very hard. I'm far more comfortable fiddling on my computer than socializing)

That said, I'm not actually complaining. I still love these games! Currently I'm really into pathfinder and have discovered that homebrewing is a thing. It's incredible fun trying to make stats for the creatures in my imagination or coming up with unique (as unique as you can get with something that has this many content-creators) mechanics and concepts. Granted, my lack of actually play-experience means my lots of my homebrew probably isn't properly balanced but hey, I've read a bunch of guides and listen to critiques so it's possible my CRs are in the ballpark. Even if no one ever plays with my creations I'm still having more fun than I thought possible crunching numbers or looking at a picture and wondering what that thing could do.

I'm currently working on a sixth-level casting base class that can choose a variety of elemental spirits (and their corresponding elemental powers) to inhabit small, psuedo-golem shells as sort of animal companions. And I can say that I'm happy and proud to be working on it here without drawing eyerolls and groans (well, too many at least) because this community is intelligent, like-minded, supportive, adjective and, well gosh it's just swell!

Rant over. Moral of the story: You can still really like tabletop RPGs without ever playing them. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

2014-02-03, 12:53 AM
I find that I tend to have more fun if I can get a character concept solidified long before I think of mechanics to back it up. That way, it's just trying to represent the concept in game mechanics, and the mechanical aspect suddenly becomes really easy.

this community is intelligent, like-minded, supportive, adjective and, well gosh it's just swell!

You have such a way with words :smallredface: You're pretty [adjective] yourself :smallbiggrin:

Rant over. Moral of the story: You can still really like tabletop RPGs without ever playing them. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

The character-creation minigame and fiddling with mechanics has a sort of creative appeal, kind of like programming or taking things apart, which makes it quite fun to me.

Jay R
2014-02-03, 10:49 AM
Maybe I just haven't found the right gaming group.

There are people who have had success with finding a gaming group, but I don't recommend it. Much better is to start gaming with people who are already your friends.

The people you game with should be fun for you to be with, whether there's a game going on or not.

2014-02-03, 10:56 AM
There are people who have had success with finding a gaming group, but I don't recommend it. Much better is to start gaming with people who are already your friends.

The people you game with should be fun for you to be with, whether there's a game going on or not.

Yeah, but most people have more than 5 friends. ;)

And sometimes acquaintances that you found pleasant but never really hung out with are the best fit for your game style.

"finding a gaming group" doesn't have to mean getting together with total strangers you met on the internets.

The Cats
2014-02-04, 02:20 AM
You have such a way with words :smallredface: You're pretty [adjective] yourself :smallbiggrin:

The character-creation minigame and fiddling with mechanics has a sort of creative appeal, kind of like programming or taking things apart, which makes it quite fun to me.

Ah. You noticed. I just had too many commas and not enough words is all.

Minigame is a great way to put it! Except instead of most minigames this one gives me a real feeling of accomplishment.

Also, if anyone was curious I've posted that class I was talking about. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16924536&postcount=15) It's not done yet but all of the basics are there.