View Full Version : d20 System for Futuristic Mystery Campaign

2014-02-03, 04:37 AM
Hey Guys, I need a system, preferably d20, to use for a campaign I planned out.
I've only played/DM'd for Dnd3.5, Pathfinder, and Mutants and Masterminds 3e
so id like to keep it d20, since thats also what my players are used to.


I've planned out a campaign that will take place in a drifting spaceship.
It has a Bio-Shock/Resident Evil mystery feel.

It should be more of an uncovering whats going on more than combat game, but Guns, futuristic and/or regular are involved for possible combat.

I was thinking d20 future, but the character should be normal people, and i wanted to assign them skills and stats as they discovered who they were.

Any ideas? I really need some help guys, thanks!

2014-02-03, 05:12 AM
Seems like you could certainly use d20 future or modern for this. Depending on how you want to do the bioshock bit you could use urban arcana.

2014-02-03, 09:50 PM
Seconding D20 modern/future. Best part is (some people disagree) is that online support for D20 modern allows the crossing of classical D&D and d20 Modern as well going both ways (such as a wizard in modern times or a magitech mech in medieval times).

The one downside I really dislike about the system though is that it's based on 6 stat-based classes for your conventional "heroes". Strong Hero (str), Fast Hero (dex), Tough Hero (Con), Smart Hero (Int), Dedicated Hero (Wis), Charismatic Hero (Cha). So basically levels 1-3 (maybe even up to 5 depend on build) are incredibly generic until you can qualify for the game's advanced classes and prestige classes.

2014-02-03, 10:05 PM
Dragonstar could be a decent match if you discount all of the fluff.

2014-02-03, 10:09 PM
d20 Modern and Future do have the advantage of being mostly available in free form in the SRD (http://www.d20resources.com/), legally.