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View Full Version : Homebrew Magic Item System

2014-02-07, 01:29 AM
I'm trying to construct a point-buy magical item creation subsystem for a larger pen and paper system I'm currently working on. My goal is to have notably different and interesting item enhancement stuff for each school of magic. They are:

Abjuration (pure magic, telekinesis, force, detect magic)
Evocation (elemental, blasty)
Conjuration (making stuff. Also weather and light)
Summoning (moving stuff from A to B, also magical control on it)
Necromancy (creating and binding the dead, healing and harming)
Transmutation (changing the form of a thing)
Enchantment (mind control)
Illusion (making objects appear)
Divination (reading the future, past, or present)

There's an external restriction of how many magical items a character can used, based on their stats, so I'm not worried about slots and such. My current idea, therefore, was to make a few categories into which points can be spent.

For example:



1 point: Weapon enchant for +1 damage
2 points: Weapon enchant to convert 1/2 damage to Elemental damage

1 point: 2 resistance to an elemental damage type

1 point: +1 to Block
1 point: +1 to Strength
1 point: +1 to Evocation


1-3 points: Choose an element. Activate to make an attack deal damage only of that type, to all foes within a 15 foot line or 10 foot cone. You may use this effect once per day per point spent.

1-3 points: Choose an element. When you successfully Block an attack, you trigger a burst of energy. Everyone within 20 feet must make an Evasion roll (difficulty threshold successes on your Block) or take damage from the chosen element. You may use this once per day per point spent.

Can anyone think of a cleaner way of accomplishing this? I'm also running into a few blocks designing stuff; I want to have a lot of options in terms of how a given type of magic can make a given magic item. Thoughts on cool magical effects for a given type of magic?