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View Full Version : Monstrous Lycanthrope

2014-02-03, 04:29 PM
Okay so recently my friends and i have started up a 3.5 d&d game and i was talking with them and i had the idea to make a lycanthrope giant eagle but that was kinda shattered when i saw it was a magical beast. Carl (the DM) said there was a template called Monstrous Lycanthrope that would allow me to take two creatures (Giant Eagle and say Human) and make it a lycanthrope. He said he wasn't gunna tell me where it was. I ended up making a were-ape. I still wanna know where that template is so i can use it in the future. Thanks ^_^

Uncle Pine
2014-02-03, 04:39 PM
He was probably referring to the Monstrous Lycanthrope template in the Advanced Bestiary (a 3rd party splatbook), which lets you create a werecreature from any living creature. Yes, this includes plants (weretreants are even specifically mentioned in the book). It's really a sweet template! :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: If you're interested in combining creatures, the same book has the Amalgam template (in a nutshell, creature A + creature B = mixed AB creature with characteristics and abilities from both creatures).

2014-02-03, 04:55 PM
If the size and form factor is all you're looking for, you can probably either reduce the Giant Eagle's int to 2 and call it an Animal, or advance a regular (or dire, if there is one printed?) eagle in HD to Large size.