View Full Version : The Chosen

2014-02-05, 06:08 AM
As you pass through the Velvet Door again you are surprised that the light doesn't hurt your eyes like it did the last time. You find your attention drawn towards Alexanders, as he yells into the equipment, so much that you fail to notice some new people in the room.

"Give it up brother, they won't respond. They will be here soon, you don't have to worry about them."
With her team safely back, Alexandra returns to her old self. Still, if you look close enough you can see concern in her eyes, and you have a feeling that doesn't happen often.

"They are disobeying orders, the procedure must be followed."
Alexander's anger does well to hide his fear, but his voice is on the verge of breaking.

"Alexander, I am on my way back, I will be there in ten minutes. Stop being an idiot, and try contacting Benjamin again, I am starting to worry about him."

"I am still alive, I am just a little busy right now. Has my team arrived safely?"
Benjamin's voice sounds strange, you are unsure if it is the communicator or him. Either way, it doesn't sound good.

"Benjamin sweetie, they arrived here before me. Now stop playing hero and get back here."

"Understood. I am withdrawing."

2014-02-06, 12:59 AM
Kennen purses his lips, obviously unamused, but willing to watch (if only for a few seconds) to see what's going on.

Mono Vertigo
2014-02-06, 05:04 AM
Lenora taps her foot in slight apprehension and confusion. "So... what's happening? What do we do, now?"

Morbis Meh
2014-02-06, 10:38 AM
Levi raises an eyebrow at the girls question obviously this one was not use to this line of work. A smirk dances across the Russian's face as he leans against the wall not answering just shaking his head at the desperation of this group. If people would only keep quiet and listen they would hear all sorts of information...

2014-02-06, 11:01 AM
Soga was leaning against the wall, thinking quietly. Things had taken a turn for the serious.

He noted how everyone seemed troubled, in more than one way. He had seen them annoyed, but this was different. They were actually worried, even afraid, and that's something he hadn't perceived before. Just then he realized how he saw the instructors as powerful, for some reason.

From Jessica to her short-tempered brother (who he didn't quite like, to be honest), he seemed to have believed their biggest issue was their numbers. As if no one enemy could stand against them, only avoid them by making trouble at more than one place. But now they were afraid. Even Benjamin, with aid and no distractions , was planning to delay the figure.

He actually felt deep dread, perhaps for the first time. Though welcome, it was far from pleasant.

Honestly, the sight of the butterflies was all that kept him calm.

He thought he kept his face calm, but was unsure.

2014-02-10, 11:53 PM
Damian was tapping his foot against the ground as he leaned against the wall. He was nervous, but was starting to wind down when he heard that Jessica was on her way back. His eyes narrowed as he thought about what could possibly cause a response like what he saw from Jessica. Regardless he waited for what the older members would brief them on when they all got back.

2014-02-11, 05:30 PM
James comes in with his usual tact and delicate nature.

All right, you get me up early, tell me we're going on an adventure in another world with monsters and evil and stuff, then we go for like ten seconds and leave because it's dangerous? I haven't had breakfast yet, somebody explain this to me.

2014-02-12, 12:56 AM
"Nap time," Brianna muttered to herself as she stepped through the door back into the real world. She wouldn't deny she was curious about the situation but not curious enough to dig for it - if they told her, then great, but she wouldn't sweat it if they didnt.

A sudden thought occurred to her as she plopped against the wall. Where did I put my soda?

2014-02-17, 01:27 PM
Davis stepped out through the door, seeming a bit dazzled. He walked over to Sogas side, although he didn't say anything. The youth had a feeling they wouldn't be told anything, but none the less some part of him hoped that someone could explain what had just happened.

2014-02-19, 07:02 AM
When Jessica passes through the door you notice that she looks different. Maybe it's her usually well groomed hear, that is now just one big mess. Maybe it's her cloth that are not as neat and tidy. Maybe it's the fact that she is out of breath. Whatever the reason, she is visibly exhausted.

"Jessie dear, you really need to start taking better care of your hair, it is just one big mess. You can do better."

Jessica's eyes flare for a moment, but she options for another solution, ignoring Alexandra completely. Instead, she turns towards Alexander.

"Alexander, they are here already. That was not the data we had. What is going on here?"

Confusion in Alexander's eyes is something new to you, and apparently to the girls also. It seams that they were used to him having all the answers.

"I do not know. That is not the information I was provided. We need to contact the central and await further instructions."

"I am hoping that is a joke, even if it is not funny. We have an emergency on our hands and a group of recruits that don't have any experience, and you want us to wait for further orders from people who are clearly incompetent. That is not going to happen."

"But we must follow the protocol, we can't just do whatever we want."

"F*** the protocol, we are done with that!"

The argument between Alexander and Jessica diverted your attention, and you didn't even notice that the door has opened and Benjamin returned. Your surprise doesn't end there, and you are temporary stunned by his appearance. Benjamin looks...broken. He is covered in cuts and bruises, with blood dripping on the floor.

"Brother. what happened, are you alright?"

"It was nothing, you should see the other guy. Actually, you don't want to see the other guy. Now, Alexander, you are going to contact the central. Tell them that we have an emergency of the highest priority and that we are cutting off any communication, indefinitely. If they ask for any information tell them to go **** themselves or that the information is too sensitive, whatever you want. Now, I am going to go wash of all this blood and check my vitals. Alexandra, can you please take care of this?"
He points to the blood stains on the floor.
"When I return we are going to tell them everything. Yes, Alexander, we are breaking all the rules, so once you are done with the central you might want to think about returning here or staying away from this project. Either way, I need your answer by tomorrow morning."

2014-02-19, 12:50 PM
Soga waited and watched through the exchange. He got worried by Jessica's appearance, and even more so by Benjamin.

They're really not above the task. In fact, they're weak compared to those things. He shuddered, realizing what that made of his own strength. And to think I almost approached them. That I trusted I could force an armistice on someone so powerful...

His attention returned to Benjamin. He hadn't liked him, frankly, nor his stance towards the mirrors.

But seeing him now, battered like this to cover their retreat. And again, his resolve to act before everyone else. In Soga's eyes, it wasn't just terrifying for the forces that must have clashed, it was redeeming, inspiring even.

So it begins. he thought.

He watched and waited, now afraid as he was driven.

Morbis Meh
2014-02-19, 02:43 PM
Levi quietly leaned against the way and silently viewed the delightfully informative 'conversation' going on amongst the officers. Personally Levi was thrilled, information gathering was so much easier when people were scared to death. Not to mention the fact they were going to 'reveal' classified information to the new recruits.
Now I wonder if I could sell this information to other interested parties; I am sure it would be useful to keep to myself but maybe I could use the old 'humanitarian' tack, the people must know of impending doom so notifying proper authories and whatnot...

He entertained the notion and quickly dismissed it, too early to pull something that risky off, the longer he waited to engrain himself in the group the easier it would be in the future to sell of such intel.

2014-02-19, 04:35 PM
Tsubaki had only received basic information about things and had no real idea of what was happening. While observing all around her, she was pretending to read her book, calmly setting it down when the commotion started.
They're all riled up over this, so it must be important. If that man's state is to be used as a measure, this is going to get really interesting. She held back a slight smile at that thought, trying to keep in tone with the situation even as her mind wandered to such thoughts. To her, it was no use worrying at this moment, she could be worried later. For now, she was going to sit and listen.

Mono Vertigo
2014-02-20, 11:03 AM
All Lenora can do is try to pay attention and understand. Tell us everything? Great, what did they conveniently forget to state? More dangerous stuff awaiting us? I didn't even get to see a single Shadow...
But as calm as she tries to be, with her crossed arms and her foot tapping on the floor, she comes off as impatient instead.

2014-02-20, 05:24 PM
Davis swallowed loudly and visibly tensed up as he saw the state Benjamin was in. It didn't take much to notice how nervous and caught-off-guard the youth was, how was starting to sweat, and his motions were twitchy. The thought of the people in charge of the operation actually giving them some info on... well, anything, was sort of comforting, but at the same time he had a feeling things would only start getting worse from here.

Sigh loudly, Davis let his head droop back slightly before letting himself drop down into a sitting position, has back still held against the wall.

2014-02-24, 08:36 AM
It took the boys about 15 minutes to return, but for you it seamed like an eternity. The girls decided to wait for them before continuing the discussion, and the room was silent. They tried to focus on the equipment, but it was clear that they didn't have much success. Apparently, the instructors don't really function well independently.

When Benjamin returned he looked much better. Yes, there were still some cuts and bruises left, but at least the blood was gone. And the clean outfit was a plus. The instructors probably had some spare clothing for emergencies. Makes you wonder if situations like this are common around here.Alexander was right behind them, as if he was waiting for Benjamin to go in first.

"It is done, as of this moment we are an independent branch, and as such we do not answer to anyone."
His tone brought a twinkle to Alexandra's eyes, for some reason she decided this was a perfect time to tease her brother.
"So, the nasty Alexander made an appearance? Can I guess the exact phrase you used?"
"No, you can not, because we have work to do. Benjamin?"
"We have two priorities right now. One, we have to share the information with our young champions. And two, we need to decide our next move. First of all, it is not a coincidence you are all here. You were chosen for this by...well, let's just say someone who has sufficient power. Power that comes from hope. Yes, as ironic as it sounds you represent hope."
He made a pause to allow everyone to process the new information.
"On the other side we have despair. Some of you witnessed it today, although it was from a distance. And I got to witnessed it real close, as you all know. His generals are here, and they are not very friendly. The bad news is that it is your job to take care of them. The good news is you have some assistance."

2014-02-24, 09:19 AM
Soga took a step forward, off the wall, and looked straight at Benjamin. He'd realized it wasn't just a creature he'd almost approached today. It was the Big Bad, so to speak.

"That powerful fellow. It was his domain we'd visit today, where the butterflies came from." It was worded as a statement, though it was meant to verify his theory."James was spot-on about what kind of 'can't go there' the shadows had to deal with. Only, it wasn't tigers. It was the butterflies he commanded. And the doors are his own."

Morbis Meh
2014-02-24, 02:24 PM
Levi was beginning to grow impatient, the needless suspence and drama of the situation had gone on for far too long. The news about being an independant body was midly intriguing, it allowed for more freedom and an ever greater chance for promotion. The whole long winded 'You're Chosen' spiel was extremely cliche but that didn't matter but what was curious was their invisible 'benefactor' who had seleceted them from the shadows. It was all well and good that they had a backer but knowing what resources and designs this person had would be highly valuable. The more Benjamin talked the more Levi wanted to slap him, growing tired of his vague allusions to the object when he had promised only moments earier to be completely forthright.

2014-02-24, 06:54 PM
Brianna almost lost it when Benjamin started talking about how they represented hope - did he know anything about her at all? She was pretty sure she was the last person one should come to for hope. Still, this talk that they had been chosen, no matter how cliche it sounded, struck her as curious. And raised some very disturbing implications - did she have somebody to blame for everything that had happened in her life? Time to consider that later...

"Details would be nice for once," she spoke up. "This is more than I expected to get but this is still awfully vague. What are we up against here? Why were we chosen?"

2014-02-24, 11:41 PM
"Butterflies?" Kennen asks incredulously, "generals? I gotta agree with Sweetness&Light for once, some concrete information needs to be given about now."

Asteron, the light green is eye-searing.

2014-02-25, 01:45 AM
James ***** his head to the side as he takes it all in.

HOPE? Well, long as I don't need to wear a seifuku and pigtails...

One more thing: what do you mean, and "independent branch"?

Mono Vertigo
2014-02-25, 09:47 AM
Thankfully, others already had the sense to ask about further explanations. "Hope? That's cliché, really." Her smile turns sharp and cynical. "So far, I'm mostly hopeful about beating Shadows. Would that suffice, of do you expect me to break out into songs, too?"

2014-02-28, 02:50 PM
Davis Snickered a bit when "the group representing hope" was mentioned, then he snickered again, before bursting in to all-out laughter. Taking a moment to collect himself, before addressing Benjamin "So, if it ends up being our job to take care of these generals-or-whatever-they-were, then I have two questions. One, do you actually plan on telling us who or what we're supposed to take out instead of reciting what sounds like the script for a Michael Bay oovie without explosions? And two, how will this be affecting our... ummm..." He paused for a moment, as if looking for the right word. "Our daily "schedule"?" He finishes, doing air-quotes with his fingers for the last word.

2014-03-03, 08:51 AM
"That powerful fellow. It was his domain we'd visit today, where the butterflies came from." It was worded as a statement, though it was meant to verify his theory."James was spot-on about what kind of 'can't go there' the shadows had to deal with. Only, it wasn't tigers. It was the butterflies he commanded. And the doors are his own."

"Not exactly. The Velvet World exists as a crossroads of a sort. It is a place where at least two different worlds meet. One is our world and the other is his realm. Of course, it is a lot more than just that, but we don't really know much more. As for your encounter, that was just one of the generals. And yes, the butterflies and the doors are the work of a same person, the one that watches over you."

"Details would be nice for once," she spoke up. "This is more than I expected to get but this is still awfully vague. What are we up against here? Why were we chosen?"

"Butterflies?" Kennen asks incredulously, "generals? I gotta agree with Sweetness&Light for once, some concrete information needs to be given about now."

"If I had to guess I would say your charming personality. As for your first question, we are fighting against the monsters that live under your bed and in your closet. And no, I am not kidding. We are fighting against the most powerful enemy there is, the unknown. That's our biggest problem, we have no information. Everything we know is vague and inaccurate."

One more thing: what do you mean, and "independent branch"?

"It means that we no longer report to anyone, we make our own decisions and we take no orders from anyone. However, we still retain all the cool trinkets and we still have some influence."

Thankfully, others already had the sense to ask about further explanations. "Hope? That's cliché, really." Her smile turns sharp and cynical. "So far, I'm mostly hopeful about beating Shadows. Would that suffice, of do you expect me to break out into songs, too?"

"Do you know what hope is? It's not some scantily-clad cheerleader spreading false pep so that some guy will notice her. Hope is the desire to move forward, motivation to do something, anything. Without hope there is only despair and stagnation, and ultimately nothingness. It is about survival, because without hope, there is no reason to survive. When you wake up in the morning thinking I am going to do something, that is hope. Without that you would just stay in bad. So, is that a cliché?"


Davis Snickered a bit when "the group representing hope" was mentioned, then he snickered again, before bursting in to all-out laughter. Taking a moment to collect himself, before addressing Benjamin "So, if it ends up being our job to take care of these generals-or-whatever-they-were, then I have two questions. One, do you actually plan on telling us who or what we're supposed to take out instead of reciting what sounds like the script for a Michael Bay oovie without explosions? And two, how will this be affecting our... ummm..." He paused for a moment, as if looking for the right word. "Our daily "schedule"?" He finishes, doing air-quotes with his fingers for the last word.

"We can not answer your first question. As my sister said, all the information we have is vague and inaccurate. It can only lead to speculation, and that would not be productive. The only one that can give you full information is masked butterfly man, or one of his servants."

"As for your second question, we have a little surprise for you. As of tomorrow you will be stationed here. Here are the permissions, they need to be signed by your parents before you can move in. There is long and vague explanation there, you are officially a part of the school's social study. Your parents are going to be so proud you were chosen, and they will be to ashamed to ask any further questions, since everything is written right there. I suggest you give it a read, it is amazing how many words Alexandra can use to say nothing. It's very useful skill.
Anyway, your daily schedule will be adjusted accordingly. And by that I mean you will get a lot more free time that won't actually be free time."

Mono Vertigo
2014-03-04, 08:59 AM
"Do you know what hope is? It's not some scantily-clad cheerleader spreading false pep so that some guy will notice her. Hope is the desire to move forward, motivation to do something, anything. Without hope there is only despair and stagnation, and ultimately nothingness. It is about survival, because without hope, there is no reason to survive. When you wake up in the morning thinking I am going to do something, that is hope. Without that you would just stay in bad. So, is that a cliché?"

"Of course, when you put it like that... I did not see things like that. no, it's not cliché."
Or at least, not a bad one.
Lenora shrugs apologetically, perhaps not understanding it as well as she should, but acknowledging at least she was wrong. (Only a bit. Hope, like love and friendship, are among those values she only encountered first in media, as perfect but shallow concepts, and then, thoroughly deconstructed one life lesson after another.)

The one thing she can agree on completely is that the ability to say nothing and make it sound meaningful is a precious and underrated one.
"We'll manage", comments the girl, not worried about the change in schedule.

Morbis Meh
2014-03-04, 10:40 AM
Levi breaks his silence by bursting out laughing, doubling over he tries to wipe the tears from his eyes but he simply can't. "PERMISSION SLIPS! BHAHAHAHAHAAAHA..... is this elementary school!? PFFFFFThahaha...You're resting.... fate hahaha of world.... ahahaha on PERMISSION SLIPS! Good luck getting my father to sign anything I don't even know where he is, some military in middle of no where most likely. Lucky for you I am technically a consenting adult....Mssskkkkhaha REALLY, PERMISSION SLIPS!" By now the big Russian is on the ground, slapping the floor as his bout of laughter redoubled.

2014-03-04, 04:12 PM
Kennen sniggers when Levi cracks up, and signs his own permission slip before handing it to the nearest senpai. Though more low-key about it than the Russian, Kennen, too, is more than old enough to consent to his own things.

(He's not real sure about being 'stationed' here, but it's better than being at home.)

2014-03-04, 09:07 PM
((I had completely missed the permission slips line when I first read the post. Oh God's that's good))

Brianna joined Levi and Kennen in the hysterical laughter regarding the permission slips. She would have hoped permission slips would be an unnecessary commodity at this point - they were risking life and limb everyday as it. And she knew for a fact that her dad would certainly need a straight explanation and nothing so vague. Good thing his signature wasn't needed. "I already live here, in the forms," She said after her laughter had subsided. She looked to Levi curiously. "Your dad is in the military, you said. I had no idea."

2014-03-04, 09:45 PM
Tsubaki takes her permission slip and chuckles. "I'm allowed to go camp in Hokkaido alone, this will not even be read." She smiles after thinking about what having little actual free time means. "On the upside, looks like I don't have to worry about the club's paperwork anymore, I'll have to step down. From what you're saying, this opponent is strong, so this will be more fun anyway." The small girl pauses for a moment. "So, how will the living arrangements be set up?"

2014-03-05, 01:44 PM
Dorian sat at the back of the room, silently taking and reading his permission slip. Through some of his father's dealings, he had made sure that he always had a thorough understanding of what he was signing before he did so. He finished, nodded to himself, then signed it. He was well old enough for that, but he would send a copy to his parents. Wouldn't do to have them think he was some troublesome miscreant.

Morbis Meh
2014-03-05, 02:26 PM
At the mention of Levi's father being a soldier, the big Russian's laughter increased, his face going beet red and snot running down his nose. Gasping for breath he tries to explain between bouts of laughter "MY DAD, in the military BWHAHAHAAHHA, I see how this is, you're all trying to kill me. Pfshkkkhahahaha Please stop, it hurts, its just too funny! Sweet Lenin, my dad in a military uniform HOOOHAHAHAHA! He's just a theoretical physicist... HEHEHAHAHAHA leading a team on building a fusion reactor." He tried to speak more but it came out garbled admist the laughter.

2014-03-05, 03:11 PM
Soga had started cheering up, his new-found fear drowned under curiosity again.

Even that stuck-up Russian seemed to be enjoying himself at last, and letting himself be out-cheered just wouldn't do. And that new girl's mention of fun cheered him up all the more. Finally, someone else sharing a taste for adventure.

He took and signed his paperwork without a delay, as living alone had its perks. For all his mother would know, he moved in to the school's dorms, which was technically true after all.

"I collect those other overlapping worlds are where the Mirrorfolk come from, right? What's those other worlds' link to ours, nature-wise? Do we know anything?"

2014-03-06, 06:57 AM
James did not share the other's mirth, as he looked at his permission slip, his face the picture of annoyance.

Oh, I bet he'd just love that. My mom's newest beau has been looking for an excuse to get me out of the house for months now. Pig. He mutters half to himself, half to the room.

He shakes his head and looks up at the leaders again.

Nice try, but I'm not as stupid as that one he points to Levi probably takes me for. If you no longer answer to someone it stands to reason that you used to. Are there other groups like us out there? How are they organized? Who have you decided to break us off from? How will they react? Are we now threatened by them? You seem to be making a lot of decisions on our behalf.

2014-03-06, 12:18 PM
"So, how will the living arrangements be set up?"

"We have eight rooms down here, four beds each. We will take two rooms, the rest are yours. There are only four bathrooms, I hope that won't be a problem. If you need any equipment ask Alexander. We can't really give you anything you wish, but we do have some resources."

He's just a theoretical physicist... HEHEHAHAHAHA leading a team on building a fusion reactor."

"That is surprisingly accurate." Alexandra flashes an enigmatic smile, and it makes you wonder if she actually knows where Levi's father is.

"I collect those other overlapping worlds are where the Mirrorfolk come from, right? What's those other worlds' link to ours, nature-wise? Do we know anything?"

"Well, our knowledge on the subject is quite sparse, but we do have a few theories we can share. One of the worlds is his world. That is where his generals come from. We don't really know anything about that world, but judging by the few inhabitants we have seen it is not really a good vacation spot. Even though Shadows don't come from that world, it is the cause of their appearance. Velvet World was created to act as a buffer between our world and his world. That is why the generals can't get into our world directly. Mirror-selves are a product of the two worlds merging. They are reflection of people that exist in our world, influenced by the other world. This are all just theories, but we don't have anything else."

Nice try, but I'm not as stupid as that one he points to Levi probably takes me for. If you no longer answer to someone it stands to reason that you used to. Are there other groups like us out there? How are they organized? Who have you decided to break us off from? How will they react? Are we now threatened by them? You seem to be making a lot of decisions on our behalf.

"Sweetie, don't ask so many questions at once, those with lower mental capacity wont be able to follow. Take a look at the equipment around you, in case you didn't know that's some expensive stuff. As pretty as I am, I still couldn't get it without any strings.
First, this is a top secret project, so any information on the other groups would engender them. After all, you don't want others to know about you. Also answers your second question.
Let's see, we have numerous intelligence agencies, a few important political and military figures, some civilians and lot's of kids with the potential. Does that answer your question? I can go even more vague, you just have to ask.
They will react in the only way they can, they will blame each other, pretending they actually care, and once the dust settles they will wait for us to contact them and tell them that it is all over. So, no, we are not a threat to them, since we are technically still part of the organization. I believe that answers all of your question?"

2014-03-06, 12:32 PM
"Mirror-selves are a product of the two worlds merging. They are reflection of people that exist in our world, influenced by the other world. This are all just theories, but we don't have anything else."

Soga slightly approached and turned to address Jessica directly, in part to avoid Benjamin's scrutiny. he wouldn't be too great a fan of his next question. In a slightly lower voice, he asked:
"Since they have ties to all 3 of these worlds, do their... allegiances rest with either side, or against it? I collect the Big Bad dislikes the Velvet space, which they call home. The Shadows that keep us from any meaningful recon seem to have a liking for them, too. Perhaps we can grow close to them somehow, form some short of alliance, tenuous as it would be. Is there any way we can play on our link, somehow?"

"And, while on the allies market, what else can you tell me about our benefactor? The 'masked butterfly man', as Alexander called him?"

Morbis Meh
2014-03-06, 12:45 PM
Levi's laughter slowly declines and he stands up wiping the various types of moisture off of his face "Of course it is accurate, I worked for Russian Military myself, I keep in touch with multiple contact. How else am I going to get Russian vodka in Japan, government has backwards laws preventing people under 20 from drinking."

He cracks a smile then chuckles at the new guy pointing at him "Didn't your mother teach you not to point at people, it's considered rude. Besides, I never made such a claim, you're ignorant and unexperienced which combined with reckless attitude makes you liability. Nothing personal just making evaluations but if you're that worried about it I'm afraid that is your problem not mine. Oh and fact that you need to ask those questions confirms my initial assessment. You look for information from unwilling source not a good strategy." He winks at James as his smile transforms into a grin.

Mono Vertigo
2014-03-06, 12:53 PM
Hah, permission slips. Her mother is probably going to sign it without even reading, and her father-
- oh, right. He won't do anything. Unfortunate slip of the mind.
Let's change the subject before her heart catches up with her brain.
"Masked butterfly man? Aren't there better ways to hide one's identity than a simple butterfly mask?"

Morbis Meh
2014-03-06, 01:11 PM
Levi rolls his eyes "Philemon doesn't use it as a disguise, he has absolutely no need for it, he uses it as a bloody metaphor. Honestly for a celestial being he is very dull and long winded... Definitely exploitable since all of his chips are placed on the 'good of humanity' so a valuable resource. Though he doesn't visit Russians too often anymore though I cannot fathom why." He giggles at his own joke. "Personally I enjoy his counterpart, much more colourful and willing to do what needs to be done; however, I personally don't agree with his objective."

Mono Vertigo
2014-03-06, 02:06 PM
Lenora's head starts tilting in confusion and skepticism.
"He's not human? Okay... I suppose it doesn't make less sense than fighting Shadows with the power of hope... and who's his 'counterpart'?"

Morbis Meh
2014-03-06, 02:26 PM
Levi covers his mouth with his hand in mock embarrassment "Oops, said too much... if you want to know ask our commanders, I am more than sure they know more than myself.'

Laughter fills the dark part of levi's mind Another fly caught in my web, how exciting... Say a few words with a bit of confidence and they take it all in begging for more."

Realistically Levi only had a very vague a limited tidbit of knowledge revolving around Philemon, mostly just his name and that he is being antagonized by some equally powerful entity. Mostly he was just scraping together the vague information being provided here with what little he knew already. He was taking a gamble but so far it seemed to be working and relying on a little logic can go a long way. The secret was knowing when to stop... a point he had just reached since he knew nothing about the counterpart nor the actual conditions of the so called 'wager'. All he knew was that one existed, that a being was giving advice named Philemon (also the wearing of the mask was a ratehr crude joke) and that this person's counterpart was not playing fair. Not a lot but with a little thinking some of the holes could be filled.

2014-03-06, 03:00 PM
"Since they have ties to all 3 of these worlds, do their... allegiances rest with either side, or against it? I collect the Big Bad dislikes the Velvet space, which they call home. The Shadows that keep us from any meaningful recon seem to have a liking for them, too. Perhaps we can grow close to them somehow, form some short of alliance, tenuous as it would be. Is there any way we can play on our link, somehow?"

"And, while on the allies market, what else can you tell me about our benefactor? The 'masked butterfly man', as Alexander called him?"

"It is possible, and we do need all the help we can get. As long as we do not trust them too much we should be safe. However, approaching them will be difficult. We never managed to get a straight answer from them, but they do have a connection to our personas. That could be our opening.

Unfortunately, not much. I have never encountered him, all I know are stories. He is a powerful cosmic force, some people believe he is just a manifestation of this power, but I am not sure I agree. He doesn't interfere, or maybe he can't interfere. That's why he operates through his chosen. Also, he often makes use of his butterflies. It's his way of providing support."

Levi's laughter slowly declines and he stands up wiping the various types of moisture off of his face "Of course it is accurate, I worked for Russian Military myself, I keep in touch with multiple contact. How else am I going to get Russian vodka in Japan, government has backwards laws preventing people under 20 from drinking."

He cracks a smile then chuckles at the new guy pointing at him "Didn't your mother teach you not to point at people, it's considered rude. Besides, I never made such a claim, you're ignorant and unexperienced which combined with reckless attitude makes you liability. Nothing personal just making evaluations but if you're that worried about it I'm afraid that is your problem not mine. Oh and fact that you need to ask those questions confirms my initial assessment. You look for information from unwilling source not a good strategy." He winks at James as his smile transforms into a grin.

Benjamin showed a first sight of a smile, ever since he passed through the Velvet Door.
"Alexandra darling, I think you have been replaced."

"Masked butterfly man? Aren't there better ways to hide one's identity than a simple butterfly mask?"

Levi rolls his eyes "Philemon doesn't use it as a disguise, he has absolutely no need for it, he uses it as a bloody metaphor. Honestly for a celestial being he is very dull and long winded... Definitely exploitable since all of his chips are placed on the 'good of humanity' so a valuable resource. Though he doesn't visit Russians too often anymore though I cannot fathom why." He giggles at his own joke. "Personally I enjoy his counterpart, much more colourful and willing to do what needs to be done; however, I personally don't agree with his objective."

"Looks like someone has been reading up. Insults aimed at the omnipowerful being aside, he is right, Philemon's mask is just a metaphor. Well, there is a theory that his face changes based on the person he is talking to, but that is just a myth."

"He's not human? Okay... I suppose it doesn't make less sense than fighting Shadows with the power of hope... and who's his 'counterpart'?"

"We do not use his name, it gives him power."
Coming from another instructor this could be easily dismissed as stupid superstition. However, Jessica has proven to be the only one with the common sense, so there might actually be some truth to it.

Levi covers his mouth with his hand in mock embarrassment "Oops, said too much... if you want to know ask our commanders, I am more than sure they know more than myself.

"Nonsense. You are on a roll, so please continue."

2014-03-06, 03:22 PM
"It is possible, and we do need all the help we can get. As long as we do not trust them too much we should be safe. However, approaching them will be difficult. We never managed to get a straight answer from them, but they do have a connection to our personas. That could be our opening."

"Might be able to help with that. I'm curious to see who my counterpart is. To measure against it, on good terms, and I suspect it might be more receptive to that than most. Perhaps, I could help."

"They seem to be the inverse of us on some axis, and identical on the rest. Have you had any luck figuring this axis out? Predicting what they'll be like, or what the influence is?"

Morbis Meh
2014-03-06, 03:42 PM
Levi smiled at Benjamin's comment "Quite, but all rolls come to an end, I am merely choosing to stop now, after this is classified information that I may or may not have clearence to divulge based on who you ask within Russian Military. Or maybe I do not have any more information, I leave that up to you to decide but I think my sharing quota for day has been fulfilled. I am going to start moving, let me know if anyone needs help, strong Russian back for heavy lifting and all."

2014-03-06, 03:52 PM
Kennen starts to space out during the long Q&A session. He's not stupid, he just doesn't care. He's barely agreed to actually put his neck on the line for people who'll never know and probably wouldn't believe it if they were told, and now they're getting an information overload. Blah.

2014-03-06, 04:21 PM
Tsubaki thinks about her possessions when Levi mentions moving. Most of what she would want to take with her was in a trunk in her room, so that would be quick. The problem being, that trunk was really heavy. While the Russian was offering to help, she didn't like the idea of asking others for assistance.

"I could use your help, in exchange we'll go out to get something nice to eat afterwards." A trade was fair in her mind and almost everyone enjoys good food, so it was a safe bet, even if she didn't know him. "I'm Tsubaki, by the way."

Morbis Meh
2014-03-06, 05:45 PM
Levi turns around and quietly examines the girl who rather quickly took him up on his offer while maintaining his smile "It would be my pleasure, who could resist such a request from a lovely young woman. Though gentleman in me wants to decline offer of payment but I will chalk that up to being raised in an overly patriarchal society since human in me is a greedy, hungry bastard." He chuckles at his joke "It is a delight to make your acquaintence, my name is Levi, though if we do go out for dinner please no sushi, it wreaks havok on my digestion."

2014-03-08, 03:01 AM
Davis reads through the permission slip, or at least what he could understand of it. He then looks up at Alexandra, and spoke. "Have you ever thought about becoming a lawyer, or possibly a politician, because I imagine you would be rather good at it." There was a hint of sarcasm in the comment. Glancing through the piece of paper one more time, he seems relieved for whatever reason.

The youth wrenches himself up, folding the slip and sliding it into his pocket for the time being. He straightened his back and did some stretching before speaking again."So you know the names of this Philemon and his... Whatever-the-hell-he-has-for-a-counterpart, but I'm guessing we have no solid info beyond myth and rumor, or am I mistaken? Also on a completely different topic, what sort of personal belongings should we be bringing along starting tomorrow? That is, what are we to be provided with, and what do we need to personally provide in terms of being stationed here?"

2014-03-10, 12:46 PM
"Might be able to help with that. I'm curious to see who my counterpart is. To measure against it, on good terms, and I suspect it might be more receptive to that than most. Perhaps, I could help."

"They seem to be the inverse of us on some axis, and identical on the rest. Have you had any luck figuring this axis out? Predicting what they'll be like, or what the influence is?"

"We can try to contact him, but that will be difficult. We are not on very good terms with them."
Jessica nods slightly in Benjamin's direction, as if she was talking about him.
"Not yet, we didn't really have many subjects to test, not to mention that the contact was minimal. My theory is that the person's strongest attributes remain the same, but they are somehow twisted."

Levi smiled at Benjamin's comment "Quite, but all rolls come to an end, I am merely choosing to stop now, after this is classified information that I may or may not have clearence to divulge based on who you ask within Russian Military. Or maybe I do not have any more information, I leave that up to you to decide but I think my sharing quota for day has been fulfilled. I am going to start moving, let me know if anyone needs help, strong Russian back for heavy lifting and all."

Benjamin was amused by Levi's answer, it made him relax a little, and that was exactly what he needed.
"I will honor your commitment to respect your sources."
This time his smile was friendly, with no sign of mockery on his face.

Davis reads through the permission slip, or at least what he could understand of it. He then looks up at Alexandra, and spoke. "Have you ever thought about becoming a lawyer, or possibly a politician, because I imagine you would be rather good at it."

Alexandra chuckled at his remark.
"Actually, I did. If you ever end up in the student court you will get to see me in action."
She gave him a subtle wink, she could never pass an opportunity to do some flirting.

"So you know the names of this Philemon and his... Whatever-the-hell-he-has-for-a-counterpart, but I'm guessing we have no solid info beyond myth and rumor, or am I mistaken? Also on a completely different topic, what sort of personal belongings should we be bringing along starting tomorrow? That is, what are we to be provided with, and what do we need to personally provide in terms of being stationed here?"

"Something like that, but we get more information every day. You will need your personal stuff. The rooms are fully furnished and stocked, so you'll need to bring your own clothing, but you don't have to bring your own sheets. Is that a sufficient answer, or do you want me to go with you and help you pick out what to bring?"

"If there are no more question, we will get to the important part. Now that our little club has gained enough members, we can split you in three groups. One group will specialize in clearing out the shadow. Their numbers need to be kept down, and it is an excellent training. Second group will specialize in search and rescue missions. Third group will be our primary investigators. The groups will be decide tonight, and you are going to have your first trip to the Velvet Room."

2014-03-10, 12:57 PM
"We can try to contact him, but that will be difficult. We are not on very good terms with them."
Jessica nods slightly in Benjamin's direction, as if she was talking about him.
"Not yet, we didn't really have many subjects to test, not to mention that the contact was minimal. My theory is that the person's strongest attributes remain the same, but they are somehow twisted."

Soga nodded. "That's about what I figured. They seem to have a good dose of what we'd loathe about ourselves as well. But, I've seen even less of them than you did.

"If there are no more question, we will get to the important part. Now that our little club has gained enough members, we can split you in three groups. One group will specialize in clearing out the shadow. Their numbers need to be kept down, and it is an excellent training. Second group will specialize in search and rescue missions. Third group will be our primary investigators. The groups will be decide tonight, and you are going to have your first trip to the Velvet Room."

Soga turned around at the sound of that. He thought he'd heard mention of the Velvet Room before, and it sounded similar to the door. It stood to reason that was another of the big guy's (Philemon, Levi had called him?) facilities.

On the group mention, he felt the all-too-familiar insecurity of having to make a choice. It was a good thing the choice would be made for them, since between his curiosity, his wish to grow stronger and the chance to help others, he'd be hopelessly split.

Morbis Meh
2014-03-10, 01:13 PM
Levi smirked at Benjamin "Good Russian Officers not exactly known for their friendliness towards information leaks. You mean second trip to velvet room, first time for me was unofficial and Igor was less than pleased. It was also why Russian Military pissed off Philemon but that's another story for another time. If you are done i am going to go select my room." The russian leaves and proceeds to move his belongings over (see the social thread if you like).