View Full Version : [3.5 Build Help] RAW Game Gish

Catalyzed Grimm
2014-02-07, 12:49 AM
Hey all!
I'm a newcomer to the forums, but certainly not to the site, who needs some help with an upcoming game. The rules are a little odd, but not hard to understand. The game is known as the "metagame game" as min-maxing and power gaming are entirely encouraged, but not required. Silly builds are also very welcome. The DM will pull no punches and will also power game the monsters using RAW. Below are the rules and my current build. I was hoping to get comments on it and see if improvements could be found.

Game Rules:
- All rules are taken as written. Only reprint errata is used. Online-only errata is ignored.
- All sources must be official rulebooks. No online entries, 3rd party books, or other such things. Even official online ones. (no monster summoning vestige for binders, for instance) :smallconfused:
- No setting-specific material may be used (Faerun, Eberron, etc.) :smallfrown:
- 3.0 material may be used if no direct replacement for the book has been made. (Song and Silence -> Complete Adventurer, etc.)
- 2 Flaws Allowed
- Starting ECL 2, 36 point buy.

My concept was to create a gish with as close to full wizard arcane spell progression as possible. I noted Abjurant Champion and Jade Phoenix Mage as candidates for powerful prestige classes. Abjurant Champion for obvious reasons and JPM for Arcane Wrath (swift action, expend memorized spell, gain Xd10 extra damage and +4 attack bonus to chosen attack) and empower/quicken spell. My thought was to have as many spell slots as possible, fill them with buffing/utility/situational spells, and use them liberally to fuel JPM and AC's abilities. I also found a way to use my DEX towards attack, damage, and spells memorized.

Illumian Swordsage 1/Transmuter 1
STR: 10
DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 14
CHA: 6

- Focused Specialist (Complete Mage): Banned Evocation, Necromancy, and Enchantment. (Got this for more spells memorized.)
- Fighter Bonus Feat Variant (Unearthed Arcana)
- Wizard of the Sun and Moon (Dungeonscape) (Doesn't give me more spell slots, but gives what few general spell slots I have more versatility. I didn't think I'd have the feats available to make a familiar worth it, but I may come to regret that. Thoughts?)
Note: I'm thinking heavily on becoming a conjurer and using Immediate Magic to gain the immediate action teleport. This would require me to fill a lot of my spells memorized with conjuration spells. I wouldn't hesitate on this, but I can't find many level 2 spells I like from conjuration. I find far more I like from Transmutation. This is made doubly problematic as we already have a conjurer in the party. Even though she's focused on summoning, it would get redundant fast, I feel.

- Illumian Sigils (Uurkrau, +2 CL (max HD), +2 DEX skills, Dex used to determine spells memorized/day.)
- Flaw 1: Weak Will (-3 will saves)
- Flaw 2: Shaky (-2 ranged attack rolls)
- Feat Lvl 1: Combat Casting (Required for Abjurant Champion)
- Feat Flaw 1: Two-Weapon Fighting
- Feat Flaw 2: Shadow Blade (Dex to damage!)
- Sword Sage Freebie: Weapon Focus (Shadow Hand Weapons)
- Variant Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes (Not sure about this one. Don't qualify for Weapon finesse yet, so I was grasping at straws.)

- Short Sword x 2 (I felt like dual wielding was good for synergizing with the wizard spell Blades of Fire (and others like it) and the swordsage maneuver Burning Blade which give both weapons on-hit damage. Short swords were the obvious choice since they are Shadow Hand weapons, which have to be used to keep this character as SAD as possible. Now I'm not so sure this was the right option. Ideas?)

ECL 3: Wizard 2, Feat: Weapon Finesse
ECL 4: Wizard 3, DEX +1
ECL 5: Wizard 4
ECL 6: Wizard 5, Variant Bonus Feat: Quick Draw. Feat: OPEN (Considering keeping my familiar and getting improved familiar here. Or Obtain Familiar here and making it draconic or improved later.)
ECL 7: Jade Phoenix Mage 1
ECL 8: Jade Phoenix Mage 2, DEX +1
ECL 9: Jade Phoenix Mage 3, Feat: OPEN (Again, suggestions would be welcome here)
ECL 10: Abjurant Champion 1

From here I'm unsure about how to proceed. My idea was to thread the two prestige classes together depending on what I felt I needed more at the time. I do know that I will not take level 5 of Abjurant Champion unless I run out of things to level in. Illumian already gives me maximum caster level.

What I'm asking is this: Is my build good? How can I improve it? Do you have ideas on how to fill in the gaps?