View Full Version : The Last Paladin IC VI - Return of the Paladin

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2014-02-04, 12:16 AM
"Emptiness..." The confessor says as you regain a modicum of your faculties. "Emptiness of one's belly. Such terrible suffering. Do you understand, now? Do you understand what you did?"

2014-02-04, 12:22 AM
Karrin is in pain...lots of it...but she still can't help but be herself. "B...better than you, you wannabe judge. I lived to make mistakes. You probably didn't. ARRRRRRRHG!" She screams some more as her intestines are completely removed.


2014-02-04, 12:24 AM
"Your words ring hollow. I do not harm the innocent," the confessor says as your entrails are carried off to parts unknown, leaving you on the rack, your gut hanging open and empty.

2014-02-04, 12:30 AM
"MY...WORDS...RING...TRUE. I understand...BETTER...than you...BECAUSE...I...can make...and HAVE made...mistakes! That is what...free will...ENTAILS...and it is something you...do not have..."

2014-02-04, 12:35 AM
The confessor remains silent as you are held on the rack.

2014-02-04, 12:37 AM
"Those without sin...are not QUALIFIED...to cast the first stone...for you have not been tempted...CANNOT be tempted...cannot have TRIUMPHED...your sin or lack thereof...is meaningless compared to mortal struggle!"

2014-02-04, 12:38 AM
"Your words do nothing to change the pain you have inflicted."

2014-02-04, 01:34 AM
"And you notice I'm not complaining about the pain. I just don't want to listen to YOU being judgmental. I know I've caused pain and I don't need little sh*ts like you lecturing me about it. Now can we get on with whatever else you've got planned? This is getting boring."

Lots of bravado on her part, given how each word and each breath brings her more pain right now.

2014-02-04, 01:40 AM
"So be it." The chains release you, and you fall back into the sigil.

You stand up slowly, legs shaking. You place a hand on your bare midriff, and find the only trace of the wound inflicted is the blood spilled. There is phantom pain inside you, but it is not the same as having your organs missing.

"Let us continue." The smoke returns displaying more images.

2014-02-04, 02:20 AM
Familiar images rise up. A ruined hamlet. Devils everywhere. Liriam fighting off the fiends. During her paladin training, Liriam took Karrin on a mission. Liriam was busy holding off some fiends and told Karrin to guard some townsfolk. Karrin did at first, but she also really, REALLY wanted to prove her combat prowess.

When she thought the fiends were fleeing area, she went off to try to kill off the fleeing low-level devils as to not let them have a chance to wreck havoc in the future. It was a ruse. Other devils doubled back and slaughtered the townsfolk.

Karrin's desire to prove and showcase herself caused the death of others. Liriam didn't speak to Karrin for a week.

Spirit-Karrin bristles at these images. "I could never forgive myself for those deaths. It was a failing of judgement, not skill. What will you do, have devils tear me from limb to limb? Too late. Harbinger already did that. It hurt...a lot. But at least I bought time for my friends to get to safety. And the Grippli."

2014-02-04, 02:24 AM
The chains descend, and drag you upwards.

"Your punishment shall be in the infernal tradition of improving a failure. Your arrogance caused you to fail as a guardian. Therefore, through humiliation, you shall become the image of a superior guardian. The Gargoyle."

You don't know much about the Gargoyle. It is believed to be a form of torture favored by devils, and that it in some way causes the victim to resemble the eponymous stone beasts.

2014-02-04, 02:38 AM
"Oh, so now you're concerned about my self-improvement? Whatever. Bring it on! Gargoyle me!"

2014-02-04, 02:43 AM
"As you wish."

You are strapped in a vertical position, facing downwards. Your chest is against the slab. You hear a strange sound above you, and feel an intense heat coming from above.

2014-02-04, 09:11 PM
Karrin doesn't know whether her natural resistance to heat will help against this, but she is steeled by two facts.

One, she's already dead, so this really isn't damaging her any further. Two, the 'wounds' disappear after the punishment. "How is this supposed to be humiliating hmm? It's just uncomfortable."

2014-02-04, 09:17 PM
"The Gargoyle has not begun," the confessor says.

You hear a strange hissing sound, and it takes a moment for you to recognize it as coming from molten metal.

Hooks rise up from around you, and tear the gown off of your backside. They then latch onto your buttocks and spread them apart. A conical, hollow tube is forcefully inserted into your anus.

"Tell me, what do you know of gargoyles? The ones carved and used on castles and battlements, not the creatures."

2014-02-04, 09:21 PM
"Never thought about them much. They don't move. They could look ominous. They are frivolous expenses for the very wealthy to show off. What, you're going to let molten metal solidify inside of me to make me not move?"

2014-02-04, 09:24 PM
"They serve as spouts. Rain water flows from their mouths. From you, another liquid will flow."

There is the groan of rusty metal hinges from above you, like a great cauldron tipping. The liquid pours out from above, entering the funnel and then flowing into you.

2014-02-04, 09:34 PM
The pain...it is TRULY indescribable. Karrin has been burned before...she's even been burned in the butt before. But this...the molten liquid going up through her intestines and eventually out her mouth...this is LITERALLY what it feels like to be burned and charred and roasted from the INSIDE!

Karrin would scream, except her mouth is too busy spewing molten metal! The paladin tries to focus on something...on ANYTHING in order to keep her sanity. She could focus on the confessor, and gather up feelings of rage and hatred. Yes, she can focus on that for a long time, even with the blinding amounts of pain. But, she chooses another way. She closes her eyes and focuses on Mira instead. She thinks about every single happy moment they have had together, including the moment when she (presumably) saved Mira from the Pit Fiend.

2014-02-04, 09:54 PM
The confessor stands and watches silently as you are burned from the inside out. Neither he nor the contraption show any sign of stopping or even slowing the flow.

2014-02-04, 09:57 PM
Karrin is determined not to give the confessor any satisfaction of seeing her beg for mercy. She just lies there and takes it (not that she has much choice).

2014-02-04, 10:00 PM
Eventually, the flow relents.

"You claim to seek justice. You wish to believe yourself a being of justice," the confessor says. "I trust you to be honest with me. Do you believe you have endured sufficient penance for the fate you brought onto those villagers? Have you suffered enough to set the balance right?"

2014-02-04, 10:18 PM
Karrin coughs for a good while before she answers. "Justice is not measured by an eye for an eye. If it is, well...I *am* dead. But you are making assumptions. Setting the scales right does NOT require the suffering of the offending party. It requires restitution. I could do no more for those individuals, but we took care of their friends and relatively as best we can, and my sacrifices since then to help mortals as a whole has indeed made up for the mistakes, at least in one aspect. I can't bring them back to life...or at least I don't think I can, but I can make damned sure that the lessons I've learned from that encounter helps me help others better in the future. My suffering, though long have I suffered, has NO bearing on whether or not I have made sufficient restitution. Pain and suffering...emotional otherwise, is a good tool to teach a lesson. Here, you're YEARS too late. I've already taken the lesson to heart."

Karrin takes a deep breath. "As further proof I practice what I preach, just look to the illithid. He has done many horrible things, yet I chose to spare him instead of slaying him. He has the potential to help others, and that has more value than making him suffer."

2014-02-04, 10:25 PM
The confessor pours a bit more into you, but then releases you. You fall back to the sigil, once more rejuvenated, save for blisters on and around your rear entrance.

"One last sin," the confessor says, "before your fate shall be decided."

The images return, this time the most recent. On one side, you see Mirabelle, imprisoned by the crucidaemon. It is inflicting unspeakable tortures upon her. On the other side, you see your tryst with Anita the first night you were with the goblins. Mira's screams of pain contrast with your cries of pleasure as Anita services you orally.

2014-02-04, 10:37 PM
karrin growls. "The decision to release the 'celestial' from the device was made with as much information as we had at the time. Any damage done by that daemon is on the daemon, not on me. My infidelity is a completely separate matter...and one unfortunately I did not have enough time to...set the balance right. I promised I would, and the Thrones willing, I would yet have a chance to make things right. Nothing you can do to me is as painful as Mira's disappointment and anger."

2014-02-04, 10:47 PM
You hear light footsteps approaching, followed by much heavier ones.

You look, and see a humanoid woman, wearing a skin-tight black leather outfit studded with gold that accents her perfect figure. Her skin is ash grey, her eyes are a burning orange and slit like a cat. Her jet-black hair is tied back in a ponytail, and a pair of diminutive horns jut from her temples, decorated by gold rings. A pair of black-feathered jut from her back, and she carries a barbed whip in her hand. You recognize her as Lilliel, the Harlot-Queen and personal consort to Asmodeus.

"This one has confessed guilty to infidelity, Your Highness," the confessor says to Lilliel. The archdevil smiles wickedly (as though she were capable of anything else), and saunters over to you.

Stepping up to the edge of your sigil, she looks you over. "So, this is the celestial slut. I'm surprised. Somehow I thought your tits would be bigger."

2014-02-04, 10:53 PM
The paladin blinks. "Wait...are you kidding me? Out of ALL the things the consort of Asmodeus could say to the mortal representative of Thrones...THAT is what you choose to focus on, o Queen? Well, you *are* the queen of harlots, so I suppose that is what you would focus on..."

2014-02-04, 10:58 PM
"She is yours, O queen," the confessor says.

"You hear that?" she asks. "You're mine, just like all the other whores in Hell. Bring her," she orders into the shadows. A pair of cornugons emerge, and seize you. You are powerless to resist their grasp.

They drag you through the labyrinth of Erebus, into one of Lillien's dungeons. Cries of pain are mixed with pleasure here, as you see a multitude of souls and fiends engaged in various acts of sexual depravity.

2014-02-05, 01:04 AM
Karrin sighs. "So, you are going to what...punish me for infidelity? You, the Harlot Queen?"

2014-02-05, 01:11 AM
"I will do with you as I wish."

She brings you to a set of stocks at waist-height. The cornugons force you into it, bending you over. Lillien tears open your dress and spreads your buttocks, examining your holes.

"It seems the confessor elected to punish you with the Gargoyle," she says, noticing your blisters. "A most inventive form of torture. I approve."

2014-02-05, 01:16 AM
"Yeah. It hurt a lot. So what's so interesting about my holes? What? Never seen one before?"

2014-02-05, 01:19 AM
"I can tell a lot about you from them. They've certainly had a diverse number of creatures enter them. Human, succubus. plant, devil, half-orc, werehound..."

She leans forward and licks your rosebud with her long, forked tongue. The blisters hurt, but she's good enough to make the pleasure equal the pain.

2014-02-05, 01:31 AM
Karrin hisses and chokes down a cry of pain. "Yeah, I'm a connoisseur. Now what can I do to make you leave me alone? You pale in comparison to Mira, and I've kinda been spoiled by her."

2014-02-05, 01:34 AM
Lilliel gives you one, long probe with her tongue before drawing out. "Sounds like this Mirabelle is truly an artist. I'll have to send for her, so that I may sample her myself."

In Infernal, she says, "Azoloth, you've been a fine servant for many centuries of mine. Take her now." One of the cornugons steps up behind you, and you feel his massive shaft poking at your womanhood.

2014-02-05, 01:37 AM
Karrin wants to say some snark, but she realizes at the last moment that the enemy may not know she speaks Infernal, just like how the Angrovens didn't know. She does, however, respond to the comment about Mira. "Mira is more of a saint than I am. Her soul will never be consigned to hell!"

2014-02-05, 01:40 AM
"All the more fun to break her, then," Lillien says.

You feel a massive, clawed hand wrap around your waist. The cornugon slams into you, driving its meaty, 6-inch thick shaft deep into you. Your midriff bulges from taking the massive organ.

2014-02-05, 01:51 AM
Karrin isn't sure how she is physical able to take it, but she actually embraces the pain. Any pain she can take, she will get. The paladin vows to NOT climax from anything here. She'll even bite her own tongue. Climaxing here would be like more infidelity.

2014-02-05, 01:57 AM
The cornugon begins to hump you ferociously. The stocks rock and groan from the exertion as you are thrust about. You are fairly certain that the devil's shaft is barbed, and that your insides are being turned to mash.

After about eight to ten minutes, the cornugon climaxes, pumping vast quantities of seed into you. The girth of its shaft plugs your snatch, causing your belly to inflate, swelling until you appear pregnant. Just when you are sure you are about to burst, the devil pulls out, causing a fountain of spunk to spew out of your snatch.

2014-02-05, 01:58 AM
The barbed shaft definitely helped her not climax, and she is glad for that. She turns to look at Lilliel. "So, that's what the program is? By the Thrones even the Angrovites and High Commander Khaine had more imagination than this..."

2014-02-05, 02:07 AM
"We're just getting started," Lilliel says. In Infernal, she says, "Yorugog, now it is your turn!"

The second cornugon steps up, this time sticking it in your butt. The process is repeated, and you spit out spunk as he blasts it all the way through your body.

2014-02-05, 02:13 AM
Karrin spits out as much as she can, not wanting to swallow. She wonders how long she'll have to endure this. Surely the Thrones would not abandon her soul in a place like this? She tries praying, to see if the Thrones would respond.

2014-02-05, 02:18 AM
Hold on... You hear the faintest whisper over the cries of the damned.

"If there is one thing I cannot stand," Lilliel says, her voice a tranquil fury, "it is prayers to that b*tch Oralius within my domain." The cornugons grab you, and haul you to another part of the dungeon. You are strapped down, face up and spread-eagled.

"I'll teach you to say her name here," she says, and flicks her whip threateningly. She then begins lashing your snatch repeatedly.

2014-02-05, 02:24 AM
Knowing that she (probably) can't die while in spirit form, Karrin becomes even more mouthy and insouciant. With EVERY lash, the paladin SCREAMS out "ORALIUS!" just to piss Lilliel off.

2014-02-05, 02:27 AM
As your genitals continue to receive punishment, you begin to feel... something else. To your dismay, you realize the lashes are causing you to begin to feel aroused.

"You're starting to get wet," Lilliel notes. "No wonder you're so mouthy. You want me to whip your p*ssy!"

2014-02-05, 02:35 AM
Karrin continues praying loudly, asking Oralius to deliver her from temptation. If that doesn't work, she will start biting her tongue for extra pain.

2014-02-05, 02:38 AM
You feel your tongue sever from the force of biting you apply to it, and accidentally swallow the tip. Even as your mouth is filled with blood, you feel yourself growing closer to a climax.

"Yes, who's the slut now?" Lilliel says, "A big old pain slut!"

2014-02-05, 02:46 AM
Karrin holds her breath. She'd rather go unconscious than climax right now. She will NOT betray Mira gain!

2014-02-05, 02:48 AM
Will Save (DC 20, no DG):[roll0]

You lose consciousness. When you wake up, you notice there's a puddle between your legs. You aren't sure whether you climaxed while passed out, or lost control of your bladder.

2014-02-05, 02:58 AM
Karrin sighs. She's trying her best to resist the devils. What is end game? She needs to find a way to get out of here.

2014-02-05, 03:00 AM
"So," Lillien says, "Eager for another round, or are you wanting something new?" Your snatch is still on fire from the lashes it took. If you weren't strapped down, you'd be doubled over.

2014-02-05, 03:30 AM
"Why? What's next? At this rate, you'll soon be inviting Harbinger here to rut me himself. Maybe I can give him a few MORE scars..."

2014-02-05, 02:46 PM
Lilliel laughs. "You'd enjoy it too much."

She snaps her fingers, and you are led away. Under her supervision, you are taken through the dungeon, and every perverse act of sexual depravity you can imagine is inflicted upon you, along with several you never would've thought of previously.

2014-02-05, 08:36 PM
Karrin endures, as she has always done. She tries to show as little pleasure as possible, and in fact starts spending time trying to notice guard patterns. She may be a spirit, but that doesn't mean she is powerless to do anything except sit here and get tortured."

2014-02-05, 08:44 PM
It is difficult to notice any guard patterns, as traditional guardians are not needed. The Damned cannot leave, and you are bound by your manacles. The devils performing the depraved acts are all powerful enough to put down any resistance from within.

Currently, you are tied down and have a pair of rather nasty-looking metal shafts in you while a female damned soul receives anal penetration from an osyluth's stinger tail. She appears to be enjoying it, but you think you might be able to strike up a conversation.

2014-02-05, 08:55 PM
Karrin looks on with sad eyes at the Damned actually enjoying an osyluth tail. "You there...what is your name? Do you remember?"

2014-02-05, 08:58 PM
"Min...Minerva..." she says inbetween thrusts. "Who... are-unngh-you? You don't-nnngh!-look like you belong here..."

2014-02-05, 09:00 PM
"Call me Karrin. Nice to meet you, Minerva. Do...do you remember how long you've been here? And yeah, I look a bit different, but the fiends don't care. They're keeping me locked up here for now."

2014-02-05, 09:05 PM
"What-Ahh! what year is it? Who sits on-OHH! the Pryvirian throne?" The osyluth's tail sinks deeper into her butt with each thrust.

2014-02-05, 09:22 PM
"It is XXXX year right now, and no one sits on the throne. 7 years ago the empire fell...thanks to the fiend invasion."

2014-02-05, 09:25 PM
"Then I've been here...for over a century...UHHH!" You doubt she has much time left, before she is fully processed into a lemure. "There's... been-GASP! a fiend invasion?"

2014-02-05, 09:29 PM
"Yeah, Devils and Demons both trying to take over the material realm. Me, I've only been here for less than a day. Can you tell me what to expect here? Have you been...rutted or otherwise similarly treated for over a century?"

2014-02-05, 09:33 PM
"Yes--Nnnrrrggghhh!" The osyluth's tail can be seen squirming around in her stomach, pushing out against the skin. "Punished for my sins... taught how to be a proper devil-whore under Queen Lilliel, prepared for an eternity in her service...Ghhhuaaggh!"

2014-02-05, 09:34 PM
"You...you feel you are being punished fairly? And...you WANT to be a devil-whore?" This is more horrifying than Karrin expected.

2014-02-05, 09:39 PM
"At first-UGH!- I fought it. Thought it was unfa-ahh-ir. But as time went ooon... I came to realize-muh! my place. To accept... and enjoy... my station..." You can tell Minerva's approaching an orgasm.

The osyluth is starting to turn its attention to you.

2014-02-05, 09:44 PM
"So...is it actually a punishment? You seem to...ENJOY what they do to you. I mean, Hell doesn't tend to give people what they want and enjoy..."

2014-02-05, 09:49 PM
"At first... I felt only pain. But now... now..." Minerva screams as she climaxes. The osyluth pumps venom into her during her orgasm, accelerating the rate of her transformation into devil.

"We punish sin, but award compliance with the laws of Hell," the osyluth says as it pumps the poison. "Once a damned soul is prepared to give up its own existence and submit utterly to us, it's transformation is complete."

2014-02-05, 09:52 PM
Karrin blinks. "So...who punishes YOU then, devil? You are the embodiment of sin. You have sinned more than this girl ever could in her life."

2014-02-05, 09:55 PM
"An eternity of war against the hordes of the Abyss is my fate. That is the fate of us all, since the dawn of creation. That is why the gods created us." The osyluth pulls its tail out of Minerva and leaves her on the rack, and approaches you.

"You've been left alone long enough." The osyluth raises its hand, and spikes pop out of the sides of the shaft in you, and begin to spin around.

2014-02-05, 09:57 PM
"Fighting in the Blood Way...does not excuse your behavior! RAAWWWWRG!" Karrin SCREAMS out in pain!

2014-02-05, 10:02 PM
The osyluth says nothing, just hauls Minerva away.

Two gladiatrixes approach. Also called domination devils, these female fiends wear spiked black armor and masks which cover their faces. They serve Lillien, and frequently administer the depraved torture on her victims.

They gaze silently at you as your guts are scrambled.

2014-02-05, 10:34 PM
Karrin ignores the Gladiatrixes, wanting nothing to do with them really. She just tries her bestto cope with the pain.

2014-02-05, 10:38 PM
They move around behind you, and retract the spikes from the shafts, removing them.

Lillien arrives, looking you over. "The osyluths are useful, but they lack... subtlety. <Leave us>." The domination devils leave.

Lillien changes shape, taking the form of Mirabelle. She wears a plain, black leather thong. "So, this is your lover," she says, using her voice. "Kinda skinny, if you ask me." She cups and lifts her breasts. "Rather small tits, too. But a fantastic ass."

2014-02-05, 10:41 PM
Karrin is thankful that the spinning spikes are gone. "I love Mirabell for what's on the inside. You can never replicate her, queen."

2014-02-05, 10:56 PM
"We'll see," she says as she saunters over. She turns around, and slowly and lewdly strips the thong off, presenting her ass to you in the process. Without realizing it, you follow the hypnotic motions of her hips, enraptured by your lover's beautiful body. Then you snap out of it, remembering who you're actually looking at.

Lillien's using a Charm effect on you.

2014-02-05, 11:10 PM
Karrin remains impassive. She is under no illusions that this is Mira. Just a stuck-up b*tch with pretenses of grandeur and self-importance. Or rather, she WAS under some magic effect until she snapped out of it. Snarling, she says, "What? You're not woman enough to seduce someone without using magic?"

2014-02-05, 11:17 PM
She runs a hand over her buttock, and looks back at you, bending over. "You think I'm using magic? If I am seducing you, its because you want to be seduced."

She walks over to you and releases you from the restraints. Laying you on your back, she reaches a hand into your crack and heals both of your entrances. She then embraces you and gives you a passionate kiss, and to your horror you realize you can't tell any difference between this kiss and Mira's.

2014-02-05, 11:29 PM
Finally...free of her manacles...this is her chance! Wait...what is this...this kiss...it feels JUST like how Mira would kiss...no...this is a trick...it must be!

Karrin find's Lilliel's tongue...and BITES down hard!

2014-02-05, 11:32 PM
Will save first: [roll0]

2014-02-05, 11:33 PM
She pulls back, a wounded look on her face. "Ow," she says.

You feel confusion and remorse for hurting her like that, as though this was actually Mira.

2014-02-05, 11:36 PM
Wait...why is she hurting Mira? Why is Mira here with her? "Wait, what is happening? Mira, are you hurt? Have you come to free me?"

2014-02-05, 11:40 PM
"Here?" Mira says. "Karrin, this is our room." You look around, and it does appear that you are in your bed in your room in Whiteveil. "Where you remembering your time in Hell again?"

2014-02-05, 11:42 PM
Karrin blinks. "I...my time in Hell? I'm sorry, my head isn't clear. What happened? I was in really in Hell? And I escaped?"

2014-02-05, 11:45 PM
Mira nods. "Harbinger sent your soulgem through one of his portals. You escaped somehow, and found your way to the Upper Realms. The Thrones resurrected you."

She hugs you close, her naked body pressing against yours. "I'm... so glad you're back. I'd lost you..." She kisses you long and passionately.

2014-02-05, 11:49 PM
"But...even if I escaped, aren't I still dead? I mean, Harbinger DID rend my body asunder...didn't he?" Still, she responds to Mira's attentions, and kisses back hungrily.

2014-02-05, 11:51 PM
"I was there," she says in between kisses. "I saw the white light, and you stepping out, like an angel. The Thrones brought you back, just as you were..."

She moves from your lips down your neck, and starts to run her tongue over your collarbone.

2014-02-06, 12:08 AM
Karrin purrs as Mira explores her body. "Mira, I...I'm glad to be back. I was so sad, dying before I could make amends to you after hurting you. Will you forgive me in time?"

2014-02-06, 12:13 AM
Mira smiles at you. "I'll let you figure out my answer."

She moves down from your collarbone onto your breasts. First she slides her tongue between them, then she moves around the underside of one, back up and over it to the other side, forming a figure-eight pattern, sucking and nibbling as she goes. She finally gets to one of your nipples, which she nibbles and suckles on, cupping and fondling your other breast with her hand, occasionally tweaking the nipple.

"So," she says around your breast, "What do you think my answer is?"

2014-02-06, 12:20 AM
Karrin lets out a huge moan of pleasure, liking what her partner is doing. She runs her hands through Mira's hair. "I...I have an idea, but...I...I want to...no, I MUST...hear it from you. Please Mira...tell me that you forgive me. I must hear it from you before I can believe it. I've hurt you a lot, and I am very sorry..."

2014-02-06, 12:22 AM
Mira pushes herself up, looking you directly in the eyes. "Karrin, I forgive you," she says, and gives you one long kiss. Then she moves down, beginning to kiss your midriff, eventually running her tongue over your navel.

2014-02-06, 01:32 AM
Karrin smiles, crying tears of joy, and will just sit back and enjoy for the time being.

2014-02-06, 11:52 AM
Mira continues downward, stopping just above your womanhood. She slowly spreads your legs apart. Hovering just above it, she asks, "Well, should I eat this peach?"

2014-02-06, 08:16 PM
((has Karrin ever heard Mira use that phrase before?))

2014-02-06, 09:47 PM
(Not to her memory)

2014-02-06, 10:08 PM
Karrin giggles. "Peach? You've never called it that before..."

2014-02-06, 10:10 PM
She giggles back. "Well, does it really matter what I call your candy snatch? Do you want me to eat you out or not?"

2014-02-06, 10:12 PM
"Yes, Mira. It's been way too long. I'd enjoy that a lot."

2014-02-06, 10:15 PM
She gives you a loving smile and turns her head back down to your slit. She gives it one, long lick, flicking your nub with the tip of her tongue. She repeats this several times, giggling a couple times while she does so.

2014-02-06, 10:21 PM
The paladin moans and spreads her legs as wide as possible. "Lick me, Mira! Lick me lots!"

2014-02-06, 10:26 PM
Mira continues to lick, faster and faster. Then she lifts your hips up, angling them so she gets access to your back entrance, which she starts to finger. She puts one of your legs over her shoulder and starts to tongue your snatch hard and deep, fingering your ass at the same time. You ride it out for as long as you can, then orgasm hard.

2014-02-06, 10:28 PM
Karrin enjoys every single moment of it, purring out or shouting out Mira's name no less than 40 times during those 8 minutes. She hasn't felt so content in a long time.

2014-02-06, 10:54 PM
Mira sits up, smiling warmly as your juices drip from her chin. She takes your hands in hers, and raises them above your head, kissing you a couple of times. You start to kiss back, then notice cold metal shackles on your wrists. You tug on them, to find them secured to metal chains.

You look around, and find yourself back in Hell. Mira stands up, and steps back from you, morphing back into Lillien. She smirks as she wipes your juices from her chin, and says, "Was that good for you?"

2014-02-06, 11:03 PM
Karrin for the first time since she has died actually flies into a fit of RAGE! She struggles against the manacles, not caring whether she hurts her wrists doing so. "You...you cannot giveth and taketh away as you please! I...I was back...living...with my loved ones...it was...harmonious..."

One single tear rolls down Karrin's cheek before she chokes back the rest. "I swear, one day I will have vengeance upon you. This will not be justice. This will be vengeance, two completely different things."

2014-02-06, 11:08 PM
Lilliel's laughter seems to be of genuine amusement. "A dead little girl threatening me? It seems I have finally found your nerve." She morphs back to Mirabelle, leaning over you, just out of your reach. "I haven't even started yet."

Her words hold true. She torments you ceaselessly, using false hope. Presenting opportunities that seem like they could be escape, only to snatch it away from you, and punishing you even more. You feel your resolve begin to erode.

2014-02-06, 11:19 PM
Every time Karrin gets her hopes dashed, she resorts to praying, especially for Oralius. It brings her comfort, and she also wants to do everything she can to piss Lilliel off. Knowing that she can't die, she also literally takes every chance she can to actually attack Lilliel. If her manacles come off, she tries to poke Lilliel's eyes out. Or pull a nipple off. Or even a simple punch.

2014-02-06, 11:24 PM
Lilliel laughs off every attack you throw at her. Eventually, she seems to get bored with you, moving on to another plaything. She consigns you to lesser devils.

You find yourself in a rack that contorts your limbs in painful positions, while mechanized shafts thrust multiple, obscenely over-sized shafts into your holes. It is operated by a pair of gladiatrixes, who occasionally grope your breasts on top of the machine's penetrations.

You see Minerva again next to you, once more receiving anal from an osyluth. She is looking very much worse for the wear, but seems to be enjoying herself more than ever.

2014-02-07, 01:18 AM
Karrin grunts as the obscene shafts thrust into her. "Are you alright? Your form looks...worn out. I'm not sure if you can take permanent damage when you're already dead, but you don't look good at all."

2014-02-07, 01:28 AM
"I-ugghf am nearly-OH finished!" Minerva says as she takes the pounding. You can see green veins beneath her skin.

The domination devils pause the machine, in order to insert another shaft into your snatch. Then they start it up again.

2014-02-07, 01:29 AM
"Nearly finished what? With your...punishments?" The paladin grunts hard in pain and pleasure as another shaft is inserted.

2014-02-07, 01:54 AM
Minerva is unable to respond as she orgasms. The osyluth shoves its tail in deeper and literally starts scrambling her guts with it. A putrid mixture of liquified flesh and venom drips out of her around the tail, and forms a puddle on the ground. Minerva's scream is one of both intense pain and pleasure combined.

Speaking of scrambled insides, the domination devils insert another shaft into your anus this time.

2014-02-07, 02:10 AM
The shaft in her ass is of relatively little consequence right now. Karrin just cries a bit inside as she thinks that Hell will soon add another devil to its ranks...Minerva...or what's left of her.

2014-02-07, 02:18 AM
The osyluth pulls its tail out with a loud slurp. Minerva's liquified soul stuff flows out of her ruined ass, congealing into a lemure on the floor. Her skin deflates and hollows out, becoming like a shed snakeskin. Once its empty, the lemure eats the skin, symbolically destroying its mortal identity.

The lemure starts to shamble off, but the osyluth commands, "Halt. There is a reason I processed this lemure alongside the paladin's soul."

2014-02-07, 02:24 AM
"Another soul lost...or perhaps she as lost a long time ago. I do not even know why she was consigned to hell...I guess it matters not now..." Karrin looks saddened.

2014-02-07, 02:32 AM
"Indeed. <Prepare her for the Unbirthing.>" the gladiatrixes turn the machine off, and remove the shafts from your snatch. "We have little need for another lemure. You give us a unique opportunity. By desecrating a holy vessel, we can mature a devil to a higher state of power. In this case, the holy vessel is you."

2014-02-07, 02:36 AM
Karrin struggles, even though it is futile. "Bah, just another devil for me to kill later. Maybe she'll turn into another Bone Devil. I've killed so many, it was getting easy..."

2014-02-07, 02:51 AM
The osyluth hisses as the domination devils pry open your womanhood with some rather nasty implements. Once it is gaping, the lemure crawls inside, settling into your womb. The gladiatrixes then strap a sort of chastity belt onto you, sealing the lemure inside. They leave your ass exposed, though, and resume pounding it with the machine while they grope your breasts.

2014-02-07, 02:55 AM
"What...what is this? A reverse birth? Well congratulations. You now officially disgust me on a completely new level!"

2014-02-07, 03:17 AM
"We strive for excellence," the osyluth says.

Mira!Lilliel drops by, and caresses your swollen belly. "Well, you are certainly looking radiantly maternal."

2014-02-07, 08:35 PM
"No, I'm just radiant cuz of my golden halo. Y'know...something you don't have." The paladin grunts in discomfort.

2014-02-07, 10:37 PM
"Nonsense. Halo aside, you look wonderful, round like this."

2014-02-07, 11:11 PM
"I'm not really cut out for motherhood, being dead and all. Besides, the isn't the right baby type anyways." Karrin wonders about the whole half-dragon child thing.

2014-02-07, 11:34 PM
"It matters not, in the end. I'm sure a lot of mothers don't find their progeny particularly pleasant."

2014-02-07, 11:59 PM
"So what's the point of this? You pop lemures in me and out pops for bone devil or something?"

2014-02-08, 12:12 AM
"Yes," she says, rubbing your belly. "That's the plan, more or less. You are our devil improvement factory. <Keep reaming her ass!>" she commands the gladiatrixes, who happily comply.

2014-02-08, 12:15 AM
Karrin grunts as her ass is reamed. "H...how long does this take?"

2014-02-08, 12:29 AM
Since Lilliel has left, one of the domination devils says, "That depends on the devil, and you..." she makes a hungry slurping sound, and roughly twists your breast.

You feel something, as the gladiatrixes continue their rough work. Something has changed, and for the better...

2014-02-08, 12:38 AM
"Oh, and in theory...how might I make this go...easier for me, hmm?" She tries to distract the devils with conversationa s she prepares to draw upon her divine might once more!

2014-02-08, 12:44 AM
"<What should we tell her?>"

"<Let's say it will be easier if she acts like a whiny slut!>"

The gladiatrixes say to each other, then tell you, "Be submissive, and accept and enjoy your punishment."

2014-02-08, 12:49 AM
Karrin nods and actually starts moaning out in a very horny and suggestive fashion. What's a bit of humiliation when help could be close at hand? Maybe she'll even get a surprise round for her rescuers...

2014-02-08, 01:09 AM
The domination devils actually begin to finger themselves as they watch you, losing focus on their surroundings. By now, you think you have enough strength to break free. You see several distinctly not-fiendish looking beings approaching. You can either wait for them or attempt to lash out at your tormentors yourself.

2014-02-08, 01:17 AM
Karrin will time it so that her break attempt coincides with the others getting in range to attack. She concentrates on the two domination devils, making even her unarmed strikes deadly against them.

2014-02-08, 03:12 PM
There is a loud roar, which nearly deafens you. While the devils are recoiling, you snap your bonds along with the neck of the nearest gladiatrix. The other reaches with a dripping hand for her flail, but a lion-headed humanoid charges and tears her apart.

You recognize the being as a Leonal Agathion. Celestial hunters and warriors, they care little for order or chaos, but despise evil in all forms. They often serve the Thrones.

Three more leonals emerge from hiding. The one who killed the gladiatrix approaches, offering you a hand, his claws retracted. "<Lady Ye, your prayers have been heard. What Hell has done to you is an affront to all the Upper Realms, and all of the Upper Realms have answered the Call,>" he says in Celestial.

2014-02-09, 01:43 AM
Karrin takes the offered hand, and responds in Celestial, "I am afraid I have been sullied by these beasts. More importantly, I have failed to protect the Material realm by dying to Harbinger. I do thank you and the Thrones for considering me worthy of a rescue. What shall we do now?"

2014-02-09, 01:51 AM
He smashes the machine that's been reaming you. "We take you to the Upper Realms, where you belong. You did good work in the Material realm. It is now time for you to rest."

You see another figure approaching, a celestial with the upper body of an elven maiden and the lower body of a snake. You recognize her as a Lillien, an azata of beauty and the arts, and favored servants of Oralius. "We must hurry," she says to the leonals, "the archons cannot hold back the tide for long."

2014-02-09, 02:23 AM
Karrin takes a moment to stretch. "Is there equipment for me, or should I just follow?"

2014-02-09, 12:24 PM
The lilliend hands you a +2 Holy Longbow. "It produces silver arrows of its own," she says. "You can call me Sybillia," she adds.

"I am Ashkan, chief of the Silver Fang pride," the leader of the leonals says. "I would offer you armor, but you are in no shape to wear it," he says gesturing to your belly.

2014-02-09, 01:59 PM
Karrin takes the longbow and thanks Sybillia. "Thank you both. I am ready."

2014-02-09, 02:18 PM
"We should go," Ashkan says. "Tyr'ian won't be able to hold the Enemy off for much longer."

You follow the Celestials, coming to a great battle. Archons and agathions battle legions of devils amongst the labyrinthine dungeons of Erebus, while devas and Erinyes soar overhead. It seems Ashkan was right; the devils really pissed off the Thrones with what they did to you.

2014-02-09, 02:25 PM
Karrin does not hesitate. The moment she is in range, she will start firing arrows as long as she isn't slowing down the group too much. "The fiends...what they did was wrong on SO many levels."

Karrin concentrates on the Erinyes in the skies, trying to get the devas dominance over the air.

2014-02-09, 02:36 PM
With your support, the devas are able to force the erinyes to ground. There they are made short work of by hound and legion archons.

Your companions lead you to a trumpet archon, rallying the celestial forces. "I am Tyr'ien," he says. "We must hold this position until Ashelon can pierce this realm with a Light Bridge." The fighting is fierce.

2014-02-09, 05:03 PM
"An honor to make your acquaintance, Tyr'ien. How did you all get here then, if a bridge was not already made?" The paladin continues supporting her allies with light arrows.

2014-02-09, 11:01 PM
"The Light Bridge cannot remain open for long," Tyr'ien says. "For as powerful as Ashelon is, this is the domain of Asmodeus, and here is his advantage."

You see Lilliel attacking the celestial lines, focusing her efforts on the azatas, and those angels in the service of Oralius. She wears highly sexualized plate armor, and wields a flaming longsword and barbed whip. She seems to take particular delight in destroying the servants of Oralius, you note.

2014-02-10, 11:05 AM
The paladin takes a moment to advise Tyr'ien (or if he is not nearby, then Ashkan or Sybillia). "Lilliel, Asmodeus's consort, seems to really hate Oralius and her servants. I recommend they retreat from her to lead her in a circular chase in order to waste her time."

Karrin aims for a spot that Lilliel's armor doesn't protect, like the cleavage.

2014-02-10, 01:09 PM
Your arrows strike true, sinking into Lilliel's cleavage. She recoils, then shrieks at you. "You've drawn her attention," Tyr'ien says.

The whore-queen flaps her powerful wings, lunging at you. Two devas break off to intercept her; she knocks them aside contemptuously.

Lilliel lands directly in front of you. "And we meet again," she says.

2014-02-10, 08:51 PM
"Yes, yes we do. So, tell me, why do you bother wearing armor that doesn't actually protect you? Where'd you get it anyways? Sluts R' Us?" Karrin readies herself to move away should Lilliel tries to attack her. She also concentrates on the queen (Smite Evil).

((afk now. Will post on WOTS later tonight))

2014-02-10, 11:05 PM
"You would know," Lilliel says, snagging a deva with her whip and brutally impaling her on her sword. "Shameful. I give you a baby and you run off at the first chance! How irresponsible."

2014-02-10, 11:09 PM
"Yeah sorry...but you're not exactly father material, although it wouldn't surprise me if you had that set of equipment as well. Tell me, does Big A like taking it up the ass?" Karrin shoots once and then moves back.

2014-02-10, 11:19 PM
Lilliel deflects this volley, taking the opportunity to step forward. "You know, that is something I've never thought to test. I'll see if he'd like to experiment. With you, head first." She sends her whip at you, and you barely dodge it.

2014-02-10, 11:31 PM
The paladin goes fully on the defensive, using her bow only to protect herself (shooting arrows to make Lilliel change attack paths). "Seriously, don't get your panties in a bunch. What do you have against me anyways? I've never attacked you during my lifetime, and apparently we've got a *few* hobbies in common."

2014-02-10, 11:37 PM
"You've done a great deal to screw with our work down here," she says. You manage to suppress her with your bow. "Sh*t rolls downhill around here. Who do you think the Big Guy takes his frustrations out on?"

2014-02-10, 11:49 PM
"Hey, if you weren't trying to take over MY homeland, the material plane, we wouldn't having this issue. You don't see mortals trying to invade Hell, right? And I figured the Big Guy takes it out on those who fail him, like the Cornugon? Or maybe that Erinyes that failed to kill me in the secret underground fortress? Look, instead of attacking me, why not try to work things out with him?"

2014-02-11, 12:00 AM
"Well, breaking your soul will do wonders for getting me back into his good graces," Lilliel says. "He might actually thank me before rutting my brains out."

"Your plays for sympathy fall on deaf ears, fiend," Tyr'ien says. "Go back to the pit you crawled from."

2014-02-11, 12:13 AM
Karrin shrugs as she continues to waste time. "If Big A is so bad to you, why stay? I mean, by definition, our side is the side that WON'T try to screw you over if you're genuine about not doing evil and such. Leave this dumpster joint. Maybe you'll like it on our side. Without backstabbing, constant paranoia, etc."

2014-02-11, 12:19 AM
"There's nothing for me up there, just playing second-fiddle to some bit h who spends her days fretting about beings so beneath her it shouldn't matter. No, I'd rather take it up the ass in xchange for my own little domain in Hell than bow in Heaven."

2014-02-11, 12:26 AM
"Jealousy is an ugly thing, O'queen. Tell me, does anyone actually respect you down here? Anyone of note? You should hear what Harbinger has to say about the role of females in Hell's hierarchy. Tell me, if you're so important, why is Harbinger up there getting all the credit while you're down here taing it up the ass? Is it because Big A thinks that's what you're good for?"

2014-02-11, 12:46 AM
"We will see about that!" Lilliel says.

"Enough!" Tyr'ien thunders. "You will plague us no more!"

A pillar of light cuts through the darkness above, coming down upon the Celestials. Lilliel is blasted backward and through a wall, and devil and damned soul alike shriek as they are seared by the holy radiance.

2014-02-11, 01:43 AM
Karrin searches for any Celestials who are far from the pillar of light. She stays to cover them with her bow, trying to make sure EVERYONE makes it out.

2014-02-11, 12:12 PM
"We shall hold the line," Tyr'ien says. "You must retreat before the whore-queen returns, or Mammon himself attacks." Mammon is the arch-duke who rules this layer of Hell.

2014-02-11, 08:40 PM
Karrin wants to argue, but knows that this operation would be for naught if she is not brought back. "May the Thrones be with you." she says before channeling energy once to heal all the nearby defenders before stepping into the pillar of light.

2014-02-11, 08:47 PM
You can feel yourself being whisked away by the light. You look back briefly, to see Lilliel confronting Tyr'ien. The archon puts up a fearsome fight, managing to wound the more powerful archfiend, who was already weakened by the opening of the light bridge. Nevertheless, Lilliel beats back the archon, and is about to deal a killing blow when Sybillia wraps her tail around Tyr'ien and pulls him into the bridge.

Lilliel screams an infernal curse and throws her sword at Sybillia. The blade impales the azata through the chest. Tyr'ien grabs her and carries her through the bridge.

You currently float in the Astral Expanse. The Light Bridge now shines like a beacon, and you can at will float to the Upper Plains to find eternal rest.

Tyr'ien attempts to use his powers to heal Sybillia, but the azata is done for. She struggles to cling to life a few moments longer.

2014-02-11, 08:54 PM
Karrin floats back to Sybillia, tries her best to help. "Tyr'ien, is there anything we can do? What will happen to her essence?"

2014-02-11, 08:57 PM
"She will become one with the Heartflame," Tyr'ien says. "The core of the planes of Elysium."

"Completely... worth it..." Sybillia says as she begins to dissolve into motes of golden light. "Just... to get you... back..."

Ashkan says, "Goodbye, poet-dancer. Your melodies will not be forgotten."

2014-02-11, 09:03 PM
Karrin cries out. "NOOOOO! Others...shouldn't...die...for me..." She draws upon her inner strength, in the same way that she has done to gather lost soul-energy to place back a dead body. She channels that energy and grasps at the golden motes, trying to reform it.

2014-02-11, 09:06 PM
Your powers have no effect on Outsiders.

"Do not fret so," Ashkan says. "Death as you knew it holds no power over us. She will be reborn in the fires of Creation, although the rebirth may change her, in her core she will be as she has always been."

2014-02-11, 09:09 PM
"Then is it just as hopeless against the evil fiends? They will be reforged if they die, whereas we mortals are well...mortal."

2014-02-11, 09:11 PM
"Destroying them was never a viable goal," Tyr'ien says. "Containment is our objective. We need only keep them in the pits where they belong. It is a great cosmic justice that the greatest punishment we can inflict upon them is to trap them with each other."

2014-02-11, 09:17 PM
"Except that Lilliel seems to ENJOY being down there more than she would up in Celestia. Has she...been there before?"

2014-02-11, 09:22 PM
"That was long before even the world was created," Tyr'ien says. "There were no Upper or Lower Planes, as you know them now. Lilliel went by another name, and was one of Ashelon's most trusted lieutenants. She was a cunning and powerful warrior, but ruthless and merciless, willing to sacrifice anyone in order to drive the plague of the Abyss back. She sought after the heart of Ashelon, but he found Oralius' compassion more appealing. Spurned, she turned to Asmodeus, another Power who seemed to share her view of the cosmos."

2014-02-11, 09:25 PM
The paladin nods. "So...she did it for the good of the world? That's her excuse? Is that Asmodeus's excuse as well for why they do what they do?"

2014-02-11, 09:28 PM
"From their own warped, perverted point of view. They believe it was a mistake to give mortals free will, and that the cosmos should be dedicated to the destruction of chaos. At least that was how they began; as time went on their willingness to resort to treachery poisoned their hearts until loyalty became an alien concept to them. Now their true goals are obfuscated by deception and their own selfish ambitions."

2014-02-11, 09:32 PM
"So, what happens now? To me, and to those I've striven to protect? What awaits me in Celestia?"

2014-02-11, 09:35 PM
"You shall receive the reward for your deeds while under the Paladin's Oath. As you remain amongst the glory of the Thrones, your mortal flaws will diminish, until you are remade as a Celestial. Do not worry; the process is nothing like its inverse in the Underrealms. From there, there is only eternity."

Ashkan adds, "A most beautiful eternity, at that."

2014-02-11, 09:49 PM
Karrin looks pensive. "So...how long would that process take? I assume after I am reborn as a celestial, I can continue the good fight? But...I'd like to be in time to once again protect those I love...I have many worthy companions..."

2014-02-11, 09:53 PM
Ashkan looks across the Astral Expanse towards the Material Realm. "Now you know our pain. There is too little we can do from up here; there are no gates to the Material Realm open. We can only watch, and help when we can. But do not be troubled; you are correct. You have many worth companions, and they will continue your struggle, and one day join you."

2014-02-11, 09:56 PM
Karrin blinks. "So...the FIENDS get to open portals when they want to the material...but WE cannot? Are we so weak?"

2014-02-11, 09:59 PM
"No," Ashkan says. "But gates such as the fiends use can only be opened from the Material Realm. This is part of the Divine Accord, intended to protect the mortal worlds. The mages who opened the first portal had little interest in the Upper Realms; the power they wished for could not be found there."

2014-02-12, 12:16 AM
The paladin grunts. "So, if spellcasters in the mortal realm could be convince to open a portal to the upper realms, you'd all be able to pitch in? Interesting...have you tried convincing them? I mean, the situation is dire, and mortals will want all the help they can get."

2014-02-12, 12:23 AM
"It is too late. The Circle that knew the proper rituals are either all dead or servants of the fiends." Tyr'ien says. "Although, with your actions, the temple in Whiteveil grows in power. It may be soon possible to enter through it."

2014-02-12, 12:27 AM
Karrin starts floating towards the light that is the entrance to the Upper Realms. "Well, I had planned to prioritize finding some special chalice or whatnot after rescuing Mirabell. Would that have helped? Can you tell me anything about the chalice I refer to? I think it was supposed to be lost on some island."

2014-02-12, 12:30 AM
"It is a powerful artifact, and a holy relic of Oralius, but in the recent past it has been shrouded by darkness. I fear it has come into the possession of evil, and that there is a peril for anyone who seeks after it."

Ashkan follows you. "Before you enter the Upper Realms proper, there is the consideration of the beast you carry in your belly."

2014-02-12, 12:35 AM
Karrin sighs heavily. "Well, maybe Mirabell can lead the others and recover it. Say, ever think of granting her paladin powers? She's good people, and will fight to protect others. As for my belly...what the HELL? I'm DEAD. I still don't understand how I can be pregnant and DEAD at the same time. What is happening inside of me?"

2014-02-12, 12:44 AM
"What you are experiencing is your mind processing what is happening to your soul through the lens of your experience living in a physical body," Tyr'ien says. "Effectively, everything you have seen, heard, felt, since your death is a metaphor for what has truly happened. The lemure has been bonded to you in a truly horrific and degrading manner, effectively as if it had been as you experienced."

2014-02-12, 12:47 AM
"Wait, so you're saying I DIDN'T actually get tortured for what felt like days in Hell? My pain receptors say differently! As for a the Lemure...what will happen to it? I mean, am I going to actually *gulp* give birth to it?"

2014-02-12, 12:58 AM
"No," Tyr'ien says. "What you experienced in Hell was just as torturous as you recall. However, the suffering was inflicted upon your soul, not your body. The difference will become clear the closer you ascend towards being a true Celestial."

Ashkan says, "The lemure's fate is in question now. Had the devils continued to torture you, the unholy energies caused by the defilement of your soul would have fed the lemure, causing it to grow into a more powerful devil. Since that will not occur now, you have two choices. You can keep the lemure inside you, or you can slay it. If you keep the lemure inside you, there is a chance that in time its evil may be lessened, and it might be redeemed."

Tyr'ien says, "That is not without risk, and remember this: for all their deception the devils do keep one rule. There is no one Damned that does not deserve such a fate. Destruction is an end that creature you carry justly deserves."

2014-02-12, 01:09 AM
Karrin looks down at her belly and didn't say anything for a minute. When she speaks, she speaks slowly. "Didn't you sat that our job is not to destroy the fiends? We creatures of Good are not here for vengeance. Whatever evil the lemure did in life, it has suffered enough in the over 100 years of torture it endured, and you might know about how strongly I feel about giving second chances..."

2014-02-12, 01:21 AM
"It is your decision," Tyr'ien says. "I trust that you will take full responsibility for this." His words hold no judgement, he is merely stating a fact.

"Farewell, Karrin Ye," Ashkan says. "I go now to the realm of Nirvana. We shall meet, often I think. I would accompany you, but I find the realms of Heaven to be... a touch stifling. I prefer the wilds. And having a fiend's throat between my teeth." He gives a hearty chuckle.

2014-02-12, 01:23 AM
Karrin waves farewell. "Godspeed, Tyr'ien." She then moves towards her destination swiftly as well.

2014-02-12, 01:32 AM
You float amongst the Astral Expanse for a moment, then you find yourself in Heaven. It is as you dreamt it would be, a land ascending a great mountain, covered in trees of crystal and flowers every hue of the rainbow. Marble structures rise unobtrusively, encircling lakes as still as glass.

You see a silver-haired figure approaching you. It is Liriam, your mentor. She runs to you and embraces you, an act that shows far more emotion than she did in life.

2014-02-12, 01:36 AM
Karrin returns the hug, being silent. Nothing needs to be said for this hug of reunion. She remains like that for a few minutes at least.

2014-02-12, 01:43 AM
"I've never been more proud of anyone," she whispers, still holding onto you firmly. "You've endured... suffered more than anyone I know, including myself. And yet you never lost faith, never gave up on those you love..." You can feel tears on the back of your neck.

2014-02-12, 02:23 AM
"Yes, I've endured much...and there is not one day that I've missed you and your guidance. I...I haven't been perfect down there, and I got caught by Harbinger, and...and..." The paladin cries a few tears of her own.

2014-02-12, 02:25 AM
Liriam continues to hold you. "You've done everything you could," she says, waiting for you to finish, however long it takes.

2014-02-12, 03:17 AM
Karrin finishes up hugging soon. "So...you've been able to watch me from up here?"

2014-02-12, 10:06 AM
"Not everything, but some things. Good and bad." She pauses. "You had some... interesting companions."

2014-02-12, 11:01 AM
Karrin nods. "I've been able to turn a few from a life of evil. Was gonna work on an illithid next, and I hope that my friends can handle Nomen without me around. Do you...approve of my companions?"

2014-02-12, 01:08 PM
"It... certainly isn't something I would've considered, nor do I think my old covenant would've approved of. But then, that was a very different world. And you've made it work, by all accounts. The goblin Grembler? The fate his path was taking him prior to your intervention was very dark indeed. Now he leads an entire village into the light.

Then there's the matter of your other companions. In particular, that girl Mirabelle..." Liriam's eyes narrow.

2014-02-12, 08:37 PM
Karrin faces her mentor and gives her a square look, not backing down. "Mirabell is a constant source of strength for me. She may have initially set out on a course of revenge, which is not evil in itself, and it soon turned into a path of light as she stood by me to fight evil. I do not ever regret having her as a companion."

2014-02-12, 08:41 PM
She continues to stare you down for a moment, disapprovingly. Then her serious demeanor falters, and she starts laughing, a crystalline, beautiful sound you wish you'd heard before. "Of course she is. I couldn't be more happy for both of you. I just wish you'd been able to, well, develop your relationship more thoroughly. Honestly, it never occurred to you to actually marry her?"

2014-02-12, 09:04 PM
Karrin sighs. "You had me all worked up there for a moment, master. I...I guess I figured I'd never live long enough to see that happen. I mean, when would I have settled down, gotten a cottage, and raised kids? Speaking of which..." She looks down at her belly.

2014-02-12, 09:07 PM
"That wasn't a factor. Life is... was... too precious to let an opportunity slip by." She sighs. "I guess it doesn't do any good to go into it now. I should've brought it up while we were both still alive..." She shakes her head. "Ahh, don't listen to me. No point in filling eternity with regret."

She looks down at your round belly. "Now what have you done with yourself?"

2014-02-12, 09:12 PM
"Well, we were dedicated to each other, minus some mistakes by me, so I don't think it really would've matted whether some piece of paper says we're Wife and Wife or something. As for me, you didn't see what happened down in Hell?"

2014-02-12, 09:16 PM
"You're a paladin; tradition and setting an example are part of your heritage and mantle. I thought I taught you that." She says, crossing her arms. Then, she adds, "Besides, there are blessings bestowed by Oralius during the marriage ceremony, that might've been of use to you."

At your second statement, she shakes her head. "No, we souls are not omniscient. I can't see into the Underrealms from here, not without help from one of the Thrones. Even if I could, I'm not sure I could have watched helplessly..."

2014-02-12, 09:19 PM
"Well, we've got nothing if not time right? Let me tell you..." They find someplace to sit down, and Karrin recounts the tortures she has had to endure, about the 'justice' that the fiends heaped onto her for her mistakes in life. "I mean, I guess I did make mistakes, but then, I don't think they're allowed to throw stones, those fiends. It ended soon after they implanted me with a newly-minted Lemure. They were hoping to use my holy energies to...speed-breed it into a more powerful devil. But, I was rescued and now it's just sitting inside of me."

2014-02-12, 09:26 PM
"Well," she says, "now what do you intend to do with it?"

2014-02-12, 09:31 PM
Karrin snorts. "What, no indignant rage about me being turned into a molten metal spout? Or are you still mad at me for leaving those villagers to chase down the fiends that day? As for the lemure, I still haven't decided. Tyr'iel, an Agathion, says that there is a possibility I can redeem the lemure, and I am all for the redeeming. On the other hand, it IS a fiend..."

2014-02-12, 09:36 PM
Liriam puts a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm simply not sure I can comprehend what you told me. Of course I'm furious about what they did to you! You can't possibly think I'd consider... you spewing molten metal to be proper retribution for something you did as a bratty little girl?"

2014-02-12, 09:39 PM
Karrin smiles. "Well, it's alright. I can endure all the torture in the world, as long as I have something or someone to look forward to. I've missed you so much. Tell me, did you ever regret your actions? The ones that led to your early death?"

2014-02-12, 09:48 PM
"Well, there were a few tactical decisions I think I could've done differently... Really though, I wish our covenant(team of paladins, OOC) had held together. If I'd have had Mellias, or Essex or Raz'mirrin with me, things would've turned out a lot better. Did you by any chance happen to run into any of my old companions?"

2014-02-12, 10:41 PM
Karrin looks sad, and tells Liriam about her adventure at the ruins of Cabathad, of meeting Raz'mirrin, and of hearing about Essex and Melliaus being corrupted. "I was truly the last paladin remaining. Now, there are none. I have not fully trained a replacement yet."

2014-02-12, 10:46 PM
Liriam turns away. You can see fresh tears on her cheeks. "Contessa has good companions and guardians. Don't underestimate her." She looks at you, forcing a smile. "After all, look what you managed to accomplish on your own."

2014-02-12, 11:45 PM
"Contessa...has potential. She just needs time to develop. Plus, I had you, and she only had me. There's a huge difference there heh. And lastly...the world has become a much more dangerous place. Fallen paladins. Fiends galore. Can you tell me any more about your convenant? Why it fell apart? Anything that can help if we like, manifest in Contessa's dreams or somethings and can clue her in? We need ways to returning them to the light if possible."

2014-02-12, 11:53 PM
"Melliaus was the leader of our covenant. He was bold and charismatic, which would obviously be a given. He was... a bit overfond of combat, often desiring to confront the most powerful foe singlehandedly, obstensibly to protect others. Essex, though, preferred to avoid direct conflict, using his magical abilities or diplomacy to diffuse the situation. Raz'mirrin was the gentlest soul I ever knew. His only goal in life was to look after the innocent, to care for the sick and weak and get them on their feet." She looks ruefully. "I fear his sensitivity might've been what broke him, in the end."

2014-02-12, 11:55 PM
Karrin looks sad. This sounds nothing like the Raz'mirrin she saw. "What about possible tactics? Possible locations? They must be located, and either...saved...or eliminated...by our successors."

2014-02-13, 12:00 AM
"Mellias would've made his base in a high-profile location. He likes being the center of attention. If he's aligned with the demons, I'd look in Dawnspire. It was the old capital, and has become the symbol of fiendish dominance over mortals."

2014-02-13, 12:05 AM
"But Dawnspire is in ruins as far as I know, and there's an undead suit of armor running around that contains the soul of an orc warlord Mira and I slew. I can't imagine them sharing space very well. Still, you knew him the best. So...tell me...what have you been doing since you've...arrived? I was hoping to hear from you somehow, but never did."

2014-02-13, 12:09 AM
"On top of the ruins of Dawnspire, the demons have erected foul temples. And with what you told me, Mellias has taken on a new name: Malaghast. It is certainly theatrical enough for him." If that is true, then he's the one who reanimated Gorgeroth.

2014-02-13, 12:14 AM
"What about Essex? Would he be working with Malaghast?"

2014-02-13, 12:25 AM
"I'm not sure. Are you aware of any sorcerers in his service?" There was the sorcerer Esphestus.

2014-02-13, 12:30 AM
"Yeah, one. The vision the Thrones showed me contained a sorcerer-type named Esphestus. Judging by the pattern, that COULD be Essex."

2014-02-13, 12:33 AM
"I hope it doesn't. I suppose if we tried working together we might be able to get a vision to your protege."

2014-02-13, 12:37 AM
"Did you ever try to get a vision to me?"

2014-02-13, 12:40 AM
"I attempted it, but it wasn't easy. I think I got through to you a couple a times..."

2014-02-13, 12:57 AM
"That would be good. By and by, do you know where your bones lie? If we can get that information to my friends, we can give you a proper burial. And if...if Contessa ever gets strong enough to learn the trick I learned..." Karrin pauses for a second, wondering why Liriam never attained the power of healing to the degree Karrin did.

2014-02-13, 01:01 AM
Liriam looks angry. "The devils turned my remains into unholy talismans. The only blessing I can see through all of this is that since your body was disintegrated, they cannot do the same to you."

2014-02-13, 01:06 AM
"Err...what unholy talismans? If they are recovered, would it aid you in any way? Also, you never commented about what you think I should do about the lemure. It's evil, but on the other hand, it hasn't done anything..."

2014-02-13, 01:12 AM
"It would mean a great deal to me if the talismans were destroyed. As for your... offspring. Justice would dictate casting it back to the fate it's earned. It's a devil, it belongs in Hell. But mercy says you have the opportunity to give it a second chance. If you succeed you will have won a victory for the Upper Realms. But don't expect it to be easy."

2014-02-13, 01:44 AM
"I'm not sure how this would work. I'm still confused by the fact that one can be pregnant while DEAD. Well, we'll see what pops out in time I suppose. As for the talismans...if they were destroyed...in theory, could you be brought back to the material realm? Would you want to be?"

2014-02-13, 01:49 AM
"We will have to see, concerning the lemure. But I'm here, now. The rituals of the devils ensured I could never return to the living. Though I find it curious what you did that warranted trapping your soul and casting you into Hell."

2014-02-13, 01:55 AM
"Umm...well, I've ruined a LOT of their plans. Oh yeah, and they didn't want the Thrones possibly returning to life for something important in the short term. I...I think the devils were marching on Whiteveil. I...umm...is there anywhere we can...watch?"

2014-02-13, 02:10 AM
Liriam leads you back to one of the crystal pools. As you look into it, you view Whiteveil. Devils besiege it, and the Harbinger does battle with Duke Dragonkin.

2014-02-13, 02:29 AM
Karrin's face looks very grim. This can't end well. "Surely there must be something we can do. One of the last bastions of good in that area may be wiped out soon, and all my friends and loved ones along with it! Grembler's tribe isn't that far away either."

2014-02-13, 02:33 AM
"Karrin," Liriam says slowly, "we're dead. Even if we made the perilous journey through the Astral Sea, we would only be able to manifest as ghosts."

2014-02-13, 02:35 AM
"I...umm...maybe we can...perform scouting? I...think I can still heal. I mean, I did back in Hell during my escape. Would it not work?"

Karrin winces as more defenders fall.

2014-02-13, 02:43 AM
"Karrin, there is a reason ghosts are rare, and rarely considered good omens. I fear you won't do the good you seek to."

2014-02-13, 02:45 AM
"What...what about that light bridge? It's no permanent portal, but if it is strong enough to strike into a layer of Hell, surely it can open into the material to help for at least one battle?"

2014-02-13, 02:53 AM
"Only a god can open a light bridge. Ashelon exerted a great deal of energy to save you. Each time it is opened requires a considerable sacrifice."

As you watch, the Harbinger grabs the duke and snaps his spine with a flick of his wrist. As the magic protecting the walls fails, the devils surge forward and carry the walls.

2014-02-13, 03:04 AM
Karrin shouts a beleaguered, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as she watches the city's best defender fall, snapped like a twig by the unstoppable Harbinger. Does she feel any special energies by now?

2014-02-13, 03:06 AM
As you reach out with your will to the doomed city, you sense points if energy reaching out to you.

"Karrin," Liriam asks uncertainly, "what are you doing?"

2014-02-13, 03:09 AM
"I...I cannot...allow...this...to happen...I MUST HELP!" Karrin doesn't know what the energy is or means, but she latches on anyways. Something is better than just staying here and watching helplessly.

2014-02-13, 03:14 AM
You continue to channel the energy, focusing it between your current location and Whiteveil. A Light Bridge is forming.

2014-02-13, 03:20 AM
Karrin's hope spikes. Could this be...a light bridge? "Per...perhaps Ashelon isn't as tired as we thought...or maybe this is something else..."

The paladin slips an arm around her mentor, and holds on tight, all the while continuing to channel the energy. "Are we being granted a second chance to do good and save innocents? I pray it is so!"

2014-02-13, 03:22 AM
"No," Liriam says. "This is for you. My time is done; I achieved my destiny. It seems you still await yours..."

2014-02-13, 03:25 AM
"I...I won't let you down, master. Is there anything you'd like me to do down there besides destroy the unholy talismans? If I can stay down there long enough I will do everything in my power to destroy them."

2014-02-13, 03:38 AM
"I have already told you everything you need to hear," she says.

2014-02-13, 03:42 AM
With that, Karrin turns her full attention to forming the bridge. She prays she is not too late...

2014-02-13, 02:13 PM
You complete the bridge, and return to the Material Realm. Along the way, you continue to gather this energy, and can feel yourself grow in power. You have the ability to manifest mighty weapons and armor.

2014-02-13, 08:18 PM
((What kinds of armor and weapons can she manifest? And what about the +2 Holy bow?))

2014-02-13, 08:31 PM
(You can keep the bow, but the weapons you're manifesting are only for this fight, which I was planning on making cinematic. But you can make them whatever you want, up to a +10 enhancement total. The numerical bonus caps at +5, as usual)

2014-02-13, 08:46 PM
((Cool, I need to take time to level up anyways, and I'm a tad busy to do actual fighting right now.))

Karrin shapes the newly-discovered divine energies swirling around inside her first into a set of armor that's made out of...force. It's shaped like full-plate, but it is golden-hued, translucent, and emits a comforting light. In her hands manifests a greatsword that...well...it's basically a lightsaber shaped like a greatsword. She is determined to stop Harbinger, even if it means her life...again.

((weapon is simply a +4 Evil-Outsider Bane Vorpal greatsword. She's going for the greatest attack bonus to get that crit confirm to cut Harbinger's head off. So against devils, it's +6, deals +2d6 dam, and is still vorpal))

2014-02-13, 08:59 PM
You ride the light bridge to the earth. By now your companions are preparing for their final stand at the doors to the temple as the Harbinger matches towards them.

You interpose yourself between them. By now your radiance is nearly blinding, you equal Harbinger in stature, and a pair of golden wings adorn your back.

"This is absurd," the Harbinger says as you stand before him.

2014-02-13, 09:05 PM
The paladin actually wants to summon her steed and heal it, but that has to wait. Right now, Harbinger needs to be driven...or slain. And, to add insult to (future) injury, Karrin actually turns around to face her companions first, completely ignoring the pit fiend for the time being.

"I am sorry, my friends...for having been away so long in this time of need. I will protect you all to the last..."

With that, Karrin turns around and points her sword at Harbinger. "...HIS last!"

Her voice booms loudly and can be heard clearly no matter the local sound conditions.

2014-02-13, 09:14 PM
"This fraud is pointless!the archfiend barks, vile spittle expelling from his maw with every syllable. "I know not who you are, but impersonating that dead harlot will profit you NOTHING!"