View Full Version : +1 caster LvL vs Spell max damage

2014-02-06, 12:02 PM
if you get the abilty to add +1 caster lvl via a prestige class... does that add to a spells damage even if you already meet the max damage of the spell.
for instance, Fireball is 10d6 max. If I had "cast at +1 caster lvl" and was a 10th lvl caster... could I do 11d6 damage or would I still only be able to cast it at 10d6 damage?

2014-02-06, 12:05 PM
if you get the abilty to add +1 caster lvl via a prestige class... does that add to a spells damage even if you already meet the max damage of the spell.
for instance, Fireball is 10d6 max. If I had "cast at +1 caster lvl" and was a 10th lvl caster... could I do 11d6 damage or would I still only be able to cast it at 10d6 damage?

Fireball is pretty clear that it gives 1d6 damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 10d6. Increasing your caster level by any means, whether it be level up, a prc giving bonus caster level, or an item that gives a bonus caster level, the maximum damage the fireball can do is 10d6. Other caster level based variables will continue to increase however, such as dispel/counter DC, range, duration, and of course, any uncapped (or still under the cap) CL based damage.

2014-02-06, 12:06 PM
1D6 Damage per caster level (Maximum 10D6)

I honestly don't see how this can be read multiple ways. No matter how many spell enhancers, suffer the fleshes, ioun stones or create magic tattoos you throw at it, it's still 1D6 damage per caster level (Maximum 10D6).

The only ways to break the cap are Reserves of Strength, and an epic feat.

2014-02-06, 12:38 PM
What casting a fireball at 11th level does do is enable it to penetrate Spell Resistance more easily. It also increases the range.
Similarly spells with durations are harder to dispel.

2014-02-06, 12:51 PM
ok... an addendum that should have gone with the orginial question. if you gain "cast at +1 caster lvl" from 2 different sources... would they stack effectiviely giving you +2 caster lvl?

2014-02-06, 12:59 PM
Yes, I would presume so. It may depend, to a slight extent, on the sources of these abilities though. Perhaps not, however, as usually that sort of thing stacks.

2014-02-06, 01:10 PM
Stacking +Caster Level effects together can be a big way to make damage spells more potent. It often isn't too impressive most of the time for other spells though.

2014-02-06, 01:12 PM
ok... an addendum that should have gone with the orginial question. if you gain "cast at +1 caster lvl" from 2 different sources... would they stack effectiviely giving you +2 caster lvl?

Multiple named bonuses of different types (+1 Insight bonus, +1 Luck bonus, etc.) always stack. Multiple named bonuses of the same type (+1 Enhancement bonus twice) don't stack unless the bonus specifically makes an exception (Dodge bonuses).

Multiple unnamed bonuses stack as long as they come from different sources. For example, a Monk/Swordsage gets an ability named "AC Bonus" from each class, each of which grants an unnamed bonus. Since the ability that granted the bonus has the same name from each class, it's considered the same source and they don't stack.

It depends entirely on where these caster level bonuses are coming from, if either or both has a bonus type, etc.