View Full Version : Bear warrior, bear shapechange times

2014-02-05, 09:29 AM
Starts off saying only limitation to shapechanging to bear depends on rages. Then it says can only transform to a bear 1/day. Was this errated anywhere? Whats the correct format? Also, is there any way to increase the number of times per day if it is finite. I have 4 rages at the moment on my char, for 11 rounds each. I would like to be able to shapechange to a bear for them all if able.

2014-02-05, 09:35 AM
If it's not errated, talk to your DM about houseruling it to work in replacement of a rage, so you get either 4 rages, 4 shapechanges, or a combination per day. I had something similar come up with one of my players in the past, and that's how we worked it.

2014-02-05, 09:45 AM
I always assumed that they meant you to be able to change the same amount of times per day as you would otherwise be able to rage.

I mean 1) says it literally when talking about the technicalities of the ability, 2) it requires rage or frenzy to enter, 3) bear form lasts as long as rage would normally last and 4) otherwise the additional rage per day it gives at 7th level would be a bit weird.

The line "Any bear warrior can assume the form of a black bear once per day." comes after all the other technicalities of the ability have be mentioned, it's very out of place and seems to contradict all logic.

2014-02-05, 10:00 AM
The line "Any bear warrior can assume the form of a black bear once per day." comes after all the other technicalities of the ability have be mentioned, it's very out of place and seems to contradict all logic.

I read that as "even if you don't have access to the Rage ability (for whatever reason. Wizards.), if you're a bear warrior, you can still do it once."

2014-02-05, 10:04 AM
Where this also comes into play is the feat "extra rage" thats how i have 4 rages already. am i raging normally or a bear... please weigh in all opinions as i have linked this topic to our gaming groups website so they can follow it too.

2014-02-05, 10:06 AM
It was errataed. You can use it whenever you rage, however often that is.

2014-02-05, 10:10 AM
can you cite where it was errated so i have evidence?

2014-02-05, 10:16 AM
In, you know, the errata for Complete Warrior. Try here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20040125a).

2014-02-05, 10:38 AM
Page 16: Bear Warrior [[added 8/1/05]]
Whenever a bear warrior enters a rage or frenzy, he can
choose to assume bear form (similar to the polymorph
spell). He must remain in bear form until the end of his
rage or frenzy. When his rage or frenzy ends, the bear
warrior immediately returns to his own form.
The number of times a bear warrior can assume bear
form is the number of times per day he enters a rage or
frenzy. Ignore the conflicting limitations specified in the
third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of the bear form

thank you so much! You are my hero hymer.