View Full Version : Troll vs Predator

2014-02-04, 01:29 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287202)

First Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287598) (world information)

Gurg's Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=777978) (Troll (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2632.0)/Mineral Warrior (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=8781.0)/Fixed Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=227466))

GM Emulator:
Chaos Factor: 4

Go back to cave
Find food for Mistress Tol'Nyx[/table]

Mistress Tol'Nyx[/table]


You wake up in a human-sized four-poster bed, in a strange bedroom. This is a new experience for you because you have never slept in a bed, nevermind one as comfy as this one. The stone walls and the rich decoration suggest that you are inside of a manor, or perhaps a castle. A stuffed crow head is hanging above the hearth, and seems to look at you mockingly. Not that you mind darkness, but the room feels strangely dark, despite being lit by a few candles. It is as if darkness was tangible and alive; an entity of its own.

You had been wearing the same loincloth for so long that it stuck to your skin and was impossible to take off, however it's gone and has been replaced with ridiculous looking kaki breeches and a wide sleeve tunic. You also see your reflection in a mirror and notice that you are wearing a fancy powdered wig. What...? Those fancy pant attires don't belong on a troll and if other trolls saw you, they'd mock you and decapitate you without a second thought. Refinement is seen as a shameful weakness in troll culture.

Your memories are fuzzy and contradictory. Before you fell asleep, you remember relaxing in the cave you dug out of the side of a hill. Yet, you are not quite sure that this is your life because you have another memory that feels equally real: you were living in a humble camp in the Mok Troll Forest, and you had entered a tunnel in the forest with your dwarven companion. You forgot what's her name, but remember that she was somewhat attractive.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-04, 01:44 PM
Where the Krom am I? Not the forest, not in my cave... And why am I wearing this? I either ate some bad mushrooms or I pissed off a witch...

Shaking his head, Gurg makes his way slowly around the room, unsure of himself, but expecting something bad to happen. He just wants his cave back.

2014-02-04, 01:56 PM
GM Emulator:
Does anything bad happen?

Odds: Very unlikely (Yes if rolling 25 or lower)


You are alone in the room. It's quiet and nothing bad happens (yet).

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-04, 02:04 PM
Gurg heads over to the Crow Head, mounted on the wall.

"You know whats happin bird? This some dream, er sumtin some shaman cook up? Not like gonna git awnsers from yer, but."

Gurg heads over to the Door, and listens, granted, he's not too likely to hear something, but he's uneasy. Something happened to mess with his head, and there no tellin what they can do.

Listen Check; [roll0]

2014-02-05, 06:13 AM
GM Emulator:
Is there anything in the corridor?

Odds: Unlikely (low traffic)
Roll: [roll0]


Note: added Threads table to the OP

You don't hear anything: the corridor outside appears to be as silent as the dead bird. However, if it could speak, it would have probably said something like:

"Please get out, your breath stinks like dog poo."

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-05, 09:23 AM
Glaring at the crow head, for some reason Gurg felt insulted, he opens the door, and sticks his head out to get a bit of a look, but ready to fall back if needed.

Taking 10 on my listen and spot checks for 12 each

2014-02-05, 10:14 PM
The wide wooden door is not locked, as you could have expected if you were the prisoner of some sort of witch. It creaks loudly. As you stick your head out, you see... nothing, except an empty stone-walled corridor. It's pleasantly cold: not cold like your native land, but cold like autumn. The corridor stretches in both directions.

So cautious! You feel like the crow is mocking you again, behind your back.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-05, 10:19 PM
Fliping a bird to the bird, Gurg makes his way down the left side of the corridor, keeping his beady eyes peeled for a way out. He doesn't like this place.

Chucking the wig at the crow, he heads out.

2014-02-05, 10:42 PM
DM Emulator:
Scene change: the corridor
New Chaos factor: 4 [previous scene was under control]

Is the scene altered?

Roll: 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16938435&postcount=1043)


Does Gurg bump into something?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16938447&postcount=1044)

Exceptional yes.

Exceptional so something he expected to see: a witch.

Does she speak the Giant tongue?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16938447#post16938447)


It appears that the tunnel twists and turns endlessly, with doors similar to your bedroom's on each side. You don't have to walk very far until you bump into an old human crone. She wears a refined dress and a wig like yours, yet somehow with her hunchback and ugly moles, it looks like she wears rags. Unexpectedly, she smiles as she sees you and she raises her right hand in a sign of peace. She says "Greetings" perfectly fluently in the Giant tongue. In fact, her mastery of the language is greater than yours, and the word she used could be described as fancy or old-fashioned for a troll.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-05, 10:59 PM
Gurg is a touch nervous. He fears no foe he can rend aye, but a witch? A mistress of the spirit world where all his might counts for nothing? A figure who can unleash curses that make death seem sweet?

Respect must be given, and he cannot afford to offend her.

Bowing akwardly, he faces a witch.

"Greeting Mistress Tol'Nyx. If I could ask, yer know where I am? Last I member, its a bit confuin ter be honest."

2014-02-06, 12:49 PM
GM Emulator:
Does the crone tell him where they are?

Odds: Likely
Roll: 45 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16938447&postcount=1044)


"You don't know?"

She seems surprised.

"We are inside of a very strange castle... a sort of afterlife. But not everyone who lives here has died. You're the first giant that I meet here, so something must be very special about you. I want you to be my bodyguard and servant and help me find a way out: I've been trapped here for years and years and the humans are driving me crazy. What do you say, sweetheart?"

"And I'm not human by the way, I've only taken the appearance of one."

She pauses for a second, trying to evaluate how much she can trust you.

"I'm a green hag."

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-06, 01:14 PM
Not a human witch, but a Hag? Even more dangerous. Still, working for a hag to escape a spirit world might be a really good thing.

"Nothin ter special bout me Mistress Tol'nyx. Got tew sets er memorires, but nutin on how I ended up ere. As fer the service, it like what the chiefs up in Shatter-Craig call contracts, right? I guard yer, run some errands, stuff like dat right?"

2014-02-06, 05:00 PM
GM Emulator:
What does she answer?

Roll: 72, 56 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16943233&postcount=1053) (Arrive, Wishes)

Exactly what he wished to hear.

She nods her head and smiles.

"Yes, yes, that's correct. Serve me well and I will show you how to escape this horrible place. An errand, erm... I was going to hunt for food, but you will do that for me. I'll be in my room, waiting for you. Don't go to any of the populated places, or the humans will probably kill you."

She turns her back, walks in the other direction and makes a hand gesture to indicate that you can leave.

"I want a young humanoid for breakfast. No dwarf, their meat is too tough. Now, hurry."

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-06, 05:11 PM
Gurg nods. While he likes deer himself, thats mostly due to them being easy to hunt, and plenty of meat on the carcass.

"As yer wish mistress."

Heading off down the corridor, he keeps his senses open, looking for any sign of prey.

Spot; 1d20+2
Listen; 1d20+2
Survival; 1d20+6

2014-02-06, 05:46 PM
GM Emulator:
Added link to roll above.

Does Gurg meet anybody else?

Odds: Likely
Roll: 20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16943233&postcount=1053)


Is it a human?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 46 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16943537#post16943537)



Roll: 53, 95 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16943537#post16943537) (Adversity of Nature)

Someone who really doesn't like trolls.

The corridor seems to never end, and is particularly monotonous except for a few turns and forks.

Your senses are keen: you are at the best of your apex predator abilities. You find no signs of a prey: it's too difficult to find a track indoor. However, after you walk for a while, about 10 minutes, you hear the inimitable sound of a human approaching. The quality of the sound inside of the corridor is excellent, and you can tell from the self-assured footsteps and the clinking sound of metal that it must be a warrior of some sort. You can also spot the subtle alteration in the darkness which hints that he or she is holding a lantern or perhaps a torch.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-06, 05:51 PM
Gurg looks around for an alcove or door, somewhere to hide. While he could charge in, there is no telling how many there are.

Spot; [roll0]
Search; [roll1]

2014-02-07, 01:25 PM
GM Emulator:
Is there an alcove nearby?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 99 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16943537&postcount=1055) (no event as the digit is higher than the chaos level)

Critical no. No alcoves ever.

It's quite strange for a castle, but you haven't seen any alcove (or anything similar) yet. The walls are mostly flat and featureless. They are incredibly clean too, with no cobwebs to be seen. However, there are old creaking doors, a lot of them, every 20 ft or so. All the doors look exactly like your bedroom's door. In fact, it will be a big challenge to return to your bedroom, or find your Mistress'.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-07, 02:15 PM
Gurg will enter the closest room, and if it is unoccupied, leave enough of a crack to see when the light comes by, at which point he will attack.

Survival DC 15 to avoid becoming lost, perhaps checks to remember the forks and turns?

2014-02-07, 05:29 PM
DM Emulator:
Is the room empty?

Odds: Likely
Roll: 36 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16943537&postcount=1055)


Does the door creak?

Odds: Has to be
Roll: 48 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16950438#post16950438)


Does the human hear/spot Gurg?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 89 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16950438#post16950438)


The closest room is empty. Its door makes noise, exactly like in your bedroom, however the human does not seem to notice because he approaches carelessly, not protecting his right flank. You cannot see his traits because he wears a hooded cloak, but you can tell that he's a veteran combatant. He holds a torch in one hand, and a bastard sword in the other. On his belt, he hung several little vials, including one that seems to contain a burning liquid that catches your eyes.

Only one Survival check is needed.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-07, 05:37 PM
Not an easy target. Mistress warned me about the humans, and it would be wise to avoid them for the moment. So he will wait intil the light fades, and venture out to seek an easier target.

But before he sets out he scratchs a crude symbol on the door to help him navigate the corridors.

Survival; [roll0]
Listen; [roll1]
Spot; [roll2]

I edited some things into the OOC thread.

2014-02-09, 10:03 AM
GM Emulator:
Can Gurg find a target?

Odds: Near sure thing
Roll: 83 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16950438&postcount=1062)

Yes (had to roll under 90).

Human target?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 37 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16950438#post16950438)


Human commoner?

Odds: Likely (most humans are)
Roll: 48 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16959488#post16959488)


You walk for a little bit, probably leaving marks behind. From what it seems, the castle is a big maze, the size of a village or perhaps even bigger. Who could have created such a strange spirit world? You spot a human noble locking his bedroom's door—or at least, he looks like a noble, with his powdered wig. He's whistling a beautiful tune which you have never heard before, "Bb C Dd C B A Gg A Bb..." It's obvious he hasn't noticed your presence and doesn't know what's coming to him.

Grimsage Matt
2014-02-09, 10:55 AM
Gurg charges forward, claws out, fangs ready. While the last one would have proved difficult, this one will be easy.

Initiave; [roll0]
Charge and Reckless Assult

Claw one attack; [roll1]
Claw two attack; [roll2] Provokes a attack of oppertunity

Claw one damage; [roll3]
Claw two damage; [roll4]