View Full Version : Templated animal familiars

2014-02-05, 12:01 AM
My girlfriend is going to be joining a D&D game and she wanted to play a supportive casting animal type person so we looked over some books and she is now a level 6 druid sorcerer arcane hierophant. ANYWAY She wanted a bear as her animal companion/familiar and i just found a list of templates.

by the rules she could be a magebred, chimeric, effigy, woodling bear that has the warbeast template added once she trains it.

.. Am i missing something on restrictions here?

Also how exactly do you create a companion familiar. it seems to combine the two but not sure how that exactly works. Do i use its HD because its an animal or half of the characters HP because its a familiar? Ride is a class skill so can her bear ride a horse into battle?

2014-02-05, 12:50 AM
Warbeast can't be added like that. The wording is misleading and 3.0 vintage, and instead refers to the training of creatures that already have the template (I think, been a while since I looked at it). In any case, it should have been stated to be an inherited, not acquired, template. Alas, poor writing.

The Companion Familiar takes a Companion (with the stats of the companion) and adds on a few familiar traits (mainly the improved Intelligence).