View Full Version : Persisting stuff and antimagic fields.

2014-02-06, 12:09 PM
what happens you're persisting 10 buffs at lowish CL and you enter an AMF? does it kill them? or do they begin working again after you exit the AMF?

Also, Is there an item, ability, etc that can prevent my persisted spells from getting negated by AMF or dead zones? What about dispel magic, what can I do about enemies with dispel magic?

2014-02-06, 12:46 PM
Antimagic fields and dead magic zones suppress spell effects while they're in the zone, but do not remove them: So long as the spells still have duration remaining, they'll work again once you leave the zone.

The easiest way to get magic to work inside an AMF or dead-magic zone is the Initiate of Mystra feat, which requires that you be a cleric of Mystra of at least third level. You'll still need to make some rolls (I can't remember if they're level checks or spellcraft checks) for it to work, though. There are a couple of other methods, but they require epic or near-epic levels.

Against dispells, the simplest defense is to just have a really high caster level on all of your buffs. You can also have a Ring of Counterspells with a Greater Dispel Magic stored in it, which will protect you from the first one that targets you. Against area dispels, you can cast a whole bunch of cheap permanent-duration spells on yourself (Magic Mouth works), so that the spell taken down by an area dispel is probably going to be one of them, instead of one of your real buffs.

2014-02-06, 01:50 PM
Initiate of Mystra is very badly written and it's hard to determine RAI. My interpretation of it is that your spells will still be negated if subjected to an Antimagic Field, but if you are already in an AMF you can make your caster level check (vs DC 11+AMF's caster level) to cast in it without hindrance. That's still somewhat ambiguous and strange, however.