View Full Version : Everything Shadow

2014-02-04, 12:46 PM
I was wondering if there was any comprehensive list related to the Plane of Shadow, and any class/feat/power/spell/etc related to Shadow. Any edition, any setting, including third party material, magazines, novels, etc. The best I could find was this:


I'm particularly interested in any supplements and other books that address the Plane of Shadow. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

2014-02-04, 01:03 PM
Are you looking for things strictly 3E, or are you willing to look at other stuff for ideas?

2014-02-04, 01:07 PM
Tome of Magic has an entire chapter on the Plane of Shadow. There is also a bunch of Eberron material that contain information you're looking for.

2014-02-04, 01:09 PM
PM - I'd be interested in seeing something similar.

Most notably, I'd like to see the best ways to adjuicate the risk involved with the various spells that interact with the Plane of Shadow. Many of them come with some kind of verbiage about possibly "attracting local attention", but then dont really give any way to adjudicate that sort of thing.

2014-02-04, 01:37 PM
A partial list of shadow monster by Afroakuma:

Shadowcloaks, darkweavers, shadow asps, your odd shadow giant, dark creatures, darkness pseudo-elementals, shadow elementals, khayal genies, shadesteel golems, nightshades, shadow creatures, shadow beasts, shadow eft, shadow jellies, shadow mastiffs, shadow spiders, skiurids, a few vasuthants and veserabs.

2014-02-04, 01:37 PM
Let's see...

[Shadow] spells:
Control Darkness and Shadow (Champions of Ruin)
Shadow Trap (Champions of Ruin)

[Darkness] spells:
Armor of Darkness (Spell Compendium, p. 15)
Black Sand (Sandstorm)
Blacklight (Spell Compendium, p. 30)
Bleakness (Player's Handbook II)
Control Darkness and Shadow (Champions of Ruin)
Creeping Darkness (Complete Arcane)
Damning Darkness (Lords of Madness)
Darkbolt (Spell Compendium, p. 58)
Darklight (Book of Vile Darkness)
Darkness (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 216)
Deeper Darkness (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 217)
Distracting Shadows (Magic of Eberron, p. 95)
Early Twilight (Heroes of Battle)
Net of Shadows (Spell Compendium, p. 147)
Pall of Twilight (Complete Mage)
Ravenous Darkness (Complete Champion)
Scattergloom (Dragons of Faerun, p. 118)
Shadow Canopy (Lords of Darkness)
Shadow Shroud (Drow of the Underdark)
Veil of Shadow (Spell Compendium, p. 228)
Wall of Gloom (Spell Compendium, p. 233)

Spells related to the Plane of Shadow:
Claws of Darkness (Spell Compendium, p. 47)
Hound of Doom (Complete Warrior)
Project Image (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 265)
Safety (Spell Compendium, p. 179)
Shadow Cache (Spell Compendium, p. 183)
Shadow Conjuration (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 276)
Shadow Evocation (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 277)
Shadow Landscape (Spell Compendium, p. 184)
Shadow Mask (Spell Compendium, p. 185)
Shadow Well (Spell Compendium, p. 186)
Shadowblast (Spell Compendium, p. 186)
Shadowfade (Spell Compendium, p. 186)
Spectral Weapon (Spell Compendium, p. 197)
Zone of Respite (Spell Compendium, p. 244)
Zone of Revelation (Spell Compendium, p. 244)

Also, not what you asked for, but here are some monsters from the Plane of Shadow. Might come in handy for encounter tables:

Choker, Shadow LoM 167
Cloaker, Shadowcloak Elder LoM 142
Darkweaver FF 39
Golem, Shadesteel MM3 73
Golem, Shadesteel, Greater MM3 73
Nightshade: Nightcrawler SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightcrawler)
Nightshade: Nightwalker SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightwalker)
Nightshade: Nightwing SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightwing)
Shadar-Kai FF 150
Shadow Jelly PlH 129
Shadow Mastiff SRD
Skiurid MM4 126

Hobbo Jim
2014-02-04, 01:43 PM
Idk about any lists, but I believe Savage species has a shadow and an Umbral template.

2014-02-04, 01:49 PM
Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis gives the dark template which is a weakened version of the shadow template in many ways.

Shadowcraft Mage is the best prestige class that deals with shadows.

There is also:
Telflamar Shadowlord
Shadow Adept
Crinti Shadow Marauder

and more!

2014-02-04, 02:19 PM
The last time I put together a character with a background relating to the Plane of Shadow I found most of the relevant materials in five major resources: Dungeon Master's Guide, Manual of the Planes, Planar Handbook, Tome of Magic, and Races of Destiny.

Dr. Cliché
2014-02-04, 02:48 PM
Also, not what you asked for, but here are some monsters from the Plane of Shadow. Might come in handy for encounter tables:

Choker, Shadow LoM 167
Cloaker, Shadowcloak Elder LoM 142
Darkweaver FF 39
Golem, Shadesteel MM3 73
Golem, Shadesteel, Greater MM3 73
Nightshade: Nightcrawler SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightcrawler)
Nightshade: Nightwalker SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightwalker)
Nightshade: Nightwing SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/nightshade.htm#nightwing)
Shadar-Kai FF 150
Shadow Jelly PlH 129
Shadow Mastiff SRD
Skiurid MM4 126

What about Shadow Dragons?

2014-02-04, 02:51 PM
Are you looking for things strictly 3E, or are you willing to look at other stuff for ideas?

I'm interested in anything. I want to make the Plane of Shadow the center of an upcoming campaign. In addition, I'll probably end up using it as as the main theme/organizing principle for a Pathfinder supplement I'm working on.

So for the campaign I want to be aware of all things Plane of Shadow that I might want to incorporate, especially and cool Shadow themed classes or Feats or spells or whatnot. And for the supplement, I want to avoid accidentally plagiarizing anything anyone else has written.

2014-02-04, 03:08 PM
Inhabitants of the plane of Shadow

Skiurid (MM4 p126)
Shadar-Kai (FF p150)
Darkness, Pseudo-Elemental, Small (DR322 p066)
Dusk Beast (MotP p170)
Beacon Moth (DR322 p020)
Darkness, Pseudo-Elemental, Medium (DR322 p066)
Mercane (MotP p179)
Shadow Mastiff (MM p222)
Shadow Jelly (Planar p129)
Darkness, Pseudo-Elemental Large (DR322 p066)
Shadow Beast, Ghirrash (Mini p068)
Shadow Beast, Khumat (Mini p069)
Darkness, Pseudo-Elemental, Huge (DR322 p068)
Ecalypse (MotP p170)
Shadow Beast, Thaskor (Mini p070)
Unraveler (Planar p130)
Darkweaver (FF p039)
Elemental, Greater (DR322 p068)
Fiend, Umbral Gloom (DR353 p070)
Golem, Shadesteel (MM3 p072)
Darkness, Pseudo- Elemental, Elder (DR322 p068)
Golem, Shadesteel, Greater (MM3 p072)
Nightshade, Nightwing (MM p197)
Nightshade, Nightwalker (MM p196)
Nightshade, Nightcrawler (MM p195)

2014-02-04, 03:27 PM
Here are the Denizens (http://www.planewalker.com/denizens-transitive-planes)of the transitive planes by plane walker.

City of Shade in faerun was hidden in the plane of shadow and the later adventures feature it heavily (Cormyr, shadowdale, netheril)
3E Manual of the planes has bits and odds about the plane, including one of my favorite mounts, the ecalypse.
Book of Beasts - Monsters of the Shadow Plane by jon brazier has some monsters too. 3rd party PF.
PF has the Umbral Dragon, Golarion's Nidal (city ruled by shadow mages, a little to BDSM for my tastes though) and the The Great Beyond - A Guide to the Multiverse, which is for 3.5 edition.
Dragon #322 has a metropolis and other stuff about the plane.

Limited Gish
2014-02-04, 03:28 PM
There's the Major Artifact, The Shadowstaff, in the DMG. Not much help but it's all I got that hasn't at least been partially mentioned.

2014-02-04, 03:45 PM
The user that goes under the name of Realm of Chaos has redacted a MASSIVE project (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74519) regarding the Shadow and anything related.

2014-02-04, 04:06 PM
Im in to say: This is relevant to my interests.

Also, have a look at Umbral Disciple from ToM.

2014-02-04, 04:54 PM
The user that goes under the name of Realm of Chaos has redacted a MASSIVE project (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74519) regarding the Shadow and anything related.

Hmm, that thread would seem to cover everything the OP wanted.

2014-02-08, 08:19 PM
I'm interested in anything. I want to make the Plane of Shadow the center of an upcoming campaign. In addition, I'll probably end up using it as as the main theme/organizing principle for a Pathfinder supplement I'm working on.

So for the campaign I want to be aware of all things Plane of Shadow that I might want to incorporate, especially and cool Shadow themed classes or Feats or spells or whatnot. And for the supplement, I want to avoid accidentally plagiarizing anything anyone else has written.

You might want to check 4E's Shadowfell stuff, then. It's 4E, but it does have some cool, useful flavor.

2014-02-09, 03:19 AM
One thing I've not yet seen mentioned: Gloaming, from Underdark.
They are a planetouched race descended from denizens of the plane of shadow.

2014-02-09, 03:51 AM
The Birthright campaign setting (AD&D) had its own take on the plane of shadow. I don't remember it well but it was a specifically evil and twisted version of the reality it was reflecting IIRC.