View Full Version : [PF] Strix op?

2014-02-04, 10:57 PM
I've been meaning to add the Strix to my campaign setting and refluff their flavor for my world flavor's sake, when suddenly, and old argument from my venerable DM came to my mind "Flight at first level is overpowered, because it lets the player fly away from troubles".

Then I thought of my reality as a DM: My group is made up of sociopath grapplin' murder hobos that chase their problems rather than run away from them (seven out of ten times) :smallamused:.

My response, mostly with the BBEGs, has been Freedom of Movement which has made my players somewhat wary of the spells Detect Magic, Dispel Magic and its big brother.

But, the question is, especially towards DMs: Is Flight/Swim/Burrow speed too much in the early parts of the game? I find that it's not, and it's really more of an extra gimmick that can be used, but, I guess it it were too much, the Raptoran approach to the flight speed could be used, maybe?.

2014-02-05, 12:59 AM
I have been in this position a fair few times and honestly I have never had flight be a problem, sure the player can bypass a lot of challenges, however most of the time the rest of the party still needs to use other means of proceeding. This is a group game and to succeed the group needs to succeed.

Also part of the balancing with Strix was the severe social stigma attached, re-flavor as you will but that's a big point of there race and balancing there ability's.

2014-02-05, 10:39 AM
I have been in this position a fair few times and honestly I have never had flight be a problem, sure the player can bypass a lot of challenges, however most of the time the rest of the party still needs to use other means of proceeding. This is a group game and to succeed the group needs to succeed.

Kind of what he said.
Unless _everyone_ can fly, then they still need to worry about the group.

Unless they're jerks. But then they'd be a problem even if they didn't have wings.

2014-02-05, 11:31 AM
Fly checks. Utilize them, come to the dark side of the DMs. At 1, even with decent Dex, a Strix can barely fly a straight line.

2014-02-05, 11:36 AM
Fly checks. Utilize them, come to the dark side of the DMs. At 1, even with decent Dex, a Strix can barely fly a straight line.

You... you monster!


2014-02-05, 12:44 PM
You... you monster!


He could even .... use the WIND rules! Muahahahaha :belkar:

2014-02-05, 12:48 PM
I've been meaning to add the Strix to my campaign setting and refluff their flavor for my world flavor's sake, when suddenly, and old argument from my venerable DM came to my mind "Flight at first level is overpowered, because it lets the player fly away from troubles".

Then I thought of my reality as a DM: My group is made up of sociopath grapplin' murder hobos that chase their problems rather than run away from them (seven out of ten times) :smallamused:.

My response, mostly with the BBEGs, has been Freedom of Movement which has made my players somewhat wary of the spells Detect Magic, Dispel Magic and its big brother.

But, the question is, especially towards DMs: Is Flight/Swim/Burrow speed too much in the early parts of the game? I find that it's not, and it's really more of an extra gimmick that can be used, but, I guess it it were too much, the Raptoran approach to the flight speed could be used, maybe?.

As a DM, I can handle deific sorcerer kings and dragon gods with as much ease as commoners and experts. It's having both in the same group that makes things hard.

Flight isn't a big deal. The key is to have a reason to fight other than "this is an encounter". If they have to beat the guardians to get into the dungeon, have to halt the army, or have to distract the vizier while the princess flees, there is no flying away from the problem.

2014-02-05, 01:26 PM
The "escape button"ness isn't the problem, it's the fact that if you make one a ranged attacker, a very large chunk of early encounters can't even attack you the way they are written.

2014-02-05, 02:08 PM
He could even .... use the WIND rules! Muahahahaha :belkar:

That is... Pretty logical, now that I think of it.

The "escape button"ness isn't the problem, it's the fact that if you make one a ranged attacker, a very large chunk of early encounters can't even attack you the way they are written.

That is part of the thing I was talking about. My party is like a group sharks, once they smell blood they are at it.