View Full Version : Encounter Level/Treasure Generation

2014-02-05, 09:22 AM
So, I'm sure this is a pretty common topic, and I know I'm showing myself as a lousy DM (despite having done it for 10 years now), but I am still completely horrible at calculating Encounter Levels, and subsequently, I'm always vastly over- or under-shooting the appropriate treasure and XP rewards.

Does anyone have some simpler method? Ideally, is there some generator online somewhere that will allow me to input number of players, their level, vs number of baddies, their CRs, and what the book says their coins/items/goods percentages are? I've looked all over these forums, and google is not helping me any, either.

I'm looking for sage wisdom, too. I'm hoping this is a common issue, and I'm not just a total r-tard.

2014-02-05, 09:35 AM
While not helping with loot division (coins/items/art objects/etc), this should be a good place for you to start.

From there you can just roll on the tables in the DMG, I guess? I don't know of any full treasure generators, and probably wouldn't use them. Just don't go too far over or under the amount listed here and pick any items you'd like.

2014-02-05, 09:39 AM
The EL calculator JBarca linked to is the one my group uses the most.

We dont use treasure generators usually, but from looking around there are quite a few:


Some simply googling goes a long way for questions like this.

2014-02-05, 09:57 AM
Some simply googling goes a long way for questions like this.

I did say I'd tried google. :P Just wasn't using the right keywords to get what I really needed. I tried again looking for an Encounter Level generator, and actually got the help I needed; I can take it from there for the Treasure.
