View Full Version : New Sonic Game & Show: "Sonic Boom"

2014-02-06, 04:39 PM
I really don't know what to say about this. Sonic Team is not involved, so that's something. But ... yeah.

Link (http://blogs.sega.com/2014/02/06/sega-launches-new-franchise-strategy-for-sonic-the-hedgehog-with-sonic-boom/?0=1).

2014-02-06, 04:48 PM
I like what they did with tails, but Knuckles seems to have gotten into Steroids since we last saw him. (I suppose it conveys the "dumb bruiser" architype he's had for awhile though.)

2014-02-06, 05:05 PM
This is either gonna be a return to the glory days of Sonic Sat AM, or it's gonna be horrible.

2014-02-06, 05:36 PM
My money is on "oh god why?!?"

Although the company making the game was formed by some ex-Naughty Dog guys, so they probably know how to make platformers, nothing in the trailer looks like a platformer so oh well.

Oh, and it's a Wii U game so literally no-one would be able to buy it if they wanted to.

2014-02-06, 05:45 PM
Oh, and it's a Wii U game so literally no-one would be able to buy it if they wanted to.

You're wrong.

Anyway, I...I don't know how to feel about this.

2014-02-06, 05:56 PM
Oh, and it's a Wii U game so literally no-one would be able to buy it if they wanted to.

Anyone who'd still be interested in Sonic afer all these years already supports Nintendo. Even leaving aside Mario and friends, name a good Sonic game after the dreamcast went under that WASNT on nintendo?

2014-02-06, 06:14 PM
Even leaving aside Mario and friends, name a good Sonic game after the dreamcast went under that WASNT on nintendo?

Sonic Generations... well ok there was a sonic generations on DS but there are large differences in the gameplay.

On the redesigns, the only thing that bothers me is Sonic's neckerchief. (and Amy's hammer, but I've always preferred Amy with a crossbow)

2014-02-06, 06:16 PM
The best Sonic game since the Megadrive was Generations and that was multiplatform.

It's not a case of "is on Wii U therefore bad", it's a case of "is only on Wii U therefore has a very limited potential market".

If the game was multiplatform it might have a chance, but it isn't and there simply aren't enough Wii U owners in the world to give it one.

And let's face it, the Wii U is screwed. It's sold barely more than 35% more consoles than the PS4 and it's been out an entire year longer (5.8m units compared to 4.2m as of the end of 2013, when the PS4 wasn't even out in Japan yet), and every passing month just makes it look like a worse and worse bet (no matter how much you want Bayonetta 2).

Market penetration of the game is going to be way lower than it could have been by being a multiplatform release, even if they didn't aim for the XB1/PS4 and stuck with PS3/360 (which could mostly use the same assets as the Wii U version).

2014-02-06, 06:17 PM
Sonic Generations... well ok there was a sonic generations on DS but there are large differences in the gameplay.

On the redesigns, the only thing that bothers me is Sonic's neckerchief. (and Amy's hammer, but I've always preferred Amy with a crossbow)

The hammer is for reenacting that scene from Misery when she finally catches Sonic.

2014-02-06, 06:20 PM
*looks in thread*
*sees Amy*
*raises fist in air and cries "SALLYYYYYY!!!"*
*hangs head*

2014-02-06, 06:23 PM
Interesting... From Kotaku:

"A glimpse of the Wii U title—which will be a two-player co-op affair in the main campaign and will have modes that support four players—gave a look at new locations, which seems less linear than previous games and includes an energy bungee cord power that you can see in the aforementioned trailer. During its reveal at a NYC event today, Sega producer Stephen Frost said that the game will center on an adventure in an ancient land, with lots of exploration and melee combat along with the high-speed traversal that have been a Sonic hallmark. The console version of the game's being built on CryEngine 3. The portable Sonic Boom will sport a different story and level architecture but happens in the same world."

What kind of power is behind the Cryengine?

2014-02-06, 06:24 PM
Sonic Generations... well ok there was a sonic generations on DS but there are large differences in the gameplay.

On the redesigns, the only thing that bothers me is Sonic's neckerchief. (and Amy's hammer, but I've always preferred Amy with a crossbow)

Amy's always had a hammer man. She's never used a crossbow :smallconfused:

2014-02-06, 06:25 PM
The game is also for 3DS guys, so... Yeah.

2014-02-06, 06:26 PM
*looks in thread*
*sees Amy*
*raises fist in air and cries "SALLYYYYYY!!!"*
*hangs head*

A person after my own heart. Oh how I miss the Sonic cartoon back in the day with Sally and the resistance and..well, that's all I can remember now, that was so long ago, but if they ever re-made that series I would totally DVR it with top priority.

2014-02-06, 06:30 PM
Amy's always had a hammer man. She's never used a crossbow :smallconfused:

She totally did.... in the UK comics.

2014-02-06, 06:33 PM
A person after my own heart. Oh how I miss the Sonic cartoon back in the day with Sally and the resistance and..well, that's all I can remember now, that was so long ago, but if they ever re-made that series I would totally DVR it with top priority.

I'll second this. Seriously, give me a Robotnic that's genuinely menacing and poses a not insignificant threat.

Also, Bunny Rabot.

2014-02-06, 06:36 PM
What kind of power is behind the Cryengine?

It's the engine that was developed for Crysis 2, it'll perform as well as the hardware allows it to, like any other game engine.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 and Shadow of the Eternals are also using it on Wii U.

It's a step up from the Unreal Engine 3 that's been used for everything ever, but possibly not quite as shiny as Frostbite 2. (On PC, running on console hardware you won't see all that much difference).

2014-02-06, 06:38 PM
I'll second this. Seriously, give me a Robotnic that's genuinely menacing and poses a not insignificant threat.

Also, Bunny Rabot.

Eggman has been a serious threat in quite a few of the Sonic games. Also, please, we will never see SaTM characters in the games again.

2014-02-06, 06:42 PM
Just checked it out. Well, I'll reserve judgement. Amy+Tails redesigns are cool. Sonic is.. Okay. Knuckles looks a bit funky and could use some work. But I'm interested to see where it goes

Look, just give me an attempt at a decent story with a nature/machine conflict, an attempt at treating the characters like real characters, and gameplay that doesn't make me want to die, and I'm in. Honestly, the trailer looks like it checks all those boxes.

As long as they don't totally jack it up, I'll play it when it comes out. It looks fun. And I like the co-op angle.

What's everyone's favorite Sonic game? Aside from the classic Genesis games, I'm a huge fan of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. I know that's a controversial choice, but I think they had an excellent story and great gameplay. I feel like that was the last game where the game designers actually took the world and characters seriously. The multiplayer mode they threw in was amazing, too. And I dug the virtual pet stuff. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I still go back and play through that once in awhile and have a blast.

I think a problem with the Sonic series is that everyone loves it for something different. They have a broken base and it's very hard for them to reconcile it. That's what I'm thinking about with the "favorite game".

Some love the gameplay, some love the universe. Some love the sci-fi aspect, some love the fantasy. Some people want a ton of characters, some just want Sonic. I'm almost glad I'm not one of the game designers on it. It's impossible to get it right.

Gotta say, I'm looking forward to the cartoon too. Cautious optimism. If they don't throw him into the middle of a human city for no reason that will be a huge plus for me.

2014-02-06, 06:48 PM
A person after my own heart. Oh how I miss the Sonic cartoon back in the day with Sally and the resistance and..well, that's all I can remember now, that was so long ago, but if they ever re-made that series I would totally DVR it with top priority.

Funnily enough, I only learned about the SatAM cartoons within the past few years. I only discovered the other characters through the comics and a couple of kid's books (seem to remember one where Sonic flipped out because he misplaced his shoes).

And I still refuse to call Robotnik "Eggman."

2014-02-06, 06:55 PM
The best Sonic games since Sonic 3 & Knuckles (which is the best) are Rush and Generations. The handheld games were leaps and bounds above the console offerings other than Generations because the controls unequivocally worked at all times.

I went back and played Adventure again when it was rereleased on 360 and it reminded me how janky the controls could be, Sonic will get caught on random pieces of scenery and stop completely, homing attacks will sometimes attack the thing you wanted and sometimes just not and from Adventure 2 onwards they persist in putting multiple controls on one button with split second timing being the difference between pressing it to plummet to your death or continue with the level (See: any time you have to light dash across rings in the air because some idiot decided light dash and bounce be context sensitive but Sonic games are too fast for that kind of context sensitive control and we have four damn face buttons now!. It took until Unleashed to fix that...)

The daytime levels of Unleashed were pretty good, but I didn't buy a Sonic game to get a God of War clone (even if I did like the way bonus-kill QTEs got easier the less health the enemy had, a nice touch), especially not one with annoying platforming bits.

2014-02-06, 07:01 PM
She totally did.... in the UK comics.

...huh, I never knew that.

2014-02-06, 08:01 PM
Funnily enough, I only learned about the SatAM cartoons within the past few years. I only discovered the other characters through the comics and a couple of kid's books (seem to remember one where Sonic flipped out because he misplaced his shoes).

And I still refuse to call Robotnik "Eggman."

I will never, ever, EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR call Robotnik "eggman". When I saw a sonic cartoon several years after they cancelled the SatAM one, I was excited until I realized that they had turned Robotnik into a complete joke along the lines of "I'll be back and get you next time" kinda villain, and had renamed him...bleck, Eggman. Ticked me off. The draw of the SatAM Sonic cartoon for me was the simple fact that Robotnik was in control. He had won! Taken over virtually everything, with just a small group of resistance fighters, including Sonic. Then later on in the series Sonics...dad? Or grandpa is discovered half robotized in Robotniks mines, and there is the whole arc involving trying to rescue him and all.

Argh, I need to go onto Ebay and see if I can find the entire series on VHS or something. That Sonic cartoon was probably my all-time favorite SatAM cartoon when I was a kid, even moreso then TMNT(back when it was also still good).

2014-02-06, 08:14 PM
Argh, I need to go onto Ebay and see if I can find the entire series on VHS or something. That Sonic cartoon was probably my all-time favorite SatAM cartoon when I was a kid, even moreso then TMNT(back when it was also still good).

You might check Netflix. I could have sworn I saw it pop up there.

2014-02-06, 08:23 PM
I will never, ever, EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR call Robotnik "eggman". When I saw a sonic cartoon several years after they cancelled the SatAM one, I was excited until I realized that they had turned Robotnik into a complete joke along the lines of "I'll be back and get you next time" kinda villain, and had renamed him...bleck, Eggman.

Don't make me dig up the original Japanese game manual where it shows that was his name all along.

PS his original game design is egg shaped.

Also he is Solid Snake's dad. You don't argue with Solid Snake's dad.

2014-02-06, 08:25 PM
Don't make me dig up the original Japanese game manual where it shows that was his name all along.

PS his original game design is egg shaped.
Sorry, pal, it was Robotnik here in the States. Not to mention the world of Mobius.
Childhood nostalgia cares nothing for what Sega of Japan happened to say.

2014-02-06, 08:28 PM
Sorry, pal, it was Robotnik here in the States. Not to mention the world of Mobius.
Childhood nostalgia cares nothing for what Sega of Japan happened to say.

Just because Robotnik is the better name doesn't mean it's not wrong.

Anyway, a thing my friend noticed. Knuckles is sort of kite shaped. No wonder he can glide!

2014-02-06, 08:45 PM
Mobius also strange invention of Sega USA not part of original Sonic. The games are all originally set in the South Pacific/Oceania, hence the presence of echidnae and such.

Mando Knight
2014-02-06, 08:53 PM
I will never, ever, EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR call Robotnik "eggman". When I saw a sonic cartoon several years after they cancelled the SatAM one, I was excited until I realized that they had turned Robotnik into a complete joke along the lines of "I'll be back and get you next time" kinda villain, and had renamed him...bleck, Eggman. Ticked me off.

The not-good-at-all Doctor was called "Eggman" before Sonic X, though, even in the States. They pulled the switch with Sonic Adventure (where he's Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik)... and then SA2 wants you to know that he's the E.G.G.M.A.N. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvERHiTfx9w)

2014-02-06, 09:13 PM
Just because Robotnik is the better name doesn't mean it's not wrong.

Anyway, a thing my friend noticed. Knuckles is sort of kite shaped. No wonder he can glide!

Just because it's a different name in Japan where it originated doesn't make what we call it over here wrong either. It's called localization and making it more appropriate for the audience it's targeting. Eggman is a horrible name here in the States, but over in Japan it's a good one, while Robotnik is a great name here in the states, but not as good over in Japan.

TL;DR Neither is really wrong, it all comes down to personal preference and choice.

2014-02-06, 09:31 PM
Just because it's a different name in Japan where it originated doesn't make what we call it over here wrong either. It's called localization and making it more appropriate for the audience it's targeting. Eggman is a horrible name here in the States, but over in Japan it's a good one, while Robotnik is a great name here in the states, but not as good over in Japan.

TL;DR Neither is really wrong, it all comes down to personal preference and choice.

Except Robotnik is technically wrong, as Mando Knight pointed out. Sega of American just got confused for a bit.

I second Aster Azul's opinion and Sonic Adventure Battle 2 is definitely my fave. I played it on my Wii with a Gamecube controller all winter break. Also, Colors is a good game, people.

2014-02-06, 09:52 PM
I reject your Sonic canon and substitute it with one of my own! :smallbiggrin:

2014-02-06, 09:54 PM
Except Robotnik is technically wrong, as Mando Knight pointed out. Sega of American just got confused for a bit.

I second Aster Azul's opinion and Sonic Adventure Battle 2 is definitely my fave. I played it on my Wii with a Gamecube controller all winter break. Also, Colors is a good game, people.

Actually, according to wikipedia(which doesn't necessarily mean what I'm about to say is right either), but the first conception of Sonic was "Sonic the Hedgehog", 1991 for the Sega Genesis, and in it he was called Dr. Robotnik, which makes Mando wrong.



And for TV as well, the first animated series has him referred to as Dr. Robotnik: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures_of_Sonic_the_Hedgehog

Hell, looking at the wikipedia, in all but the Manga, which obviously originated over in Japan, which was the point I was making(localization changing names to make them more appropriate for the audience being targetted), ALL of the first iterations of Sonic in any media form, has him referred to as Dr. Robotnik.

Mando Knight
2014-02-06, 10:36 PM
Actually, according to wikipedia(which doesn't necessarily mean what I'm about to say is right either), but the first conception of Sonic was "Sonic the Hedgehog", 1991 for the Sega Genesis, and in it he was called Dr. Robotnik, which makes Mando wrong.



And for TV as well, the first animated series has him referred to as Dr. Robotnik: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures_of_Sonic_the_Hedgehog

Hell, looking at the wikipedia, in all but the Manga, which obviously originated over in Japan, which was the point I was making(localization changing names to make them more appropriate for the audience being targetted), ALL of the first iterations of Sonic in any media form, has him referred to as Dr. Robotnik.

All of them in their English localizations. The self-same Wikipedia article notes that he has always been known as Dr. Eggman in Japan. Sonic Adventure and following worked at reconciling the two names, which is more than can be said for the varying names of the side characters for a certain plumber...

2014-02-06, 10:41 PM
All of them in their English localizations. The self-same Wikipedia article notes that he has always been known as Dr. Eggman in Japan. Sonic Adventure and following worked at reconciling the two names, which is more than can be said for the varying names of the side characters for a certain plumber...

..... Isn't that what I was arguing the entire time? LOL. I clearly said in my first post that in Japan he was Dr. Eggman, but over here in the States he was referred to as Dr. Robotnik. Hell, both posts said that, not sure how you missed that.

Just because it's a different name in Japan where it originated doesn't make what we call it over here wrong either. It's called localization and making it more appropriate for the audience it's targeting. Eggman is a horrible name here in the States, but over in Japan it's a good one, while Robotnik is a great name here in the states, but not as good over in Japan.

TL;DR Neither is really wrong, it all comes down to personal preference and choice.

Hell, looking at the wikipedia, in all but the Manga, which obviously originated over in Japan, which was the point I was making(localization changing names to make them more appropriate for the audience being targetted), ALL of the first iterations of Sonic in any media form, has him referred to as Dr. Robotnik.

As you can see, I was never arguing that Dr. Eggman wasn't the original name, just that it wasn't the name given to him over here in the United States, and that I preferred the Dr. Robotnik name, because it sounds better to me, and that calling him either name wouldn't necessarily be wrong, it all comes down to preference.

Tectonic Robot
2014-02-06, 11:18 PM
The not-good-at-all Doctor was called "Eggman" before Sonic X, though, even in the States. They pulled the switch with Sonic Adventure (where he's Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik)... and then SA2 wants you to know that he's the E.G.G.M.A.N. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvERHiTfx9w)

That song is dang catchy.

2014-02-06, 11:51 PM

E.G.G.M.A.N. Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhtFR6TWmlk)

Sonic Boom Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPC8W672mXc)

Lord Vukodlak
2014-02-07, 12:24 AM
*looks in thread*
*sees Amy*
*raises fist in air and cries "SALLYYYYYY!!!"*
*hangs head*
I too agree with Janus. Well there's always the Archie comics.

2014-02-07, 12:36 AM
Just you watch... next gen, Sonic will learn Parkour. (still just as fast, but he's actually wallrunning with physics rather than "because he's fast")

2014-02-07, 12:49 AM
Knuckles? Did you overdose on steroids? :smallconfused:

I don't know what I feel about this. (Speaking as one who were ambivalent to the 3D Sonic games.)

2014-02-07, 04:59 AM
I used to be a massive fan of sonic (megadrive era) loved generations and I have to say I like these character designs, I understand back in the day of megadrive sprites they all had to be the same size for gameplay/technical reasons but hench Knuckles makes a lot more sense to me and tails looks more like the smart gadgeteer he's become over the years.

I'm not sure what's with all the bandages though...

2014-02-07, 07:11 AM
Just you watch... next gen, Sonic will learn Parkour. (still just as fast, but he's actually wallrunning with physics rather than "because he's fast")

I thought he was already doing that a little bit in one of the more recent games.

Either way, I'm pretty optimistic about this game, and the tv series. I like Tails' redesign too. Gonna take a bit to get used to Knuckles, but Sonic I think I like better (the bandana should be a different color though...). It seems most the people who have been flipping tables over this have been knuckles fans...

The most modern Sonic game I played and really liked was Colors on the Wii, but I've had interest in generations and such as well. Most of everything between that and SA2 is pretty bad IMO. (I liked Heros ok, but it objectively it was a bad game). The past couple of years Sonic has definitely been picking back up, so I'm not as paranoid about this as if it had shown up 5-10 years ago. (I can't believe it's really been that long).

As far as eggman, ehh he's both to me. At the same time, Eggman will never be the same to me anymore since his old VA died, and man did he have an epic laugh, and a good evil voice on the occasion Eggman was actually being fully sinister.

Tectonic Robot
2014-02-09, 06:48 PM
I hope Dr. Eggman is super cool in this series.

2014-02-09, 08:48 PM
I hope they stop requiring Americans call him that name. They, won't, but I can hope.

2014-02-09, 09:06 PM
I hate EA. All this talk about Sonic games made me remember the cliffhanger end of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, so I went to wiki, and apparently there was a sequel in the works by Bioware, but after they were picked up by EA it got dropped >< Totally sucks, that was my favorite Sonic game of recent history.

2014-02-09, 10:15 PM
I hate EA. All this talk about Sonic games made me remember the cliffhanger end of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, so I went to wiki, and apparently there was a sequel in the works by Bioware, but after they were picked up by EA it got dropped >< Totally sucks, that was my favorite Sonic game of recent history.

Dammit! Curse you EA!

Mando Knight
2014-02-09, 11:26 PM
I hope Dr. Eggman is super cool in this series.

The preview ad for the TV series says... probably not. He calls a bot that relies on claws "Burnbot."

Tectonic Robot
2014-02-10, 08:50 AM
The preview ad for the TV series says... probably not. He calls a bot that relies on claws "Burnbot."

That scene was basically golden, though! Besides, it was sort of like misdirection? If he wasn't so forward about the reason he chose the name? >_>; Maybe?

2014-02-11, 07:20 PM
People think EA and Sonic Team are involved with this ... why? :smallconfused:

2014-02-11, 07:24 PM
People think EA and Sonic Team are involved with this ... why? :smallconfused:

Dont know about Sonic team, but EA was a reference to the Sonic RPG made by Bioware. There was a sequal in the works, but bioware was bought by EA and it was canceled.

2014-02-11, 07:24 PM
People think EA and Sonic Team are involved with this ... why? :smallconfused:

People are discussing EA because of how they ****ed up the last attempt to revitalize the series.

People are talking about Sonic Team because it's a Sonic game. Though yes, this game doesn't have ANY Sonic Team influences.

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-11, 07:33 PM
I like the redesigns. I think I'd like them more without the pointless bandages, but oh well.

Looking forward to seeing where they go with this, even though I'll never buy another Sonic game again. Too many disappointments.

And he'll always be Robotnik to me.

2014-02-13, 01:05 PM
I like the redesigns. I think I'd like them more without the pointless bandages, but oh well.

Looking forward to seeing where they go with this, even though I'll never buy another Sonic game again. Too many disappointments.

And he'll always be Robotnik to me.

Even the recent ones that actually were good? AKA: Colors and Generations?

2014-02-14, 10:05 AM
Sonic Chronicles was an interesting experience that could have been improved somewhat, I felt. Wasn't too bad though. I was fairly used to the playstyle since I was already a Bioware fan for years, though it felt a bit rough around the edges. More meaningful items and equipment might have helped, and also if the music hadn't been replaced at the last minute with low quality midis. It was nice to finally see a Sonic RPG though.

I hate EA. All this talk about Sonic games made me remember the cliffhanger end of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, so I went to wiki, and apparently there was a sequel in the works by Bioware, but after they were picked up by EA it got dropped >< Totally sucks, that was my favorite Sonic game of recent history.

From what I know, I don't think Sega will ever release a sequel to the game, but for reasons that have nothing to do with EA, and cannot be discussed under the forum rules here. Though yes, EA purchasing Bioware probably didn't help the chances of it getting a sequel anyway.

As for Sonic Boom, it looks intriguing, and I'm cautiously optimistic about it considering the previous experience of the developers behind it. The sports bandages are a bit eyebrow raising though, even if it's so they appear ready for 'any action', as the developers said.

2014-02-14, 10:13 AM
Sonic Chronicles was an interesting experience that could have been improved somewhat, I felt. Wasn't too bad though. I was fairly used to the playstyle since I was already a Bioware fan for years, though it felt a bit rough around the edges. More meaningful items and equipment might have helped, and also if the music hadn't been replaced at the last minute with low quality midis. It was nice to finally see a Sonic RPG though.

Also the music was really bad in some places. But yes, it was certainly interesting, and it's attempts to advance the storyline of Sonic was appreciated. Which honestly feels like what Sonic Boom is doing.

Oh, also, here's a fun fact. Every Sonic anime or cartoon, aside from the original super goofy cracked up one, has ended in the same way. The episode that hints at Metal Sonic appearing soon always shows him the same way, and is always the last episode before cancelation. Or in the case of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, it was a pilot involving Metal Sonic that failed before it became a pilot and was turned into a movie.

I bring this up because I want to watch Sonic Boom solely to see if it will end the same way.

2014-02-14, 05:48 PM
Knuckles looks like he got into Big the Cat's Stash...

Beacon of Chaos
2014-02-17, 06:32 PM
Even the recent ones that actually were good? AKA: Colors and Generations?
I played Generations, which I feel can be summed up as: Meh.

I don't even know what Colors is about. I've seen the box art, that's it.

2014-02-19, 07:47 PM
Colors was average at best. Which unfortunately made it the best Sonic game in years. Generations meanwhile largely cruised on a nostalgia wave but the 2D classic levels were tight. (Having just one level from each game sucked though.)

RE: Boom - I made steroid jokes all over Facebook too, but I actually do like the designs. It also brings Knuckles more in line with his larger-framed Sonic Heroes counterparts: Omega, Big and Vector. (Though this does mean that Vector probably won't be the "big guy" in the Chaotix anymore.)

Also, vgcats (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=330)

2014-02-22, 07:39 PM
Arguing about the name of Eggman versus Robotnik is a fruitless endeavor. It's like arguing whether Rockman or Megaman is more correct (answer: they BOTH are). It's like insisting on calling your Charizard a "Lizardon" because that is the Japanese name for it. It's like using the british/australian spellings for words like armor and theater (armour and theatre) even when you're in America.

Sometimes things just have different names and/or spellings in different languages, okay?

2014-02-22, 07:46 PM
As a Nintendo Fanboy, my first sonic game was SA2B.

Who is this Robotnic you speak of?

2014-02-22, 08:09 PM
As a Nintendo Fanboy, my first sonic game was SA2B.

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. :smallfrown:
