View Full Version : Cleave on Horseback?

2014-02-05, 11:20 AM
So I'm not all that familiar with the mounted combat rules, but would feats like Cleave, Great Cleave, and Supreme Cleave (from Knight Protector) work if you drop somebody while you're mounted? I vaguely recall something about only getting one Melee attack in if you're mounted, making improved mounted archery's practically penalty-free mounted every-time full attack much more attractive.

2014-02-05, 11:24 AM
first: specific trumps general.
second: What I think you are thinking of is the line saying that moving on a horse takes time and that you can't just make a full attack after your mount moves.

2014-02-05, 11:25 AM
If you havent moved, definatly yes. I'm not sure of the whole my mount moved so i didn't thing, but i am pretty sure thats how it works. But if your mount charges i think that limits you to one attack, so... yea... but if you havent moved go nuts!

2014-02-05, 11:35 AM
first: specific trumps general.
second: What I think you are thinking of is the line saying that moving on a horse takes time and that you can't just make a full attack after your mount moves.

My brother's looking to run a low-magic historical fiction campaign, and is looking to build a Lancelot-style DMPC. I pointed him toward building a Paladin/Knight Protector, or a Fighter/Knight Protector, and since Knight Protectors get Supreme Cleave and can take five-foot steps between Cleave attempts, he was wondering if it functioned while mounted. If he charges a guy on horseback and drops him (as he probably will, charging with a lance from horseback), does he get to move five more feet to the next guy and cleave into him, too?
And yes, I have pointed him toward Cavalier, which also does a good job at being a mounted warrior.