View Full Version : Stats for a Penanggalan?

2014-02-06, 01:49 PM
Does anyone know if statistics exist for this vampire variant? They're monsters that during the day appear as beautiful women. During the night, their heads fly off their necks dragging all their organs with them as they fly about in search of prey.

2014-02-06, 02:20 PM
Does anyone know if statistics exist for this vampire variant? They're monsters that during the day appear as beautiful women. During the night, their heads fly off their necks dragging all their organs with them as they fly about in search of prey.

Oriental Adventures p. 189.

2014-02-06, 02:25 PM
And the Pathfinder version is in Bestiary 3, pp. 216-217.

2014-02-06, 02:42 PM
Thanks, I'm running a campaign where a lot of vampire variants may turn up. I've drawn from Complete Guide to Vampires and a d20 Vlad the Impaler book as well.

2014-02-06, 02:43 PM
We had a DM sic one of those on us last year. We all suspected that something was up, but while she was in her human form, she didn't show up on any of the standard detection spells. We were also completely befuddled by the cave we found with a big vat of vinegar in it (my best guess was that it was a moonshiner whose stash had gone bad, completely unrelated to anything we were doing).