View Full Version : Sorcerer help :(

2014-02-05, 04:55 PM
Well for those that have seen my other threads my druid has been nurfed big time.

So I am now only allowed to use both PHBs, Forstburn setting book, Arms & equipment, MIC and spell compendium to make my character. I am looking at taking a sorcerer as the party has no major spell caster and its better than sulking with a nurfed druid. I might be able to use the complete ???? books as well.

So I am after tips on what items and spells to take and to double check I haven't screwed up the build :D

So step one onto the spells, I have gone for this selection. I am guessing someone will point out better.

0 – 9
Touch of fatigue, Detect magic, Detect Poison, Arcane mark, Read magic, Resistance, Make whole, Light and Message
1 - 5
Charm person, Identify, Endure elements, Unseen servant and Animate rope
2 - 5
Protection from arrows, Levitate, Touch of idiocy, Spectral hand, Rope trick (see below)
3 - 4
Dispel magic, Flame arrows, Displacement and Fireball
4 - 3
Animate dead, Fire shield, Wall of fire and Invisibility greater
5 – 2
Baleful polymorph, Summon monster V
6 – 1. Chain lightning

Ok so thats my spell list, will anything make go BANG while inside Rope tick or would Leomund’s tiny igloo be a bit better? So what other spells would people suggest.

I am hopping to be a mix of spell sling and healer, but I have no healing spells anymore, so if people can help point me more into a combat roll that will be great, with a few protection spells to keep me alive that would be great.

Ok now onto items, I have had a look here Lists of Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851) and seen a few things I want, but I an more 100% sure what would be good for a sorcerer. So can someone either point me in the direction of a good Core Sorcerer Handbook or give me a few tips that would be great. The only ones I have found so far have included books and equipment I cannot use.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I forgot to ask, is there any storage items you can think of that would store a sled or wagon? Also I might need to look at finding a few undead things to pull it. I don't think portable hole would be big enough.

2014-02-05, 05:21 PM
Y'know that's not all that nerfed, yeah? The spell compendium, magic item compendium, and frostburn are three of the first books I'd go to for high level druidsplosions. Not as many good feats as I'd like, but the spell list is crazy. As for the sorcerer, I'd change out quite a few of those spells. For zeroth s, you should absolutely pick up prestidigitation, because it's awesome. For firsts, charm person, identify, and unseen servant are alright, but I'd ditch the other two for something like silent image and grease. For seconds, the ones that aren't rope trick and maybe spectral hand aren't all that great, so maybe alter self, web, and mirror image/invisibility.

For thirds, flame arrows and fireball are mediocre, so perhaps stinking cloud and something like haste. At fourths, neither flame spell is good, so maybe polymorph, and as your sole fire based blasty spell, orb of fire. It's a classic. fifths are alright, I suppose, though I'd toss teleport on there if the party isn't getting it already. You should definitely skip chain lightning, though I don't know what I'd replace it with. Maybe add planar binding, and at third level spells, swap haste with a magic circle. That could work.

2014-02-05, 05:33 PM
The most important thing to ask yourself when choosing spells for a Sorcerer is:

"Will I cast this spell more than once, every day?"

If the answer is no, there is probably something better that you could be using that slot for. You can get by with scrolls and wands for other things.

Things I would immediately cull from your list are:

Identify, due to the expensive material component, limited use, and the fact that you can replicate it with an Artificer's Monacle and Detect Magic.

Endure Elements, veeeery situational. You usually know if you're going to be somewhere hot/cold, and can get a wand, or even just the right clothing.

Animate Rope, very much a gimmick. I doubt you'll find a daily use for it.

Keep going through your spells and asking that question, you'll likely find more.

2014-02-05, 05:50 PM
Ok, by level:

0: Lose touch of fatigue, get Prestidigitation. Loose Resistance for Ghost Sound. Optionally, get dancing lights in place of light.

1: Loose Endure Elements and Rope Trick. Get Grease, and one of the following. Ray of enfeeblement, Inhibit, Know Defense. Maybe Minor Image if your good at thinking out of the box to solve problems.

2: Loose Touch of idiocy, levitate, Protection from Arrows and Spectral hand. Grab Web, Mirror's Image, Alter Self and Glitter dust.

3: Loose Flame Arrows and Fireball. Get Stinking Cloud and Fly.

4: Evards Black Tenticals and Polymorph are probably your strongest options at this level, loose fire shield to make room for one of them and as soon as you know another 4th level spell grab the other.

5: Actually these aren't bad.

6: If memory serves, Teleport happens at this level, get it.

2014-02-05, 05:50 PM
eggynack > For me its nerfed in the RP side of things as I had a druid and story all laid out, well had 2 all laid out but the starting races were taken out of the question so I thought I would change class. Thanks for the tips again, I will play with the list again.

Solo > We are in the forstburn setting so endure elements is a must. I will have a play again with the list. Thanks for the advice.

2014-02-05, 05:52 PM
Teleport is 5th level. I'd trade out Summon Monster V for it. As far as combat goes, summons aren't hugely useful unless you optimise specifically for it.

2014-02-05, 05:55 PM
Teleport is 5th level. I'd trade out Summon Monster V for it. As far as combat goes, summons aren't hugely useful unless you optimise specifically for it.

Huh, must be misremembering.

Got a suggestion for the man for a 6th level spell then?

2014-02-05, 05:58 PM
The first spell you take at each level should be one you will cast 3-4 times a day.
You should also favour spells which are flexible and have multiple uses.

For your attack spells you need spells which target Will, Fort or Reflex saves so that you can play rock-paper-stone with your enemies bad saves.
Something which ignores Spell Resistance is also useful, as are spells which target just one opponent.
Finally you need something which can affect incorporeal opponents.

You also need utility spells.

Other than that I tend to go for thematic Sorcerers, but you just have a mish-mash of flavour — which is fine I guess.

Healing is possible, though limited, and you will need some Wisdom as well as feats to burn. I'm not sure it's worth it, but the scheme is as follows:

Take the feat Arcane Disciple (Healing)
Spend a spell known on a Cure wounds spell at a level where you have a spell known free (probably level 2)
Take the feat Spontaneous Healer

As you can see it's quite expensive and you should probably leave it to another character.

2014-02-05, 05:58 PM
Huh, must be misremembering.

Got a suggestion for the man for a 6th level spell then?

Disintegrate. My favourite spell in the game. Solid damage for when you just need to blast, but its use against objects gives huge versatility. Also a great anti-undead spell.

Also works well if you're ever feel like counterspelling. Just ready an action to cast Disintegrate instead :P

2014-02-05, 06:01 PM
Disintegrate. My favourite spell in the game. Solid damage for when you just need to blast, but its use against objects gives huge versatility. Also a great anti-undead spell.

Also works well if you're ever feel like counterspelling. Just ready an action to cast Disintegrate instead :P

Huh, I remembered that as a level 7 spell. In that case, yes, this is defiantly the first spell you wanna snag for level 6.

2014-02-05, 06:03 PM
Huh, I remembered that as a level 7 spell. In that case, yes, this is defiantly the first spell you wanna snag for level 6.

Sounds like your spell level memory needs to be recalibrated :P It's a level too high right now.

2014-02-05, 06:04 PM
Sounds like your spell level memory needs to be recalibrated :P It's a level too high right now.

I tend to like warriors better myself. But half the time in my IRL games I end up running the caster cause EVERYONE else in my friends circle lacks system mastery or likes warriors too.

2014-02-05, 06:14 PM
What are you talking about, a druid with this limitations is still tier 1. Where's the nerf?

2014-02-05, 06:16 PM
Contingency is a thing. It's not all that spammable, but it's contingency. Freezing fog is also awesome.

What are you talking about, a druid with this limitations is still tier 1. Where's the nerf?
A druid with nothing but core materials is tier one. Doesn't mean that there's no nerf. Still pretty good book selection though. You have wilding clasps from the MIC, piles of spells from the spell compendium, and a couple of amazing spells from frostburn, like call avalanche and blizzard.

2014-02-05, 07:40 PM
Contingency is a thing. It's not all that spammable, but it's contingency. Freezing fog is also awesome.

A druid with nothing but core materials is tier one. Doesn't mean that there's no nerf. Still pretty good book selection though. You have wilding clasps from the MIC, piles of spells from the spell compendium, and a couple of amazing spells from frostburn, like call avalanche and blizzard.

Guys as I said it was a nerf to how I wanted to play my character, I had written out 2, one I have pestered the forum over, which was my VoP druid, the other was just a normal druid I wanted to RP with the other half but I am restricted down to the normal books so I thought I would try something new.

So can get back on track on?

Solo, I will stick disintegrate on as it does look good :D

nedz, thanks for the tips.

Metahuman 1, you a shadowrun fan by any chance? And thanks for the spell ideas, I will try and mix up a new list in the morning, along with a few feats :D

2014-02-06, 03:57 PM
Never played but I kinda like the idea of the setting. It sounds like it would be fun. One of these day's I do wanna learn it.