View Full Version : Looking for PrC for infiltrator themed villain

Louge Iverre
2014-02-05, 08:09 PM
I've recently started playing D&D 3.5 and am now the Dungeon Master torturing and being tortured by my friends for four sessions now. (I love this game so much! Already!)
The campaign I've created centers around a villain (Louge Iverre) who I pictured to be a Mountebank or Master of Masks. But now I found out that both classes are a bit low tier.
I am looking for suggestions to alternatives. Or should I just go for one of these two classes and fudge numbers? Or maybe even make a Rogue/Mountebank/Master of Masks? idkwtfimdoinglol

I chose these two PrC because I liked the flavor of them. They fit into my lore perfectly because my villain will be a returning character thrice in the story setting, having infiltrated three opposing factions. Quick plot summary: a girl coming of age has powers that are starting to show. These powers are driven by emotion and psychological well-being and are not (yet?) under her control. When her mindstate is stable, nothing seems to be of matter. But when she gets manipulated into fear, hatred or anger, bad stuff can happen. These powers can and will then be destructive of nature and could be used for no good if fallen into the wrong hands.
Three factions seek to bring the young girl under their control; bandits that were oblivious to the existence of this girl but their leader (Louge) puts them out to kidnap this girl.
A school of Wizards with her grandmother sending her to her other grandmother to tell her of her powers and lead her to the school where she can be kept safe and train her powers. This school is also infiltrated by Louge.
And lastly your generic bad-guys-up-to-no-good, led by Louge.

What do you think?

2014-02-05, 10:05 PM
Check out the Chameleon Prc. Should give you sorta the same feel.

2014-02-05, 10:28 PM
Montebank (Mountebank?)
Lets your villain develop alternate personalities. Make it a gestalt with Factotum and it will be scary.

2014-02-05, 10:30 PM
Off the wall: Thrall of Juiblex gets alter self (and eventually polymorph) at will. I have them as beat infiltrators.

Louge Iverre
2014-02-06, 12:09 PM
Yes, Eugene, I meant the Montebank.

Liking this Thrall of Jubilex. Although I'm a bit weary of working Polymorph during my first campaign of D&D. I guess I still have a few weeks before I let Louge reach that level, though.

2014-02-06, 12:15 PM
Spymaster for a mundane infiltrator built off Rogue.

2014-02-06, 12:51 PM
So is this guy is more of the mundane physical influencer type or does he like to use magic? Is he a lone wolf or does he work well with others? Can he read or alter minds or does he blend in and infiltrate like a con man?

Also, are there any big "scenes" you have planned out where he does a specific thing?

The more info we have, the closer we can get to your feel.

Louge Iverre
2014-02-06, 12:58 PM
I don't want my players to know it's the same guy. I want to let them think the bandit's head honcho, the wizard gone bad and the bad guy's bad guy are all a different person. Was looking for mechanics to make this make sense.

Edit: He hasn't been in combat yet. So caster, melee, his role is still undefined. I'd say loner, determined to accomplish his goal, which is apprehending the girl. I also had the thought of something being denied to him. Her mother being a forbidden/denied love or something. My head hurts.

Definitely a con man/infiltrator. I don't like this hypnosis thing.

2014-02-06, 01:31 PM
I would go something like 3 rogue/3 Sneak Attack Fighter/5 Zhentarim Spy.

This gets you 6d6 sneak attack, as many cover identities as you want, the Deep cover special ability, which is cool, and is very hard to scry on, if not impossible.

Louge Iverre
2014-02-08, 02:33 AM
By Sneak Attack Fighter you mean this; http://dndtools.eu/classes/fighter-variant/ ?

2014-02-08, 10:57 AM
Ebonmar Infiltrator from Cityscape and Fatemaker from Planar Handbook are two similar Assassin-like PrC which can be access by martial characters. A least with some Ranger / Urban Ranger dip.

If she is a primary caster, then Uncanny Trickster (CS) and Urban Savant (City) can gives you much skills and some class features to a spellcaster.
You can have her be an int-based generic spellcaster from UA. Or a Sorcerer.

Obviously, she can be a beguiler with some flaws explaining her chaotic aspect.

Keld Denar
2014-02-08, 11:11 AM
Mind Spy from Complete Warrior. Its a terrible PrC for PCs, but its pretty neat for NPCs. Doppelgangers do it best, but you could run it on a Beguiler or Wizard chassis if you wanted a specific race.

2014-02-08, 02:10 PM
Depending on what is being infiltrated, Dungeon Lord 1 (dungeonscape) could be very useful for a BBEG. By studying the area you want to infiltrate, you gain the ability to bypass traps and open/close secret doors as free actions.

2014-02-08, 05:01 PM
you could always go rogue/shadowdancer/assassin. this will make it so there is no where you cannot go at least

2014-02-10, 01:27 PM
By Sneak Attack Fighter you mean this; http://dndtools.eu/classes/fighter-variant/ ?

Yes, that is what I was referring to. This build focuses more on cultivating lots of different identities and being undetectable while using them. If you want a more dextrous or lethal build, some of the others might work better. This guy is good for a big hit from surprise, but isn't going to stand up to the PCs. He works great as an infiltrator/impersonator in a completely legit way, though.