View Full Version : Non Combat Fun

2014-02-04, 04:19 PM
Hey guys, This is my first post and first time playing D&D, so i need some friendly help to make my experience more fun/interesting/comedic/etc.

So far my group consists of myself, Fey touched Rogue, a Human Wzard, Human Druid, Elf Ranger, and Human Fighter.

Im basing my guy more around being strong in social settings rather than combat, although i rolled very very well on my stats so i will be strong either way. I just want to know what are some things you guys enjoy doing when in Cities. Such as. Starting a Guild, ways to screw over towns people/merchants. Unique and interesting ways to make money, or obtain Items. ETC anything that you think is fun. Example: A guy wrote that he broke into a shop stole the deed to the building, forged a new one with his name as the owner, and basically stole the store, Things like that. Thanks in advance for all the responses.

2014-02-04, 04:28 PM
Starting cults to VERY evil gods under the guise of other gods. Then alert the authorities that there is a cult to Rallaster/Xammux/Tharizdun running around. Repeat until entertained.

Red Fel
2014-02-04, 04:41 PM
It depends on personality.

For instance, my LE Monk-type, being both martially-minded and intent on creating followers, might open a martial training studio, and indoctrinate his students in such teachings as "Strength creates Order! The strong must rule over the weak! You will be strong! You will impose order! With! Your! Two! Fists!"

My rakish Bard, being wicked and self-indulgent, might spend time in the taverns, gathering information and dirt, and spreading rumors - if not about himself, then about the party. "Have you heard? Thorn the Druidess has come to town! I hear she runs naked beneath the full moon!" "That's right, Krakar the Barbarian! They say his murderous rage can only be appeased by copious amounts of heavy drink!" Then watch with amusement as the NPC population begins to react to the party with a mixture of awe, generosity, and abject terror.

My curious non-human, such as a Warforged or Kobold, might spend time in humanitarian pursuits, such as working at a school or church or shelter, studying the simple pursuit of making people happy. Everyone needs a little "Pet the Dog" moment from time to time. My LG Paladin-types would likely do the same; I like showing their humanity.

My Fighter-type, wanting to prove and improve his strength, would likely find the training grounds for the guards or whatnot, and request a sparring match. If he loses, he'd ask to train with them; if he wins, he'd offer to train them.

Like I said, it depends on personality.

Now, if you want to make money, that's different. You have Profession skills for that, or, in the alternative, put your Adventurer Powers to use. As mentioned above, martial-types can offer to give martial training; churchy-types can do public works; even a Wizard can offer to teach the populace the finer arts of literacy or mathematics. But raising money, in my mind, isn't nearly as fun as raising some Cain.

2014-02-04, 04:45 PM
Also being a devotee of an "unpopular" good god (Lastai and Bahamut come to mind) and making your worship VERY public means great RP times. Try to found a small temple wherever you go.

2014-02-04, 04:47 PM
I forgot to Mention, My character is Chaotic Neutral, and was raised as a dancer/jester "female Character"

2014-02-04, 04:47 PM
Starting cults to VERY evil gods under the guise of other gods. Then alert the authorities that there is a cult to Rallaster/Xammux/Tharizdun running around. Repeat until entertained. Alternatively, Starting cults to VERY good gods under the guise of other gods. See how many good deeds you can get people to do under the guise of being eeeeeeeeeeeeevil.

2014-02-04, 04:50 PM
I'm probably going to be unpopular for saying this, but change your alignment. Especially since this is your first D&D game. IMHO, Chaotic Neutral is either a cop out or a excuse to do dumb things.

The answer for "what kind of non combat fun things should I do?" should flow organically from your character, and that's easier when your character has a motivation beyond being a jerk, which is what chaotic neutral boils down to all too often.

Sorry. That's just my elitist two cents.

2014-02-04, 04:55 PM
I'm probably going to be unpopular for saying this, but change your alignment. Especially since this is your first D&D game. IMHO, Chaotic Neutral is either a cop out or a excuse to do dumb things.

The answer for "what kind of non combat fun things should I do?" should flow organically from your character, and that's easier when your character has a motivation beyond being a jerk, which is what chaotic neutral boils down to all too often.

Sorry. That's just my elitist two cents. I would bet a paycheck on alignment not coming up at all and being naught but two randomly chosen letters on the sheet, since that's all it has ever amounted to in every D&D game I've ever been in (with the exception of terrible games involving a paladin, naturally).

But this is most assuredly not an appropriate thread to have yet another rererererererehash of that old ridiculous argument, because alignment is never worth discussing.

2014-02-04, 04:55 PM
Chaotic Neutral is not as bad as people make it out to be. You need to emphasize personal freedom in your actions. It is just very opposite of what our society currently demands of its citizens so it is a more difficult task than LG/LN/LE.

Edit: Okay, so Yawgy is probably right. Let's not worry too much about this.

2014-02-04, 05:03 PM
I think the gist of my post got lost.

If you're a "good" character, your noncombat fun takes on a certain cast. Maybe you root out corruption in government. Maybe you start an orphanage. Maybe you kick back with some friends in the tavern.

If you are "evil", your noncombat fun takes on a certain cast. Maybe you embezzle. Maybe you start a counterfeiting ring. Maybe you break into a store, steal the deed and forge a replacement. Maybe you kick back with some friends in the tavern.

If you are chaotic neutral, you...kick back with some friends in the tavern. Or do a bunch of stuff that's probably actually evil but is "justified" because "your character feels like it."

Chaotic neutral is pretty useless as a guide AND most players do it wrong. I don't recommend it for first time players (actually, I don't recommend it at all, but I especially don't recommend it for first time players.)

If alignment never comes up in your game, welp, you can still use it.

2014-02-04, 05:15 PM
Hey guys, This is my first post and first time playing D&D, so i need some friendly help to make my experience more fun/interesting/comedic/etc.

I find that people going in with this mindset sometimes fit into an archetype of obnoxious player known as "That Guy", so be warned. If the other players and GM start grinding their teeth and facepalming at you, that's generally the reason why.

2014-02-04, 05:21 PM
Im basing my guy more around being strong in social settings rather than combat, although i rolled very very well on my stats so i will be strong either way. I just want to know what are some things you guys enjoy doing when in Cities. Such as. Starting a Guild, ways to screw over towns people/merchants. Unique and interesting ways to make money, or obtain Items. ETC anything that you think is fun. Example: A guy wrote that he broke into a shop stole the deed to the building, forged a new one with his name as the owner, and basically stole the store, Things like that. Thanks in advance for all the responses.

Adopt an orphan, promise him the world and then tell him that you lost it all betting on the ponies.

2014-02-04, 05:22 PM
I see what you guys are saying, but im not going to play "that guy" in no way do i want to ruin the game for other people. im not going to steal just because im CN and i can do wahtever i want, and use that as an excuse, i have read so many posts and that theme comes up all the time. that isnt me. Im just using it as a way to do what i feel at the moment, whatever i think will be in my benefit, but without going to the extremes. i would say i more between a CN-N character, if that makes sense. But again im not going to be a **** just because i can.

2014-02-04, 05:33 PM
I see what you guys are saying, but im not going to play "that guy" in no way do i want to ruin the game for other people. im not going to steal just because im CN and i can do wahtever i want, and use that as an excuse, i have read so many posts and that theme comes up all the time. that isnt me. Im just using it as a way to do what i feel at the moment, whatever i think will be in my benefit, but without going to the extremes. i would say i more between a CN-N character, if that makes sense. But again im not going to be a **** just because i can.

There is a fine line to walk between comedic RP and being "that guy."

2014-02-04, 07:00 PM
Chaotic neutral is pretty useless as a guide AND most players do it wrong. Alignments in general are pretty useless as a guide AND most players do it wrong. And seeing as how this is is not a thread discussing alignment, I again say you should take your soapbox somewhere else.

2014-02-05, 12:10 AM
Alternatively, Starting cults to VERY good gods under the guise of other gods. See how many good deeds you can get people to do under the guise of being eeeeeeeeeeeeevil.

"Alright guys, today we're going to further are evil goals...by volunteering at a HOMELESS SHELTER..."
"...how does this help Asmodeus?"
"...the food is POISONED! But they'll all seem fine. It's a, uhhhh, slow poison..."
"...hail Asmodeus?"

2014-02-05, 12:24 AM
Bluff is awesome especially if you have it semi optimized. same with diplomacy. Depends on how you want to play your charecter. Make a pretty neat heist by donning certain clothing and bluffing you work at x but are there to take y.

Start a club. Like a thieves guild or something. Always useful and can be very handy later on in the career.

speak to a king and influence him to do certain things. Live like kings because of a king.

2014-02-05, 12:31 AM
"Alright guys, today we're going to further are evil goals...by volunteering at a HOMELESS SHELTER..."
"...how does this help Asmodeus?"

"Foolish mortal, these foodstuffs have way more than the recommended daily sugar intake! The homeless shall die slow agonizing deaths, not from starvation, but from diabetes!"


"Insolent mortal! Do you not understand the arcane art of Keynesian economics? By using need-based welfare to incentivize poverty, we shall persuade the people of this city to abandon the labor market and leave all their works uncompleted. Through inefficiency, we shall bring this city's economy to its knees!"

2014-02-05, 12:38 AM
You'll wanna go with class that gives you a lot of skills and works off of Charisma.

Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate are important skills to rank up. Disguise, Hide, Move Silent, Climb, etc.. are all quite useful also.

Sounds like you're background is set to work with the Bard. This is one of the best classes at excelling out of combat. I caution you though not to neglect your combat abilities. You may find yourself bored often as combat is a large part of the game in most cases.

Bard is an awesome class and you can build to be strong and useful in combat especially with Inspire Courage (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1109291) builds. I'm having a lot of fun with my dual whip-dagger wielding Bard in and out of combat.

As for finding stuff to mess with out of combat, it will take about 3 seconds after the DM gets you into a town and lets you explore to start finding things. Don't plan it, just roll with it.

GL n have fun.


2014-02-05, 12:59 PM
I love the idea of starting some sort of thieves guild, hopefully i will get to spend enough time in one particular place to start one.

2014-02-05, 03:47 PM
What are some of your favorite city based scenarios, or things that you have done, Quests etc.

2014-02-05, 04:24 PM
I, for one, like to insinuate myself into local politics, if we're going to be in town for a while. It entertains me to know end to twist the political landscape to my own ends, sometimes for good, sometimes for ill. Tends to lead to new plot-hooks too.

2014-02-05, 04:29 PM
I enjoyed playing a rogue, whenever I was in a city I could acquire things. Problem was that it wasn't tied to the scenario and I wasted other peoples gaming time by saying "I'm going to go on a solo thieving spree, you guys just sit there and watch while I take up the parties game time".. After I did this a few times and realized everyone else was bored and losing interest I decided to work with the DM off line.


2014-02-05, 04:42 PM
I like to have characters that seek for a reputation. They want to be famous for something. So whereever they go, they do that thing, whether its arm wrestling or a battle of the bards or whatever. It doesn't upset the game much and can be really fun.

2014-02-05, 09:49 PM
I'm playing Rise of the Rune Lords, and it starts with a festival. Entered in a Tug of War contest and a Hide and Seek contest.

Point is, look for religious festivals! Or city-wide festivals! Or other fun things. Also, Track breaks Hide and Seek.

2014-02-06, 03:21 PM
Very Chrono Trigger Esc. i like it