View Full Version : Rogue Trader: Legacy of the Void [IC]

Rising Chaos
2014-02-06, 08:00 PM
It has taken two and a half weeks to pierce through the roiling warp currents. Two weeks of hellish navigation that put the skills of your men and the spirit of your ship to the test. Two weeks of witnessing what the power of the warp can do to a vessel, even with the protection of a sanctified hull and the force of a gellar field.
Your crew walks through the vessel bleary-eyed and shuffling slowly, the ghastly screams that have sporadically echoed through the halls since you began warp transit have made good sleep all but impossible. The men still whisper about the corridor on Deck 118-A where clusters of skin and eyes mysteriously sprouted from the walls. Terrifying the crew out of their wits, even after hosing the walls down with flamers the crew still dubiously speak of how the ship must be haunted. Despite all this morale on the ship is high, exhausted and concerned as the crew is they know that soon they will exit the warp and return to real space. This and the fact that they have been chosen to help attain untold riches, and for the main crew, the chance to see the wonders and unexplored reaches of the Koronous keeps them motivated and energized.
By the Emperor's grace none of the warp horrors have affected you or your fellow officers yet. By all accounts your more luxurious cabins have been free of any signs of taint or corruption over these weeks, and though it has taken incredible talent to keep your vessel intact through these powerful currents the end is in sight and morale is high.

With a final deep shudder the warp parts before you and you see real-space for the first time in two weeks. As the ship makes it's final transition from the warp and the humming of the gellar field and warp drive dies down only to be replaced with the heavy, ponderous thrumming as the plasma generators begin to charge you glimpse the sight you and mere thousands have seen as they enter the wilds of the Koronous Expanse.

Before you, hanging in the dark void of space is the 'majesty' of Port Wander, built many millenia ago it represents the Imperium's only solid foothold into the Expanse and the last bastion of Imperial law. Once this was a mighty, pristine Ramillies-class space station. Now, though still a powerful space station, one could almost mistake it for a space hulk. Dozens and dozens of additions to the Port have sprung up over the centuries, encircling the station like some great, metal kraken. Ancient asteroids, both large and small slowly orbit the station and circling around it's borders are the patrol ships of Battlefleet Koronous, two frigates, three raiders and a light cruiser make up the Imperium's final line of defense in these parts.

As you take in these sights the bridge has become a flurry of activity, officers yelling out orders and operational status' as the ship roars under it's own power. Over the din of voices the master helmsman, Haestrom Tellford calls for order before turning towards the bridge's command throne to await instructions.

2014-02-07, 01:32 AM
Despite the chaos all about her, Ari'lia'gysse acts as if she's in the middle of serenity, the Dark Eldar sprawled with a grace only an Eldar can manage on an unused console near the Captain's throne. One foot is resting on the surface she lounges on, the other hanging down and swinging some in the air. Dressed in a far too scanty set of dark clothes and with a rich cloak clasped around her shoulders that doesn't at all cover her front, she'd give the impression they weren't in the middle of frenetic activity.

Despite that, her dark eyes move to the sight on the viewscreeen, studying the port as they slowly move closer. "Crude." She comments briefly, looking to the Captain with a hint of amusement. "Crude and large. Sometimes such things can be made good use of however." Black nailed fingers drum the surface of her seat in thought.

2014-02-07, 04:41 PM
Standing out of the way of the bridge crew, Colonel Klute watches the approach and the crew intently. Dressed in an officers uniform patterned off the Imperial Guard but lacks any ornamentation over his carapace armor, he has his Arms Coffer on his back and his helmet in hand. His graying hair is cut short, and marks his age.

Hearing Ari talk he mutters "Damnable Xenos" under his breath. He turns towards Felix Bastionne and asks, "What orders for me sir? Will you be needing a shore party?"

2014-02-07, 05:07 PM
Felix rubs his eyes as the ship exits the warp, the thrum of the warp engines dying down relieving the pressure from in his head. Standing up he walks forward a few steps, Master of Vox, transmit throughout the ship." Waiting only for the affirmative he begins "Ladies, Gentlemen. After a long and difficult transit through the warp we have arrived... Welcome, to the Expanse!"

Waiting again for the helmsman to finish organising the bridge je nodded to the man "Take us in if you will. Inform my senior crew to attend me upon the bridge as well."

Turning to the Colonel "I will, however I shall divulge further once everyone is in attendance."

Rising Chaos
2014-02-07, 06:51 PM
Ari's attire and attitude draw the attention of many of the crew members, their gaze lingering on her for only a few moments before each snaps out of it and continues with their work.
Her form is alluring, however most of the crew know of her xeno's nature, and in accordance with Imperial superstition believe that to consort with her is to bring damnation of the warp upon themselves. Over the weeks in transit dark rumors have surfaced that she is the cause of the horrors that visited the ship during their voyage. There are also whispers that crew members captivated by her are never seen again, which being a Dark Eldar may actually have some truth to it...

Ishmael and two of the Parati mercs stand behind Dolf, also at attention. Ishmael gives a small cough and speaks to Dolf in a low voice. "With respect sir, the captain seems to be fine keeping her aboard the ship. He must have a good reason for that, shouldn't he?", though his eyes linger on the female xeno longer than most.

Master of Etherics Nathin Yorke gives a small start as Felix addresses him. Clearly the young man is still not used to his position on board the ship "A-aye sir" he snaps before activating the ship board intercoms.
As Felix finishes his speech a roar of approval issues from multiple vox-grills on the Etherics console as the crew express their excitement at entering the fabled Koronous Expanse.
From the Command Helm Haestrom gives a wry grin as Felix gives his orders "Aye Captain, setting a course for orbit around Port Wander. Master Yorke, alert senior crew to the bridge"
Nathin nods, ready for this command, pressing one of the console runes and pulling a vox-grate closer to him. "Aye sir, all senior crew. Report to the bridge immediately for briefing. I repeat, report to the bridge immediately for briefing,"

2014-02-07, 08:56 PM
Merope had been milling about, applying sacred Ungents and 3-hour rites to appease the ancient Machine Spirit within this mighty vessel, all in the name of the great Omnissiah. She had been mostly quiet throughout the entire trip, which could be reasoned with as her being a new addition to the entire crew, at the request of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Or she might just have prefered to be with the Arcano-Machinery onboard the Ship.

At the moment, she was in the middle of tweaking some machinery on the bridge as they all left the warp and returned to real-space.

"We thank thee, oh great machine-spirit, for keeping us safe and steering true. Oh great and venerable Machine-Spirit, I apply these Ungents in accordance to proper veneration of thee." she began chanting as soon as the ship left the Warp behind, and continued even further with the chanting, though it turned closer to become a flurry of mumbling and Tech-language rather quickly.

2014-02-07, 09:58 PM
Startled out of his bunk by the vox grill, Toast manages to catch himself before hitting the ground. As he put on his old Navy uniform and rubbed sleep out of his eyes, he searched around for his trusty handcannon and slung it into a side holster. Belting on his dress sword and pinning his pilot's wings, he moved towards the lift with the singular purpose that combat experience had given him, taking but a single moment to mutter, in an odd sing-song way, "Frak of a wake up, frak of a trip, frak of a join up, frak of a ship..."

2014-02-08, 03:35 AM
She lets her gaze roam the bridge, scanning over various crew members as she keeps a wary eye out and waits for the briefing in the same relaxed posture. Her eyes also move over Ishmael, pausing for a moment and with a slight puling of one side of her mouth in a thoughtful, slightly impish smile before she looks back to the viewscreen.

2014-02-08, 03:44 AM
"Yes sir." He steps back, and when Ishmael whispers in his ear, he replies in a hushed voice. "A reason aye, whether or not it is good we shall see. But good reason or not never trust a Xenos. Especially if they're pleasing to the eye."

2014-02-08, 11:00 AM
Felix knew that boarding was a lengthy progress, and while he could have briefed his closest in one of the planning rooms, having the view screen always comforted him. Master Haestrom, have the entire port, and every ship docked there given a cursory scan. Attempt to be discreet, but I want a full report on all ships docked, potential cargo and any weapon systems which may be online."

Then he waited, he wanted to address everyone at once, repeating himself was not something he expected to do.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-08, 11:35 AM
Z glared at the intercom in her room. She had forgotten to turn it off before finally falling asleep. Idly wondering if she should still do so, she sighed and began dressing herself. Hood up, she stepped from her sealed chamber onto the bridge, dark circles under her eyes and glaring at generally everything. "Is there a particular reason I have been summoned? I move us through the Warp in a mere two and a half weeks, have finally laid down for rest, whereupon you summon me forth with a blaring call in my chambers. You couldn't knock? My rooms are right there. She glared directly at the captain, hands on her hips, her beautiful face a mask of indignation. It seems that she's wearing something along the lines of a thick, fuzzy and very comfortable looking bathrobe, the Navigator's scarf across her third eye slightly askew.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-08, 11:45 AM
As Merope finishes her latest verse of praise her servo-skull gives a brief squak as it's vox activates. A moment later a brief blurt of binary cant, though it only takes a second to exload it is from Magos DOM-REI and states thus.


As the lift doors hiss open Toast immediately finds himself face to face with the blank faced helmet of the Seneschal, Lucius Petrenko. The man looks as imposing as always, stiffly at attention, hands clasped behind his back, he looks at Toast and tilts his head ever so slightly in what might be bemusement or surprise. Though it's impossible to say when you can't see his face.
"Ah, Master Ramirez... good morning to you. If you'd be so kind we shouldn't keep the Lord Captain waiting any longer than necessary" he says, stepping aside to allow Toast entry to the lift.

Ishmael starts, ever so slightly when Ari makes eye contact with him, though he doesn't go red like many of the crewmembers Ari makes eye contact with. Trying to stand even more at attention he nods "Aye sir. Permission to accompany you when you accompany Captain Bastionne sir"

Haestrom nods, then gestures to Nathin, who's hands are already flying across the console. You can hear the distant whirr-click noises as your auspex switches between frequencies in an attempt to go unnoticed. A few moments later Haestrom slides a dataslate out of his console and turns to you.

"Sir, Port Wander activity seems normal. Weapons and shields on station are primed but not armed. Imperial Naval vessals circling the station hail as Battlefleet Koronous, one of their raider-class Sword of the Resolute appears to be on intercept course with us, weapons and shields primed but not armed. The vessal is not moving at a speed which would indicate attack pattern"[/b]
He takes a breath, as the next part will be much longer

"Vessals on station are numerous, and over a dozen are registered pilgrim/mechanicus and administratum ships. I can give you the details if you wish but both Master Yorke and I feel they are of little concern, as there are several vessals registered to Rogue Traders docked or orbiting the Port.
The Dauntless-class Light Cruiser Shield of Perysia and Sword-class Frigate Void Sepentia both hail as Captain Marcharian Aestaban's. Cargo contents are vague but multiple signs of military vehicles seem to be on board. No weapon systems primed.
The Tempest-class frigate Gelida Blade hails as Captain Winter Cathimire's. No cargo detected on board, no weapon systems primed.
The Dauntless-class light cruiser Hammer of Truth, as well as sword-class frigates Bane of the Unworthy, Void Scourge and Imperitor of Truth all hail as Captain Djanko Scourge's. Multiple pings of cargo onboard each ship, though they are shielded from our auspex. Weapons are not primed.
The Lunar-class Cruiser Ordained Destiny as well as Hazeroth-class Raiders Jester's Gambit and Jovial Harlot hail as Captain Jeremiah Blitz's. We have multiple pings of cargo on the Destiny, but we cannot tell what as they seem shielded, no weapons primed.

We are also detecting a Hazeroth-class Raider Talon's of Fire, Captained by one Solarus Hinterband. I'll run checks on his background but it appears to be a mercenary ship. No cargo or primed weapons detected"

2014-02-08, 11:46 AM
Felix nodded to the navigator "And I fully appreciate the work you have provided. I did not mean to disturb you, but your input is most valued and always welcome. We will be docking shortly, if you do not wish to join us then you may return to rest, but give me but a moment of your time before you decide."

Then turning to Haestrom Felix scans the dataslate, and listens to his helmsman. "Shielded cargo, typical, any idea when our Void shields and weapons will be primed? I hope not to need them, but it is always best to be prepared." Looking over to the master of etherics he adds onto the end "Master Yorke, contact the approaching vessel, broadcast ID sig and request escort to docking."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-08, 12:11 PM
"Bah. How shortly is shortly? We're in fething nothingness. It takes forever to get anywhere." Grumbling at any answer she recieves, Z heads back into her rooms for a short period of time, coming out with what is effectively a beanbag chair. After Plopping down into the chair, she adjusts her robe slightly. "Where is everyone then?"

2014-02-08, 12:14 PM
Ari stretches, sliding off the console she'd perched on and sauntering across the floor to move to Felix's side, agile feet soundless on the metal floor. "The child guide is right about some things. Too long in the empty dark." Her eyes and teeth glitter. "We need rewards for such drudgery."

2014-02-08, 12:21 PM
Felix sighs, rubbing his eyes "Not everyone is blessed by quarters next to the bridge."

2014-02-08, 01:44 PM
With a well-managed, soft spoken yet clear-ringing as a well-made bell, Merope's vox-amplified voice rang clearly through the Bridge. "Felix Bastionne, Lord-Captain. Magos DOM-REI is unable to travel to the bridge at this time, for he is overseeing the Rites of Appeasement for the Warp-drive and other assorted tasks. The Magos have appointed me Liason in his stead." Merope said all this a little distance from the Lord-Captain, Knowing her correct place and tone for talking to one of higher rank, this both born from her heritage of being given birth into the Imperial Naval, as well as her induction into the Brotherhood of Mars. It was a little rare for a female to be accepted into the Adeptus Mechanicus, yet here she was.

She had gently bowed, making the Imperial Aquila as she did so, before speaking up, to show the proper respect. Her hood was pulled back and showed off her beautiful facial features as well as accentuate her slightly luminescent-green bionic eyes. She was a far jump from what you'd expect of a 'regular' Mechanicus, yet the Brotherhood had not seemed to mind this at all, for she was skillful at her duties and did not shirk in her faith in the omnissiah one bit, so something as trivial as 'looking stereotypical' had never been meantioned to her by anyone.

2014-02-08, 01:49 PM
"One moment Ishmael, I have another task I would like you to perform, let us see if Bastionne will allow it." Colonel Klute then strides over to the Rogue Trader and salutes. "My lord when we go ashore, would it be acceptable to send my second in command," he gestures at Ishmael, "and some of my men on a quick recruiting run for the Parati ad Bellum? I can assure you that they will behave themselves and it will not negatively affect your security. Having a second force nearby would actually increase it."

2014-02-08, 01:55 PM
Felix nodded to Merope and made the sign of the Cog in return, understanding that would mean more to her than the Aquilla. "Your presence is appreciated, I may have need of you ability to assess technical equipment quickly and ascertain its value."

As Colonel Klute speaks to him he nods and considers the idea, "I will allow it on one condition, they swear loyalty to myself and the Ilumini Eternal before yourself and organisation."

2014-02-08, 03:18 PM
"Aye, that I shouldn't."

Arriving on the bridge, Toast stepped off the bridge with smart alacrity and walked over to his Lord Captain. Neglecting his salute, he stood at attention, "Ramirez reporting for duty, Lord Captain."

2014-02-08, 03:37 PM
Colonel Klute's jaw clenches. "My lord, the Parati ad Bellum have already sworn themselves into your service for as long as our contract lasts. Our loyalty to our employer is without question. As is our obedience. If you insist that they swear loyalty to you first, I will comply, but I will request that you reconsider."

2014-02-08, 03:55 PM
Felix gives Klute a sharp unforgiving look, "I expect them to be loyal to the Golden Throne above all, and while I have you in my employ a new force whether recruited by yourself or a member of my staff will be asked to swear oath to myself before anyone else. You and your Parati are mercenaries and I have experience of their loyalty, it is to coin and little else, I will not have it be so while you are aboard this ship. You will be paid, but I expect more loyalty than until someone offers you a greater sum than I can."

Rubbing his eyes again he sighs and then looks at each of his senior staff, and trusted advisers. "I apologise for dragging you all from your rest, and duties. I have gathered you all here as we approach Port Wander, as we will be docking and carrying out restocking and information gathering. I plan to approach any nobles or high ranking persons aboard, and I will need a retinue, I will also require a few of you to acquire new equipment for yourselves and for the stores, as Colonel Klute has requested the raising of another squad or two, we will need to arm them to defend the ship and carry out any required missions."

Rising Chaos
2014-02-08, 08:24 PM
The atmosphere on the bridge is becoming tense, and the crew can feel it. Having a Navigator around isn't as horrifying as say, a daemon or a tyranid, but is is awkward, as many of the crew aren't sure how to interact with one so touched with the warp. Even if she is extremely laid back in a beanbag chair at the moment. As Merope enters the bridge there is a look on a few of the crew's faces, a look that almost asks how the Captain managed to get so many beautiful women, who are all incredibly unapproachable, on his ship.

Lucius watches the exchange between Felix and Dolf with a complete absence of emotion, though it's impossible to tell if there is emotion behind the black iron mask. After Felix finishes he turns to Dolf.
"Master-at-Arms I beg you to understand the Lord Captains position. Aside from the cautious nature one must have with new soldiers in our ranks, you must remember that we are currently being pursued by a powerful dynasty who has in the past resorted to hiring mercenaries and sell-swords to assault us. If they swear their loyalty to only yourself, can you truly promise that they will not turn on us in the night and strike us down?"

Beside Dolf, Ishmael bristles and takes a step forward, jabbing a finger towards Lucius.
"How dare you? You really think we'd be so callous in our recruitment? That we'd let anyone who knows a gun from their ass join? You really think we can't be trusted to do be discreet and careful with our jobs?"

Lucius snaps around to look at Ishmael, hands still clasped behind his back, but there is ice in his tone as he speaks "The master-at-arms? Maybe, but you? No, no I do not".
He let's that sit in the air for a moment before turning away "But it is not my decision to make in the end. I can only offer my thoughts and back my Lord Captain's reasoning".

The uneasy silence lingers for a few moments longer before Nathin Yorke coughs slightly to get the crews attention.
"Ahem... ah, my lord. Sword of the Resolute returns hail, Captain Isabelle Corella of the Resolute agrees to escort us into docking with Port Wander, however before this she requests we submit the Illumini to a routine cargo listing and inspection"

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-08, 08:42 PM
"Bah, frag off you grox dung eating eldarian bitch. You want to spend a hundred years of your throne warped life navigating the warp, you can. I'll sit back and watch your ass jiggle as your mind is torn apart by the warp. It'll be great! I'll have some bloody void-chips to enjoy the show! So until you have a hundred throne damned years of experience in such a situation, don't call me a fragging child. Give me one of your fragging ship navigaty people, whatever the frag you call them they can call me a child. 'Till you're more experience in my fragging field of expertise, oh wait you fragging never will be, you can go play masochist with a grox. And could someone get me a throne damned glass of recaf?! at this point in the day, Z is more barbs than usually. Rather bristly, defensive, and tired.

2014-02-08, 09:04 PM
Merope turned her head as she heard one of those mercs, Ishmael, talking back to Lucious, and thusly questioning the Lord-Captain's Command. With furry in her eyes, she walks softly but angrily over towards them. with a hollow Bang of her Power-axe, she ignites it as it hits the floor, making it look extra dramatic with the sparkles and crackling noise. "ENOUGH! You do NOT question Command! Expecially not one of Naval Control! And on top of that, You are questioning the Lord-Captain who happens to be the holder of a Trade-sanction! Which means he travels with the blessed agreement of the Omnissiah himself!..... Morons, learn to respect command.... psh!" she finally cooled off after her outburst and quickly returned to her calm and more tech-priesty way, though she was still scowling a little.

2014-02-09, 03:33 AM
About to respond to Z and on the verge of delivering blistering comments that detailed the innate grace of the Eldar in having more refined methods of travel that didn't give away secrets of the Webway, Ari's forced to respond to the growing tension on the bridge, stalking next to Felix and gripping the hilt of her wych knife as she draws it and gestures at a nearby, hapless looking crew man with the blade.

"You. Get the navigator her drink to slurp and quiet one angry voice on this bridge." She shakes her head, lips pursed. "If challenges are given to the Captain's command, I stand ready to rebuff them myself, and it'll be a slow fate.

But perhaps we can focus on the business at hand instead of wrangling." She taps her chin lightly. "We've all been in the dark for a long time, chance to breed out some tension out here." Her voice quietens from the starting harshness as she finishes, the knife sheathed again.

2014-02-09, 04:20 AM
Felix pushes his fingers deep into his eyes, was he so inexperienced that his crew were to question his every action? He had to stop this before it escalated, "Ari, stand down, Enginseer Merope, I will not have active weapons upon my bridge, Z get your own frakking recaf, Ishmael, I have trusted you and your men to date because no-one has offered them more, I do not expect to command them or take them away from you. However, you must understand that I can not take the chance that the men you hire uphold the same beliefs as yourself."

Taking his hand away from his face he rests his left upon the finely engraved Las pistol upon his hip, with his other hand he leans onto the command console in front of him. "We have all been stuck aboard the ship for too long, the journey through the warp was hard, for everyone. But we are here now, and to survive we have to provide a united front or else we will all be picked apart and lost to the void." turning to Lucius he makes a request of him before finally responding to Yorke "Lucius, have your men find the most senior people aboard Port Wander, make a list if there is conflict, the nobility and people in power are always useful to have as allies. Master Yorke, remind me what cargo we are carrying, I cannot remember where I left our manifests, and invite Captain Isabelle aboard for personal inspection. If she wishes."

Forgetting why he had called everybody to the bridge Felic returns to his command throne and slumps back into it, one leg over an arm and his hands rubbing his temples.

2014-02-09, 11:30 AM
"We will comply Ishmael, we have our orders. And when you go to recruit make sure you get some talent, quality over quantity. We can rapidly inflate our numbers with ease elsewhere, but I would wager that there are a decent number of experienced soldiers here." Turning towards Bastionne. "When do you anticipate boarding the station sir? And what size guard would you like?"

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-09, 11:36 AM
"I would fragging love to get my own throne damned recaf. Actually, frag that, I'd love to be fragging asleep, but, I am on the fragging bridge. Why exactly am I on the fragging bridge Captain?" she finished with the question, not really even noticing the cursing. It was as if it was second nature to her.

2014-02-09, 12:09 PM
Felix almost leaps out of his chair, and stands millimeters in front of Z. "You are on this frakking bridge Navigator, because your Captain has requested your presence. And I have done so, because I wanted your input into the situation, and you assistance while we were aboard the Port. If you feel yourself too important to be here then frak off!"

Turning to Colonel Klute, We will board as soon as docking is complete, I had hoped for each of you to accompany me, while Ishmael runs his recruitments and the Family Guard keep watch over this ships security and Haestrom takes the command throne."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-09, 01:45 PM
Z sighed and rubbed her eyes, much in the way the Captain had earlier. As she spoke, she paused between words, obviously cutting out words, "Apologies. I'm tired, I've been looking at the currents of the... Warp for two... weeks. While you answered my... Words, I asked the wrong... Question. What will we be... Doing landside?

2014-02-09, 02:07 PM
Felix looks back to the navigator, "I understand the pressures we have put upon you, I have not left the command throne the entire time either. I cannot imagine the things you have seen, or had to deal with, and we thank you for that. We will be mostly running intelligence and reconnaissance landside, your talent to perceive the psychic world would be of much use if you are willing to accompany me."

Despite the unnaturalness of the Navigators Felix feels he needs to make amends and puts a light hand upon her shoulder and nods to her, attempting to let her know that he appreciates everything.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-09, 02:39 PM
The crewman Ari barked at bolts the moment she finishes speaking with him, and has reappeared at the door to the bridge, holding a plastek cup full of recaf. However he reappeared the moment Felix and Z were yelling at each other and now looks incredibly confused and awkward.

Ishmael takes a single step back as Merope rounds on him, though seemingly unintimidated by the sparks from her axe.
"I am not questioning the Captain's command, I am taking question with our Senschal's preening attitude towards how the Parati handle their busines..."
He takes a breath and visibly attempts to calm down.
"However I understand that my words cast doubt on the Captain's orders, and I apologize for that. It was not my intention to offend him... or you..."
After a moment of two to wait for Merope's response he turns to Dolf.
"Yes sir, I'll be sure to contact you and Captain Bastionne when I've found a few squads worth of decent stock. If you'll excuse me I'll ready the Parati for disembarkment. Let me know how many of our men you'll want to take with you".
With that Ishmael signals the two men behind him and the trio exit the bridge.

On the other side of the Captain, Lucius seems to relax a little and turns to Merope.
"My thanks Madam Congregator, it is good to see another soul who understands the value of shipboard command"
He then turns his attention to Felix and nods.
"Of course my Lord Captain, I'll have a briefing ready for you before you make landfall. Master Yorke, I'll be with you in a moment with a list of persons to contact".
He then pulls out a small datapad and begins to consult it as Nathin turns to speak to the Captain.

"Aye sir, we are running on near-empty cargo capacity at the moment. Aside from necessary food and repair supplies we currently have three boxes of gourmet-class rations and one crate of Whiteleaf Amasec from Quaddis. Both procured by Seneschal Lucius as either gifts or bargaining chips for any individuals of importance we meet.
They are currently both situated in Cargo Bay A-132, if you wish I can order the crews to move them to our shadowblind bays before Captain Isabelle arrives".
From his position on deck Haestrom adds in.
"On that note captain the Resolute Has moved into docking position. We are maintaining drift speed and estimate time before boarding tubes lock is around 15 minutes."

2014-02-11, 10:41 AM
Nodding, Felix addresses the gathered, and straightens his coat. "Lucius, I hope that there is nothing untoward within those crates. Colonel, gather ten of your best men and have them ready as an honour guard at the docking bay. Merope I would be obliged if you attended also, the rest of you are welcome but for Thrones sake, keep shut." with that said he stalks off the bridge to greet Captain Isabelle as he nears the door he shouts over his shoulder "Haestrom, you have the Command Throne."

2014-02-11, 12:16 PM
Merope gave the Lord-Captain a curt nod and followed him, holding a respectful distance from him. Her servo-skull followed along as well, floating lazily right next to her shoulder. Her crimson-red robes flowed around her as she moved. Those with superhearing would be able to hear the whirr and click sounds originating from her bionic implants, her legs being the primary case. it is a soft and gentle noise which no one would really notice unless specifically straining their senses to pick up the faint noise.

2014-02-11, 12:19 PM
Ari moved to follow as well, collecting a hooded robe and clasping it to fully hide her form and face as she sauntered along with the party, holding close to the Captain as she kept her attention fixed for any potential threats.

2014-02-11, 02:16 PM
Colonel nods to Bastionne. "Yes sir." He then puts on his helmet and activates his Micro-bead switching it to the ships armory frequency. "I need 10 men, in uniform battle dress and uniform armament in the docking bay immediately for honor guard duties." He then moves to follow the Captain to the docking bay.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-11, 03:23 PM
Lucius nods slightly to Felix, tucking the Datapad back into his robes.
"I assure you sir, nothing illegal would be placed within our main holds without your knowledge, I will assign a few men to keep watch over the goods while the Navy make their sweep, one can never fully trust low-class security personnel"

As Dolf signals the armory the response comes back immediately.
"Yes sir, I'll have Parati ad Bellum and Lifeguard in position in five".

Sure enough, ten minutes later as Felix and the rest of you have gathered by the docking bay, ten members of the Parati and five Bastionne house guard stand at attention. Both clad in full flak armour and their las weapons at attention the house guard fall into a line formation behind Felix while the Parati spread out around you in a looser formation.

With a hiss of atmosphere and the low grinding of servo's the two heavy bulkhead doors slide open and six members of the Koronous Naval security file out. They are all clad in black combat fatigues and armour, with red/gold highlights and stripes, their faces are hidden behind armoured naval boarding helmets with black reflective visors.
As they file out Captain Isabelle Corella steps onto the ship, a tall woman, who looks to be in her early 30's she has the air of an experienced and controlled ship captain. Her strikingly red hair is tied back in a bun and her blue eyes sweep across the retinue you have assembled before her. Like the Naval security she is wearing black combat fatigues with a few red stripes, and displays her rank pins on her shoulder and chest.

Stepping forward towards Felix she makes a curt nod and extends one of her hands in greeting.
"Captain Felix Bastionne I presume? Battlefleet Koronous extends it's greetings and welcomes you to the Koronous Expanse. We appreciate that you've allowed us to inspect your vessel. I promise our crew will be quick and professional"

2014-02-11, 03:47 PM
Taking a step towards Isabelle, Felix takes the offered hand, rather than shaking it however he lifts it to his lips and gives it a light kiss. "It is a pleasure to have you aboard, please if you will follow me I can give you a tour either to the cargo bay with your people or to the bridge for your inspection." releasing her hand and taking a step back again to leave some space between them he looks for a moment into her eyes before giving her a smile "Forgive my rudeness, let me introduce my attendees. Colonel Klute, commander of the Parati. Merope of the Mechanicus, and ny personal bodyguard, Ari, formally of the fighting pits." he gestures to each in turn as he mentions their names.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-11, 06:23 PM
Z nodded back, "Fair enough. Tell me when you'll be headed down." She blinked as she saw the man with the recaf. Pointing at him as the Captain leaves. "Aha! Bring that here! It fragging seems that I'll probably need to get fragging changed shortly. Damnit. I like these robes. They're fuzzy and comfortable."

Rising Chaos
2014-02-12, 06:15 PM
The crewman holding Z's recaf nods quickly and hurries to place the cup in her waiting hands before scurrying back to his position.

Isabelle looks visibly surprised when Felix kisses her hand.
"I- ah-... pleasure is ours sir. We're always happy to welcome new Rogue Traders".
As Felix introduces the crew the black-visored navymen sweep their gaze across the crew and assembled guards. However Isabelle's gaze doesn't move and she returns Felix's smile with a small one of her own.
"I suppose I can accompany you to the bridge since you've offered. I don't feel like this will be a very difficult inspection."
She turns back to the naval guard behind her.
"Two of you, with me. Everyone else spread out and commence sweep."
The troopers snap to attention and begin moving. As they do Isabelle turns back to Felix, her small smile returning.
"Well Captain, if you'll lead the way..."

2014-02-12, 06:35 PM
Activating his Micro-bead Colonel Klute communicates privately to Felix. "Should I accompany your lordship and Captain Corella, or would you like me to keep an eye on the naval troopers sir?"

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-12, 06:43 PM
"Ah, fragging wonderful. I need this. Ooh! It's that peppermint flavored stuff too." She sips on the recaf as she heads back to her rooms, changing into her Nobilite robes between sips coming out to sit down in her beanbag chair near exactly when the Captain arrives on the bridge.

2014-02-13, 01:50 AM
Ari inclines her head slightly in return to the greeting, but doesn't react further, and certainly not in a way to draw in attention. She simply sets into a graceful step, hands seemingly relaxed at her sides, even as she marks the position of the two troopers, their own senior crew, and the inspecting Naval Captain.

2014-02-13, 02:40 AM
Merope remains silent unless spoken to. Her face is in neutral folds and it's hard to discern much of anything from her at the moment. She just stride along as the Lord-Captain and the guests returns to the bridge.

2014-02-13, 05:19 AM
Felix begins to lead Isabelle towards the bridge, but nodes towards Klute before leaving, indicating for him to watch the officers carrying out the search. He realised that Ramirez hadn't followed them and wished he had requested him at the point, two people keeping their eyes on newcomers was always welcome.

As they walked Felix point out several parts of the ships interior, though he avoided mentioning anything that would be a target during a boarding action.

As they entered the bridge he spotted Z lounging in her chair like bag, "Ah Miss Isabelle, this is our Navigator, she is a curious one but I enjoy her refreshing company. Most of the time anyway. Please feel free to inspect anything you feel necessary, I have a few things to discuss with my crew.

First he contacts Colonel Klute "If any of them begin to sniff around and do happen across anything, I need you to divert them before getting into a fight. I would rather not start this adventure with bloodshed."
Second he vox's Ramirez "I apologise for the request to the bridge before without explanation. Can you prep a shuttle. We should be able to dock, but just incase we have to commit to Orbit, transport will be needed."
Finally he walks over to Yorke "I want a complete in depth scan of Captain Isabelle's ship, I want details on as much as possible, but be as discreet as you can Master Yorke, I know you are capable." all these he said with not much more than a whisper.

2014-02-13, 10:23 AM
As Felix leads Captain Corella to the bridge Klute remains behind. He first voxes the allied troops in the hanger, "Life Guard, remain with Lord Bastionne as escort, don't get between him and Captain Corella unless there is a threat however. Parati, we remain here to keep an eye on the Naval troops, do not interfere unless they are acting suspicious. Feel free to move about the hanger." Klute then moves to a central location in the hanger and watches the Naval troops do their work.


Looking for theft, sabotage, pretty much anything other than carog scanning being done by the navy troops.
[roll0] Looking for 38 or less

Rising Chaos
2014-02-13, 02:39 PM

The Lifeguard snap to attention as Dolf commands them and follow closely behind Felix and Isabelle. The Parati holster their weapons and take up positions around the hanger and the Naval Security. For the most part they are alert and at attention, however you do notice two or your mercs leaning against the hanger wall. As soon as Felix and the rest of the retinue are out of sight one of them produces a small tin flask and they start swigging from it.

Two of the remaining Naval security upholster auspex's attached to their belts and begin walking around the hanger, consulting the devices for anything out of the ordinary. The other two walk up to Dolf, they've holstered their weapons and their voices blurt out through the grainy distortion of the vox-grills in their helmets.
"Shouldn't take too long here sir. After this we'll need you to show us to your cargo bays so we can take a quick inventory and then we'll be on our way"

Felix, Ari, Z, Toast

As you enter the bridge one of the Naval security troopers holsters his weapon and brings out a small handheld auspex. He and the other trooper begin to slowly move across the deck, consulting the device as they go.
Corella looks around the bridge accordingly, taking a moment to admire Felix's command throne before turning to Z and nodding with a smile.
"A pleasure, Isabelle Corella, Captain of the Sword of the Resolute. I'm glad to see you guided the ship here with little trouble, we still lose the occasional ship trying to make transit through the Koronous passage".

As Isabelle chats with Z, Yorke runs his hands across his cognater board. The screens light up immediately with information, even though you don't hear the normal humming-clicks of the augery being activated.
"Aye sir, information in-loading. I have rough schematics on the type and make of the Resolute's systems and weapons. Cargo holds seem to be relatively full. However augrey can only sense the odd low-grade machine spirits and multiple cargo crates that would match the description of food and repair supplies.".
Not wanting to say much more in case of being overheard he taps one of the screens beside him and the rest of the information quickly scrawls down it. From what you can see the Resolute is currently communicating via vox-comms to Port Wander, the nature of the calls are encoded in standard Naval ciphers.
Vox-traffic on the bridge of the Resolute is not encoded, and thus far records indicate that other than the standard ship chatter the Naval alert status was been downgraded to 'Yellow' status during the time it took for you to bring Corella to the bridge.
Engine and gellar fields remain warmed but neither primed nor activated, weapon systems are running warm but have not been primed or activated.

2014-02-13, 03:08 PM
Taking the lift down, Ramirez stepped into the hangar and made for one of the docked Arvus Lighters, the Lord Captain's favored VTS craft. He made the appropriate pre flight adjustments, and started whistling the same little march tune that he'd woken himself up with.

Settled into the pilot's chair, he jokingly said to the empty Lighter:
"Now hurry up and wait!"

2014-02-13, 04:26 PM
Felix nods to Yorke, before returning to Isabelle. "Is it standard practice to board all new visitors to the Expanse? It seems quite unnecessary when you would have been able to scan our cargo with your Augur arrays?"

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-13, 04:40 PM
Z shrugged, her robes wrapping tightly against her body, "I'v been through it before. For a fragging warp passage, It's one of my most known. Used to run with the fragging fleet. Koronus one that is. Was on His Grace for near five throne damned decades. Frigate class. That was a lot of fraggin' fun. Chasin' down kroot and Orks."

2014-02-13, 05:53 PM
Speaking through his helmets broadcaster Klute responds to the Security men. "Very well, how long do you anticipate scanning the cargo will take?" He also take a mental note of the names of the Parati who are drinking on duty and decides to have them denied alcohol rations for two weeks.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-13, 07:34 PM

You relax for a moment, letting the comfortable upholstery of the cockpit chair. The pilots in the Imperial Navy might joke that an arvus is a flying box with wings but at least being the Captain's preferred method of flight has it's upsides.

As you relax and gaze about the cockpit something seems off to you. It takes you a few moments but you realize that a few of the control lights are giving off a continuous green glow when they should be softly blinking. Looking around and examining the controls you realize that someone has sabotaged your controls. You're not quite sure how, the mysteries of the Omnisiah aren't your strong suit after all, but the fact that you're not able to fix the problem and the fact that this didn't come up during the pre-flight check tell you that this wasn't an accident.


The two Parati keep swigging, apparently without a care in the world. They don't move an inch when Ramirez walks through the hanger, humming to himself and disappears into one of the Arvus Lighters.

The Naval officers walking through the hanger have almost reached the other side now, and have done nothing except look up every once in a while to make sure they don't walk into a ship. Though it's unclear with his face hidden behind his visor the Naval man talking to you seems to look past Dolf for a moment, towards the two drinking Parati. You see him tilt his head very slightly, as if bemused, before his attention returns to you.
"Shouldn't take too long sir. I'd say another 5 or so minutes here and then about two to three minutes per crate of cargo you have aboard. Once that's taken care of and the Captain is pleased with her inspection of the bridge we'll take our leave. Entrance inspection is always much quicker than return voyage inspection"

Felix, Z, Ari

The two Naval security men are about halfway across the bridge, they haven't done anything except look up from time to time to make sure they aren't walking into any of the crew.
Corella's eyes widen in surprise as Z speaks of her past, but there is a slight reverence in her expression.
"His Grace?"
She says in disbelif
"That was the ship I served aboard as junior officer. I never met the Navigator of the ship, but the senior crew always referred to her as a tattooed dem-"
She stops herself as she realizes what she's saying and you see her go the slightest shade of pink. The moment Felix asks his question she turns around, regaining her composure surprisingly fast and walking over to him.
"I understand this isn't a normal procedure in the Calixis Sector, but in the Koronous we flag and inspect every vessel that arrives at Port Wander. We get such high influx of Xenos and Heretical filth flowing in and out of the sector, and this has been an effective way of cutting down on those numbers.".
She smiles with obvious pride as she continues.
"It proven too, it's been almost 20 years now since any cult activity has been found on the Port and almost 10 years since any large quantity of Xenos artefacts were uncovered in the Calixis Sector"

2014-02-13, 09:48 PM
While drawing his handcannon and making sure it is loaded, Ramirez immediately voxes to Lord Captain Bastionne and marches out of the Lighter,

"My Lord Captain! One of your lighters has been sabotaged!"

Seeing Dolf and his men, he shouts out to them: "Sabotage! Alert your men!"

2014-02-13, 10:48 PM
The Colonel immediately reacts to Ramirez's declaration pulling his Storm Bolter from is arms coffer in one smooth action. He quickly voxes the Parati in the bay. "Sabotage detected, lock this bay down." He then turns on the navy man with a snarl not quite pointing the Bolter at him. "We have detected sabotage, you and your men will gather here until the source is found and the sabotage is clear." He points to their current position in the center of the bay. He then voxes the armoury, "Sabotage detected in shuttle bay, have security teams at the ready and get a scanning crew down here now." Turning to the Life Guard frequency he voxes, "Sabotage detected, source unkown, protect Lord Bastionne."


Rolling intimidate, because that's what I'm using on the Naval personnel.
[roll0] Threshold of 48

Rising Chaos
2014-02-14, 12:33 PM
Dolf, Ramirez

The Parati spring into action, six taking up position around the hanger entrance and the other four move into position around the two Arvus and Aquilla Landers. Their weapons are drawn and the scan their positions for any sign of intrusion.

The two Navy men comply quickly, the one has was not speaking with Dolf turns and barks order at the two men scanning with their auspex. You both notice they are about ten feet away from the Arvus by this point, but the two men quickly holster their scanners and run back, drawing their matte-black autoguns as they do.

The Naval guard who was talking to Dolf looks at the Storm bolter, and even though you cannot see his face you can feel him stiffen. "Yes sir. I'll alert Captain Corella as well".
He presses a small stud on the side of his helmet and turns away, though you can hear him relaying the situation to his captain.

The armory responds quickly
"Acknowledged, Scanner team is on their way, rerouting additional security teams as we speak. They'll be at your location in less than 10"

The response from the lifeguard is also immediate
"Understood, we defend him with our lives"

2014-02-14, 01:05 PM
When Felix hears the alert about his Arvus Lighter being sabotaged he sighs and rubs his eyes, "Typical, just what we needed. He then turns to the command deck in general before shouting to nobody in particular "Someone get me all Pict footage of that Hangar. Yorke, scan through it for anyone other than Ramierez going near that Arvus."

Turning to Isabelle, "Well as much as I wish we could continue our tour, seeing as we never even reached the most interesting part," he says with a wink, "However, it appears we have had a security breach, so If you will follow me, I shall escort you back to the hangar bay."

Charm Vs 68

2014-02-14, 04:13 PM
She steps back, robes swirling around her ankles as she considers the situation. In an instant she's behind Captain Isabelle, keeping close but avoiding contact as she eyes the woman carefully.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-16, 12:49 AM
Felix, Ari, Z

The bridge explodes into activity, with Nathin yelling at various crew members to bring him the required data and the Lifeguard, having heard from Dolf, closing around Felix, Ari and Isabelle in a tight diamond square formation, weapons out and at the ready.

As this happens Isabelle turns and presses a finger to her ear, listening for a moment before nodding and turning to Felix.
"So it seems. My men in the hanger bay have just informed me of a security breach"
She smiles as Felix winks.
"Of course, I'm interested to see how your vessel deals with such an intrusion, and I'm sure it will give us some more time to chat".
Throughout this entire ordeal she doesn't seem to notice the Dark Eldar slipping behind her.


The two scanner teams arrive surprisingly quickly. Each team consists of five Bastionne navy men armed with autopistols and auspex, along with three tech-priests to inspect damage and corruption.
They all thunder past Ramirez, one team disappearing into the Arvus and the other taking up position around the outside of the vehicle.
One of the navy men from the outside team walks towards Dolf and Ramirez, saluting when he reaches them [/color="seagreen"]"Sir, we're in position and beginning scans. Estimated time to completion is ten to fifteen minutes standard. Do you have any other instructions for us?"[/color]

2014-02-16, 04:14 AM
Under her robe Ari bristles, but her voice is calm and soft when she speaks, though an edge vibrates throughout it. "It may be a better thing to be wary of this happening. Either this damage was done in the Warp, or before we departed to come here and stayed unseen for months." Her eyes move to Isabelle's back.

"Or the Navy has issues that they bring to us. Why not speak as Captain to Captain of possible threats? Alone."

Even though she fully planned to be in the meeting herself if agreed to, a lack of trust for the Naval Captain part of the package.

2014-02-16, 05:06 PM
Felix slows a pace to be stood beside Ari, "I expect this to have been carried out before we left port. I fear we have an unseen snake within our ship and I plan to root them out. As much as I would enjoy Isabelle's company for a few hours alone, I would rather the whole lot of them off my ship so we can get on with real business." Attempting to say all this quietly but feeling that he may have got carried away he picked up the pace again before speaking to Captain Isabelle.

"I am afraid Captain that I feel it would be most prudent for you and your men to return to your vessel so we can make haste to port and have our Enginseers have free roam to discern the full situation and diffuse any possible sabotage as quickly as possible."

Good old Charm test (it has to fail at some point...)

Vs 68 [roll0]

Rising Chaos
2014-02-16, 06:36 PM
Isabelle seems to not hear what Ari, instead listening to what Felix says. As he asks the Captain to leave she brings a hand up to her mouth and a look of concern crosses her face.
"Understandable Captain, while I can sympathize with uncovered sabotage, it is against the orders of Battlefleet Koronous to allow ships to dock with the Port until out inspection is complete..."

She closes her eyes, as if contemplating her choices. After a moment she looks back towards Felix.
"However, I suppose I could convince the Battlefleet to allow you docking rights if you'd allow us to inspect the ship before any cargo is unloaded. You'd be allowed to embark onto the Port as long as your Seneschal is prepared to stay behind and assist in our work. Would that be acceptable?"

2014-02-16, 09:13 PM
Addressing the scannerman, "After you finish looking over this one, scan all vehicles aboard the ship." He then activates his Micro-bead. "Lord Bastionne, scanner crews have arrived and are scanning the sabotaged vehicle, I have also ordered them to scan all other vehicles just in case. The bay is also secure, the navy men have stood aside and are not interfering. Any further orders sir?"

2014-02-18, 02:52 PM
Felix smiled, knowing that he was winning over at least one ally, now to see how far he could push her. "That would be most acceptable. You are more than welcome to stay aboard in my personal cabin for some... Light entertainment. While your ship escorts us to port of course." he flashes her his best smile and even adds a wink on the end.

Charm attack! Vs 68

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-18, 03:08 PM
The Navigator was a short distance behind the Captain, watching the one she had apparently worked with before."That foesn't sound too poor a propisition Captain. Shall I escort her back to the bay with you? It would give us a chance to... Catch up."

2014-02-18, 03:15 PM
Felix looks over at Z, "I believe that although I am captain. Your position as a Noble of the Navis means I couldn't refuse you even if I wanted to. So, yes you are welcome to come along."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-18, 06:13 PM
"I still follow your orders Captain." Z nodded once towards the woman, "So, you served on board when I was there. Do you recall why they called me a Demon?" Z was honestly curious. She knew it was in part due to her skill at influencing the ship in combat, but she also knew it was only part. As she spoke, she opened her mind to the warp, seeing if this woman had anything... Odd about her.

Psyniscience [roll0] Well, that's a standard success then.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-18, 07:31 PM
Felix, Z

As Felix's party nears the hanger bay Corella looks slyly back at Captain Bastionne.
"Alright Captain... color me interested...".

Whatever else she might say is interrupted as Z inquires about her past names, and Captain Isabelle snaps around to look at the Navigator.
"Uh, not a whole lot to be honest maam. We heard that you were a terror in... ship combat, also something about your fiery demeanor?"
Z's psyniscience shows mostly embarrassment radiating from Captain Isabelle, the obvious sign of someone caught wrong-footed and attempting to regain control of the situation. However you can sense something else, farther away in the hanger bay. Someone, or something there is tinged with the scent of death, the sent of someone who has killed. You've sensed it many times before but it doesn't come from the Parati, Dolf or the Naval officers. It seems different from the scent of those who kill in the name of service.

Dolf, Toast

The scanning officer speaking with Dolf nods "Of course sir, we'll make all possible haste."
As he turns to leave one of the scanning officers steps out of the Arvus and hurries towards you.
"Sir, a report. Our tech-priests have found that the Arvus's flight controls were slightly modified. It seems one of the junior priests was attempting to increase maneuverability to the Lighter by modifying the flight controls. We're not sure how they planned to do this but it would seem that they only modified the steering controls and forgot to modify the engine and drive core along with it. Hence why the error was noticed by Flight Marshal Ramirez, but was not picked up during the pre-flight check."

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-18, 08:39 PM
Z laughed heartily, an oddly nice sound coming from the strange woman, "I suppose that fragging true enou-" She froze midsentence, staring towards the hangar bay for a moment. Her voice shifted slightly, losing it's normal edge,"Ah. It seems we have a wolf in our pen. One that desires blood."

2014-02-19, 10:07 AM
The Eldar shakes her head slightly, a grin showing at the chance to take action. "No. You have two." She peels off from the group, vanishing into the shadows of the hanger bay as she begins prowling in the direction Z indicated.

2014-02-19, 03:04 PM
Turning towards the reporting scanning officer. "So instead of being sabotaged, it was tinkered with? Is there no further threat? And was the tinkering only done aboard this vessel?"

2014-02-19, 05:33 PM
Felix watched as Ari slithered away before marching straight into the Hangar bay, Ramirez, Dolf. Report. I want to know who has touched my Arvus without my express permission and the supervision of Ramirez as the works were carried out."

2014-02-19, 08:26 PM
Turning towards Bastionne and snapping off a salute. "Sir, this scanning officer was just informing me of his findings." He motions at the officer to explain them to the captain.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-19, 09:12 PM
The scanner team officer balks as Dolf questions him.
"Ah... that is.. I'm not sure sir. I'm sure this was the only vessel tinkered with but we'll not know for sure until we've swept each one. I believe there's no further threat, and it will be fixed shortly."
As Dolf listens he gets the distinct suspicion that the scanner officer is either making up things as he goes or has no idea what he's talking about.

As Felix enters the chamber Captain Isabelle strides past him and begins giving orders to the naval troopers.
As Dolf finishes speaking with Felix the Captains micro-bead chimes, and Nathin's voice filter's through.
"My lord, we have troubling news. The pict-feeds watching the hanger bays all simultaneously lost power for 20 minutes prior to our translation out of the warp.

2014-02-19, 11:38 PM
"Hah! It was sabotage!"

Turning and seeing Felix, Toast immediately threw a salute,

"Sorry Lord Cap'n, didn't see you there. To the best of my knowledge nobody was to mess with the lighters until their weekly maintenance, ah, two days from now. Also, I recommend making sure your pistol's loaded. Just in case."

2014-02-20, 12:57 AM
Merope finally spoke up again. "My lord Captain, shall i go investigate? I might be able to salvage some pict-feed if the Omnissiah is smiling upon us." she didn't sound too hopeful, but the chance was always there that the ancient cogitator banks might have gotten something useful, even if it wasn't viewable right now.

2014-02-20, 08:32 AM
Felix returned a sketchy salute, not that he needed to, but he knew the importance of friends. "As you were Toast. Merope, see if you can hardwire into the Pict Recorders in here someone has tampered with the footage. Colonel, call all your men here, Captain Isabelle, instruct your men to not allow anyone to leave this Bay. I will find the culprit.

2014-02-20, 10:12 AM
Colonel Klute on his Micro-bead and tunes it to the Parati frequency. "All Parati report to the hanger bay immediately, light armaments."

Rising Chaos
2014-02-20, 12:08 PM
As Captain Isabelle finishes delivering her instructions her crew the Naval security form a loose perimeter around her.
"Of course Captain Bastionne, as I said before it will be most enlightening to see how a man of your stature deals with there kind of underhand tactics".

As Dolf finishes his orders Ishmael's voice chines in response.
"Right away sir. I'll have the Parati down in less than 5"


No one seems to notice you slide into the hanger, the hanging lights and high mounted glow-lamps provide excellent shadow cover, although you can't seem to walk 10 feet without kicking some damnable small cog or tube, these Mon-Keigh live in ridiculous squalor.
As you near the Captain's arvus something catches your eye. There seems to be a distinct lack of movement coming from inside the vehicle, judging from the shadows being cast and the lack of noise it seems like no one is inside.
Moving to get a better view of the Lighter's interior you finally lay eyes on the scanner team, and the sight you see is very strange.
Kneeling in the middle of the Arvus's interior is one of the Bastionne guard, his head is bowed and his lips seem to be muttering a silent prayer. In his right hand he clutches what looks like an intricate, engraved dagger, his left hand is touching the floor of the arvus. Scattered around the deck in front of him are about half a dozen small nobbled objects that you recognize as knuckle bones.
Standing behind him is one of the red-robed tech priests. The priests arms are outstretched, his head leaning back to reveal his facial augmentics. You can't tell what he is doing but in his right hand he also clutches an elaborate dagger. The other tech-priests and scanner crew are near the cockpit of the Arvus, looking on with a mix of fear and wonder.

Sir Dancealot
2014-02-20, 12:16 PM
Z sniffed the air, casting glances about in the bay. Hopefully, she could Pinpoint the wolf in the bay.

[roll0] vs 37 i believe. I can't see ****!

2014-02-20, 12:42 PM

She muses, then slinks to the wall to slip up the ramp and into the lighter, keeping to the dim shadows and using the distraction to her advantage. She could kill both apparent ritualists before being spotted, but she's always wary of what such things might entail and disruption is often just as dangerous as the ritual yourself, if you don't do it right.

2014-02-20, 04:47 PM
Aye Lord Cap'n, though I think I'll keep my pistol in my hand if you don't mind."

After dropping the salute, Toast turned to Merope and continued on in War Cant, <"Could you find out exactly what it was they were messing with in there? People tinkering around without me knowing about it makes me nervous.">

Using <> to show that I'm using a different language, in this case Battlefleet War Cant.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-20, 06:02 PM

You slip past the exterior scanner team and into the interior of the Arvus without so much as a head turning in your direction. You find a spot near the entrance and slide into the shadows to continue observing. Now you have a chance to observe this odd ritual in more detail.
The kneeling Bastionne guard is whispering something you can barely make out. You cannot understand what he is saying but it sounds like some strange mixture of bad high gothic and some other dialect you can't make out. As you watch he sweeps his left hand across the deck and shifts the positions of the knuckle bones. As they rattle you notice the bones are covered in small engravings that are too small and poorly carved for you to make out. What surprises you most about this ritual is you can't sense or smell any of the vile sour-sweet fragrances usually attached to Chaos rituals.
After a moment or two of consulting the bones the Bastionne guard takes his ritual knife and shatters one of the knucklebones, scooping the others up and pushing them back into his robes he turns to the tech priest and nods.
"The trial is all but complete, they carry the divine sense with them, just as the omens foretold. Come brother, the second trial will come soon, and we shall see if our Lord Captain is truly worthy the smite the unworthy in the Emperor's name"
The priest mutters something back and the two sheathe their ritual daggers. He then gestures to the others in the cockpit, who gather their equipment and file out in a bemused fashion. Last to leave are the tech-priest and guard, the latter of which pulls a small out a small aquilla necklace as he leaves and continues to mutter silently to it.

Suddenly, you all notice the interior scanner crew moving out of the Arvus lander, they talk briefly with the exterior team before moving onto the next Arvus.

2014-02-20, 06:09 PM
Merope made the sign of the Cog as well as the aquila afterwards and left for the main cogitatorbanks.

Once there, she plugged herself into it with her MIU and began sifting through the information stored there, hoping to fall over any valuable pieces of information concerning the lost pict-feed and the like. Her servo-skull was also hooked up to aid her in the slow process that was Data-searching.


Int 62+10(Aid from servo-skull)+10(MIU)+10(Combi-Tool)=92

5 degrees of success so far :smallsmile:

2014-02-20, 06:28 PM

The tech priest suddenly has a blade to his throat, Ari stepping forward behind him to sink it against one of the softer parts of metal as it seeks skin. Her voice is soft in his ear, but carries a clear threat as she ensure his bulk is between her and the guard. "Dear oh dear. I do wonder what the goodly Captain will think of ants trying to play little games in his affairs. How do you think he might react?"

Rising Chaos
2014-02-22, 03:08 AM

As you sift through the information grids you find the pict-logs to the hanger quickly. As you access them and begin to scroll through the timeline you find the same area Nathin was talking about, 20 minutes before you exited warp transit the camera's cut and show static for approximately 15 minutes.
That's not enough to dissuade you however, digging deeper into the code source you start to pull and tug fragments of the video out of the static. As you piece together the first scraps of video the screen blurs and an image snaps to life before your data manifolds.
The image that appears looks like a standard aquilla. However replacing each iron feather is a long, serrated knife. The aquilla is also colored a dark matte red. As you try and make sense of the image a phrase flashes for a few moments, you don't recognize the language but you can read the following.
//Orba vortis imperatoribus//

When you can't seem to get anymore information from the phrase or image you push past it, deeper into the scrap data. After two minutes real time you've managed to recreate and/or reassemble the missing video feed. From what you can see in the 15 minutes of static eight Bastionne guards and two tech-priests entered the hanger bay. While the Bastionne guards took up positions near the door the two tech-priests walked inside the Captain's arvus, only exiting minutes before the camera feed was restored and filing out with the guards. The feed is blurry but you are surprised as you notice that all the guards and tech-priests in the video were still carrying signs of devotion towards the Emperor and Omnisiah.


The tech-priest freezes as the blade presses against his throat, and the guard spins around. His expression goes from alarm to disgust as he realizes what is happening. He spits in disgust before speaking.
"How dare you judge us, filthy xeno? It's by your presence that the God-Emperor demands the Captain's purity be tested. You think we fear the Captain's wrath? We are helping him, proving to the Emperor that he is still a just and loyal servant regardless of the corruption he has let aboard this vessel!".
In one movement his hand is at his service pistol, and you hear the soft pop as he unlocks his holster.

2014-02-22, 04:33 AM

An amused eyebrow raises. "I doubt your small rituals are any issue and they're beneath notice. I imagine he'll take damaged machinery and shuttles as a far more serious thing. Tell me, hm, why are you creating these headaches?"

Seeing the pistol, she keeps her position to ensure the tech priest acts as cover.

2014-02-22, 01:43 PM
With practiced motions, Merope downloaded all the files and pict-feed she had managed to re-construct, down on her Dataslate and then disconnected herself and her servoskull from the cogitator-banks.

Hurrying back with the grace of a well-oiled machine, Merope halted near the Lord-Captain. "My lord captain, I have managed to reconstruct some of the pict-feed that was lost doing the 'incident'." She told Felix and handed over her dataslate for his own perusal.

She stood there without visually moving at all, awaiting in silence for the Lord-captain to finish watching the pict-feed.

(check the spoiler meant for me earlier, for full details on what's on that dataslate. just found it easier to do it this way)

2014-02-22, 03:51 PM
Taking the offered dataslate, Felix watched the vid in jumps, skipping to the important parts. Frowning he began to almost shake, he activated his Microbead, "All Bastionne Guard, report to the Frakking Hanger Bay. he looks around the hanger bay and almost shouted, "What the Frak is going on, on my frakking SHIP!"

Rising Chaos
2014-02-25, 12:39 AM

The guardsman smirks, his grip tightening on his pistol.
"I don't expect a godless xeno to understand the importance of our operations, and I've already said enough to you".
In a practiced movement he slides his pistol out of his holster and starts to bring it up. To anyone else the movement would be lightning quick but to you it seems slow, almost lethargic. You have plenty of time to react before he can.

The Parati thunder into the hanger, fully loaded and in full armour. As they enter the hanger their weapons are up and at the ready, the first wave entering and sweeping their weapons across the hanger as they tactically advance, alert for danger.
Ishmael enters with the second wave, hellpistol drawn and at the ready. Seeing Dolf he hurries towards him, flanked by two of the Parati.
"Reporting for duty sir, what's the situation?"

The voice on the other end is Lucius, and the seneschal sounds concerned.
"Of course my lord, what seems to be the problem? Are you under attack?".
Captain Corella and the Naval security look on from the position near the back of the hanger. The captain looks bemused and anxious, especially with the arrival of the full squad of Patari. While the Naval troopers seem agitated, their weapons up and at the ready.

2014-02-25, 02:19 AM

With an almost lazy sigh and movement, Ari flicks the knife held in her hand, the wych pushing the tech priest against the side of the shuttle and leaping forward in an unnaturally graceful motion. By the time she lands, her cloak is on the floor to make her movements easier, and the blade is jabbed at the guard's stomach, point aimed upwards at his heart.

Charging, Weapon skill versus 68. [roll0]
Damage 1d10+3. Pen 3, razor sharp, poisoned with final breath: [roll1]

2014-02-25, 04:24 PM
"That's part of the problem Ishmael. We've got some tampering aboard that shuttle, I'm told it was done by a Techpriest but the way it was described doesn't seem quite right. I want you to grab a scanner and take a look. And if you can get a Techpriest to assist you, do it." Tuning his Vox to the Parati frequency "No one leaves the hanger without my authorization, or Lord Bastionne's." Turning to Lord Bastionne, "I'm attempting to find out my lord, the scanner teams findings appear to be... inconclusive so I'm assigning some of my men to it."

2014-02-25, 06:33 PM
Felix was starting to feel helpless, this was getting way out of control. If he wasn't careful he was about to have the entire ships crew in the hangar bay and a full witch hunt on his hands. "Lucius I want the Guard to attend unarmed, along with yourself."

Turning to Colonel Klute "If you would detain all of the Bastionne Guard upon arrival along with Lucius, I will discover the meaning of this." realising at last that Ari had been gone for some time Felix Vox's her as well "Ari, where the Frak are you?!"

Rising Chaos
2014-02-25, 06:56 PM

You land with a whisper, and the guard is still staring at where you were as the blade slides into him. You feel it sever the stomach lining and embed itself between his ribs, and he exhales explosively with a mutter of surprise. Exhaling proves to be a fatal error as the Final Breath takes hold and he constricts involuntarily from the lack of oxygen.
As he spasms the gun in his hand goes off, and by some twist of fate the bullet finds a target in the tech-priests throat. You hear the gurgling of the priest behind you as he slumps to the floor and begins the messy process of bleeding out.

Lucius's voice is clipped and suspicious on the other end.
"It will be done lord captain. I'll have them in the hanger in less than ten minutes".
As Felix gets off his micro-bead and turns to Dolf he can see Corella and the Naval Security walking towards them. Iseabelle is moving briskly but out of concern instead of anger of suspicion. However as you vox Ari you hear the loud 'bang' of a single gunshot going off, stopping everyone in the room except the Naval Security, who are instantly flanking Captain Corella and have their weapons aimed at your Arvus.

Ishmael nods curtly as you give his orders.
"Right away sir"
he barks, turning to the two Parati who had accompanied him and waving them towards the shuttle. They are halfway there and flagging down one of the scanner crew tech-priests when the gunshot goes off. The Parati and Ishmael freeze for a moment, but a second later have their guns up and at the ready, and are tactically advancing towards the Arvus.

2014-02-25, 09:01 PM
Dolf snarls upon hearing the gunshot. Gesturing at the nearest Parati members. "Protect Lord Bastionne!" He then raises his Storm Bolter and runs to join Ishmael and the two Parati. "Ishmael, men, prepare to breach and clear this Arvus!"

2014-02-26, 01:39 AM
Ari lets the guard slump to the floor, pulling the knife clear and turning away in a dismissive manner. She hisses in annoyance when she spots the tech priest's injury however, snapping off a curse in her native tongue and moving to his side. She's more experienced with giving people wounds then fixing them, but she knows enough to press a cloth to his throat to stem some of the bleeding. She taps the vox in her ear to respond to Felix, eyes sharp. Her voice is calm, but clipped. ++Shuttle. You need a med team or answers are bleeding to death."

Two pain tokens, I think?

2014-02-27, 06:15 PM
Felix realises he has lost control as soon as he hears the gunshot, "No, no, no. What the frak is happening?" Not really knowing what to do, he stalks over to the Arvus ignoring everyone else.

Rising Chaos
2014-02-28, 12:42 AM

Though you apply pressure to the wound there is great difficulty in trying to press down on the flesh wound with so much metal layered around the priests throat area. You're in the middle of wondering how a bullet could penetrate so many layers of metal when a shuddering gasp signals the demise of the tech-priest...
Behind you the guardsman spasms twice on the deck, throwing open his military vest in the process. Then he goes deathly still, though his jaws still clack occasionally as he tries in vain to take in air.
Try as you might you can taste the scent of blood and death in the air, the guardsman especially is exuding an aroma of fear and anguish that you cannot help but enjoy like a fine wine. It's been too long since you've tasted agony like this...

Dolf, Felix
Ishmael and the Parati enter the Arvus a few seconds before Dolf or Felix do, and the fact that no cacophony of gunfire rings out is a decent sign. As you enter the Arvus you take in the grisly scene. A few feet away from the entrance ramp is a Bastionne lifeguard, his body splayed out and a very small trickle of blood seeping from his mid-section. His jacket is torn open and he holds his autopistol in his hand with vice-like force. His eyes are glazed and open, and his mouth moves open and shut at an incredibly slow speed.

Halfway down the Arvus lies the form of a red-robed tech-priest, the dark red/grey pool of blood and oil seeping out of his corpse makes it fairly obvious who the bullet hit. The cloaked form of Ari is hunched over him, and from the look of the rag in her hand and the pressure she is applying to the bleeding area it looks as if she's trying to stop him from bleeding out.

Ishmael and one of the Parati are hunched over the Bastionne guard, apparently inspecting something near the lifeguard. After a moment Ishmael straightens up and walks over to the Rogue Trader and Arch-Militant, holding two small objects in his hand. As he reaches you he holds one towards each of you.
"Colonel. My lord. These looked to have spilled out of the lifeguards jacket. I can't make any sense of them, but they seem concerning".
In his hand are two knuckle bones, each obviously worn and engraved. As you look closer you notice that each is engraved crude aquilla's, votives to the God-Emperor and the sacred cross of Saint Drusis. They also have small messages running between the ridges of the bones, but you can't make out the skewed high gothic that it is written in.

((For reference Ari's scene takes place before the Parati, Dolf or Felix enter the Arvus. Also Captain Corella and the Naval Security are advancing with you and are about 7 meters behind you))

2014-02-28, 01:14 AM
Dolf looks around for an instant confusedly, before bursting into action. "Ishmael hang on to those for now, and disarm that Lifeguard." Dolf then activates his Vox. "Requesting immediate Medicae presence in the hanger. Two wounded." He then begins performing first aid on both the Lifeguard and Techpriest. As he does so he snarls at Ari. "What in the Emperor's name happened here!"

I'm assuming they're both still alive at this point. So Medicae tests for stabilizing both of them. Glad I bought medicae and have a medikit.
In order of who be closest to me
Lifeguard stabilize/whatever I can do to keep him alive
[roll0] Target of 53 33 int +20 for medikit
Techpriest same deal
[roll1] Target of 53 33 into +20 for medikit

2014-03-03, 07:19 PM
Staring for a moment at the bodies shocked to see his own guards accused, Felix wasn't sure what to do until his cunning brain kicked in. "Ishmael, keep those things hidden, the Navy won't let us dock if they think we have a dangerous cult aboard. Ari, you caught the Tech-Priest as he was threatening the Guard, whom had clearly found him tampering with the shuttle. Do you understand Klute, this Guard was clearly an honourable man trying to save my life. I will deal with them all once the Navy Frak off." turning round he heads back towards Isabelle.

Smiling he reassures her that everything is under control "My guard attempted to detain a rogue Tech-Priest and was stabbed. Fortunately Ari was able to overcome the Rogue, unfortunately he was injured and we are trying to stabilise him to question him when he is suitably recovered."

Decieve vs 68 I guess


Rising Chaos
2014-03-07, 01:28 AM
You rip open the guardsman's jacket as you pull out your medikit and search for the man's wounds or injury. After a few seconds of searching you are unable to find anything even remotely resembling a wound and the guard's jaw snaps open before his eyes glaze over.
Realizing there is nothing you can do for him you move on to the tech-priest, as you kneel next to Ari you realize you're not sure how the mechanicus member is still alive, you can clearly see through his neck wound to the bulkhead beneath him. Pulling out a roll of gauze you attempt to stuff the wound closed, and about a minute into the procedure realize that if he hasn't already bled out you've probably just suffocated him by blocking his windpipe...

As you turn to speak with Isabelle you notice she is speaking into her micro-bead, and switches it off as she reaches you. After you speak she looks at you quizzically, as if trying to discern something. After a few moments she nods.
"That is unfortunate, though I'm glad to see you and your crew are unharmed. Naval command is requesting an update on the situation, I've given your ship a procedural pass for the moment. You're free to dock at Port Wander, however upon embarking on the station you'll need to surrender your ship for our crew to re-inspect".

About twenty minutes later Corella and her security teams have left the Illumini and escorted her to Port Wander. After docking Nathin and Haestrom inform you and the crew that Naval security is waiting to inspect any who leave the ship to embark and have a team including Captain Corella on standby to re-board the ship. As you prepare to embark Lucius and the full contingent of Bastionne lifeguard stand assembled in the main hanger, all unarmed and glancing around nervously of confused. Ishmael and the Parati stand between them and the shuttle's, armed and occasionally scanning the guardsmen with the weapons. Every so often Ishmael throws Lucius a particularly smug look.

2014-03-07, 04:41 AM
Felix walked up and down infront of his assembled bodyguards. He stopped and stared at each guard intensely, "Well, does anyone care to explain why my shuttle was sabotaged, by my own Lifeguard? Whoever attempted to cover their tracks failed, we have pict footage of each member and it is only a matter of time until each one is discovered and dealt with.".

He began pacing again giving them a few second to ponder on the threat before continuing, "However, if you step forward now and explain yourselves I may be more lenient and not hand you over to my Xeno here."

2014-03-09, 07:17 PM
Dolf wipes his hand of the oil and blood and sighs. Muttering to himself, "I never was meant to be a medic." He then follows Bastionne out of the shuttle and stands at attention behind him with his Stormbolter unholstered.

Rising Chaos
2014-04-01, 02:38 PM
Dolf, Felix, Ari
As you pass by the lifeguard many of them stare back at you with blank, or confused looks on their face. However you can see that your words have affected a great many of them, who are shooting surprised or concerned looks between each other, and low murmurs pass between members of the guard. Lucius looks impassive as always behind his blank visored mask, though you swear you can see him start as you mention that you have uncovered the sabotage.
As you mention Ari many of the concerned looks turn to expressions of fright or loathing, and you can see the facade many of the lifeguard were trying to hide breaking apart. What surprises you is the number of people beginning to cracking or not bothering to hide their expressions of anger. Almost a full half of the lifeguard seem to be slipping, and after a few moments one of the lifeguard steps forward, his arms out as if pleading and his face a mask of fear.
"M-my lord, please-" he stammers.
"You must understand we never meant for you to come to harm. We simply followed the strictures for the tests laid out by the God-Emperor himself!"
He all but collapses before you, and many of the other lifeguard either hiss for him to be quiet, look away from him as if to disassociate themselves or simply stare in utter confusion. A moment almost half a dozen other lifeguard step forward, all yelling the same words about strictures, tests and the divinity of the God-Emperor.

As the strange scene with the lifeguard starts to unfold you notice a trio of servo-skulls hover into the room. Two have the emblem of Port Wander seared into their foreheads but the third bobs towards you, the cog-wheel of the Omnisiah stamped on it's brow. It makes it's way to you, then issues white noise for a moment before blurting Binary Cant at you.

One of the Port Wander servo-skulls gently bobs over to you, as it does a dataslate pops out of it's jaw and activates, showing you the following message.
"Greetings Marshall Ramirez, and welcome to Port Wander. You will be pleased to know that your order has been shipped and tuned as per your requests and is awaiting your presence in lower quarter bulk hanger Z-XIIV. We eagerly await your presence.
Tybalt Penderon
Thought for the day: An Empty Mind Is A Loyal Mind

The third servo-skull hovers over to you. As it reaches you a small dataslate slides out of the space between it's jaws and flickers to life. As it does you see the House Bastionne emblem flash on the screen before the contained message scrolls across.

Greeting my Lords. Welcome to Port Wander! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tarrion Hestra and I am custodian and steward of the Bastionne family estate on Port Wander. I am eager to discuss the dynasty's situation on the Port and bring you up to speed with current events. I have written the directions to your estate here and beseech you to make contact with me at your earliest convenience. In addition I have received word from Seneschal Lucius Petrenko and have made every effort to accommodate your wishes. We have prepared the devices and chambers of the Lysoriin House and await your Chief Navigator's presence to activate them. I have also extended offers to several mercenary guild in regards to your own Parati ad Bellum. Finally I have contacted members of the Imperial Navy, Arbitrators and Mechanicus in regards to Lord Bastionne's presence on the station and meetings that might be conducted. I will update you on all proceedings once you have arrived at the Bastionne estate. I wish you an fortuitous beginning and await the riches and grandeur you will bring our house.

Your humble servant
Tarrion Hestra
Thought for the day: If you cannot speak well of your Master, be silent!

2014-04-03, 02:51 PM
Felix was horrified to see so many of his guards appear to be taking part in this conspiracy. He turned around and rested his hand upon his archaic Las pistol, he closed his eyes, how had it got to this. "Why, why would any of you feel the need to test my resolve! I have served the Imperium and the Emperor in everything I have done!" He was almost shaking with anger he just wanted to get off the ship now. "Lucius, did you have knowledge of this?" he asked in a voice much calmer than he appeared.

2014-04-04, 10:52 AM
Seeing the situation as resolved as would be, Ramirez holstered and pistol and sheathed his sword before turning and walking to the indicated hangar, his mind churning with the possibilities.

It would make sense for the Captain to set up this kind of thing, probably to fly around in a little more style. On the other hand, it could be more sabotage. I guess I've got to check it out.

To prove his bravery to himself, and anyone observing, he began to whistle a jaunty little tune.

2014-04-05, 01:58 AM
"Find out who led this effort." She murmurs quietly, tone soft as silk as she takes up position behind Felix. "The others look to him or her when they must look to you. Show what happens to those who defy and bring your house back into order."

Sir Dancealot
2014-04-05, 10:46 AM
"Well that's a fragging stupid thought for the day. Think of better one yeh prick. Ah well. Guess I get to be the messenger. Bastards." Murmuring under her breath, she stalks over to the captain, waiting next to him as he goes about his insurrectionists.

Rising Chaos
2014-04-06, 11:58 PM
Lucius stares at Felix for several long moments, and though you can't see his face you can almost picture him thinking of what he should say. Finally, he sighs "...Yes, my lord, I have had knowledge of this for a while now. This particular test was never meant to harm you, if you had failed to notice and fix the sabotage there were fail-safe vox-switches that would have returned control before anything could happen".
He bowed his head in shame, and behind him you hear Ishmael snort in disbelief.
"The men should not be punished my lord. They only did as was asked by the master, we do not doubt your resolve or your faith. We were instructed to test your purity. Purity of thought, purity of mind, purity of being. These are the three things we were told to test in the name of the Emperor. Whose light drowns out all darkness"
He makes the sign of the aquilla as he speaks.
"You proved the purity of mind when you took up your Warrent and dove into the Expanse to bring light to the darkness of the Koronous. You proved the purity of mind when you discovered the sabotage on your arvus... this, is an unexpected development, but the third test was to be initiated once you had encountered a vile race in need of purging."
The lifeguard who know what he is talking about are either making the sign of the aquilla or bowing their heads low in prayer. Lucius bows low, spreading his arms and looking up at Felix.
"There is no point in hiding the truth now. We are the Sect of the Red Aquilla, we purge the enemies of man and see justice done... what would you have of us my Lord Captain?"

As you enter Port Wander you are assaulted by a barrage of smells, and sights. The tang of promethium mixes with the spice of fresh meats and the bombarding smell of human odor. A gaggle of men and women are assembled outside the hatch, most of them priests, merchants and envoys from various powers on Port Wander. As you leave you are accosted by two Naval members from Captain Corella's security team, but after a brief search they clear you and allow you to move on.
The trip to the storage bay takes about 10 minutes, and takes you down ten levels. As you reach the hanger you realize something is going on. The hanger is open to the void. Looking into the vast littered space of Port Wander, a large void shield protects you from the vacuum, and the hanger is bustling with activity. Almost half a dozen small, one man vessals are docked along the deck. Each is a strange amalgamation of Imperial tech, and each vehicle is obviously outfitted to be some sort of sleed void-racer. As you take in the scene an attendant hurries over to you. Waving his arms he yells, "Hey! You're not supposed to be here! Who let you in?!"

2014-04-07, 07:17 AM
Hands on his belt, Ramirez looked the squawking attendant in the eyes and replied: "Name's Ramirez, but call me Toast. Tybalt Penderon said my order was ready. Where is it?"

2014-04-07, 09:37 AM
Dolf steps up next to Bastionne. "My Lord, I would suggest getting a record of all the members of this sect." He emphasizes sect with a hint of distaste. "I would also advise confining them to quarters or the brig until we can ascertain their exact motives and loyalties, as well as their purity. That may take some time, so perhaps it should be dealt with after we attend to Port Wander. Also until they are considered cleared, or replaced I would submit the Parati ad Bellum to perform as your body guards."

2014-04-09, 12:31 PM
Felix pullled out his pistol and pressed it to Lucius' face mask, "I should shoot you where you stand. I will have no cult aboard my boat, only those who follow the Imperial Creed." Staring intently into Lucuis' blank mask he doesn't shake even slightly, his anger at the betrayal steadying his hand. "You will now prove your worth to me, you will each be stripped of rank and gear. You will work in the gunnery decks until I see fit. Lucius, you shall be at my side at all times unarmed, you will commit to me and the Emperor afresh until I can find an Ecclesiarch to punish you for your trangressions."

Rising Chaos
2014-04-09, 01:39 PM
Even from behind his mask you can tell Lucius is shocked by Felix's declaration. Slowly, he stands up, allowing the gun to stay under his chin as he does.
"My lord... I believe you misunderstand out purpose, I placed more emphasis on theatrics rather than fact, and I apologize for that. I will speak plainly, the Red Aquilla is not some rabbling chaos cult, nor is is a blasphemous creed declaiming the Ecclisiarchy. We are part of a Death cult, the Red Aquilla is an order that has stood since the time of your great-great grandfather. We are as loyal to the throne as any member of the Imperium. More so than the common man I would argue, for we bring death to the Enemies of the Emperor, allowing the Imperium to continue in it's glory unhindered and free from the scum of chaos, heretics and xenos.
More importantly what you have assembled is not the entirety of our number, and I am not the leader of our order. If you sentence these men, or even execute them the order continues, it is eternal. You may dismiss our presence, proclaim you will have nothing to do with us, you will never hear about us again, I assure you. It would be a shame but acceptable, but I implore you to use us. Show us where to strike the enemies of the Imperium, as we have done for generations past..."

The Parati are looking at the unfolding scene with concern, though no one has raised their rifles yet. Ishmael walks over to Dolf, glaring at Lucius as he speaks.
"I knew that Lucius was a scumbag, but he's a drekking cultist too! Shouldn't we just shoot the lot of them sir?" he asks the arch-militant.

Storage Bay
The man yelling at Toast blinks in surprise, then hurries over. His demeanor changes instantly, one minute he's shouting and indignant and the next he's all smiles and cheer, shaking Toast's hand as he greets him. "Ah, a thousand pardons my good sir! I should have known the faces of the men we were expecting. Tybalt Penderon is I! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the track!".
He leads you farther into the hanger, as you walk you notice that there are pilots in the hanger, running between workbenches and their ships. There are also dozens of mechanics working on the different ships, though some look suspiciously like non-Mechanicus personnel. Tybalt smiles to you as you walk through the hall. "We were overjoyed when we heard that the Bastionne family had returned to the Koronous! We've kept your Void-racer in stasis since the days of my fathers father! It's an honor that I am able to pass on this beautiful machine"
He looks at toast with an excited gleam in his eye.
"Now I must know, do you plan to enter the race this year? The time is fast approaching and it would thrill us to no end if the voidmasters of your dynasty were participating in the race!"

2014-04-09, 02:26 PM
Hearing Lucius' report on the size of the organization Dolf quickly voxes Bastionne on a secure channel. "My lord, if there really are more, and if he isn't the leader, I would advise that we should proceed carefully. Keeping them confined for now should be sufficient until we can root out the remainder or they can somehow prove their loyalty. If not, perhaps form a penal battalion, or donate them to the Mechanicus for conversion into servitors." Hearing Ishmael's remark he addresses him aloud. "Their fate is up to Lord Bastionne Ishmael, he will decide what we do to them. And we will obey."

Sir Dancealot
2014-04-09, 02:36 PM
Z grunted, staring at the masked man with her black eyes. "Redemptionists effectively then. I hope you don't consider Navigators mutants worthy of purging. Without our connection to the throne, you won't be going anywhere. I feel that these tests are testing you to have you be some sort of leader Captain. It could benefit you to have a Death Cult aboard. They're very effective, if a tad narrow sighted at times."

2014-04-10, 04:06 PM
"Voidracing, eh?"

Ramirez continued on, "I would say, we shall consider it. I believe Lord Bastionne would very much like for his house to participate, but I was never given any authority to speak for him. How about you take the racer to our dock, and you can ask the Lord Captain himself?"

2014-04-12, 04:05 PM
Felix didn't move a muscle, he stared at the man infront of him for a moment. "If we are to work together, you will have to make some compromises. You will accompany me wherever I go, unarmed. I want contact with the highest authority you are able to find, and I want details of every member of the cult along with details of every mission you have carried out." he lowered his pistol unsure if he really was making the best choice. He holstered the laspistol and turned to his assembled crew. He responded on the same secure frequency, "I want you to keep as close an eye on Lucius as possible, when he isn't by my side I want full details of his every movement."