View Full Version : Anti-Caster Wizard Spells

2014-02-04, 08:35 PM
What are some good anti caster arcane or divine(maybe slightly more emphasis against anti-arcane) wizard spells for all your caster on caster needs? Prioritizing low to moderate levels of play 6-10ish but will take any other advice as well. (enchantment and necromancy schools need not apply, aka they are banned)

2014-02-04, 08:50 PM
I've been working to help curb rocket tag against my characters. It's not always effective, but it limits your opponent's options.

Mindblank. All enchantments fail. All divinations fail.

Superior Invisibility. They can not see you. True sight is probably blocked with Mindblank.

Friendly Fire. All ranged attacks fail. The benefit is that it's within your level range. :smalltongue:

Freedom of Movement. Helps against tentacles and the like.

Fly. Grease and entangle need you to be on the ground to immobilize.

Celerity. Take a chance at casting a spell.

Dispel Magic. Helps if you optimize dispels (Inquisition Domain).

Antimagic Field. Can be used through cheese. Initiate of Mystra makes it worse.

2014-02-04, 08:53 PM
Silence is good against casters, if you can pin them in a corner. Or cast it on someone in your party and have them grapple the caster themselves.

2014-02-04, 08:53 PM
I would trade out freedom of movement for heart of water, cause heart of water is awesome, and I would trade out fly for alter self, because alter self is pretty much strictly better.

2014-02-04, 09:02 PM
Disintegrate — it's a fort save, assuming you can land it.

Lots of dice, so the result is going to be near the average: Do casters have >7 HP per HD ? d4 says probably not.

It's not so good against Clerics obviously.

2014-02-04, 09:23 PM
Bands of Steel (Sorc/Wiz 3, Complete Arcane) is a Reflex save-or-lose. However, the target is still entangled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled) a successful save, making him take a DC 15+spell level concentration check to cast spells. Luckily for us, most casters don't have evasion or stellar reflex saves.

Dispel Magic. Helps if you optimize dispels (Inquisition Domain).

We also have Arcane Turmoil (Sorc/Wiz 2, Hexblade 2, Complete Mage), which gives a targeted dispel, is a level lower than Dispel Magic, and also gives a will save against knocking out one of the target's highest level spells. Single-targeted against a spellcaster, it's straight-up superior to Dispel Magic.

2014-02-04, 09:35 PM
Battlemagic Perception (Sorc Wizard 3, Heroes of Battle, Divination so you can spontaneously cast it via spontaneous divination.) Allows you to cast a dispel magic spell as a free action.

Synchronicity (Psion 1, Complete Psionic or Races of Destiny) allow you to ready any standard action and have anything be the triggering condition. If you spend +2 pp to augment it you don't even have to choose the spell. Thus you can have a readied damaging spell that forces your opponent to make a huge concentration check or else he loses the spell. Remember you can always grab knowledge of this power with the feat hidden talent, and then use magic items to cast this power.

2014-02-04, 09:38 PM
Reciprocal Gyre can be very effective against most arcane spellcasters and perhaps some DMM clerics, especially when you're using the SpC version - they still take half damage on a successful save and must make fort save to avoid being stunned

Enervation is an obvious one, since you can drain some of their best spells while debuffing them. In fact, anything that deals negative levels are great against casters

Wither Limbs is a nasty one, as is Feeblemind

Duelward can be a useful defense spell

Edit: my mistake - I forgot that Nec and Ench spells are banned

That being said, another one that comes to mind is slashing dispel - it's like Dispel Magic, but it deals 2damage for every level of spell dispelled. Combine it with Reciprocal Gyre for extra joy

2014-02-04, 11:58 PM
Casting Antimagic Field is one of the best ways to nerf yourself if you find that you're too powerful.

Also, Tenser's Transformation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/transformation.htm) is a good way to castrate yourself, though not as good as AMF.

2014-02-05, 01:29 AM
Funny man :smallsmile:

2014-02-05, 01:40 AM
In my main campaign setting, I have access to spells intrinsically make a person vulnerable to the fatigue and exhaustion conditions in all cases, even if a racial trait or other effect would make you resistant or immune. Then I made it so that if you become fatigued (as the condition) you drop to half your spell slots, and if exhausted (as the condition) you drop to one-quarter your spell slots.

This makes the 1st-level Sunstroke spell an excellent caster-vs-caster spell, as it targets Fort (a caster's weakest save generally) to cause heatstroke (which causes fatigue). There goes half the enemy's spell slots.

2014-02-05, 01:41 AM
Mordekainen's buzzing bee.

Its awesomefun vs casters.

2014-02-05, 01:44 AM
Casting Antimagic Field is one of the best ways to nerf yourself if you find that you're too powerful.

Unless, of course, you are powerful because you are using some cheese to cast in an antimagic field...

2014-02-05, 10:11 AM
Unless, of course, you are powerful because you are using some cheese to cast in an antimagic field...

Or if you can get a BSF in the field.

2014-02-05, 10:30 AM
Or if you can get a BSF in the field.Which takes down magic items, casting, and buffs said BSF has, which is as good as an invitation to slaughter.

2014-02-05, 10:36 AM
Which takes down magic items, casting, and buffs said BSF has, which is as good as an invitation to slaughter.

The idea is to get him in the field with the caster, where the BSF should be able to grapple the caster (or otherwise keep him stationary. I assume that we are facing a spellcaster who isn't much good in an AMF) and beat him to a pulp.

2014-02-05, 10:37 AM
The idea is to get him in the field with the caster, where the BSF should be able to grapple the caster (or otherwise keep him stationary) and beat him to a pulp.The best thing to do is to ensure that you, as the caster, have protections against AMFs, then plunge the BSFs in them.

As a BSF, just hope that the caster doesn't notice you or consider you a threat and let the other casters handle them.

2014-02-05, 10:48 AM
Parboil from Sandstorm
6d6 fire damage and 2d4 Int damage, Fort half and neg.

2014-02-05, 10:54 AM
Power Word spells. Most of them have few to no defenses available against them, other than immunity to [mind-affecting] and [compulsion] effects. They're based on your supply of HP, and arcane casters, at least, often find themselves lacking on that front.

2014-02-05, 05:17 PM
Blindness/Deafness is great against Wizards/Sorcerers at low levels. Fort save or lose the ability to see where to point your spells. Wizards take a double hit here, if they survive the battle, they're gonna have trouble refreshing their spells for the next one.

2014-02-05, 06:09 PM
Kiss of Draconic Defiance is in Dragon Magic.

Hinder nearby spellcasters; counter one spell automatically.

2014-02-05, 06:20 PM
Casting Antimagic Field is one of the best ways to nerf yourself if you find that you're too powerful.

Unless, of course, one goes Master Specialist (Abjurer) and then something like a dip into Archmage to grab Arcane Reach, turning it into a ranged touch attack to place it on them.

Which doesn't keep them from being built to get around being in an AMF, but not everyone will be built for that.

2014-02-05, 07:07 PM
Blinding Beauty, and they'll thank you for it :smallwink: