View Full Version : Gearing Help for a Noob

2014-02-06, 01:41 PM
So I have my first session tonight and my buddy who was supposed to help me gear out my character has his head in the toilet puking right now so I turn to you guru's of the playground.

I have zero experience with 3.5 and have no idea how to even read the charts.

Here's my character:
Level 5: (Cloistered Cleric 1/Scout 3/Ranger 1)
I am playing your basic Swift Hunter and am wanting to use a bow.
I have no items at this time.
I get 9000 gold to spend as a level 5 character I believe.

Stats look like this:
Str: 11 mod: 0
Dex: 17 mod: +3
Con: 13 mod: +1
Int: 16 mod: +3
Wis: 12 mod: +1
Cha: 12 mod +1

2014-02-06, 01:43 PM
First thing's first: What books are available?

2014-02-06, 01:44 PM
All books are available.

2014-02-06, 01:59 PM
The magic item compendium will be your friend for cheap items.

Anklets of translocation, chronocharm of the horizon (I think its called; the one that lets you move as a swift action 1/day), healing belt, a reliquary holy symbol (I assume the cleric lvl is for travel devotion so more turns means more uses per day), and a dex item would seem to be decent items.

2014-02-06, 02:24 PM
All books are available.

Consult with Shax. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8235865#post8235865)

2014-02-06, 03:47 PM
a reliquary holy symbol (I assume the cleric lvl is for travel devotion so more turns means more uses per day)

You assume correctly Caylin.

Could someone recommend a decent bow to use? And what does max +6 dex modifier on armor mean?

2014-02-06, 03:53 PM
You'll want a Composite Longbow, with a strength rating of at least whatever your bonus is.

The max dex bonus is exactly what it sounds like. Your dexterity bonus with that armour is capped at +6.

And buy yourself a lot of rope. It's hard to go wrong with rope.

2014-02-06, 04:59 PM
what does max +6 dex modifier on armor mean?
Basically, it means that if for some reason your normal Dex Bonus would exceed +6, it gets dropped to +6 so long as you're wearing that armor. For a +6, there's very few circumstances for when you'd ever cap out (you'd require a DEX of 24 or better for this to happen). You can likely afford to use more restrictive armor (assuming that the armor type and ACP fits your preferences).