View Full Version : Spellstealing monster?

2014-02-05, 03:58 AM
I'm going to be a new DM, and I've got this big epic world built and some monster ideas that I'd have to make myself.

Has anyone ever tried making a monster that steals spell/day? I'd really love to throw something like that at my guys, and I think it'd be hilarious if it stole a fireball and used it against them, for example.

I kind of tossed it together using the templates in the bestiaries, and I think it'd work hilariously, but I'm curious if anyone has ever used a monster before that is capable of actually *stealing* a spell from a PC (either by stealing a readied spell or 'draining' the spell/day from a sorc), and how you think it'd work out.


2014-02-05, 04:05 AM
I'm going to be a new DM, and I've got this big epic world built and some monster ideas that I'd have to make myself.

Has anyone ever tried making a monster that steals spell/day? I'd really love to throw something like that at my guys, and I think it'd be hilarious if it stole a fireball and used it against them, for example.

I kind of tossed it together using the templates in the bestiaries, and I think it'd work hilariously, but I'm curious if anyone has ever used a monster before that is capable of actually *stealing* a spell from a PC (either by stealing a readied spell or 'draining' the spell/day from a sorc), and how you think it'd work out.


There is a feat in Libris mortis called "spell drain" which allows monsters with the energy drain ability to do exactly this.

I built a character for the Iron Chef featuring dragon disciple that made use of the spell drain feat via soul eater.

balance-wise, this feat isn't really that bad. it requires a worthless feat tax (imp energy drain) so consumes a fair amount of your NPC's resources in that regard, plus he's got to close ranks and bonk your party's wizard in melee, which, if your party's playing smart, should not happen too easily.

go for it, tell us how it works out.

2014-02-05, 04:11 AM
You can also use monsters with Spellthief levels, the only problem is you need as many or even one more Spellthief level than your players have casting class levels if you want to steal their highest level spells.

2014-02-05, 04:30 AM
You can also use monsters with Spellthief levels, the only problem is you need as many or even one more Spellthief level than your players have casting class levels if you want to steal their highest level spells.

Oh, that's something I completely overlooked - Requiring it to steal different levels of spells. Hah, thank you for that.

I pretty much just made up the ability that I gave my monster, in that it can steal spells on contact - much like oozes drain levels/ability scores.

2014-02-05, 08:41 AM
The arcane ooze from MM3 has the ability to drain spells...

2014-02-05, 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Sivitri
I'm curious if anyone has ever used a monster before that is capable of actually *stealing* a spell from a PC (either by stealing a readied spell or 'draining' the spell/day from a sorc), and how you think it'd work out.

I've done exactly this. Take a look at the Essence Reaver from Secrets of Sarlona. It has the ability to steal spells from casters, magic effects from items and psionics from the mindpowered, and use them all itself.

I threw one of these against a seventh-level party, and it was one of the most memorable (and harrowing) encounters in the entire campaign. One of the essence reaver's other abilities is to deal physical damage which is extremely resistant to magical healing. As if the combat and spell-stealing weren't enough, the fact that they couldn't easily heal afterward really rattled the party.

2014-02-05, 10:36 AM
Disenchanter, Fiend Folio, p.62.

Dr. Cliché
2014-02-05, 11:32 AM
There is a feat in Libris mortis called "spell drain" which allows monsters with the energy drain ability to do exactly this.

I've been tempted to take a couple of liberties and give that feat to a shadow dragon... :smallamused: