View Full Version : Heading to the Underdark--Thoughts or advice?

2014-02-04, 01:37 PM
So the party I'm in in a Play by Post on this forum is going to the Underdark tomorrow (IC, hopefully by the end of the week OOC). Our plans are to travel to a homebrew drow city about 20 miles away, sneak through the city, find out about a prisoner the leaders took, probably free this prisoner, and escape to the surface. This hopefully won't take more than a couple days. Here are our characters; we all just hit level 8:

Kurt: A dwarf barbarian 3/crusader 5 who's slowly trading his barbarian levels in for crusader levels. He wields a +1 holy greatsword, has +1 Silent Moves full plate armor, and his role in battle is to be a frontline fighter, damage tank, and all-around pain-bringer. However, note that Kurt's character sheet may not be fully updated by the time we inevitably get into a battle; we just leveled up. He's also got a couple of semi-cohorts, a rogue and an archer ranger. Their levels are unknown, but probably around 4-5.

Shiny: A gnome beguiler 8 and the DMPC. He's got all the social skills and none of the wisdom. In battle, he buffs the party with spells like Displacement and Haste and debuffs the enemies with spells like Glitterdust. Out of battle, he's the party face with sky high diplomacy and bluff skills, a good sense motive skill, and of course things like Charm Person and Suggestion. He's also comedic relief with his stories.

Natalia: My character, a human rogue 4/swashbuckler 3/trapsmith 1. A secondary fighter, dodge-tank, sneaker, and trapmaster. In battle, she buffs herself with Arcanist Gloves Cat's Grace (3 minutes of +4 dex, with weapon finesse), then hops around the battlefield (she has an anklet of Translocation and is picking up Swordsage and Sudden Leap next level) dealing lots and lots of sneak attacks (Two-weapon fighting and daring outlaw are the linchpins of her build). Out of battle she makes traps and dismantles traps and sneaks around pretty well. Yes she has Darkstalker and Penetrating Strike. She also has 39 pounds of gunpowder, her other Trapsmith spell is Gaseous Form, and she also has a severe speech impediment. The party can understand her, but it's a crapshoot whether or not NPCs can without a Tongues spell (on her or them).

Mithril: A human wizard 7/loremaster 1 with a celestial weasel familiar. She's a generalist but has few evocations and doesn't use any illusion or enchantment spells. In battle she prefers crowd control spells like Web, Black Tentacles, and Wall of Water, and then deals damage with her wands of Magic Missile and Dawn Burst, and occasionally casting Cloud of Knives. Out of battle, she uses a lot of divination spells like Detect Thoughts, Telepathic Bond, and Scrying. Also, a being called the Voice that may possibly be the Big Bad is watching her thoughts and may be watching ours as well. She hasn't told us this. Actually, she hasn't told us a lot of information about the Voice that only she knows thanks to Detect Thoughts. This will certainly come out at the most inopportune time possible.

Rhenner: A half-elf cleric of Fhlarghan 5/Combat Medic 3. His domains are Protection and Travel. He's almost always got Dimension Door prepared, and next level he gets Teleport. In battle, he provides support with party wide buffs, single-target buffs, and healing conversion. He does have some damaging spells too. Out of character, he knows the most about this homebrewed setting since he and his player joined late, but he knows very little about the Underdark.

All of us have everburning torches and we have twelve antitoxins; three for everyone if Kurt doesn't take any (which I don't think he'll need since he's a dwarf with 20 constitution and Crusader lets you reroll one failed save a day). We know that the path is 20 miles and hostile, and that there will be monsters and intelligent people attacking us. These people may not necessarily be drow. We also need to watch out for jets of hot air and poisonous gases. Because of this I figure Natalia should be in front; her high reflex save and evasion makes her most able to dodge these jets and with her swashbuckler levels she's got enough HP to tank a hit or two if she fails the saves.

Does anyone have any advice or tips?

2014-02-04, 01:56 PM
You will need all of your Spelunking gear, unless you are already certain of your route and contingency escape routes.

Masterwork Climber's Kit (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#climbersKit)
Grappling Hook (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#grapplingHook)
Silk Rope (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/goodsAndServices.htm#ropeSilk)

Of course, there are tons of alternative and superior options throughout the various books - both magical and mundane - but I think the point is be prepared to have to climb, whether up, down, or across. Or have magic or other means to circumvent such obstacles.

Mithril Leaf
2014-02-04, 02:57 PM
If you're able to do some magic item shopping, the ring of darkhidden can make you totally invisible to darkvision, which is immensely useful for obvious reasons.

2014-02-04, 03:19 PM
Someone better have some daylight spells ready. And learn Undercommon. Also, some disguise kits/spells would do wonders - nothing like pretending to be a bunch of Underdark folks to ward off would-be baddies.

2014-02-04, 03:28 PM
Both Mithril and Rhenner can cast daylight, and Mithril picked up a couple of those daylight pebbles from the MIC. Mithril has fly and Shiny has Spider Climb; I'll probably pick up a grappling hook too. We're leaving from a dwarven fortress; there are no magic items above 1000 gp besides weapons and armor, and no potions above 2nd level. Here were our initial shopping lists; I'll grab the grappling hook too.


1 Belt of Healing 750 GP
3 Blessed Bandage 30 GP
2 Daylight Pellets 300 GP
3 Incense of Concentration 750 GP
5 Protect from Evil Potion 250 GP
1 Darkvision Potion 300 GP (As CWater said I don't want to regret NOT doing this)
Chip in in arcanist gloves 200 gp
And the Healing Belt would substitute for CLW potions for herself, it is an investment.
I end up not having enough for a bag of tricks but I am okay with that.
Spellbook would be an extra 100 if allowed.

Total Cost (w/o Spellbook):3080 GP, Gold 1383 GP

merciful +1 greatsword.
3 Protection from Evil Potions, assuming Kurt gets a good value for the mithral full plate.
(Assumed that he gets the +1 Silent Moves Full Plate adjusted to fit him too)

80 arrows (Base price: 4 GP)
3 Tanglefoot Bags (Base price: 150 GP)
3 Sunrods (Base price: 6 GP)
1 Protection from Evil Potion: (Base price: 50 GP)
1 Shield of Faith +2 Potion: (Base price: 50 GP)
1 Darkvision Potion (Base price: 300 GP)
2 or 3 Blessed Bandages if nobody else is getting them (Base Price: 20-30 GP)
Boots of Agile Leaping (Base Price: 600 GP).
1 Arcanist Gloves (Base price: 300 GP)

Total cost: 1480 gp

I'll tell you what Shiny will be getting: a couple of darkvision, protection from evil, and CMW potions each.

-Antitoxin, 3 * 50 gp
-Diamond dust, 2 * 100 gp
-Silver dust, 4 * 25 gp
-Ruby dust, 50 gp
-Some small (metal?) object, ? gp (a target for Continual Flame)
-Piece of cloth, ? gp
-Incense, 2 * 25 gp
1 Darkvision potion, 300 GP

(What is it with divine spells and dust?)
Total: 850 + ? gp with standard prices.

Nobody knows Undercommon but three of us can cast Tongues or Comprehend Languages.

2014-02-04, 03:53 PM
The Collar of Umbral Metamorphosis in Tome of Magic lets you get the ability to Hide in Plain Sight in the dark. Combined with a Ring of Darkhidden and Darkstalker, and you become basically impossible to detect in the dark (if you can't take Darkstalker it's still very good).


Red Fel
2014-02-04, 04:14 PM
Just keep in mind that even the faintest sources of light, in the Underdark, act as beacons that just scream "Look, delicious, squishy, dark-blind surface dwellers! Kill them! Enslave them! Eat their brains on toast!"

But don't worry. Your party sounds delicious. I'm sure it'll be over quickly.

Or, to put it another way: Light sources are good. Being able to see in the dark (e.g. Darkvision or Blindsight (not Blindsense, Blindsight)) is better. Take a peek at the "Special Senses" section of the Lists of Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851).

The general rule in the Underdark is that if you can be detected, you have been detected. So step one is being unnoticed for as long as possible; step two is noticing everything around you trying to go unnoticed before it notices you.

2014-02-04, 04:18 PM
Dancing Lights is useful as you can send it far away enough to not be in its light but still be able to see a distance ahead. Also nice for springing ambushes early with you combine it with an image spell (and you do have a gnome for easy Dancing Lights).

Ydaer Ca Noit
2014-02-04, 05:12 PM
I don't think you are ok with a potion of darkvision. You will probably need to cast it yourself or from a staff, to get the full duration (because you will need darkvision for traveling.

Also, you will probably fight things with spell resistance. Keep that in mind when preparing spells.

You should get lesser restorations etc for ability dmg if there are poisons. Also remember that you can use heal skill for the second tick of the poison, if it is better than your save.

Also almost everything you will fight will be evil, so you are better off with protection from evil (the bonus to ac won't stack anyway). The thing with protection from evil is that it saves you from mind control. But if the fighter gets dominated when you don't expect it, then the potion will be useless. So I would suggest getting a magic circle against evil spell, and using it when there is a threat to be mind controlled - and have the potions as back-up solution.

I assume you already have the usual bludgeoning/piercing/slashing/cold iron/silver weapons. Also get an oil of bless weapon just in case.

2014-02-04, 07:17 PM
Unfortunately we can't afford any of those items; we don't have much gold on us. But everyone has at least one darkvision potion and at least one protection from evil potion, and Rhenner can prepare it. Mithril can prepare darkvision as well, but unfortunately she doesn't have mass darkvision. The fighters all have magic weapons, except for Natalia's backup weapon (a masterwork longbow). But I have an oil of magic weapon for that.

The dancing lights idea is a good one and I'll suggest it.

2014-02-04, 08:53 PM
All of us have everburning torches...
Hopefully these "everburning torches" are not the ones listed in the equipment table in the PHB, as those are made by Wizards casting a level 2 continual flame. Darkness, which everyone and their brother seems to have as a spell-like ability in the Underdark, also happens to be level 2, and thus your "everburning" torches will quickly become 1lb dead weights.

Advice? Spend the extra 90 gold and get a Cleric to make your everburning torches. That's a level 3 continual flame, so all those darkness SLAs will have to yield to the divine flame. And remember: continual flame can be cast on anything, so get creative to free up your hands.

Red Fel
2014-02-04, 08:56 PM
Don't forget that "30% of magic weapons shed light equivalent to a light spell (bright light in a 20-foot radius, shadowy light in a 40-foot radius). These glowing weapons are quite obviously magical. Such a weapon can’t be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm)"

In other words, since your party has magic weapons, you may want to decide whether you're willing to use them as light sources. As a plus, they'd help you see. As a minus, they'd help you be seen.

2014-02-07, 04:52 PM
Don't forget that "30% of magic weapons shed light equivalent to a light spell (bright light in a 20-foot radius, shadowy light in a 40-foot radius). These glowing weapons are quite obviously magical. Such a weapon can’t be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm)"

In other words, since your party has magic weapons, you may want to decide whether you're willing to use them as light sources. As a plus, they'd help you see. As a minus, they'd help you be seen.

Oh! I think I need to ask about that.

Red Fel
2014-02-07, 06:56 PM
Oh! I think I need to ask about that.

A lot of tables actually ignore that little provision. You may wish to decide whether you want to or not. Again, there are pros and cons.