View Full Version : Reacuring NPCs

2014-02-04, 12:45 PM
In my campaigns there have been those characters that I have created, or a player has created that I fell in love with. It could be their battle prowess, their general attitude toward everything, or even the fact that they are enjoyable to role-play. every campaign I place them in the world even if the campaign worlds don't line up with each other.

I was wondering if I was the only one who has done this, and if not I would love to hear about your NPCs

Mine are:
Signet (last name changes) - he is actually me in the campaign, most of the time I use him to watch over the party, and provide support where needed, in this most recent campaign he is a god the sacrificed himself to supper charge the party.

Tarial Everclear - A healer with immense power, however never really uses it. she is usually called the caretaker in what ever town she is in, due to her kind soul.

Pyke - Pyke, not to be confused with his favorite weapon the Pike, is a player made character, who changed the fate of a large city, by having a very deep philosophical conversation with an in keeper using only 2 words. Thus he gained followers and ascended into godhood, with his trusty Pike, and an army of earth elementals all wielding, you guessed it, pikes.

2014-02-05, 12:08 AM
I was in a game where a previous wizard of some kind animated his favorite stuffed teddy bear and when he died he gave the teddy all of his power (he was level 30) so the teddy travals dimensions, splits into two whenever attacked and loves to hug people.

Another was a charecter i made in a campaign that i got somewhat tired of playing so i made a new one. he was a rogue that pretended he was a mage and travaled with this tiger barbarian. Every time the party finished off something big he would go and preech about the mighty slayer (he had really high bluff and diplomacy) When i finished playing him he would appear telling great tales or providing interesting plot points.

2014-02-05, 12:46 AM
There was a 1/2 Ogre Fighter/Expert ("Massive" Ferguson), who was a weaponsmith for an order of Paladins. He was adopted by the order as a child, and since he didn't have the aptitude to be a paladin, he made their weapons and armor. When there was trouble, he would lend a hand with his (big) masterwork hammer.

The players seemed to like him - as the DM, I was very fond of him.

2014-02-05, 01:35 PM
I think I might add another to my list, it really depends of how well the players like her, as well as how easily I can work her into other campaigns other then the ones that take place in this world.

Vi Lochart - a warrior born and bread. she lost her arm in battle and had a first generation automail grafted to her in it's place. usually a very stoic, when her shell is broken she is one of the funniest, carefree people you will meet.

2014-02-05, 01:43 PM
I run a single homebrew campaign setting, with each new campaign being set 5-20 years after the previous one.

Basically, every new campaign gets the PCs from every preceding campaign (who hasn't died) as NPCs. I find it be a good way of world-building, particularly if there are players who are returning for the new campaign, to see their old characters become legends and fixtures in the world.

2014-02-05, 02:00 PM
I run a single homebrew campaign setting, with each new campaign being set 5-20 years after the previous one.

Basically, every new campaign gets the PCs from every preceding campaign (who hasn't died) as NPCs. I find it be a good way of world-building, particularly if there are players who are returning for the new campaign, to see their old characters become legends and fixtures in the world.

I'm doing a similar thing, though I'm only into my second game, and it's set 400 years in the future, so only things like the good lich wizard that advises the lineage of kings of a country, the Incubus/Succubus duo-turned-demon-lord, and the deus ex machina crazy alchemist/artificer who stuffs potions down peoples throats then expects them to cough up cash managed to make it through.

My first game was a pretty macro level game, so the players met a lot of demon lords, arch devils and even one Old God, although the one they met wasn't out to destroy the planet, in fact quite the opposite, he was helping the players keep his brothers locked away because they would destroy the planet he'd become fond of. So yeah, all of them will technically be recurring characters too I guess.

2014-02-05, 02:06 PM
I'm doing a similar thing, though I'm only into my second game, and it's set 400 years in the future, so only things like the good lich wizard that advises the lineage of kings of a country, the Incubus/Succubus duo-turned-demon-lord, and the deus ex machina crazy alchemist/artificer who stuffs potions down peoples throats then expects them to cough up cash managed to make it through.

My first game was a pretty macro level game, so the players met a lot of demon lords, arch devils and even one Old God, although the one they met wasn't out to destroy the planet, in fact quite the opposite, he was helping the players keep his brothers locked away because they would destroy the planet he'd become fond of. So yeah, all of them will technically be recurring characters too I guess.

I generally run high-op mid-to-high level campaigns (5th-20th), so my recurring NPCs tend to be movers and shakers, kingmakers, and one master baker (who has 5 full levels of Maester). Basically, I find that, by 20th, PCs will have reached a point where either their characters have attained immortality (from aging and old age), if that's their desire, or can continue to live on normally, and I find those dichotomies interesting for world building, particularly when individual ex-PCs start founding their own rival cities.

That said, I have the good fortune of nothing truly ever getting out of hand, since my PCs all know from the jump that the overdeity is Pun-Pun, who will smite them if they interfere with the ability of the players to have fun, so the players have an understanding as to what they're allowed and what is not.

And I seriously love having Pun-Pun as the overdeity and a recurring character, particularly one who sometimes accompanies the PCs (without them knowing it's Pun-Pun or interfering on their behalf) and cracking wise about their exploits.

2014-02-05, 02:18 PM
I had a 6 ranger/5 scout sniper cat folk named Tweak. He is highly aquaphobic and always hidden somewhere in my worlds, if not a major part of the story.

Sisca the halfling master bard, who has retired to run a tavern. Her 28 charisma makes even the ladies all aquiver in her presence and she literally knows something about everything..

Kord the firbolg fighter, master of all weapons, and is a walking arsenal carrying a warhammer, pike,greatbow,longsword,bastardsword, dwarven waraxe, heavy pick, scimitar, falchion and a chakram all strapped to his body, and never takes off his mithral bp (he's usually married to Sisca)

Facemelter the gnome dragon sorcerer who specializes in acid and fire. his philophosies are
"If i can't burn it, i'm not trying hard enough"
"If it doesn't burn, i will make it burn"
"soft and lumpy, just the way i like it!"
Once got ran out of the elven heartland for seeing if the largest tree in the forest could burn, he had heard it was immune to fire...

And Tinidwel the halfcelestial halfling monk who shines golden yellow and is capable of moving at speeds to the point where if he didnt want to fly, he could just run across the water...(120 flying speed, 120 ground speed)
Tinidwel is a messenger now for several gods, but sometimes encounters party members when they "forgot something" back in a town, their deity will dispatch Tinidwel to fetch if asked.

2014-02-05, 02:21 PM
I have a few Stock NPC's i toss around to keep things lively in my own campaign setting.

Ashe - a Uber intelligent mafia accountant who is the true power behind many centuries worth of black market trading and favor dealing. He came from an old campaign i once played where Ashe had three personalities stuck in his head and a creator complex problem (he started as an exceptionally aware nimble write). He wanders around with his cohort and partner in crime Isabella (a succubus bard mix, focusing on casting and information gathering/divination). These two routinely are the reason for many plot hooks and party woes, though i must say getting on their good side has many, many deep benefits.

Azgra - A psion (the first psion in my campaign world) who blew up two separate nations with a single blast to stop a massive scale civil war where humans were slaves to elves. He was brain jacked into killing his family during the testing phase of his psionic power gaining stage, as well as several other regrettable and remorseful acts he was forced to do. He wanders the land with a broken mind as an immortal with immeasurable power. He is only ever semi-lucid, and almost never uses his powers anymore. He is, for all intents and purposes, a proverbial demi-god.

Sithreal - a walking armoury of weapons and martial prowess who was the original mind that ashe was sparked from. Untill Ashe set him free, his consciousness resided in tandem with Ashes. He is a holy crusader for a home brewed good aligned god whose favored enemies are blue dragons and constructs. he pops up from time to time to offer a hand to parties who need information about the old world before the destruction caused by Azgra (ashe and Sithreal go farther back than a few thousand years, they are both ancient immortals now). Sithreal and ashe look identical, only their manner of dressing and way of acting sets them apart. If ever there are constructs destroying helpless people, or kings plotting to create construct armies, sithreal is there to wage a one man war against it all.

Ragnus C Pontclair - A vampire merchant dealing in textiles (primarily silks, but deals in everything) who has several doppelganger doubles that he hires/has brainjacked out for day time dealings and appearances. This guy will turn or kill anybody who finds out about his heritage, but is other wise a pretty neutral character. As long as he keeps making money he is happy. Nobody has yet figured out why he is amassing all this money, but out of game he wants to eventually normalize vampires and undead in society, and needs to build a country of his own to do so. he can be very charming and accommodating to those he deems non threats or future partners.

The Shabak race - These guys are basically what happened when Azgra caused the destruction of two continents and countries. The blast was radioactive, and it spawned a race of super human mutants that became the aristocracy of life for the next few thousand years. They only recently had one of 9 countries rise up against their rule (though it was their home nation, so it was a major blow). They are human looking, only distinguished by two distinct hair colors and a deep seated racism for anything non shabak. (Notable outliers do occur). I have a few reoccuring Shabak but i'll just outline my favorite one here.

Lord Kinarth - This guy was the captain of the Green capes of the northenr regions (near the 11 barbarian tribes). Green capes are basically state sanction slave taking squads who raid and enslave when necessary. The guy hated his job and disliked slavery as a whole, but naturally excelled in his leadership role. he worked to sabotage efforts subtly and eventually found his way to the party playing at the time. They managed to find out that this guy was actually the crowned prince (a false prince sat on the throne, few knew the secret) and that he had a legitimate claim to the throne. He was later murdered by his own father (who faked his death) and was arisen as a death knight in his keep, where he now resides in constant anguish and bitterness over his entire life and betrayals. he is there for brave players to interact with if they dare and is responsible for shaking up local politics.

I could keep going but i think this small list is decent for NPC's i use like, every other session in some way shape or form :p

Edit, all of these were PCs at some point, usually passed down when new groups would start.

2014-02-05, 04:09 PM
Delvig - a Gold dragon who has ascended into godhood. In life he united the good and evil dragons in an unsteady peace and formed a counsel of dragons.

The Great Franzolo - A werewolf sorcerer lady killer who enchants magic weapons and wealthy women's hearts.

Chester the Jester Scepter - an intelligent rod of wonder, sort of a cursed item because he will latch himself onto the party and insist on trying to help.

Anjiola Arneteube - A Djinni Justicator, as a fulfillment of his last master's dying wish he changed his alignment has dedicated his life to justice

Fjord'Tzilladon the Forlorned, Lord Wizard of Ancient Altibann; in exile - An eldritch Giant with 20 levels of wizard. He shows up at some point in every high level game I play, if you go to a library after level 20 you will find him there studying some arcane text too small for his massive hands.

There are a lot more, but those are some of my favorites

2014-02-05, 08:54 PM
The town of Journeys End a town for retired "adventurers" and a ship "A new beginning" full of merchants,smugglers, and the such. my favorites are the ships cook a "Firbolg fighter Named Cookie. A Halfling Wizard named Tic who has permanently reduced himself and tends to ride along in Cookie's Beard. The captain was a changeling, swashbuckler, Dread pirate. There was also his twin nephews who were Half Ogres. The first mate was a elven rogue. There was a mysterious ranger who wore all black leather including a mask and hood and his pet wolf. I had something called a Gruuare or some such who along with a Raptoran handled the crows nest. the rest of the crew was made up of 3 each Goblin,Dwarf,Kobold, and Gnome. my new party will be meeting these guys next session so I have to find or rebuild them.

Sir Chuckles
2014-02-05, 09:25 PM
Jim - Human Commoner 1
Campaign opening cart driver destined to cower in a corner when said cart got ambushed.

Four nat 20s and two 19s later, a horribly, horribly dead Necromancer guaranteed he would be everyone's favorite NPC. Later became a Commoner 1/Survivor 5.

2014-02-05, 09:30 PM
Oh, and when we did Shattered gates of Slaughtergarde, we had a horse wrangler NPC who would mind our horses and gear while we were dungeon delving.

His name was Shepherd - never knew exactly what class he was (possibly Expert), but he had good ranks in Handle Animal, Survival, Spot and Listen.

He was strictly noncombatant, and his orders were to take the horses and retreat if he was faced with a threat.

2014-02-05, 09:36 PM
All the games I play with my usual group end up having a small child named Bjorn! as a minor NPC, even when they're in different worlds. I spelled his name with an exclamation because whenever we say his name, it's with a loud, high-pitched and shrill tone of voice.

2014-02-05, 10:56 PM
A campaign I'm currently in features Maern, a Earth Genasi Wizard/Warblade/Runesmith/Diamond Dragon Mage (Jade Phoenix Mage refluffed to Stone Dragon and Diamond Mind) who has aspirations of godhood. The entire party has agreed that, should he succeed, he shalll be a god not only in that campaign, but in all campaigns run among our group in the future and that his player must play at least one Cleric of Maern.