View Full Version : Rewarding evil PCs & consequences

2014-02-03, 11:34 AM
Hello! I'm running this campaign and some of the PCs are a bit more evil than others and I'm just curious on how to reward their evil acts as well as determine consequences for their actions.

On the last session the Material Plane was destroyed by an elementalist/necromancer thought-to-be-dead daughter (after awakening undead lords imbued with elemental powers of each element) of the elemenalist king of a metropolis (main city) which is a very famous, enormous tower housing a metropolis worth of citizens and denizens and was the only thing to survive the attack on the world. The party was teleported back to the city by the city council (5 wizards, which protected the tower) and the king stayed back to try and hold off his deranged daughter.

The PCs awoke in the council room (which overlooks everything for miles) with 5 dead wizards and on a small floating island surrounded by an endless void, which is surrounded by a wide river, which is surrounded by 4-5 days travel of thick forest/jungle which is surrounded by "the beginning of" the 4 elemental planes (essentially the gates leading to each of the planes).

2 of the PCs have leadership and they have a ton of minions that they've acquired throughout the times (they've spent 5 years here now) and they've sort of taken over the city, making it flourish and now getting trades and even nobles from all sorts of planes (1 "stargate" looking gate sits just near a bridge leading to the forest and they've kept it safe from monsters and such) so its a thriving metropolis (they get no extra benefits aside from merchants keeping items up to their level and above).

Now 2 of the PCs are pretty evil, one says she's going into houses and stuff and robbing/murdering/abusing citizens and the other sort of follows her and roughs things up. They're pretty good at what they do and I'm not sure how to reward and penalize them for doing this, I told her to roll probably 10 times (twice per year) to see what she gets and whatevers, I was thinking of rewarding probably some gold (maybe 20-30k) and probably bounties on their heads, or maybe have loose guilds form to try and find who the 2 are (the party doesn't know/care).

Anyone have any clever/creative ideas they'd wish to throw my way? I'd appreciate it! Thank you =D

2014-02-03, 11:44 AM
Hah, that's not quite as evil as I was expecting. That's more thuggish than really evil.

I'm not entirely sure why they're going around robbing/murdering people in a city they run to be honest. Do they have a purpose in doing so? Or are they just doing it because they can.

A bit more information on exactly what the two PCs are doing as well, because robbing, murdering and harassing is pretty vague. I personally wouldn't reward them with much if that's as specific as they get about what they're doing. The other two have thought out what they want to do with some depth, turning the place into a thriving centerpiece of trade, yet these two are just becoming murderhobos? Doesn't seem fair that the difference of effort is rewarded the same. Get them to put more thought into it, things like the profiles of the sorts of targets they'd go after, and maybe why they aren't helping run the city with their party, which would probably net them more cash?

If they're robbing high end places, I would actually have them play out how they do it, as opposed to just making it a roll. That way, if the slip up or leave evidence behind or whatnot, you have better stuff to go on. That said, in a high magic world, over 5 years of serial burglary and murdering, they probably would have been caught by now.

2014-02-04, 09:34 AM
Thank you! I will tell them to put more info on it =D see what comes up