View Full Version : Red Hand of Doom Question (as a DM)

2014-02-05, 10:18 AM
So in RHoD, its expected you go from level five to twelve ish. What are the ideal times for your players to be leveling up?

2014-02-05, 12:04 PM
There is a very large, detailed, RHoD handbook in this forum which you can easily google that has a ton of information.

It doesn't exactly have the info you're looking for, but there have a been a couple folks that indicate that either immediately before, or immediately after each dragon corresponds to a good point (and if you simply track XP and have somewhat minimal random encounters, I think this works out by the book as well).

2014-02-05, 01:27 PM
If you are awarding XP it works out. If you are just handing out levels, I guess I would do the following:

6. After Vrath Keep.
7. After Drellan's Ferrys fate is decided.
8. After the Tiri Kitor, Before Rhest.
9. After the Black Dragon.
10. After the Ghostlord.
11. After the Defense of Brindol.
12. At the very end. After Tiamat's Avitar.

2014-02-05, 05:35 PM
I am doing it by xp, but I was thinking of changing some of the encounters, making them harder. I didn't want to do that and then throw off the whole thing though, so I don't have to redo the entire module, if that makes any sense?